divine talisman

Chapter 1746

Thank you Lin Jie for your support~


Emperor Zhenwu is definitely a prestigious existence in the realm of emperors.

There are rumors that he has even reached the realm of the nine-star emperor, one foot has stepped into the ranks of Taoist masters, and his strength is unfathomable.

But now, such a big man came to the Yibao Hall of Linghang God City, what was he doing here?

Everyone is curious.

It's a pity that due to the power of Emperor Zhenwu, no one dared to follow him to find out.


"This is the reward area? It's not bad, it's even bigger than the one in the Longfu Hall in the North Light Region."

In the reward area, the young man with a mountainous temperament looked around curiously, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

But soon, he couldn't help but laugh, pointing to one of the light curtains and said, "Look, grandfather, someone has offered a reward to buy an innate spirit treasure. That guy is simply too fantastic."

Wearing a dark green gown with wide sleeves and a wide belt, Emperor Zhenwu smiled disapprovingly, seeing such wishful-thinking people a lot, so he was not surprised.


Soon, the young man was surprised again.

"Jiu Kun, what surprised you?"

Emperor Zhenwu frowned, feeling that his grandson's temperament was still not calm enough, and he had to hone his skills in the future.

"No, grandfather, look here."

The young man named Jiu Kun looked strange, pointed at the light curtain, and said in a daze, "Someone actually offered a reward, wanting to exchange some divine materials with fifth- and sixth-rank dao roots!"


Emperor Zhenwu's heart trembled, he looked up, and when he saw the content of the reward order clearly, he couldn't help but startled, as if he couldn't believe it.

The next moment, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his eyes were bright, and he said with emotion: "I didn't expect that there is nowhere to find it after breaking through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

This legendary emperor who is famous all over the world seems to be faintly excited at this moment.

Those followers of the Ancestral God Realm understood Zhenwu Emperor's mood very well.

Over the years, Emperor Zhenwu has put all his thoughts on cultivating his grandson Zhao Jiukun, who is the young man standing next to him at the moment.

It's a pity that although Zhao Jiukun's talent is good, it's hard to be called outstanding. After spending countless efforts on Emperor Zhenwu, his strength is now only ranked No. 40th in the list of gods.

Compared with Yechen, Yu Jiuyue, Luo Shaonong and other top three Peerless Talents, it was obviously much darker.

And not long ago, Zhao Jiukun had cultivated to the perfection of the spiritual realm, and was about to break through the realm of the ancestral gods, but he was only short of a good-looking ancestral root.

For a person like Emperor Zhenwu, he would never pay attention to Dao roots below the fifth rank, but what surprised him was that after collecting for a long time these years, he failed to obtain a plant that was truly suitable for his grandson. Daogen of his son Zhao Jiukun.

This has almost become a heart disease of Emperor Zhenwu.

That's why, this time, he crossed many domains and brought Zhao Jiukun to Linlangbao City, hoping to try his luck and find a good ancestral root.

But to Emperor Zhenwu's disappointment, he searched here for many days, but found nothing.

This made Emperor Zhenwu more and more entangled in his heart. He was planning to wait for the opening of the dark market to try his luck. He never thought that after a twist of events, he would witness such a reward in the reward area of ​​the Yibao Hall. How could he not be excited?

A generation of unrivaled emperors, famous all over the world, now find it difficult to find a dao root for his grandson. With this appearance, one can know how hard it is to find a good-looking ancestral dao root.

"Grandfather, this...couldn't be fake?"

The young man named Zhao Jiukun was somewhat skeptical. He couldn't imagine how anyone in this world would be willing to sell such treasures as Zuyuan Daogen. It was simply unreasonable.

"There shouldn't be any fakes."

Emperor Zhenwu took a deep breath, his pupils opened and closed, and mysterious light overflowed, which evolved into infinite wonders, which was very frightening, "Look at the content of the reward, you need to exchange some divine materials for it, and those divine materials can be exchanged for it." Both are rare treasures.”

Zhao Jiukun raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems to be true."


Emperor Zhenwu waved his hand.

"Subordinates are here."

A follower of the Ancestral God Realm stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

"Go and tell the steward of the Yi Bao Hall that I want to meet the owner of this reward order. If he really has a sixth-grade Taoist root, I will definitely not let him down!"

Emperor Zhenwu spoke indifferently, with a bold voice in his voice.

He happened to have one of the sixteen kinds of divine materials required in the reward order. Although he didn't know whether he could satisfy the other party, he was willing to exchange it with other treasures. He believed that the other party would definitely not be able to refuse.


The entourage left in a hurry.



"What? A fifth-rank and sixth-rank ancestral Daogen appeared in the reward area?"

"There will be absolutely no fakes, you know, even Emperor Zhenwu was shocked!"

"Quick! Send the news to the clan!"

"God, this news is really shocking, no, I must tell the head teacher as soon as possible, no matter what the price is, I will take it!"

In less than a stick of incense time, the news about the appearance of ancestral Daogen in the reward area of ​​Yibao Hall seemed to have grown wings, and spread rapidly throughout the Linghang God City at an astonishing speed, causing an uproar in the city, and countless cultivators Those who were startled.

Today's Linghang God City, because of the relationship of Linlangbao City, gathers ascetics and creatures from all directions, not only from the South China Sea, but also many people from other realms, and this news is like a shocking thunderbolt. There was an uproar immediately.

All of a sudden, many figures flocked to the Yi Bao Hall, wanting to find out what happened, and the place was overcrowded. In the end, many attendants had to be sent to maintain order, and many incidents were avoided.

Even, a lot of news began to spread from the Spiritual Navigation God City, spreading to the entire South China Sea, and continued to spread to places outside the South China Sea...

Within a few days, this news will once again attract countless ascetics from all over the world.

The scene was very hot and shocking.

I'm afraid that even Chen Xi can't imagine that all this will be caused by a reward order issued by himself.


three days later.

In the cave of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Chen Xi was sitting cross-legged, and the blood energy in his body was boiling like molten liquid, producing a vibrating sound like the roar of dragons and tigers.

And in front of him, the innate dao tire in the shape of a green leaf was suspended in the air, shining brightly, and flowing out streams of pure and ancient innate dao qi.

That innate Dao Qi is clear and clean, as clear as a dream, it is truly beautiful.

Looking carefully, there is a sword floating in the innate dao womb at this moment, shrouded in wisps of innate dao energy, buzzing continuously and making sword groans.

And Chen Xi's steaming power of blood enveloped the innate dao womb, continuously penetrated into it, turned into wisps of strength, and perfectly merged with the innate dao qi, covering and nurturing the sword together.

Seeing this, Lao Bai at the side breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "It's okay, it's finally succeeded, and the rest depends on time to conceive..."

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of divine glow, which dragged the innate embryo into his body.

After half a sound, the surging blood energy in Chen Xi's body subsided accordingly, and everything returned to calm.

Call ~

Chen Xi also heaved a sigh of relief, a look of joy appeared on the corners of his lips, he couldn't help but stretched a long way, and said, "Old Bai, thank you very much."

"Humph! There is no sincerity at all."

Lao Bai glanced at him, very dissatisfied with Chen Xi's lazy attitude.

"When the sword talisman is completely transformed into an innate spiritual treasure, it won't be too late for me to thank you." Chen Xi smiled.


Lao Bai muttered, and then seriously reminded, "During the period of pregnancy and raising the sword, you'd better not use it without authorization, so as not to leak the power."

Chen Xi nodded, and thoughtfully said: "It takes ten years to conceive and raise a sword talisman. It seems that I still have to prepare a handy sword."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that today was the deadline he had agreed with Qian An, and he had to go to the Yibao Hall to retrieve the batch of divine materials that he bought earlier.

"Let's go, let's go to Yibao Hall."

Chen Xi got up immediately, and he also wanted to see if anyone had accepted the reward order.

"Old Ancestor, let me warn you, this time it is not allowed to lock up Old Ancestor again!"

Old Bai's face was serious, and he warned viciously. Obviously, it hadn't forgotten what happened last time.

"As long as you don't cause trouble, it's totally fine."

Chen Xi smiled.

Only then was Lao Bai satisfied, he shook his wings, and walked out of the cave together with Chen Xi.

"Young master, you have finally come out."

To Chen Xi's surprise, as soon as he walked out, he saw Qian An, the appraiser of the Yibao Hall, waiting there with a look of anxiety on his face, but when he saw himself, he showed a look of joy relieved from a heavy burden.

"What's the matter? But what happened?"

Chen Xi frowned. He had told Qian An the address here before, and told him to notify himself immediately if anything happened.

"No no."

Qian An quickly waved his hand, looked around and said in a low voice, "Master, I'm here this time, but I have good news to tell you."

As he said that, he told Chen Xi everything that happened during these three days, and also emphasized that the Emperor Zhenwu wanted to summon Chen Xi.

"Such a sensation?"

Chen Xi was stunned, he couldn't believe it when he thought that the entire Linghang Divine City was causing an uproar due to his reward order.

"You will understand when you go."

Qian An quickly said, "Emperor Zhenwu has waited for you, son, for three days. Look..."

"Could you have revealed my identity?"

Chen Xi frowned and stared at Qian An.

"Why, every customer's identity will be kept absolutely confidential by my Yibao Hall, please rest assured about this."

Qian An quickly patted his chest to reassure.

"It's fine to talk about a deal, but I won't meet that Emperor Zhenwu directly."

Chen Xi pondered.

"My lord, don't worry too much. We have arranged a special room for you, which is enough to ensure that no one can spy on your true face."

Qian An seemed to have already guessed that Chen Xi would say this, and answered without hesitation.


ps: Prepare it tomorrow, no accidents, the day after tomorrow will be updated for xhao5~


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