divine talisman

Chapter 1742 Innate Spirit Embryo

One hundred thousand divine crystals is not a small sum.

But Chen Xi flatly refused without even thinking about it. To Lie Yuncong and the others, it felt a bit abrupt.

Seeing Lao Bai's secretive appearance, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, feeling a little terrified.

These two guys... don't they have evil thoughts in their hearts, wanting to get their hands on this "Chaos Thunder Fire Copper"?

Thinking of this, their eyes all had a touch of vigilance. There were too many intrigues in the practice world, and too many murders and treasures. Under these circumstances, they couldn't help being vigilant.

Such a person as Chen Xi, he could see through Lie Yuncong and the others' thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "You don't have to be so nervous, although Chen's net worth is limited, it's not bad for this mere 10 yuan!" gone."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said: "Mr. Chen still has something important to do, everyone, please leave."

"Hehe, you little fellows are indeed too tender, and you have put your thoughts on us, which is a bit inappropriate."

Lao Bai laughed strangely, ridiculing endlessly.

Lie Yuncong was ashamed, and only then did he realize that he was treating a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

He hastily called Chen Xi to stop: "Chen Xun, fellow daoist, wait a minute."

Chen Xi said: "It doesn't have to be like this, you must be on guard against others, what you did was not wrong."

This time, the other demon cultivators were also embarrassed, a little at a loss.

In fact, they are still too inexperienced, and if they were other wily and calculating people, it would be impossible to behave as immature as them, at least not like them, showing all emotions on their faces, making it easy for people to see through their minds.

"Fellow Daoist, I beg you, just wait a little longer."

Lie Yuncong looked ashamed, and when he spoke, he told the other demon cultivators, "Everyone, please take out any treasures and see if there are any two fellow daoists who need them. Bai helped."

He has already judged that Chen Xi is indeed the kind of master who is not bad for divine crystals.

When Lie Yuncong said this, Chen Xi became interested and did not leave directly.

At the moment, Lie Yuncong and the others each took out some rare treasures, which were some valuable items they had collected. There were many styles and each had its magical effect.

Of course, it's not worth mentioning.

"Fellow Daoist, you can just look at it casually. If you like it, just take it. Don't be polite. My previous actions were already a bit inappropriate. This can be regarded as compensation for our shame."

Lie Yuncong said seriously.

With a glance, Chen Xi could roughly see that there was no divine talent he needed among them, and he couldn't help feeling disappointed, so he planned to take an item at random, so that Lie Yuncong and the others wouldn't feel uneasy about it.

But at this moment, Lao Bai suddenly opened his mouth, pointing to one of the leaf-shaped objects that were about the size of a baby's palm and full of verdant green, he said, "What is this thing?"

"This is the Green Cloud God Leaf. Wearing it on your body when you meditate, it can calm the mind and drive away demonic obstacles."

That Gu Meilin from the Posuo Flower Clan hastily explained, "If you like it, you might as well take it."

Lao Bai smiled and said: "This is a good thing, I want it for my ancestor."

Saying that, it ingested it with one paw.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but cast a glance at Lao Bai, and then clasped his fists at Lie Yuncong and the other demon cultivators, "Okay, it's time for us to say goodbye."

Lie Yuncong and other demon cultivators wanted to persuade him to stay, but Chen Xi refused with a smile.


It wasn't until he walked out of this restaurant and came to the bustling street that Chen Xi asked, "Old Bai, is that really Biyun Shenye?"

Lao Bai has endured it for a long time, and at this moment he couldn't help but smile triumphantly and said: "That silly girl, how do you know the origin of this treasure."

At the end, it was so excited that it laughed out loud, and its crazy appearance attracted many cultivators nearby to point and point.

Chen Xi hurriedly quickened his pace, frowned and said, "What is it that makes you so happy?"

He clearly remembered that Lao Bai was not so happy even when he saw the "Chaos Thunder and Fire Copper". Could it be that this thing was even bigger than the "Chaos Thunder and Fire Copper"?

Lao Bai took a deep breath, glanced around, and then lowered his voice and said furtively: "You guessed right, this thing is much more powerful than that chaotic thunder and fire copper!"

As it spoke, it told the origin of this thing.

It turned out that this leaf-shaped treasure was actually called the "Innate Spiritual Embryo", and it was an innate thing conceived in the chaos.

It was the first time Chen Xi had heard this name, and he couldn't help wondering: "What magical function does this thing have?"

Lao Bai was complacent, and when he heard the words, his expression froze immediately, with a heartbroken look on his face: "Chen Xi, Chen Xi, don't tell me you haven't even heard of a congenital spirit fetus? You are really ignorant and ignorant!"

After a pause, he quickly sent a voice transmission: "You should know that the Xiantian Lingbao is the supreme magic weapon conceived from the chaos, right?"

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he nodded.

Lao Bai excitedly said: "This treasure is rarer than the Xiantian Lingbao, but it can breed an acquired Shenbao into a real Xiantian Lingbao!"

what! ?

Chen Xi almost cried out in surprise. If this is true, it would be too unbelievable. Who dares to imagine that there are such strange things in this world?

As we all know, every innate spiritual treasure is conceived from the origin of chaos, and if one is obtained by others, one is missing. It is impossible to refine it with the means of ascetics, so it is extremely precious and rare.

And this congenital spiritual fetus can actually conceive and transform the acquired divine treasure into a congenital spiritual treasure, one can imagine how miraculous it is.

"Hey hey, what's the matter, if it weren't for the ancestor me this time, how could your kid have such a great opportunity?"

Lao Bai laughed triumphantly, very proud, "Don't you have a talisman weapon? You can take this opportunity to conceive it with an innate spirit fetus. In the future... you will have another innate spirit treasure !"

Chen Xi also couldn't calm down in his heart. This harvest was too great, beyond his imagination. He never expected that he would obtain such a miraculous treasure after only having a brief contact with a group of demon cultivators.

It took a long time before he regained his composure, and said, "No, we took too much advantage this time, I have to make up for them, otherwise I owe something in my heart, and I will end up restless and affecting my practice."

With that said, he turned around and returned along the same road.

"Are you really going to do that?"

Lao Bai looked like an idiot.

"Since I practiced so far, what I seek is someone who abides by my heart. If it makes me feel ashamed, I don't want this congenital spirit fetus!"

Chen Xi's expression became calm and his gaze was firm. When he made this decision, his heart was filled with open-mindedness, and his state of mind had actually slightly improved.

This made him more determined in this idea, to do so, no matter right or wrong, it is enough to be worthy of his own heart.

"Then what are you going to compensate them for? You have to know that the value of this innate spirit fetus is much greater than the innate spirit treasure."

Lao Bai asked, using sound transmission, in case others heard it.

Chen Xi paused in his steps, and remained silent for a moment, before he said, "Is a seventh-rank ancestral source dao root enough?"

Lao Bai was startled, and his expression suddenly became complicated. He stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and rarely restrained his previous bad habits, and said with emotion: "Xuan... as expected, he didn't misjudge the person."

Speaking of this, it seemed a little sad, and said: "There are too many extremely intelligent people in this world, and too many people who are good at exploiting tricks, but in the end, because of all kinds of temptations and greed, they blinded their own Dao heart, and finally failed. Take the ultimate path."

"You are right. Compared with these foreign things, the persistence of self-state is the most important. When one day you step on the top of the road, you will find that all the things and all the treasures in this world are not worth the real freedom after all. , Great freedom!"

"This is the transcendent realm, do whatever you want without breaking the rules!"

Chen Xi was stunned, but he never expected that Lao Bai would express such emotion because of a decision of his own.

He silently chewed Lao Bai's words in his heart, deeply agreeing.


In fact, Chen Xi had a good impression of Lie Yuncong and other demon cultivators.

Although they don't have deep experience, they still have a view of shame, right and wrong, and know how to repay their kindness, which is much better than those cruel, black-bellied and cold-blooded ascetics.

"Hey, fellow Taoist Chen Xun, why are you back?"

That one was just outside the building. Lie Yuncong and the others couldn't help being surprised when they saw Chen Xi and Lao Bai go and return.

"Are you leaving?"

Chen Xi glanced at them.

"That's right. After much deliberation, we are already satisfied with the harvest of this trip, so we plan to return to the clan early."

Lie Yuncong nodded.

"Take this jade box. I have a heart in it. It's not too late to open it after you leave Linghang Divine City, so as not to be spied on by others."

Chen Xi handed over a jade box without a trace, and then seriously instructed, "Be careful on the way, it's best to return directly to the clan. After all, the treasures on your body are too precious, so it's better to be more cautious."

Lie Yuncong and the others were a little dazed, completely unable to understand why Chen Xi's attitude changed so much and he treated them so well.

However, even though they didn't understand, they were still very moved. It was because of safety concerns that they decided to leave this place early.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Chen Xun."

Lie Yuncong and the demon cultivators clasped their fists together.


Chen Xi smiled, turned around and left, and soon disappeared into the vast crowd.

"This Chen Xundao friend is very good. If we meet again in the future, we must invite him to be a guest in my Lieyan Qilin Clan. I believe that the ancestors will definitely welcome him."

Looking at the back of Chen Xi leaving, Lie Yuncong couldn't help feeling emotional.

The other demon cultivators also nodded.

They didn't stay any longer, turned around and left in another direction.

Not long after, he flew out of the Linghang Divine City and arrived in the starry sky.


After all, Lie Yuncong couldn't hold back, he searched for a secluded star field, opened the jade box that Chen Xi had given him, and when he saw the treasure inside, he was stunned as if struck by lightning.

Seeing this, the other demon cultivators couldn't help but lean forward curiously, and the next moment, they all froze, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

It turned out to be a seventh-rank ancestral root!

For a moment, they were all stunned there, unable to calm down for a long time.


ps: Chapter 5 is here~ If you feel that the update is good, give Goldfish some monthly tickets to encourage!


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