divine talisman

Chapter 1737

Chen Xi smiled slightly, and stabbed out with a sword.


Holding the purple bamboo branch in Chen Xi's hands, it seemed to have life, and a chilling and sharp sword intent evaporated, taking advantage of the wind, sea and rain, and smashed away.


Time and space are like a scroll, torn into a straight line, pointing at the young man.


The young man's eyes were fixed, he didn't expect Chen Xi to do it as soon as he said he would do it.

Subconsciously, he drew his sword and slashed down.


What was shocking was that the bamboo branch that Chen Xi had obviously used had vibrated the ancient bronze sword in the young man's hand in a head-to-head situation.


The young man's face darkened, he didn't take advantage of this blow at all, which made him feel angry.

It's just a young man who has just advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, and he is still using a piece of bamboo branch. If he can't be subdued, it would be too shameful.


However, before he could react, Chen Xi stabbed out with his sword again, and the purple bamboo branch, like electricity, light, and ethereal wind, suddenly pointed straight at the young man's brow.

Too fast!

The young man had no time to dodge, so he could only block with his sword.

With a bang, he was shocked and staggered back a few steps, which made his complexion darker, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes.

The other party was so aggressive that he didn't take himself seriously. It was really too much!


The ancient bronze sword in his palm recited clearly, transpiring with blazing radiance, and took the initiative to kill.

But in just a split second, all his movements stopped abruptly, and his whole body froze there, with a dull expression on his face.

Because a piece of purple bamboo had arrived at his throat at some point, and it was only an inch away, and it could easily pierce his throat!

All the ascetics nearby were shocked.

From the beginning to the end of this confrontation, it only took a few short breaths, and Chen Xi only stabbed three swords, and defeated the opponent in one fell swoop!

All of this was too fast, and the power of the sword that Chen Xi displayed was beyond their imagination.

Fortunately, this was just a duel, both sides restrained, did not use all their strength, but simply chose to compete in the power of swordsmanship, otherwise, if they fought with all their strength, the purple bamboo forest would be destroyed in an instant.

The atmosphere was dead and silent.

Drops of cold sweat dripped from the young man's forehead and ran across his cheeks.

His face was extremely ugly, he was motionless, his eyes were full of disbelief, it was only three swords, and he was actually defeated! ?

This made him unacceptable. He has been practicing swords since he was a child, and he has been fascinated by the way of swords. Since he practiced so far, the way of swords has become an inseparable part of his life.

It is precisely because of this persistence that as early as a thousand years ago, he cultivated the way of the sword to the level of the sword emperor, which shocked the world and was hailed as a remarkable and dazzling figure on the road of the way of the sword.

But he alone knows that after advancing to the realm of Sword Emperor, his comprehension of the way of the sword has fallen into a state of stagnation.

No matter how hard he tried and how many senior experts he consulted, he could not completely solve this problem.

So, with the help of an old antique, he finally arrived here, and wanted to ask Yu Taichu to see the Lord.

However, he never expected that he would be defeated by a young man who was fighting with a purple bamboo in hand!

Moreover, he was defeated in one fell swoop in the way of swordsmanship that he was best at and proud of!

All of this brought him an indescribable blow, and almost made him question the way of swords that he had been obsessed with all his life.

How could this be?


In his heart, the same doubts kept echoing, and his gaze became more and more bewildered.

"Hmph! Swordsman, you would rather bend than bend, and be indomitable. With your endurance, you are still worthy of talking about swordsmanship?" Suddenly, Lao Bai snorted coldly.

It was like a thunderbolt exploding in the ears, which made the young man suddenly wake up from the depressed and bewildered mood.

He couldn't help panting heavily, with lingering fears in his heart. He knew that because he was too obsessed with the sword, he had unknowingly developed a trace of inner demons. Now after suffering such a heavy blow, his mind trembled, and he almost lost his mind.

If it wasn't for Lao Bai uttering the truth and waking him up, I'm afraid his morality and deeds would be dissipated.


Chen Xi glanced at the other party, and casually threw away a piece of purple bamboo in his hand.

"I lost."

The youth is depressed.

Everyone also felt sorry for Qi Qiran, but there was a hint of surprise in their eyes looking at Chen Xi.

They have all judged that Chen Xi's cultivation in the way of the sword is at least far superior to that young man's, but no one dares to jump to conclusions by how much.

"When will you get out of failure, when will you break through again in your comprehension of the way of the sword, so you can walk away."

Lao Bai lightly put down a word, and stopped talking to the young man.

"Thanks for the pointer."

The young man was silent for a long time, his expression suddenly became calm, and he looked at Chen Xi: "Fellow Daoist, do you dare to ask if you can accept me as a disciple?"

In a word, everyone immediately exploded. Is this guy crazy?


Chen Xi answered very directly without any hesitation, but the next sentence made the young man's eyes suddenly brighten.

"You have your way, I have mine, you can try to surpass me, I am waiting for that day to come."

"Okay! I will."

The young man took a deep breath, his expression became firm, he turned and drifted away.

"Fellow Daoist, my name is Ren Huanyu. One day, I will go to you again. At that time... I will learn your swordsmanship again!"

"Ren Huanyu? That's a pretty good name."

Chen Xi smiled, disapproving, trying to surpass himself is not such an easy task.


As soon as Ren Huanyu left, the atmosphere in the arena was not silent, but became restless, and many ascetics couldn't wait.

"Fellow Daoist, I have three magical medicines here that meet your requirements, please enlighten me."

"Let me come first. I have seven kinds of divine materials here that meet the requirements. What's more, I arrived here earlier than you. Even if you line up, I will come first."

"Don't be noisy, let the old man come first."

Many ascetics shouted and rushed towards Lao Bai, scrambling to be the first.

After the incident with the animal skin man and Ren Huanyu, they have already convinced them of Lao Bai's methods, and now they will no longer choose to stand on the sidelines.

There are people with a clear mind who even hand over all the divine materials they have to Chen Xi, saying: "Fellow Daoists, five of the divine materials are what you need, and some other gadgets are my thoughts, please return them." Laughing."

As a matter of course, this person became Lao Bai's third pointing target.

The scene and excitement, the more like this, the more proud Lao Bai is, with his head held high, his hands behind his back, extremely proud and embarrassed.

"Don't fight, those who have divine talents will line up one by one. My ancestor, I will make an exception today and guide you one by one."

"As for those fellow Taoists who don't have supernatural talents, you don't have to worry about it. You can just take some treasures as rewards, but you can only be at the bottom. When the time comes, the ancestor, I will give you different advice depending on the situation."

Laobai was spitting and flying, pointing fingers at a group of ascetics, as if he was pointing the country and berating Fang Qiu, and the scene was boundless.

Surprisingly, those ascetics did not have any dissatisfaction, apparently they were worried that they would offend Lao Bai and they would not be able to get advice.

This made Chen Xi and Empress Yu Che feel a sense of embarrassment when they saw that a group of ascetics with unpredictable origins and complicated backgrounds, who even existed in the realm of emperors, were now subdued by an old bird full of problems. , It is really impressive.

However, Lao Bai is also considered to have real talent and learning. In just a few words, he explained the problems of those ascetics and gave them sharp pointers, which made his image in the hearts of those ascetics gradually elevated.

There were even many ascetics who wept with joy and called Lao Bai "Guru" after receiving the guidance. The scene was very touching.

In short, the atmosphere that followed seemed very solemn and sacred. The ascetics looked at Lao Bai with admiration, almost kneeling down to worship, like Taoists who listened to the supreme decree.

As for Lao Bai, he also had the appearance of an expert talking and laughing, but Chen Xi could see that this old bird was probably already bubbling with complacency.


"Ma'am, that bird is amazing."

Far away from the purple bamboo forest, at some time, the empress and Huicong had already stood there. Seeing Laobai pointing out those ascetics, Huicong couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's really extraordinary, Hui Cong. Have you ever heard that there is a kind of spirit in this world, born in the chaos, born with a nine-aperture exquisite heart, with a little practice, you can learn about the ancients and the present, know the world's affairs, and discern the world's laws. Master of all souls."

The empress's voice was indifferent, revealing a hint of meaning.

Huicong was surprised and said, "Your Majesty, it must be the bird, right?"

"Even if it's not in the middle, it's not far away."

The empress did not deny it.

For a moment, Huicong couldn't help being stunned, and murmured: "Since it is so powerful, how can it only have a spiritual cultivation?"

"The number of avenues, damages more than makes up for what is not enough, a talent that is too heaven-defying, will eventually be envied by the sky."

The empress said something indifferently, then turned around and left, "Come back with me, that little guy has already worked so hard, we should prepare something."

"But you want to refine the 'Life Wheel Linghui Pill'?"

Huicong quickly chased after him.

"It's too early."


A full seven days.

Relying on Lao Bai's penetrating tongue, he finally sent away all those ascetics.

What made Chen Xi speechless was that Lao Bai kept babbling non-stop for seven days and seven nights, but he didn't seem to be tired at all. Until this time when everything was over, he still had an unfinished look and a sense of loss.

Chatter, how lonely this old bird must have been before!

"Unfortunately, I barely got more than 20 kinds of divine materials, and there are still more than 80 kinds of divine materials." Empress Yu Che counted Lao Bai's "trophies" for the past seven days, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"It's already pretty good, at least in addition to these, I've also collected a lot of other treasures, and completed the first mission, which is already very rare."

Chen Xi smiled.

Empress Yu Che nodded and asked, "Then what do you plan to do next?"

Chen Xi said thoughtfully, "Yu Che, do you still remember the 'Linlang Treasure City'?"


ps: Tomorrow I will try my best to fight for 5 more, congratulations to the leader Shen Shen~


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