divine talisman

Chapter 1745 Northern Guangyu Lord

To be specific, now Chen Xi is only short of sixteen kinds of divine materials, and he can collect all the divine materials listed on the jade slips.

It seemed that they were not far away from success, but only Chen Xi knew that the remaining sixteen divine materials, no matter in terms of value or rarity, were far beyond what other divine materials could match.

Take one of the "Prajna Nine Difficulties Bamboo" as an example, it needs more than 36 years of fire, and this thing has long been extinct in the rumors, and there has been no news about this thing in the entire ancient gods for a long time.

There is also the "Dao Transformation Spirit Wood", Chen Xi has never heard of this name before, according to Lao Bai's deduction, this thing is even a kind of divine material that was only possessed in the last era.

As for the remaining fourteen divine materials, they are not much different from the "Prajna Nine Difficulties Bamboo" and "Hua Dao Spirit Wood".

Under such circumstances, one can imagine how difficult it is to collect them all.

It was also based on this consideration that Chen Xi would take out treasures such as Zuyuan Daogen and issue a reward order to attract the attention of other ascetics.

The purpose is to solve all this as soon as possible.

Of course, if even doing this fails, Chen Xi can only try his luck in the dark market in Linlangbao City.


After contemplating for a long time, Chen Xi shook his head, put aside distracting thoughts in his mind, took out a jade box, and opened it carefully.

In the jade box, there is a leaf-shaped object, the size of a baby's palm, and the whole body is verdant.

It is exactly what Lao Bai called the "innate embryo".

According to rumors, this treasure can conceive an acquired divine treasure into an innate spiritual treasure, and it can definitely be called a heaven-defying treasure.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help but also took a deep breath, and began to look at this treasure carefully.

Its shape is like a leaf, shiny and emerald green, with mysterious lines imprinted on the surface, like a mysterious totem, and also like a trace of the avenue, filled with a mysterious, pure, and ancient charm.

If you probe with your mind, you will find that this leaf, which is about the size of a baby's palm, seems to be deeper than the abyss, wider than the universe, like a big chaos of its own, which is extremely amazing.

After searching for that strand of thought that Chen Xi separated for a long time, he was unable to find out where the inner edge of the leaf is!

This made him startled, and he vaguely understood why Lao Bai was ecstatic, and this alone was not comparable to other fetishes.

Until three hours later.

Chen Xi's thoughts finally stopped suddenly, and he saw a chaotic, boundless ocean!

The sea water was as clear and clean as crystal, presenting a soft and moist clear color, and strands of dreamlike chaotic luster evaporated.

Innate Daoqi!

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, and immediately his strand of thought seemed to be struck by lightning, and it shattered in an instant. The scene of the ocean he saw was also shattered suddenly, and disappeared.

Everything has returned to its original state. Chen Xi looked at the "Innate Dao Embryo" in his hand, his eyes were bright, "If it is really possible to cultivate the sword talisman into an innate spiritual treasure, how powerful would it be?"

"Old Bai, how should this treasure be sacrificed?"

Chen Xi summoned Lao Bai out, and asked quickly.


Lao Bai remained silent with a cold face, looking very dissatisfied.

Chen Xi knew clearly that this old bird was blaming him for shutting it up when he went to the Yi Bao Hall.

"It seems that you don't know either."

Chen Xi sighed, and said, "Forget it, I'll do it myself, I really can't throw the sword in there to test it out."

"Aggression? It's useless!"

Lao Bai squinted at him, full of disdain.

Chen Xi smiled, and took out the sword talisman, intending to insert it into the "Innate Dao Embryo".

Seeing this, Lao Bai couldn't help but shouted: "Stop! You prodigal bastard, do you want to destroy this innate dao embryo?"

Chen Xi shrugged: "If you destroy it, you will destroy it. Anyway, you don't know how to sacrifice."

Seeing Chen Xi's appearance of being determined by himself, Lao Bai couldn't help roaring: "Stinky brat, you, you, you... you are so mad at me, Patriarch!"

Chen Xi quickly smiled and said, "Okay, isn't it that I have too little knowledge, how can I be as knowledgeable as you, and know everything."

He flattered without a trace.

Lao Bai followed suit, his anger slowed down, and he snorted coldly: "You are not only ignorant, you are simply ignorant!"

After saying that, it raised its head and proudly said: "If you talk about the person who understands this innate dao embryo best in the world, I dare to be the second ancestor, and no one dares to be the first. Back then..."

Seeing that Lao Bai was bragging again, Chen Xi resisted not interrupting it, and let him babble and blah, blah, blah, blah.

After a long time, it seemed that he was satisfied, so Lao Bai glanced at Chen Xi and said, "Listen carefully, Patriarch, I will teach you a secret method that will shock the past and the present, so as to assist you The congenital Taoist embryo sacrifice refining treasures are enough to allow you to have a congenital weapon that truly belongs to you within ten years!"

"ten years?"

Chen Xi was stunned.

"Hmph, boy, you should be content. If you didn't have my ancestor's secret technique, you would have spent tens of thousands of years, and you would not be able to make any progress at all."

Lao Bai glanced at Chen Xi with disdain, "Of course, that's not the point. The point is that the congenital spirit treasure refined by this secret method is completely as if it was made for you personally. Keeping it allows you to use it as freely as you can use it with your fingers. The most powerful force."

Chen Xi's expression became serious.

What Lao Bai said made him deeply believe that, as we all know, congenital spirit treasures are conceived from chaos, and they are unpredictable, and each congenital spirit treasure possesses different powers.

For example, Da Luotian, the most powerful thing is that he can capture the luck of the great way, while Luobao copper coins claim to be able to collect all the acquired treasures.

Although these two innate spiritual treasures are both well-known, but in real battles, they can't let him fully display his swordsmanship like the sword talisman.

In fact, it wasn't just Chen Xi, other ascetics who possessed innate spiritual treasures also more or less faced such embarrassing problems.

That is, the Xiantian Lingbao is extremely powerful, but because it does not match the path he is seeking, it is difficult to fully exert their power.

And if you can have an innate spirit treasure that is completely suitable for you, all of this will not be a problem.

It is a pity that it is extremely difficult to achieve this step, all because the number of innate spiritual treasures is too small, so the opportunities for ascetics to choose are also pitiful.

Under such circumstances, if one can sacrifice an innate spirit treasure that is completely suitable for oneself through the sacrifice of "innate dao embryo", it will definitely be enough to make any practitioner of Taoism jealous and crazy.


Soon, Lao Bai taught Chen Xi the secret technique.

"Use your own blood and soul as a guide, and use your innate Taoist fetus as a furnace to sacrifice and refine the sword talisman?"

Chen Xi was a little surprised. The secret method taught by Lao Bai was actually a secret method to transfer Qi and blood and guide blood. It was extremely rare, and even Chen Xi had never heard of it or seen it.


Lao Bai didn't even bother to explain, and said directly, "This method is inherited from the Manggu gods and demons. I can't explain it to you for three days and three nights. You should take action quickly."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then nodded immediately.

Although Lao Bai is full of problems, it will definitely not use this kind of thing to harm itself, there is no doubt about it.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and began to follow Lao Bai's instructions, trying to move the energy and blood in his body.

In just a moment, the whole body seemed to be on fire, the blood boiled and roared, and a thunderous boom resounded throughout this cave.

Until later, the blood energy became more and more intense, turning into a smoke of blood essence, charging straight up from Chen Xi's body, and one could faintly see a majestic figure of an ancient god and demon emerging from the blood energy, divine and transcendent, Shocking.

"Hey! I didn't expect this kid to have such a solid body training foundation. Could it be that he has also practiced the body training method of gods and demons before?"

Witnessing such a scene, Lao Bai at the side couldn't help being a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Chen Xi to get started so quickly.

It doesn't know that when he was in the Three Realms, Chen Xi used the "Zhou Tian Xing Slaughter Body Training Technique" to temper his Taoist body and reach the realm of the Nether Void, and later he even used the Xuanyuan Clan's ancestral "Mending the Sky Art" method to cultivate in one fell swoop A second avatar with real wisdom and will appeared!

If it wasn't for taking care of relatives and old friends in the three realms, his second avatar might have broken through the god realm and ascended to this ancient god realm.

"That's fine, at this speed, at least three days later, you can start using the innate Taoist fetus to sacrifice the gods..."

Sensing carefully the changes in the blood energy around Chen Xi, Lao Bai couldn't help but secretly nodded thoughtfully.


At the same time, Yibao Hall.

"Jiu Kun, it seems that we can only wait for the dark market to open."

An old man wearing a dark green gown and a crown on his head, sighed softly, and said helplessly.

"Grandfather, it doesn't matter. How can such a supreme opportunity be found casually."

Standing next to the old man was a muscular young man, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a sharp-edged face. The whole person was like a natural mountain, giving people a heavy, calm, and simple feeling.

"You kid, you actually comforted me."

The old man couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, let's go to the reward area to have a look, if there is really no one, then prepare to go to the dark market."

"Well, grandson will listen to you."

The young man smiled, very simple and honest.

At that moment, the old and the young went to the reward area.

"Follow up!"

Behind the two, a large number of attendants followed, at least thirty people, each of whom possessed the Ancestral God Realm!

But at this time, they were bowing down, looking very respectful, and followed behind step by step, like a group of courtiers following behind the emperor.

Such a luxurious lineup, passing by along the way, immediately alarmed the guests in the Yi Bao Hall, everyone was stunned and dared not make an uproar again.

The originally lively atmosphere also became silent and silent.

Everyone is secretly guessing, who is the old and the young, who has such a great power, with more than 30 ancestor gods respectfully serving behind him, I am afraid that only the domain master of the South China Sea has such treatment?

"God! That's Emperor Zhenwu!"

Suddenly, an exclamation broke the silent atmosphere in the hall, which was especially harsh.

In an instant, everyone's heart was shaken, they gasped, and finally understood the identity of the old man.

True Martial Emperor!

The domain master of the Northern Light Domain, a world-renowned and shocking figure who is quite legendary in the entire ancient God Domain.

There are simply too many rumors about him, and everyone in the room is familiar with it for a long time, but who would have thought that they would witness the true face of Emperor Zhenwu in this Yi Bao hall?

After all, such a big shot is too far away from them...


Among the group of ancestral god powerhouses following Emperor Zhenwu, suddenly a cold and stern gaze glanced at the ascetic who spoke just now, which made the man tremble all over, frightened and silent like a cicada.

When he realized it again, Emperor Zhenwu and his party had already left.


ps: I woke up during my lunch break, my eyes were blurred, I almost thought that something was wrong with my eyes, so I went to the ophthalmologist for an examination, it turned out that it was caused by neurasthenia of the ciliary muscles, which was caused by spending too much time on the computer, more rest would be fine, damn it, but Scared me to death... the second is later, I have to suppress my shock~


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