divine talisman

Chapter 1743 Yi Bao Hall

Linghang Divine City, Yibao Hall.

Exchange area, quiet room No. 39, Jiazi.

"Young master, the total number of divine materials you have sold is 700 million divine crystals. Please take a look."

With an enthusiastic attitude and a respectful expression, Qian An held a detailed transaction list in both hands and handed it to the young man opposite.

Qian An is one of the chief treasure appraisers in this Yibao hall. He was born in the "Chipi" family. He is born with insight and can recognize the value of various rare treasures in the world.

The young man in front of him, wearing a blue shirt, with a handsome face and an indifferent demeanor, was Chen Xi.

After bidding farewell to Lie Yuncong and other demon cultivators, he went straight to the Yibao Hall and sold some of the treasures and materials he carried with him.

Most of these divine materials were collected by him over the years. However, as he advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, it was difficult for these divine materials to meet his needs, so it was not a pity to sell him.

Of course, Chen Xi would not just sell some rare treasures casually.

As for Lao Bai, because he was worried that this old bird would cause trouble again, Chen Xi directly locked him in Zhouyu within his body for the time being.

"Thank you."

Chen Xi scanned the list of transactions with his eyes, then nodded immediately.

The final transaction price of each divine material is listed above, which is fairly fair, but because it is directly traded with the Yibao Hall, a large transaction fee was taken away. In general, Chen Xi only It can be considered not a disadvantage.

"My lord, is there anything else you need?"

Seeing that Chen Xi was satisfied, Qian An also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and the smile on his face became more and more enthusiastic. This is a big client!

The batch of sacred materials that were taken out at random were all treasures among the treasures, and their value was so great that it even exceeded Qian An's imagination.

This can be seen from the final price of 700 million.

Forty-seven million god crystals are enough to buy dozens of high-rank ninth-rank Houtian god treasures!Even if you are lucky, you can exchange for an innate spirit treasure!

"No, I want to go to the treasure area to have a look."

Chen Xi shook his head. It is true that he still has a lot of divine talents, but those are extremely rare and rare, and he will not casually sell them.

"The treasure area?"

Qian An's eyes lit up, and his enthusiasm remained undiminished, "My lord, do you need to accompany me?"


Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then nodded, then stood up and walked towards the quiet room.

Seeing this, Qian An quickly followed suit.

For a chief appraiser to be so respectful and enthusiastic, it can be seen how shocked and surprised Chen Xi's previous handwriting brought him.

If you were an ordinary person, you might not be able to enjoy such treatment at all.


The Yibao Hall in the Linghang Divine City is truly unique, not only in the South China Sea, but also in other areas of the Ancient God Realm.

In particular, after the Linlangbao City was held in the Linghang God City, the Yibao Hall has become a must-see place for ascetics from all walks of life.

The Yibao Hall is divided into three areas: the exchange area, the treasure sale area, and the reward area. Each area is comparable to a bustling market, which can accommodate tens of thousands of cultivators.

Just like this treasure area, according to the categories, it is divided into divine treasures, divine materials, magical medicines, puppets, rare treasures, exotic treasures... and so on, all kinds.

Each division is divided into different areas according to the price and appearance of the treasures, which can meet the various needs of practitioners of different realms.

Under Qian An's guidance, Chen Xi went straight to the treasure selling area and the sacred material area.

This is a vast and magnificent hall, in which there are light curtains suspended, like waterfalls falling down in the void, shining with divine light.

Each light curtain lists the names, appearances, and prices of different divine materials. As long as you like them, you can ask the waiters in the temple to buy them, which is very convenient.

When Chen Xi and Qian An arrived, many figures had already gathered in the hall, including cultivators and creatures from various ancient ethnic groups, it was quite lively.

At a glance, Chen Xi discovered that the clothes of those figures were all extremely luxurious, and the aura around them was strong, and it was obvious that they all had extraordinary identities.

Compared with the various stalls on the streets of Linghang Shencheng, this place is obviously a higher grade, at least it is guaranteed that no fake products will be bought.

"My lord, I don't know what kind of divine material you need to buy?"

Qian An asked respectfully.

"Rather rare."

Chen Xi couldn't describe it for a moment, and after pondering for a moment, he added, "They are probably at the level of peerless treasures."

Unparalleled treasure?

Qian An's heart was shocked, big customer!This is definitely a big customer!

His eyes suddenly became brighter, his smile became more enthusiastic, even with a hint of flattery, he hastily led Chen Xi to the deepest part of the hall.

There is only one light curtain floating here, compared to other light curtains, there are only a few figures standing here.

Apparently, the price of the treasure on the light curtain was obviously too expensive, which made many people in the hall discouraged and no one cared about it.

"My lord, only a small part of the divine materials sold here come from my Yibao Hall, and most of them come from other fellow Taoists."

Qian An explained in a low voice at the side, "These Taoist friends all store their treasures here, and offer prices, and I will trade them in the Yibao Hall. If you like any one, you only need to pay enough magic crystals, and we will give you the price." The Yibao Hall will help you get back the divine material you bought."

Chen Xi nodded, expressing his understanding.

He separated a ray of thought and poured into the light curtain.

In just an instant, the names, appearances, and prices of various divine materials flooded into Chen Xi's mind like a tide.

Indeed, as Qian An said, those divine materials are all rare treasures, which can be called peerless objects, and the number is even more astonishing, at least as many as a thousand!

After a while, Chen Xi opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed quietly.

"Ziyingjin liquid marrow."

"Five Aggregates break the Dao San."

"Crimson Green Bi Ling Ointment."

"Fengyuan Gold Spirit Fruit."

He opened his mouth and announced a string of godly names.

Qian An froze for a moment, then his spirits were lifted immediately, and he said with fiery eyes, "Fellow Daoist, you...do you want to buy these four divine materials?"

While speaking, he quickly calculated in his mind that Ziyingjin Liquid Essence, 8 years old, sells for 39 Shenjing. If he sells it, he can draw nearly 3000 yuan as a reward for Shenjing.

The Wuyun Po Dao Powder is priced at 27 Divine Crystals. According to the percentage, it is enough for him to obtain 700 Divine Crystals.

And this Crimson Green Bilingual Ointment, Fengyuan Golden Spiritual Fruit...


After all the calculations, Qian An couldn't help taking a deep breath in his heart. These four kinds of talents alone were enough for him to get nearly 7000 yuan of divine crystals!

This can catch up with the income he has worked hard for more than a month in this Yibao hall!

"Do not."

Chen Xi shook his head.

One word made Qian An's face suddenly stiff, as if someone had poured cold water over his head.

"It's not just these four, there are many more, you just remember."

Chen Xi's next words made Qian An's heart, which had sunk to the bottom, twitch violently, and it hung in his throat again. The ups and downs of emotions made his head a little dazed, and his face was forced to swell a little. Red, trembling all over.

"what happened?"

Chen Xi glanced at him, feeling a little puzzled.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, fellow daoist, please give me instructions."

Qian An quickly waved his hands, but tears were about to flow in his heart. Ancestor, will you die if you finish speaking once?Don't you know that punctuation like this will kill people?

But no matter what, at this moment Qian An was still excited, excited, and passionate. He took a deep breath again and again, trying to tell himself to calm down and calm down again.

At this moment, Chen Xi also opened his mouth, and quickly announced a list of names of divine materials.

ten kinds.

Twenty kinds.

Thirty kinds.

Forty kinds.


Qian An was still trying hard to remember the names of various gods, and then he was thinking about how much commission he could get from them.

But later on, he could no longer care about calculations. As Chen Xi reported more and more names of gods, his face became a little numb, the corners of his lips trembled, and he wished he could hug Chen Xi's thigh and worship him.

This is my luck today!

"Remember it?"

At this time, Chen Xi finally stopped and looked at Qian An.

At this moment, Qian An unexpectedly calmed down, and recorded the names of the gods reported by Chen Xi in the jade slips one by one, then took a few deep breaths, and said, "My lord, there are 57 kinds of gods in total. total……"

He counted it quickly, and when he saw the final number, he couldn't help feeling a little dizzy, and said in a trembling voice, "A total of 670 million divine crystals!"

Chen Xi nodded, and said casually, "Didn't I exchange for 700 million divine crystals before, and deduct them from it."

The 57 kinds of divine materials are all what he needs, but unfortunately, there are still more than ten kinds of divine materials missing from the complete collection.

However, Chen Xi was already very satisfied. He took out the divine materials he didn't use, exchanged them for a sum of divine crystals, and used this sum of divine crystals to buy so many divine materials that he needed. It was indeed a bargain.

For Qian An, this was too shocking. When Chen Xi sold the divine material, he made a windfall just by relying on the commission.

But now, Chen Xi bought so many divine materials in one go, and made him a windfall. Adding up the two, the huge profit made Qian An feel a little unreal like a dream.

"Hurry up and do it, don't delay the time and be snatched away by others."

Seeing that Qian An was in a daze, Chen Xi couldn't help reminding him.

"My lord, wait a moment, I will handle it here."

Qian An woke up in a jerk, turned around and left in a hurry.

"This Taoist friend has a great handwriting, I wonder if I can take a step to speak?"

Just as Qian An left, an old man in gray suddenly walked beside him. His eye sockets were sunken, and his pupils were as bright and sharp as a falcon.

The power of the ancestral spirit permeated his whole body, condensed but not dispersed, obviously a strong person in the ancestral god realm, and his cultivation base was obviously not weak.

"No need, Fellow Daoist, if you have something to say, please speak up."

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he knew that his purchase of divine materials had attracted the old man's attention.

However, this Yi Bao Hall has a big person in charge, and there are many restrictions, Chen Xi is not worried that the other party will dare to plot evil here.


ps: The second is later.


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