divine talisman

Chapter 1741 The Unparalleled Thing

Leaving aside these three treasures, Chen Xi only felt that these demon cultivators were a bit reckless.

It was only the second time they met each other, and the other party invited me to help them identify the treasures. If they met someone with evil intentions, I'm afraid they would have to take the opportunity to grab them.

It can be seen from this that Lie Yuncong and the others are obviously inexperienced. They may not have experienced anything sinister in the past, so they seem a little too careless.

However, Chen Xi didn't want to say too much, lest he "be good at being a teacher" and make people uncomfortable.

"Two fellow Taoists, please take a look. This first treasure is called the Bell of Seven Tribulations. It is an acquired treasure of the ninth rank. The seven human emotions produce fatal lethality."

Lie Yuncong pointed to the bronze clock in the first jade box and said, his face was full of excitement, "Although it cost me nearly 20 crystals, I feel that it is worth the money, what do you two think? "

Saying that, the other demon cultivators also looked at Chen Xi and Lao Bai.

Chen Xi looked directly at Lao Bai. Although he could see the beauty of this bronze clock, it would take time to appraise it. It would be better to leave it to the old bird beside him, which would save worry and effort.

"Bad quality."

Lao Baiyu was not surprised and kept dying. He bluntly said that the Seven Tribulation Bells were of inferior quality, and he was not polite, which made Lie Yuncong and other demon cultivators all look dumbfounded.

"Fellow Daoist, is it just a joke? I have seen them all before and tested their power myself. It is indeed extraordinary."

Lie Yuncong forced a smile.

The other demon cultivators nodded in agreement.

"Heh, since you are so sure, why do you still ask me, the ancestor, for identification?"

Lao Bai glanced at them, and then said, "Let's put it bluntly, this treasure is indeed extraordinary, and it is indeed a treasure of the ninth rank, but its power is really limited, and it is not as powerful as what you have seen."

“How come you see?”

Lie Yuncong couldn't help asking, feeling a little unwilling.

"Idiot, you have already said so much, don't you little guy still understand?"

Lao Bai snorted coldly, "The so-called Seven Tribulations Bell is a treasure handed down from the Wentu Clan's ancestors. When refining, it uses Minghuang Iron, Laihun Bamboo, Tianxiangyu, Bilingxin, Xueningyu... ... and seven rare divine materials as the main materials, in which the power of the seven emotions is smelted."

"As for your Bell of the Seven Tribulations, although you used the same divine material to refine it, it lacks the power of the seven emotions. It's like a person without a soul, and a tree without spirituality. How powerful can it be?"

"If you don't believe me, you can test the killing power of the seven emotions of this treasure yourself. It's just a trick to fool people. Let alone 20 god crystals, even if you sell [-] god crystals, I don't care about it."

After speaking, Lie Yuncong and the others had a gloomy and depressed expression, and they were convinced of Lao Bai's judgment.

"That old guy is really a jerk! How dare you deceive us with this defective product!"

Lie Yuncong gritted his teeth. On the one hand, he felt sorry for the 20 magic crystals he had spent, but more importantly, he felt a sense of humiliation of being cheated.

"Do you want to settle accounts with that old bastard?"

Niu Shi, a descendant of the Barbarian Bull Clan, said murderously.

"No need, we have no one to blame, we can only blame our poor eyesight, we deserve to be cheated."

Lie Yuncong sighed, according to the rules in Linghang God City, they could only admit that they were unlucky.

"Fellow daoist, what about this ground-piercing sunburst fan? Is it genuine? This is a treasure that I just bought after careful consideration. At that time, many fellow daoists fought with us. In the end, we won the price of 18." Ten thousand pieces of divine crystals have been taken."

The ancient Meilin of the mother-in-law flower clan spoke with a soft and soft voice.

"A bunch of bullies!"

Lao Bai didn't even bother to take another look, "You guys, you are so young, you were entrusted by that seller. This isn't a Pidi Sunburst Fan, it's a Pidi Sunda Shadow Fan!"

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, and when he looked up, he found that the faces of Lie Yuncong and other demon cultivators turned green for a while, and they were extremely embarrassed.

There is only one letter difference between the two names, but the power of the treasure is vastly different. If the Earth-Pivding Sunburst Fan is a rare treasure, then this Earth-Pivding Sunny Shadow Fan is rotten iron!

Lie Yuncong and the others naturally understood this truth, so when they thought that they had spent 18 divine crystals to buy a piece of scrap metal, they were so ashamed and angry that they wanted to crawl into the cracks of the ground.

The atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

Lao Bai did not forget to sprinkle salt on others' wounds, hehe sneered, "The unscrupulous traders nowadays are really shameful, but then again, you are too idiots to catch you with just this trick ?”

Seeing that their faces were getting uglier, Chen Xi couldn't help but glared at Lao Bai, reminding him that enough was enough.

"Hey, ancestor, I'm also telling the truth, lest they be tricked next time. The so-called gaining wisdom from a pit, they should also be sober."

Lao Bai looked as if he hated iron but could not make steel, sighing with emotion.

Lie Yuncong was so ashamed and angry, he quickly took a deep breath, changed the subject and said, "Then... how about the third one, fellow daoist?"

"Is it still necessary to watch? With your ability, you will definitely be tricked again..." Lao Bai was talking, when his eyes froze suddenly, and he let out a cry of surprise.

It spread its wings, came to the desk, looked down carefully at the dark gray copper block in the third jade box, and its eyes were full of divine light.

Seeing this, those demon cultivators immediately lifted their spirits.

Chen Xi couldn't help but looked over curiously, and saw that this piece of dark gray copper was about the size of a palm, the surface was uneven, with strands of dark blue rust, and its appearance was extremely unremarkable, like a piece of rusty rotten copper.

But looking carefully, one can find that there is an obscure and violent energy faintly surging in it, which actually gives people a majestic feeling that is as vast as the sea and as violent as thunder.

"What is this?"

Chen Xi asked.

"This is a kind of divine material born in chaos, named Taihao Thunder Gang Copper. When refining the blade of the divine weapon, just adding a little bit can greatly enhance the power of the divine treasure. With Taihao Thunder The power of Gang."

Lie Yuncong said, "I bought this at a price of 9 yuan. If it's genuine, it's worth the money."

At this moment, his words seemed very cautious, and he didn't dare to ask for anything else. He only hoped that this treasure was genuine, and that was enough.


After gazing for a long time, Lao Bai suddenly opened his mouth. With just a few words, Lie Yuncong and the others were startled, and their complexions showed signs of collapse.

If these three treasures are inferior products, not to mention the huge amount of wasted divine crystals, it will make them unable to meet people just because of their face. If it spreads out, they will be laughed at to death!

"This is not Taihao Thunder Gang Copper."

Lao Bai seems to have found out everything, and he spoke with certainty.

In a word, it made Lie Yuncong and the others look ashen as if they had been struck by lightning. This result...is too shocking.

"However, this item is more valuable than the Taihao Thunder Gang Copper, and it is beyond imagination. You little fellows have finally picked up a remarkable treasure."

Lao Bai's next sentence stunned Lie Yuncong and the others, and they even wondered if it was teasing themselves.

"This...is this true?"

Lie Yuncong trembled.

The other demon cultivators also stared blankly at Lao Bai.

Chen Xi was no exception. To be honest, he really didn't see anything special about it.

"Of course it's true, ancestor, when did I ever play tricks on you?"

Lao Bai said very displeased.

"Then... then what kind of treasure is this?"

Lie Yuncong suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, it must be Chaos Thunder Fire Copper."

Lao Bai stretched out his claws, picked up the dark gray copper block, and with a sudden force, there was a click, and the rust on the surface of the copper block was shattered, like an eggshell being broken.

In an instant, an incomparably dazzling flame burst out, accompanied by rumbling thunder, shaking the entire room, and the atmosphere was extremely grand.


Lie Yuncong and the others gasped, feeling a suffocation-like feeling.

Even Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, and only then could he see clearly that the appearance of the copper block had changed drastically, the whole body was shining and shining, and there was a chaotic vicissitudes of the past, and the thundering flames flowed on the surface, exuding a violent and dazzling light. momentum.

Just looking at it gave Chen Xi a feeling that his eyes were stinging.

This thing is indeed extraordinary!

Chen Xi immediately judged that this was the true face of this treasure, and judging from the aura it released, it was also shocking.

"Chaos Thunder and Fire Bronze! I remembered that this baby was born in the chaos. It has the two origins of thunder and fire. It is one of the rare divine materials in the world, and it is even more precious than ordinary innate spiritual treasures!"

Huang Man, a dwarf old man from the Dikui Zhan Clan, exclaimed in surprise.

Lie Yuncong and the others were also extremely excited, their eyes were fixed on the piece of copper, and they were trembling all over.

Finally found the treasure!

"Hurry up and put it away. This thing is too hot. After a long time, I'm afraid it will attract many prying eyes."

Lao Bai glanced at them with a little envy, and was very moved. A group of young people with little experience had found a supreme treasure by chance. This luck is indeed enough to make anyone jealous.

Hearing this, Lie Yuncong covered the jade box as if waking up from a dream, and then sealed it carefully again with a restraint. Only then did he heave a long sigh of relief with a satisfied expression on his face.

The same is true for other demon cultivators. The depression and anger accumulated in their hearts before are all swept away at this moment and replaced by endless joy.

Even Chen Xi was very happy for them. The value of this divine material was so great that it was actually more precious than ordinary innate spiritual treasures, which he never expected.

"This time we were able to identify this treasure, thanks to the help of fellow Taoists. This is 10 yuan of magic crystals. Please accept it."

Lie Yuncong suddenly took a deep breath, took out a storage bag, and pushed it to Chen Xi's side.

"It's just a little effort, you should take it back."

Chen Xi refused with a smile.

"Indeed, we don't need Shenjing."

Lao Bai smiled meaningfully.

Lie Yuncong and the other demon cultivators were stunned, seeing Lao Bai's secretive expression, they all gave a thump in their hearts, and their expressions changed slightly.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little quieter.


ps: It was around 5 o'clock in the morning on the 2th, and I was so tired that I almost fell asleep when I was coding just now. This feeling is so sour~


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