divine talisman

Chapter 1744 Green Blood Patriarch

Chen Xi's answer was very direct and very blunt, which made the old man's eyes narrow slightly, as if he didn't expect that this little fellow would dare to reject him.

"Bold, why did you talk to my ancestor!"

A young man rushed out and scolded Chen Xi.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and saw that this young man was only in the spiritual realm, so he couldn't help being a little surprised, this kid was really arrogant, he dared to scold him even at the ancestor god realm.

He glanced at the old man thoughtfully, thinking in his heart that the old man and the young man dared to be so arrogant because they were afraid of their extraordinary backgrounds.

However, as far as Chen Xi was concerned, he didn't even bother to figure out the origin of the other party. He even dared to kill the children of Luo Shaonong who were powerful in the imperial domain, and he didn't even pay attention to such old monsters as Gongye Nanli and Zhai Yunqiu. Who would care about the threat these two guys posed.

Shaking his head, Chen Xi turned around and left, not bothering to argue with them.

"You... stop!"

The young man froze, and then shouted angrily, feeling neglected.

Chen Xi stopped, turned his head and glanced at the young man, a cold arc appeared on the corner of his lips, he didn't say a word, then turned and left.

With just one look, the young man was terrified in his heart, his face froze there. At that moment just now, his soul was throbbing, and he felt a deadly murderous intent, like a sword reaching his throat, as if as long as the other party had a reason, a Thoughts can kill themselves.

This made him stunned, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, which wet his clothes.


Suddenly, a thunderous voice resounded in the ears, completely awakening the young man, as if waking up from a dream, his expression was dazed for a while: "Old Ancestor, just now..."

Seeing this, the old man with sunken eye sockets couldn't help squinting his eyes, and snorted coldly: "Fox, your temperament is a bit too impatient. If it weren't for the ancestor, you would have been robbed this time."

The young man trembled all over, and said in surprise: "That kid is so powerful?"

The old man said with a blank expression: "How can you be able to shake the existence of an ancestor god?"

The young man's expression was gloomy, and he pursed his lips without saying a word. Looking around, he could no longer see the trace of Chen Xi.

"Let's go, let's meet your other uncles and uncles together, this time we can finally do a big deal!"

In the old man's sunken eye sockets, there was a sense of sadness, and the next moment, he floated away with the young man.


Reward area.

The layout is roughly the same as that of the treasure sales area. There is also a main hall, and there are also light curtains displayed.

The only difference is that what appeared on the light curtain were all reward orders, and the contents of the rewards were all divine materials, magical treasures, rare treasures, elixirs... and other treasures needed by ascetics.

At this moment, Chen Xi stood in it, with his hands behind his back, browsing the content on the light curtain from time to time.

What made him dumbfounded was that he actually saw a reward order to buy a congenital spirit treasure with 3000 million god crystals.

Obviously, the person who offered the reward did not intend to achieve what he wanted, so at the end of the reward order, the deadline for the reward was not marked.

"Young master, so you are here."

Not long after, Qian An came over with a look of relief.

"It's done?"

Chen Xi turned his head and asked.

"It's been done. After three days, you can come to pick up the divine material. Besides, this is your remaining divine crystal, totaling 30 yuan."

With that said, Qian An handed over a storage bag.

Chen Xi took it casually, as if remembering something, a ray of light quietly appeared in his palm, and two figures, one old and one young, were transformed into two figures.

It was the old man with sunken eye sockets and the young man called "Fox".

"Do you recognize these two people?" Chen Xi asked.

Qian An was stunned, and raised his eyes to look, even if his pupils shrank, his face changed slightly.

He looked around and found that no one was paying attention here, so he lowered his voice and said: "Young master, do you have a grudge against the other party?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows: "How do you say that?"

Qian An quickly said: "If it were someone else, I might not recognize it, but I can recognize this Qingxue Patriarch at a glance. He comes from the ancient 'Three Corpse Blood Clan' and is the member of the 'Ye Xiao Xing Thief Alliance'." 'The third head of the family, the young man next to him, named Hua Hu'er, is the apprentice of the Qingxue ancestor."

The blood clan of the three corpses is an extremely sinister ethnic group, and it can be considered as one of the ancient ethnic groups. This ethnic group proves the way by beheading the three corpses, and cultivates by devouring the blood of the gods. It has an extremely vicious and vicious temperament.

As early as in the ancient times, there was once a powerful man who proclaimed himself the "Three Corpse Blood Emperor", who once devoured the blood essence of all living beings in a universe overnight, and successfully changed his fate against the sky, and set foot on the road of Taoism in one fell swoop. The position shocked the world and caused a sensation in the entire Ancient God Realm.

But later, the blood emperor of the three corpses offended many powerful people due to too many killings, and was finally besieged and died.

And the blood clan of the three corpses was almost exterminated at that time. Although they survived, they were already on the verge of decline.

Until now, the status of the Three Corpse Blood Clan has long since disappeared in the Ancient God Realm, and even once they hear that there are descendants of the Three Corpse Blood Clan, they will become the public enemy of all ascetics. The situation can be described as extremely miserable, like a rat crossing the street.

Chen Xi had heard of all these legends before, so he couldn't help being a little surprised. He never thought that he would encounter such a genuine three-corpse blood clan like the Qingxue Patriarch.

"Then what kind of force is the Night Owl Star Thief Alliance?"

Chen Xi asked.

"A bandit force that is raging in the galaxy in the southern sea region. They make a living by robbing and killing the property of ascetics. They have done so many outrageous things over the years. It can be said that they have sinned and poisoned the world."

Qian An quickly explained, with a hint of hatred and helplessness in his voice, "Unfortunately, these evil guys come and go without a trace, and they are all extremely powerful, and their temperaments are more cruel and cunning. Annihilate."

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said, "So it's a group of thieves who burned, killed, and looted. By the way, do you have any specific information about them?"

Qian An shook his head and laughed at himself: "I'm just a treasure appraiser, but if you need it, young master, I can help you find out and collect it."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "Then please."

Qian An laughed and said, "My lord is too polite."


Chen Xi smiled, changed the subject, pointed at the light curtain, and said, "I also plan to offer a reward for some treasures, what's the point?"

Qian An was immediately refreshed, knowing that the opportunity to earn Shenjing had come again.

"My lord, according to the rules, you only need to pay a sum of divine crystals, and you can use this light curtain to issue a reward order, specifically..."

Qian An introduced it again.

Chen Xi thought about it, and then told Qian An of the more than ten kinds of divine talents that he hadn't collected yet, and he would help issue the reward order.

"My lord, the value of these divine talents is a bit high." Qian An said in shock.

He is a treasure appraiser, so he can recognize that among the more than ten kinds of divine materials that Chen Xi reported, all of them are treasures of heaven and earth that cannot be found, and some of them are worth at least 500 million divine crystals!

Even, there are some divine materials among them that cannot be measured by Shenjing at all, because almost none of them can be purchased in the market!

Chen Xi is naturally aware of this point. The remaining dozen or so divine materials are even more rare and precious. If not, they wouldn't be so difficult to find.

"Don't worry, as long as someone is willing to exchange, it is not a problem to pay a higher price."

Chen Xi smiled.

Qian An nodded: "I will help you announce the reward."

Chen Xi pondered for a while, and said: "Also, it is stated on the reward list that if you don't need the god crystal, you can also exchange it for the fifth-rank and sixth-rank ancestral roots."


Qian An's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help exclaiming, which attracted many eyes from nearby.

Qian An hurriedly took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm, but there was a tinge of surprise in his eyes when he looked at Chen Xi.

The ancestral source Daogen of the fifth rank and above!

This is an existence that can be called a peerless treasure in the entire ancient gods, and only those top powers can have the ancestral land that can produce this level, but no one will take out this treasure and sell it !

In history, whenever an ancestral dao root of the fifth grade or above appeared, which time did it not cause a great sensation, and countless ascetics competed for it?

But now, Chen Xi offered a reward with such treasures, wanting to exchange them for some divine materials, which made Qian An even think that he had heard wrong.

"That's it, I'll come back in a few days."

Chen Xi glanced at Qian An, then turned around and left. He still had a lot of things to do, so he wouldn't put all his energy here.

Qian An nodded in a daze, but hadn't fully recovered from the shock.

It took a long time before he let out a long breath and murmured: "If this reward order is released, the entire Linlangbao City will be in shock, right? I'm afraid..."

Qian An didn't dare to think about it anymore, he turned around and left in a hurry, he was going to report the matter to the master of the Yibao Hall, after all, the matter was too important for him to make a decision as a treasure appraiser.


In Linghang Divine City, a blessed land in the cave, Chen Xi paid the price of a thousand divine crystals for a day, and rented this cave.

"If this is not enough, I can only go to the dark market..."

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, deep in thought. Before that, he had inquired a lot of news about Linlangbao City from Lie Yuncong and those demon cultivators.

The so-called Linlangbao Market is divided into "Ming Market" and "Dark Market".

Ming City refers to the streets, shops, and Yibao Hall of Linghang God City, etc., where swap transactions are provided.

The dark market is located in a hidden area in the Linghang Divine City. If you want to enter it, unless someone recommends you, you won't even be able to find the entrance.

Moreover, even if someone recommends you, when you enter the dark market, you still need to pay 100 million Shenjing as a guarantee, and it will not be refunded when you leave!

This condition alone can discourage most ascetics, and it is precisely because of this that it makes the dark market more mysterious and unpredictable.

But there is no doubt that it is the core of the entire "Linlang Treasure City", as long as you can afford the price, you can get treasures that satisfy you.


ps: Forget it, it’s still short of one boss change of xhao, and two leader changes of leader Shen Shen. I will do it again in the next few days~


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