divine talisman

Chapter 1739

The majestic and ancient Linghang Divine City stood tall on the ground, emitting colorful and eye-catching lights that shot straight into the sky, dyeing the sky in dreamlike colors.

That's Baoguang!

Covering the entire city of gods, the atmosphere is vast, and even ordinary ascetics can see at a glance that there are astonishing numbers of treasures of heaven and earth gathered in this city, which is why such a vision can be produced.

However, there seemed to be an invisible force in the divine city, making it impossible for any ascetic to determine where it came from from the precious lights that soared into the sky.

Obviously, this is a kind of protection to prevent other people from spying on it and making malicious intentions.

"Tsk tsk, what a big handwriting, a lot of treasures!"

Before entering the city, Lao Bai started to praise, "It seems that this Linlangbao City is well-deserved."

Chen Xi also saw the brilliant precious light soaring into the sky, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in his heart, maybe this time it really came at the right time.


"Hei Liu Holy Gold, only exchanged for Soul Infant Grass!"

"Fellow daoists, let's take a look, these treasures are collected from the secret realm below, they are of extraordinary value, and you need to keep them."

"It has been a time-honored brand for thousands of years. It has participated in the Linlang Treasure Market three times. The treasures it sells are genuine, and children are not deceived. Fellow Taoists may wish to appreciate it for themselves, and it is not too late to choose to buy."

"The red crystal of phoenix blood, the precious leaf with dragon pattern, the holy king fruit of the five elements, the marrow of sea blue... all three hundred kinds of treasures are for sale, just for the purpose of forming a relationship, not for getting rich!"

As soon as they entered the Linghang Divine City, a wave of noise and shouts came one after another, and it was extremely lively.

In a trance, Chen Xi almost thought he had come to the mundane world.

On both sides of the spacious and ancient street, there are densely packed stalls, and each stall displays a variety of treasures, which are brilliant and eye-catching.

Ascetics shuttle through it like a stream of water, bustling and bustling, which is spectacular.

The atmosphere is indeed lively.

With a glance, Chen Xi noticed at least a hundred creatures from different ancient ethnic groups, dozens of beings whose cultivation had reached the level of ancestor gods, and even two or three figures of the emperor realm. passed away.

This made Chen Xi wonder in his heart, this Linlang Treasure City was well-deserved of its reputation, it could be called an unprecedented grand event.

"Hey, that's the Yunling clan!" Lao Bai exclaimed.

In the middle of the sky in the distance, a cloud of blue color was moving forward, with a pair of slender wings growing, and it sprinkled brilliant light.

Its whole body is full of dao rhyme, and its steps are leisurely. Wherever it passes, it has attracted a lot of attention.

This is the Yunling Clan, an extremely rare and ancient race, said to be born in the chaotic thunderclouds, born with Taoism, looks like smoke and mist, very ethereal, but its fighting power is extremely amazing.

Moreover, the Yunling tribe is a natural pharmacist, who can make the magic medicine grow better. The magic medicine conceived by them is all spiritually compelling and has incredible medicinal effects.

"Unexpectedly, this kind of race is still alive. It seems that when the Ten Thousand Races fought, they did not disappear as rumored."

Lao Bai was thoughtful, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi, "Little guy, do you want to take that Yunling clansman away? This is a natural pharmacist. Let him take care of the magic medicine for you in the future. You are of great use."

There was a hint of encouragement in the voice.

"Don't make trouble!"

Chen Xi glared at this vile old bird, "We're not here for fun, before you finish your work, you'd better settle down."

He was really worried that Lao Bai would cause trouble for himself, after all, this bastard's mouth was extremely sharp and mean.

"Hey, don't worry, Patriarch, I'm not the kind of person who makes trouble out of nothing."

Lao Bai disagreed.

Chen Xi shook his head, and while walking along the street, he looked at the stalls displayed around him, looking for the target he needed.

It was a pity that although there were many treasures on those booths and there were many high-quality goods, they didn't have what Chen Xi needed.

This is also normal, all of the talents he needs this time are unrivaled and uncommon at all, if not for this, there is probably no need for Chen Xi to take any further action, and that empress would have collected all of them already.

"Xuanhuang Stone, Thunder Soul Stone, Earth Element Fire Stone, Precious Blood Stone, Soul Calling Stone... This old man's booth only sells real precious ores. These fellow Taoists take a closer look. These are all the old men risking their lives The danger, found from an abyss of gods and demons."

In front of a booth, an old man with a goatee was shouting. There were several figures standing in front of the booth, which caught Chen Xi's attention.

It wasn't attracted by the ore on the booth, but by those figures.

The leader is an orange-haired boy with brilliant blue pupils, and mysterious totem tattoos are branded on the exposed upper body skin.

Beside him, there is a flower demon with spreading branches and leaves, a tauren wearing armor with two horns on its first head, and a dwarf old man who is only two feet tall with snow-white beard and pointed ears.

This peculiar troop of demon cultivators was surprisingly the few demon cultivators Chen Xi had met before he went to the Temple of Absolute Beginning.

If he remembered correctly, they were from the Lieyan Qilin Clan, Posuohua Clan, Barbarian Cow Clan, and Dikui Zhan Clan, all of which were extremely ancient clans.

"I want this thunder soul stone, tell me, how many god crystals?"

The orange-haired boy spoke.

"Eight thousand."

A look of joy flashed in the old man's eyes, pretending to be casual and authentic.

"So expensive?"

The incomparably charming flower demon was surprised, her voice was soft and waxy, very pleasant to hear.

"This is the Thunder Soul Stone, which contains the soul of the Thunder Gang. It is rare in ten thousand years. If the old man is not in urgent need of God Crystals to buy the elixir needed for cultivation, even if you give out [-] God Crystals, the old man would not be willing to sell it."

The old man sighed endlessly, with a look of reluctance to let go of the pain.

The orange-haired boy and the others hesitated. The Thunder Soul Stone was indeed extraordinary, but the price made it hard for them to accept it.

"Forget it, the old man sees that you really need the Thunder Soul Stone, and I can't bear to embarrass you young people, so I will sell you 7000 yuan of divine crystals."

The old man sighed again.

"Thank you very much then."

When the orange-haired boy was happy, he wanted to pay Shenjing, but at this moment, a sharp voice sounded——

"Black-hearted old guy, you are a bit dishonest. If you don't look carefully at this thunder soul stone, it can really scare people, but anyone who knows how to do it knows that you are the worst defective product!"

It was Lao Bai who spoke, and it looked at the old man with disdain, very disdainful.

The orange-haired boy and his party were stunned for a moment, their expressions a little ugly.

The old man with the goatee's complexion darkened, and he was furious: "My fellow Taoist, you are talking nonsense and sabotaging the old man's business. Tell me, what's wrong with it? If you can't tell the reason, the old man will not forgive you today." !"

His words were indignant, and he looked like he had been wronged.

This made the orange-haired boy startled and they were a little confused, not sure who was lying.

"Huh, so it's you, Fellow Daoist." Suddenly, the orange-haired youth recognized Chen Xi.

Chen Xi smiled, but didn't say much.

"Hey, you can't spare me, my ancestor? You old guy really doesn't turn back until you hit the south wall."

Lao Bai sneered and said, "You have polished this broken stone with thunder crystal powder, and filled it with a wisp of worthless multicolored jade liquid, so you dare to pass it off as a thunder soul stone? I have already tried this kind of counterfeiting method. For the rest, you still have the face to cheat and kidnap, it's really shameless."

All of a sudden, the face of the goatee old man changed slightly, and he said sharply: "Bloody mouth, if you talk nonsense again, be careful, the old man will be rude!"

At this time, the movement here has attracted many people's eyes, all of them looked like watching the excitement, which made the old man wish to kill Lao Bai with his eyes.

But Lao Bai didn't bother to talk to him, pointing to the orange-haired boy and said, "Little guy, if you don't believe me, you can try this stone with the innate Taoism of your Lie Yan Qilin clan' Qingyue Five-Color Flame, and keep it for a while. The child will show his feet."


The orange-haired boy nodded.

"Wait a minute!"

The goatee old man called out, "I won't sell it anymore, can't I?"

In a word, it completely revealed that he was guilty.

The orange-haired boy and his party immediately understood and looked at the old man unkindly, but they didn't make a move in the end.

"Thanks for the pointer."

They thanked Lao Bai.

Lao Bai said triumphantly: "It's a small skill, don't be polite."

"Fellow Taoist, it seems that you don't understand the rules of Linghang God City."

The goatee old man's face was gloomy, and he suddenly said, "The transactions that happen in the city are all due to your wishes, the so-called true gentleman who watches chess and keeps silent, you are already breaking the rules by doing this!"

Chen Xi and Lao Bai looked at each other, they couldn't help being startled, there are such broken rules?

Seeing this, the orange-haired boy seemed to think of something, slapped his forehead suddenly, and reminded from the side: "There is indeed such a rule. After buying and selling, if you encounter inferior products, you can only blame your lack of eyesight, not the seller's bullying." people.

After a pause, he continued, "If you pick up a leak and get a treasure that is worth the money, the seller can't regret it. Otherwise, it's breaking the rules. Once the rules are broken, all the sellers in the city will become unwelcome. It will also invite eviction."

"Then why didn't you say it sooner, little guy! Isn't this cheating on me?" Lao Bai shouted angrily.

The orange-haired boy was suddenly embarrassed, and said embarrassingly, "I didn't think of it before."

Seeing this, the goatee old man proudly said: "Forget it, I don't want to embarrass you, as long as you take out some god crystals as compensation, or buy some treasures from my booth, I will forgive you for offending me this time." lift."

Chen Xi glanced at the stones on the booth, grabbed one casually, and said, "How many divine crystals is this Jinlan Stone?"

"Nine thousand... no, ten thousand divine crystals!" The old man with the goatee seemed to be convinced of Chen Xi, and he didn't even bother to hide the false offer.

"Fellow Daoist, let us pay for this god crystal." The orange-haired boy said apologetically.

"No need, just spend money to buy a lesson."

Chen Xi smiled, and casually threw a storage bag to the old man with the goatee, which contained 1 yuan of divine crystals.

Seeing Chen Xi being so generous, the old man with the goatee, who originally thought he had slaughtered a fat sheep, was overwhelmed with ecstasy, and was immediately stunned. He felt a burst of regret in his heart. If he had known that this kid was so wealthy, he should have slaughtered him again. !


ps: The third update is around 10 o'clock.


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