divine talisman

Chapter 1738 The Tribulation of Fate

Thank you "Shen Chen" for the reward of 200000 vertical and horizontal coins, and you will be listed as the platinum leader, spreading flowers~~


Linlangbao City?

Empress Yu Che's eyes suddenly lit up.

Chen Xi said with a smile: "Nowadays there is a shortage of more than 80 kinds of divine materials. Thinking about it, as long as you pay a sufficient price, you should be able to collect all of them from the Linlang Treasure City."

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, it depends on whether Linlangbao City is as worthy of its name as the rumors say."

Empress Yu Che said: "There is no need to worry about this. Linlangbao City gathers the treasures of all races in the South China Sea and attracts people from all over the world. As long as we spend more time and energy, we should not worry about not being able to find enough talents. "

At that moment, Chen Xi made a decision and immediately went to Linlangbao City.


The View of Taichu is located in the Luojia Mountain. The Luojia Mountain is located on the other side of the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, and on the other side of the Sea of ​​Falling Stars is a piece of land suspended outside the "Putuo Star".

Linlangbao City was held on Putuo Star.

This Yibao event in the practice world attracted cultivators from all directions, and gathered all kinds of treasures from all over the world. It has the reputation of "all the treasures of the world are in a collection", and is famous in the ancient gods.

The pills, exercises, magic treasures, divine materials needed by ascetics... and even all kinds of rare treasures can be found here.

It was once said that as long as you pay enough, you will be able to search for innate spiritual treasures for you!

After making up his mind, Chen Xi went to visit that empress first.

"Linlangbao City? This place is really good."

Knowing Chen Xi's intentions, the empress pondered for a while, and then said, "You can go and have a try. I'll let Lu'er take you away later."

Speaking of this, the empress seemed to think of something, and said to Empress Yu Che beside Chen Xi: "If possible, can you stay and guard a furnace of medicinal soup for me?"

Empress Yu Che was stunned, and looked at Chen Xi beside her.

This is the first time she has seen this mysterious and unpredictable Master of Taichu Guan. At a glance, she can see that the other party's cultivation base is unfathomable and must be far above her. role, but does not consider it a humiliation.

Seriously, these words made her keenly aware that this pot of medicinal soup must be of no small importance, and it is unusual for her to be guarded by an emperor like herself?

"You make the decision."

Chen Xi smiled.

Empress Yu Che was not his subordinate, and even her status was far higher than that of Chen Xi. If it wasn't for the relationship between senior elder brother Wu Xuechan, Empress Yu Che wouldn't have had to befriend his peers at all.

Therefore, he would not make decisions for Empress Yu Che, that would be Yue Zu acting on her behalf.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, I'm really unhappy. You listen to my ancestors. You stay here, baby girl. With my ancestors, I will accompany this kid to act together. Why worry about big things not happening?"

Lao Bai became a little impatient, and started yelling.

Chen Xi frowned and glanced at the old bird, but found that the empress was not angry, but looked at Lao Bai thoughtfully, thinking about something.

"Then I'll stay."

Empress Yu Che pondered for a moment, then agreed.

"Lu'er, take them away."

The empress gave an order casually.

A white spirit deer appeared outside the hut, and said softly, "Fellow Daoist, come with me."


At first glance.

Bai Linglu zigzagged along the bluestone road in the forest, but the path he took was different from the one Chen Xi and the others took when they arrived.

"Little White Deer, is this world no longer in the domain of the ancient gods?"

Lao Bai couldn't help asking.

"That's right, this is the dao domain opened up by my master. It's called the 'Sacred Garden of Absolute Beginning'. Only a handful of old people in the world know that this place exists..."

Not as silent as before, Bai Linglu seemed to have confirmed Chen Xi's identity, so he began to speak out some mysteries of this "Shenyuan of Absolute Beginning" on his own initiative.

It turns out that this "Shenyuan of Absolute Beginning" is a "Tao Domain" opened up by the empress with the means of reaching the sky.

Moreover, the mountains, rivers, and everything in it are all under the control of that empress, and the order of heaven in the ancient gods' domain cannot cover this place at all.

The only way to get here is through a unique secret path.

The road that Chen Xi crossed from the Zizhu River in Luojia Divine Mountain is one of the secret paths leading to the "Sacred Garden of Absolute Beginning".

In addition, there are several other secret passages that can reach here, like those figures who lingered in the purple bamboo forest before, came here from those several secret passages.

It is worth mentioning that if the empress is not willing, even if she knows the location of the secret passage, other people will not be able to enter this place at all.

Chen Xi couldn't help but be shocked, isolated from the ancient god domain, and within it formed a universe of its own, how exactly did this "Dao domain" be opened up?

"Silly boy, when your strength reaches the level of a Daoist master, you will naturally be able to open up your own 'Dao Domain' and live freely outside of things, which is enough to compete with the order of the Dao of Heaven."

Lao Bai explained the confusion, "Do you still remember the Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple in the Gate of the Dao? That is also a Dao domain that has existed for an unknown number of years!"

Chen Xi suddenly said: "So, reaching the realm of a Taoist master is enough to break free from the shackles of the power of the heavens?"

Lao Bai shook his head: "It's just that you have the power to compete with it. Want to detach? How difficult is it? When you obtained that Emperor... Daogen, you should have sensed it?"

The complete sentence should be to obtain the emperor-level daogen, but obviously, Lao Bai didn't want the Bai Ling deer to know about it, so he concealed it.

This is not the point, the point is what Lao Bai said, it was obviously the "doom" that Chen Xi suddenly encountered when he obtained that emperor-level dao root!

This made Chen Xi understand at once that the existence of the "Dao Domain" can only avoid the detection of the power of the Heavenly Dao, and it is not truly transcendent.

If it wasn't for this, it was absolutely impossible for the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" to come, and it was going to kill that emperor-level dao root.

But even so, Chen Xi was still shocked by the means of the Dao Lord's Realm. He opened up the "Dao Domain", avoided the power of the Heavenly Dao, and possessed the ability to fight against the Heavenly Dao. How many people in this world can achieve this step? people?

At least the Taoist masters that Chen Xi knows now exist, and they are just a few, like the ancient master "Xuan", the senior brother Wu Xuechan, the empress who lived in the Absolute Beginning View, and the corpse that turned into the "Domain of the Ending Law" Taoist Kunpeng.

While talking, Bai Linglu had already arrived on a cliff, the sea of ​​clouds was transpiring, and the purple stars were floating in the sky, sprinkled with shimmering purple divine brilliance.

"Stepping into this sea of ​​clouds, you can directly reach Putuo Star. When you return, you only need to break this section of purple bamboo, and I will come to pick you up."

Bai Linglu held a piece of shiny purple bamboo in his mouth, and handed it to Chen Xi.

"It's work."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Go, the master is now preparing to refine the Life Wheel Linghui Pill, you have to go and come back quickly, don't waste time."

Bai Linglu said warmly.

"Life Wheel Spirit Wisdom Pill!?"

Lao Bai suddenly screamed out.

Chen Xi glanced at Lao Bai, then nodded to Bai Linglu, then turned around and stepped into the sea of ​​clouds.


The sea of ​​clouds evaporated, instantly submerging the figures of Chen Xi and Lao Bai.


Putuo Star, located in the South China Sea, in the Yunmeng Universe, is so huge that it looks like a shining sun, covering all the nearby stars dimly.

The existence of Putuo Star has a very long history, which can be traced back to the time when thousands of races struggled for hegemony in ancient times, and even many ancient races were born from Putuo Star.

In recent days, Putuo Star has been bustling with activity like never before. Ascetics flying into the sky and escaping from the earth can be seen everywhere. Ascetics and powerful creatures from many universes in the ancient gods' domain have all flocked here.

All this is because the Linlangbao City, which is held every 3000 years, has already kicked off during this time.

Linghang Divine City.

Putuo Star is known as the most prosperous, like a dazzling pearl, located on the vast land of Putuo Star, attracting heroes from all directions.

The rumored Linlangbao City was held in this divine city.

Today's Linghang God City is already overcrowded. On the spacious and ancient streets, there is a lot of traffic, and there are many figures, sweating like rain, and shoulder to shoulder.

At dusk that day, in an area three thousand miles away from the Linghang Divine City, there was a fluctuation in the void, and a majestic figure appeared, it was Chen Xi.

"Old Bai, is the Life Wheel Linghui Pill very powerful?"

Chen Xi could only feel that, in an instant, the stars had changed. He came here from the vast sea of ​​clouds, and after a little bit of surroundings, he immediately judged that the majestic and ancient divine city in the distance was unexpectedly the destination of this trip, the Spiritual Navigation Divine City.

"Not only is it powerful, but once this elixir is refined, it is enough to change the destiny, and nurture spirituality and wisdom. No!"

Laobai talked eloquently, "During the Manggu period, Xuan Ye once consecrated and refined similar pills, but unfortunately at that time his strength was still weak, and he eventually attracted the "Little Fate Thunder Tribulation" and ended up destroying the pill. Forget it, but after that catastrophe came, the world was in turmoil and disasters continued, and in just one year, [-] ascetics were implicated by this, and their lives disappeared!"

After a pause, Lao Bai said with emotion, "What's the reason? It's nothing more than implicating a ray of fate and violating the God's rebellion."

"Breaking fate...being robbed..." Chen Xi sucked in a breath of cold air, and finally understood the nature of this "Life Wheel Soul Pill".

And that empress wanted to refine this pill, obviously to help her completely suppress the power of "Black Witch God Gu" in Zhen Liuqing's body!

For a moment, Chen Xi felt a little heavy in his heart, feeling a little unable to bear such a great kindness.

"Why, are you worried about owed a favor that you can't repay? Hmph, according to my ancestor, the reason why the temple master did this was not a whim, it must have a deep meaning, so you can rest assured to prepare all the divine materials That's enough."

Lao Bai cast a sideways glance at Chen Xi, and said triumphantly, "As for other matters, with my ancestor here, what do you have to worry about?"

After being teased by Lao Bai, Chen Xi felt a lot more relaxed. He raised his eyes to see the ancient divine city bathed in twilight in the distance, nodded and said, "You're right, as long as you can help Liuqing wake up, I owe you a What about the favors of heaven and earth?"

As he said that, he no longer hesitated, with his hands behind his back, he paced the time and space, and plundered towards the Spiritual Navigation Divine City.


ps: The second update is at 2:8 p.m., and the third update is around 10:5 p.m.Leader Shen Shen is too powerful, no matter what today, there will be [-] updates!


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