divine talisman

Chapter 1735 Six Armor Void Aspect God Control Art



In a word, Chen Xi's originally depressed mood became excited again.

He knew exactly what this sentence meant.

At the beginning, Canaan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, used the "Five Sage Treasures" to help Zhen Liuqing suppress the power of the "Black Witch God Gu" in his body, but it could only last for ten years.

This made Chen Xi quite anxious for a while, wishing he could drop everything in his hands and go all out to find a solution.

But it is obvious that the "Black Witch God Gu" and other secret methods that existed in the last era are extremely difficult to deal with, and few people in the world can have the method to undo them.

Even the big brother Wu Xuechan was helpless, he could only point Chen Xi, and came to the Absolute Beginning View to find a way to break it. One can imagine how vicious this kind of secret technique is.

And now, even if the empress doesn't have a way to break it, if the power of the "Black Witch God Gu" can be completely suppressed, Chen Xi won't have to worry about not having enough in the world in the future. This will undoubtedly be enough to provide him with more energy. Opportunity to find the solution.

"Also ask the seniors to give pointers."

Chen Xi solemnly bowed his hands.

"Don't be too happy first, whether this method will work or not, you still need to prepare yourself."

The empress said calmly.

"How to prepare?"

"First promise to help me with the three things, as long as it is done, I will help you."

"Senior, please speak frankly."


When Chen Xi returned, Empress Yu Che and Lao Bai noticed that he was frowning tightly, as if he had encountered a problem.

"what happened?"

Empress Yu Che couldn't help asking.

Chen Xi sighed, and told the whole story of the previous conversation.

At this moment, Lao Bai and Empress Yu Che finally understood why Chen Xi was frowning so much.

It turns out that the empress proposed three things, one is to send away the group of ascetics who had been waiting to see the empress.

Second, handed Chen Xi a piece of jade slip. The jade slip recorded the names of nearly a hundred kinds of rare divine materials and medicinal herbs, as well as the required quantity, so Chen Xi had to collect them all.

Three, act as a guard and watch over the five-year period of the Ancestral Temple.

Of these three things, the easiest one to do is the third one. It only takes five years. As long as he can completely help Zhen Liuqing suppress the "Black Witch God Gu", let alone five years, Chen Xi is also willing to do it in ten years.

It was the first two things that really gave Chen Xi a headache.

When he arrived at the Temple of Absolute Beginning, Chen Xi had seen those ascetics lingering in the purple bamboo forest waiting, all of them had powerful auras and extraordinary backgrounds, and some of them had even been waiting here for thousands of years!

Under such circumstances, it is not so easy to send them away smoothly.

In addition, the second matter is also extremely troublesome, because the names of the gods listed on the jade slip are all rare in the world, and even more than half of them have never been heard by Chen Xi before. Where did he go to search for them? .

However, Chen Xi was also clear that that empress definitely did not intentionally make things difficult for him. If his guess was correct, the divine talents listed in this jade slip were probably prepared for the complete suppression of the power of the "Black Witch God Gu".

"It's indeed a bit tricky. Among the ascetics lingering in the purple bamboo forest, at least six of them have stepped into the realm of emperors. Among the others, there are also some existences with mysterious backgrounds and great backgrounds. It is difficult to let them leave here obediently. extreme."

Empress Yu Che also frowned, understanding Chen Xi's difficulty.

Six emperors!

Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and he took a deep breath. Only now did he realize that there were actually so many Monarch realms in the Purple Bamboo Forest.

"You guys are still too young, what's so difficult about this?"

But Lao Bai smiled, with a proud look overlooking all living beings, "Let me ask you, ancestor, what are those guys coming here for?"


Chen Xi remembered what Bai Linglu had said, and replied without hesitation.

"That's right, since it is a question, it must have encountered a very difficult obstacle in the practice, so I did not hesitate to come here, hoping to get guidance from the master of Taichu Guanguan to clear up doubts."

Lao Bai talked eloquently, "So, as long as you help them solve the problems in their cultivation, everything will be solved easily."

Chen Xi was stunned, and frowned, "How can I help them with the difficulties encountered at the emperor level?"

Lao Bai looked at Chen Xi with pity, and pointed to his nose: "Nonsense, of course it won't work if you rely on me, don't you see that I'm still here, Patriarch?"

How could Chen Xi fail to understand this point, but he knew that if he took the initiative to ask Lao Bai to help, he would definitely push back, so it would be better to let him speak out on his own initiative, in this way, the matter would be more than half successful.

He slapped his forehead, pretending to suddenly realize: "Why did I forget that you, a senior, are here? I'm riding a donkey to find a donkey."

Lao Bai was furious immediately: "Who are you calling a donkey?"

Chen Xi laughed out loud, grabbed Lao Bai's wings, and walked out of the courtyard: "You are a senior, how can you care about me, a junior like me, this has a lot to do with you, let's go, hurry up and help I solved this trouble."

"Hmph, you know your senses, my ancestor, if I wasn't magnanimous, how could I be able to bear this kind of anger? In the Manggu period, who dared to point fingers at me, my ancestor, would definitely suffer the fate of exterminating the nine clans! You boy Don't laugh, Patriarch, if I have a word of falsehood..."

Lao Bai was spitting and bragging about himself, while leaving with Chen Xi, gradually walking away.

Empress Yu Che followed far behind, and seeing such a scene, she couldn't help smiling lightly.

In fact, after staying with Lao Bai for a long time, although I feel that this old bird is very talkative, narcissistic and arrogant, in fact, it can indirectly bring people a lot of joy.


Chen Xi had great confidence in Lao Bai.

When I was breaking through the forbidden god leading to this place before, it was precisely because of Lao Bai's guidance that Empress Yu Che's combat power increased a lot at once, and she killed the silver head in the forbidden god. God ape.

At that time, Chen Xi witnessed all this with his own eyes.

Although Lao Bai likes to brag, he still has a lot of things hidden in his stomach. Since he can point out Empress Yu Che, he can naturally point out other emperors as well.

Led by that white spirit deer, Chen Xi and his group quickly walked out of the Absolute Beginning View, and came back to the purple bamboo forest.


"The one who was promoted a few days ago seems to be that young man. His aptitude is amazing, but I don't know what the relationship with the temple master is."

"He is indeed a young man with transcendent talent, amazing and unparalleled, and his future is boundless."

Seeing Chen Xi and his group coming, this time those figures did not ignore them like they did the first time, but they all looked at Chen Xi with a little appreciation.

"Young man, why are you here?"

An octogenarian asked Chen Xi why he came.

"Help fellow daoists clear up their confusion."

Chen Xi smiled slightly, and said his intentions frankly.


As soon as these words came out, all the ascetics in the purple bamboo forest were attracted.

"But the Lord sent you here?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Chen Xi shook his head, and immediately took a deep breath: "Everyone, to tell you the truth, the purpose of my coming here to help you clear up your doubts this time is to let you stop asking questions early and return from now on."

"Hehe, young man, who gave you such confidence that you are so arrogant that you want to help me solve my doubts?"

"Hey, I thought I heard it wrong before. It turns out that this little guy really planned to do this. It is simply ridiculous. The confusion encountered in the cultivation of the Emperor Realm can be pointed out by you, an ancestor god?"

"It's really presumptuous, it's too crazy, little guy, you leave quickly, so as not to anger us and bring disaster to you."

"Fellow daoists, didn't you hear clearly, this little guy is planning to send us away!"

Everyone was a little stunned at first, but immediately couldn't help sneering, some were surprised, some were disdainful, and some laughed endlessly.

They all thought that Chen Xi was too mischievous and unseemly, if not because of his status, they would have taken action to teach him a lesson.

For such a reaction, Chen Xi had been prepared for a long time, but he didn't worry about it, but said seriously: "Fellow daoists, you heard me right, I am serious."

"Little guy, if you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful I will punish you!"

A majestic god and demon wearing animal skin stepped out. He carried a large bow of animal bones and controlled a pair of shining sun and moon. Wisps of divine light and lightning gushed out from his eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

This is an existence in the Emperor Realm, his eyes stared at Chen Xi coldly, his words shook like the sound of the Great Dao, making one's soul tremble.

A cold light flashed in Empress Yu Che's eyes, and she stood in front of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi, however, smiled and signaled Empress Yu Che not to be nervous, and said, "Whether I am talking nonsense, you will definitely understand later."

"It seems that you are deliberately looking for discomfort?"

The animal-skin man was displeased, and his power suddenly rose, making this purple bamboo forest shrouded in a terrifying aura.

Chen Xi glanced at Lao Bai, only then did Lao Bai give a satisfied smile, flapped his wings and soared into the air, overlooking everyone from high above.

"You guys with blind eyes, don't you know what it means to have a priority in learning, and to specialize in a skill? Don't you know what it means to be a master?"

As soon as Lao Bai opened his mouth, there was a sharp smell, which made many ascetics in the field darken, and the eyes were cold.

But Lao Bai didn't seem to notice it, squinting at the animal-skinned man, and said in a disdainful tone: "It's like you, it took at least ten thousand years to reach the three-star emperor realm, right? The cultivation is obviously the best in the world. There is only one reason for the body refining method [Liujia Void Phase Controlling Art], but it has been stuck at this point, the soul must have suffered irreparable damage, so it cannot condense the phantom of the self!"

At the beginning, the animal-skinned man was ridiculed with an angry expression on his face, and he was about to run away violently, but when he heard other things that Lao Bai said, his whole body was suddenly struck by lightning, and he lost his voice: "How do you know about me?" Has the soul ever been injured?"

Everyone originally thought that this vicious flat-haired beast was talking nonsense, but when they saw the surprised look of the animal skin man, they all jumped in their hearts. Could it be that it really hit the mark?

Even Chen Xi, even if he had seen Lao Bai's methods before, when he saw such a scene again, he couldn't help being amazed, this old bird really had a lot of good things hidden in his stomach!


ps: The fifth update is here!The fourth update yesterday, and the fifth update today, Goldfish looked at it, and the number of updates this month ranks 5th in the country. Are you diligent enough?So... spend some monthly tickets to reward me, thank you, go to bed first, sleepy like a dog~


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