divine talisman

Chapter 1736 Proud Old Bai

The audience was amazed, and they all looked at Lao Bai suspiciously.

No one spoke up to reprimand, and they all looked on coldly, as if they wanted to take a closer look to see if this old bird with a sharp beak was really knowledgeable and omnipotent.

Seeing this, Lao Bai became more and more complacent, with his chest straightened out, and with a posture of looking down on all sentient beings, he said: "Look, I can tell at a glance that your soul has been injured, my ancestor. Isn't it qualified to guide you?"

The animal-skin man's expression was uncertain, and he snorted coldly after a while: "Then what do you think... is there any method in the world that can repair my injury?"

Lao Bai said disdainfully: "What's so difficult about this? My ancestor, I have at least sixteen ways to help you solve this problem, but..."

Speaking of this, it suddenly stopped talking, rolled its eyeballs, and pondered.

"But what?"

The animal skin man couldn't help asking.

"Hmph, I think this guy is just putting on airs."

"If you know, tell me quickly, lest I look down on you."

The other ascetics nearby all frowned and spoke out to provoke Lao Bai.

"Forget it, patriarch, I will show mercy today and reward you with a supreme opportunity to reinvent yourself."

Lao Bai sighed deeply, and heard the corners of the lips of everyone around him twitch.


The animal-skinned man's face darkened even more. He is a majestic emperor, and he is worshiped by thousands of people wherever he goes. He has never been dictated like this by a flat-haired animal.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lao Bai: "Listen well, I will only say it once, Patriarch."

As he said that, it paced in the void with its wings on its back, with an air of a master. The power of water, true energy, ancient energy, and primordial spirit is used to temper the body, so as to gather the virtual appearance of the soul and open the micro-aperture of the blood..."

"However, if you practice this method, you are most afraid of being injured, so you can barely call it the first-class in the world. In history, there were great sages from the lineage of ancient gods and demons. Only now has the hidden dangers of the 'Liujia Void Phase' been completely solved..."

The voice echoed in the purple bamboo forest. The animal skin man was originally ashamed and extremely angry at Lao Bai, but he just stayed there.

In his mind, it was like being struck by lightning, as if he had forgotten everything, only the sharp and piercing voice of Lao Bai was in his ears.

But to the animal skin man at this moment, the voice was indescribably miraculous, like a great way of Zen, which solved the doubts accumulated in his heart for many years, and the whole person seemed to be hit by a blow, and he felt enlightened and suddenly enlightened.


To other people around, they couldn't hear how mysterious what Lao Bai said.

But they could see that the animal-skin man seemed to be possessed by a demon, his expression was sometimes pleasantly surprised, sometimes shocked, sometimes smiling, sometimes thoughtful...

That kind of appearance is like listening to the supreme truth and falling into a state of enlightenment.

This shocked everyone around them, and they were finally convinced that that old bird was not just exaggerating, but really had real talents!

Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che looked at each other, and they both smiled silently, filled with emotion in their hearts, this old Bai who is full of problems is not completely useless...

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Until Lao Bai finished explaining all this, the animal skin man was so excited that he danced on the spot, looking crazy and excited.

With his status as an emperor, but suddenly making such antics, it is normal, I am afraid that he will be ridiculed by other ascetics.

But at this moment, no one laughed, because they knew that the problem that had puzzled the animal skin man for tens of thousands of years was resolved in this short period of time!

This is a difficult problem at the emperor level!

Looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, how many people are capable of dispelling doubts?

If not, why did the animal-skin man wait so hard for the purpose of "asking" the Lord of Absolute Beginning?

Therefore, no one laughed when they saw the man in animal skin dancing with disregard of his appearance.

However, only Laobai laughed. It looked at the animal skin man with contempt, and shouted: "Then who, when are you going to jump?"

The animal-skin man froze all over, and it was like waking up from a dream, with a look of embarrassment on his face, he took a deep breath, bowed and saluted, "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your guidance, this kind of great kindness, I will never forget it, come here If I have a chance, I will repay you tenfold!"


Old Bai's eyes lit up, and he said, "Don't wait for later, you can repay now."

The animal skin man was stunned for a moment.

A group of ascetics nearby also showed a bit of astonishment, this old bird is really rude!

As it said that, it waved its wings towards Chen Xi, and called, "Come here, little guy, and show him the jade slip."

Chen Xi was startled, and immediately understood, and took out the jade slip that the empress gave that recorded the list of various divine materials.

The animal-skin man frowned, but he still took it over, inspected it a little, and immediately showed a hint of hesitation.

Seeing this, the ascetics nearby all jumped in their hearts, making it difficult for an emperor. Could it be that the conditions in the jade slips are extremely harsh?

"Senior, there are a lot of divine materials among them, and each one is more rare than the other, and there are only a few among them..."

The animal skin man gave a wry smile, and even changed his address.

Before finishing speaking, Lao Bai interrupted: "Don't worry, Patriarch, I also know that it is impossible for you to have these by yourself, otherwise you are more powerful than Taichu Guan Guanzhu?"

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat again, what kind of rare divine materials are recorded in the jade slips, even the temple master can't collect them all?

"Take out the few divine materials on your body, and you will repay my ancestor." Even asking for other people's treasures, Lao Bai took it for granted.

Seeing it, Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, such a shameless matter, only a guy like Lao Bai could handle it so easily.

Of course, Chen Xi just sighed in his heart. He still appreciates and supports Lao Bai's behavior.

At that moment, the animal skin man took out several divine materials.

A 30-year-old Tianrui Yunhun Grass.

A group of Huo Lei Yuan Gang Qi picked from the chaos.

A purple dome soul stone.

Each piece can be called a rare treasure that can't be found, and it has an irresistible temptation to the existence of the emperor's realm, and its value is immeasurable.

The nearby ascetics recognized it at a glance, and their faces could not help but change slightly. Paying this price...is a bit scary.

However, for the animal skin man, it was a burst of relief. Compared with these things outside the body, it is undoubtedly the most important thing to be able to obtain the method to dissolve the barriers of one's own practice.

Old Bai flapped his wings loudly: "The things are left, you can leave."

"Thank you senior."

The animal skin man put the three divine materials into the jade box, handed them to Chen Xi, then cupped his hands towards Lao Bai, turned around and left.

The atmosphere was momentarily silent.

All the ascetics nearby hesitated, as if they were thinking about something.

Lao Bai was a little impatient: "Don't waste time, you all have a look at the divine material recorded in that piece of jade slip, if you have it, you can come to my ancestor to get advice, and then leave here quickly .”

This kind of attitude seems very bad, a posture of bullying the owner of the shop.

However, the practitioners nearby already knew that this old bird has such a virtue, and they don't even bother to care about it.

After listening to Lao Bai's words, they all felt moved.

Witnessing what Lao Bai explained to the animal-skinned man before, their doubts about Lao Bai were greatly reduced, and many people even thought of asking Lao Bai for advice.

After all, they have been waiting here for too long in order to ask Yu Taichu to observe the Lord and answer their spiritual problems. Who doesn't want to leave early?

At present, that jade slip was being circulated continuously, but when they saw the hundreds of treasures recorded in it, they were still a little dizzy.

So precious!

Every piece of divine material can be called a treasure of heaven and earth. The sum of these divine materials is so valuable that it is even incalculable!

With their wealth and ability, they all feel that it is simply impossible to collect all these talents.

"Fellow Daoist, it's hard for you to do something like this."

Someone spoke, and his face was a little ugly.

Others also echoed, thinking that Lao Bai was deliberately making things difficult for them.

"You guys simply don't know what is good or bad. Compared with your own cultivation, what are these external things?"

Lao Bai snorted coldly, as if he was scolding his disciples and grandchildren, he was not polite, which made all the ascetics look a little ugly.

"I have two divine materials that meet the requirements, and I am willing to give it a try."

A young man stepped forward. He carried a bronze sword on his back.


Lao Bai glanced at him sideways, and snorted, "Young man, you can't hold back when you see your sword intent wrapping around you, but you have encountered difficulties in comprehending the way of the sword?"

The young man was not surprised, as long as he had a little vision, he could see this.

He nodded and said: "Exactly, if you dare to ask, is there a solution?"

Lao Bai said lightly: "Hand over the things, Patriarch, I will tell you."

The young man was very happy, took out two jade boxes, and handed them to Chen Xi, who checked them briefly, and then nodded to Lao Bai.

Seeing this, Lao Bai said: "Your problem cannot be solved by just pointing it out, and you must be beaten."

Beaten up?

The young man froze and said angrily, "You old liar, is this the answer you gave me?"

The ascetics nearby were also unhappy, feeling that Lao Bai was perfunctory and humiliating each other.

"It's really young."

Lao Bai hesitantly shook his head, with a haughty expression on his face, he didn't even bother to argue with him, and said to Chen Xi, "I'll leave it to you."

Chen Xi nodded, and he also saw that young man's shortcomings in the way of swordsmanship.

At that moment, he broke off a section of purple bamboo branch that was as bright as jade, peeled off the leaves, held it in his palm, and used it as a sword.

"What, you want to fight me?"

The young man's face darkened. Despite his young appearance, he has actually practiced for tens of thousands of years, and he has already reached the peak of the ancestor god.

Under such circumstances, he naturally regarded Chen Xi, who had just advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, as a junior.


ps: The second one was a bit later, I stayed up too late last night and suffered from insomnia, I only squinted my eyes for a while at 6 in the morning, obviously out of energy~~


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