divine talisman

Chapter 1740 The Man in Black

"Is this deal over?" Chen Xi asked.


The old man with a goatee was also a bachelor, and he waved his hand generously, "Little guy, remember, if you want to return the product in the future, you can't do it!"

Chen Xi smiled and said no more.

Surprisingly, Lao Bai didn't make any noise, but looked at the goatee old man with a slightly strange gaze, seeming pity, disdain, and gloating.

Seeing that the goatee old man felt uncomfortable for a while, he snorted coldly and ignored it.

"My fellow Taoist, can I have a look at that sacred stone?"

At this moment, a voice as warm as the sun suddenly sounded, and a man in black came along with the voice.

This person is extraordinary!

Chen Xi's eyes narrowed imperceptibly.

The man in black is tall and handsome, with long black hair and shawls, crystal clear and fair skin, and sharp facial contours, as if carved with an ax chisel. , Indifferent taste.

He doesn't have much world-shattering aura, plain and simple, and there is a charm of greatness and simplicity all over his body.

Beside the man in black, there is also a pure and charming girl who follows step by step, holding a four-foot simple sword box in her arms.

As soon as the two of them arrived, the man in black looked at Chen Xi, and a spring-like smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

The lively and noisy atmosphere around him became quiet unconsciously, as if with the arrival of the man in black, the world could not bear to disturb him and became peaceful.


Old Bai squinted his eyes, and let out a cry of surprise, and immediately shut up.


Chen Xi also smiled, and casually handed over that piece of Jinlan Stone.

"Thank you."

The man in black took it in his hand, played with it carefully for a while, and suddenly said, "Dare to ask you, can you transfer this sacred stone to me?"

Everyone was startled, keenly aware that this sacred stone might be a bit unusual.

Especially the old man with the goatee, he looked suspiciously at Chen Xi and the man in black, as if he was confirming something.

He knew very well that he had found the Jinlan Stone from an ancient ruins. Its quality was not amazing, but ordinary. After his careful confirmation, it could only be exchanged for 3000 Yuan Shenjing at best.

Before he asked Chen Xi for 1 yuan of divine crystals, it was purely an opportunity to kill customers, but seeing this scene now, he couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart, did he make a mistake?There is another mystery in that piece of Jinlan stone?

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being startled, and immediately said with a smile, "Daoist friends have good eyesight, if you need it, just take it."

As he said that, he turned his palms over, and he had already released the piece of Jinlan Stone.


The man in black smiled heartily, and took out a storage bag and handed it over, "You can't let fellow daoist work for nothing, this is 5 yuan of magic crystal, please accept it."

fifty thousand!

Everyone nearby was stunned, a piece of Jinlan Stone, which was worth only a few thousand divine crystals, was sold for a sky-high price of 5 divine crystals in just a moment!

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, they almost couldn't believe their eyes.

The eyeballs of the old man with the goatee almost fell out of shock, dumbfounded, how could this be?Could it be that I really lost my mind?

His heart was churning violently, and it was difficult to calm down.

"A little too much."

Chen Xi said.

"Not much, this is not an ordinary Jinlanshi, so farewell."

The man in black smiled secretly, then turned and left.

Seeing this, the people around couldn't help but explode into an uproar, and finally dared to be sure that there must be something unusual about that piece of Jinlan Stone.

"This guy... has good eyesight."

Looking at the back of the man in black leaving, Chen Xi was thoughtful. Earlier, Lao Bai reminded him through sound transmission that that piece of Jinlan Stone was extraordinary, and contained a lot of jade liquid essence, but it was hidden very deeply, so he conveniently removed it. bought it.

Who would have thought that the man in black would have recognized the true value of the Jinlan Stone.

However, to Chen Xi, no matter how rare this piece of Jinlan Stone was, it was useless to him, so he pushed it along and handed it over to the man in black. It was a windfall.

"Friend Daoist, I didn't expect your eyesight to be so precise, it's really admirable."

The orange-haired boy and his party all looked at Chen Xi with glowing eyes, filled with admiration.

"It's just a leak."

Chen Xi smiled.

"Fellow Daoist, may I have a chance to talk to you?"

The orange-haired boy pondered for a while, then suddenly opened his mouth, and looked at Chen Xi with some hope.


Chen Xi thought for a while, and then he readily agreed. He also wanted to find someone to find out about the situation in Linlangbao City. Otherwise, he didn't know when he would be able to gather the necessary talents just by groping around on his own.

At that moment, a group of people left together.

Only the old man with the goatee was left standing there blankly, wanting to cry without tears, his intestines were almost green with regret, he never thought that he was hunting geese all day long, but today he was pecked in the eyes by geese!


On the bustling street with people coming and going, the man in black and the clean girl walked side by side.

"My lord, is that piece of Jinlan Stone really extraordinary?"

The girl couldn't help asking.

"It's stronger than ordinary Jinlan stone, but it's not so rare."

The man in black said casually, and threw the piece of Jinlan Stone to the girl, "I gave it to you to play with, it's useless for me to keep it."

He spoke lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

This made the girl startled, and said, "My lord, since it's useless to you, why did you buy it at a high price?"

The man in black stamped his feet and was silent for a moment. A playful smile appeared on his handsome face, and he said thoughtfully, "Don't you think that young man is very interesting?"


The girl was startled, very bewildered and unable to understand.

The man in black did not explain further.

"Fellow Taoist, which treasure are you looking at? The items displayed at the lower booth are all rare treasures, rare and rare, why don't you choose one?"

The middle-aged man at the next booth saw the man in black standing there, and immediately began to sell.

The man in black glanced at the booth, then shook his head: "You dare to talk about high-quality goods in a place full of rubbish, Yun'er, let's go."

Saying that, he took the girl and left straight away.

The middle-aged man's face turned green and pale, and he said angrily: "It's too much to bully! That kid, you have the guts to say your name!"


Two concise words floated from a distance, and the man in black and the girl disappeared into the vast crowd together.

"Ye Chen? Which Ye (Ye)?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, and then he sneered, "This guy dares to appear as the world's proud Ye Clan from the Imperial Region, and he doesn't even look at himself! Young people these days are really pompous!"

But in his heart, he somehow felt something was wrong, as if he had missed something just now.

Immediately he murmured in a low voice: "Probably not, that Yechen is the number one existence in the Spirit God Realm in the list of Conferred Gods. I'm afraid I'm enjoying the vision of the star in the daytime now, how could I come here?"


"Young master, the old ancestor sent a message asking you to go back as soon as possible, saying that you have found clues about the 'Chaotic Forsaken Land'."

In Linghang Divine City, a magnificent building, when he saw the man in black returning, an old man immediately bowed forward.

"Oh, there is news?"

The man in black was startled, and sighed helplessly, "I've only left the Emperor's Domain for a few days, and I'm going back before I've had enough fun. It's really disappointing."

"Master, compared to this, the Land of Chaos is more worthy of your attention."

The old man bowed his head.

"Forget it, you go to prepare the treasure chariot, and I will return right away."

The man in black waved his hand, a little lost in interest.


The old man cupped his hands, then hurriedly retreated, and not long after, he came driving a black treasure chariot.

"Chen Xi, Chen Xi, I finally met you once, but I just missed it..."

The man in black sighed inwardly, shook his head immediately, and boarded the precious carriage with the plain girl beside him.


The treasure chariot broke through the air and went away quietly without causing any movement.


At the same time, in the elegant room on the second floor of a restaurant in Linghang God City.

Chen Xi sat on the ground, and opposite him was the orange-haired boy and his party.

On the way, Chen Xi had already found out that this orange-haired young man from the Flaming Qilin Clan was named Lie Yuncong, and that flower demon from the Posuo Flower Clan was named Gu Meilin, who was Lie Yuncong's Taoist companion.

As for the Tauren from the Barbarian Bull Clan and the dwarf old man from the Dikui Zhan Clan, they are named Niubao and Huangman respectively.

As for Chen Xi, he called himself Chen Xun, and did not disclose his real name. He has offended many powerful forces in the Imperial Region, so it is not appropriate to reveal his identity.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xun, to tell you the truth, I have searched for a lot of treasures in the Spiritual Hanging Divine City these days, but there are a few that cannot be identified as true or false. This time, I invite you to come here because I hope that I can find some treasures in the Spiritual Navigation City." You Huiyan, help me identify it."

After exchanging pleasantries, the orange-haired boy Lie Yuncong stated his purpose directly, "Don't worry, fellow daoist, I won't make you work in vain."

Chen Xi was a little dumbfounded, he never expected that the other party would regard him as a treasure appraiser.

Just as he was about to politely refuse, he heard Lao Bai shout: "What are you talking so much about, quickly take out the treasure and let me, the ancestor, appraise it for you, and keep it safe so that you can return home satisfied."

Chen Xi glanced at this old bird who was good at asserting himself, but the latter just smiled and didn't care at all, with a shameless look on his face.

This gave Chen Xi a headache, and he suddenly wondered whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to bring this veteran here this time.

"Then thank you both in advance."

Lie Yuncong and the others were all overjoyed, without any hesitation, they took out three sealed jade boxes in a row, put them on the case, and opened them one by one.

All of a sudden, streaks of colorful precious lights rushed out, illuminating the entire quiet room, and the atmosphere was truly extraordinary.

Looking carefully, in the jade box are a bronze bell, a white cattail fan and a dark gray copper block.


ps: Chapter 4 is around 12 o'clock in the morning. In addition, please ask for the monthly pass. With the help of the leader Shen Shen, the monthly pass has already ranked fifth. Work hard, everyone, don't lose it~~


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