divine talisman

Chapter 1747 Trading

Linghang God City, on the bustling streets like water.

From the day when the reward order related to the fifth and sixth grades of Taoism came out from the Yibao Hall, in just three days, many ascetics came from all directions again.

Among them, there are many big figures with great power, who may be the head of a school, or the head of a clan, or the overlord of a party. It can be said that the gathering of winds and clouds made the atmosphere in Linghang Shencheng even more heated.

Nowadays, almost all ascetics are discussing this topic, no matter on the street or in teahouses.

"Sixteen divine materials, any one of them can be exchanged for an ancestral root of the fifth grade or above. Doesn't this mean that the master who issued the disparity order has at least sixteen ancestral roots?" Dogen? This is simply... beyond description!"

"Don't worry, there are quite a few big figures who have paid attention to this matter, and there must be no fakes among them, otherwise the Yibao Hall would not dare to release this reward order rashly."

"Then tell me, who is that guy?"

"No matter who it is, what is certain is that that guy must have entered the ancestral land of the Manggu Ruins a while ago, otherwise how could he have so many roots?"

"Could it be that Chen Xi?"

"Impossible. That guy is a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain. How could he have the intention to come here now? In the Manggu Wasteland, he beheaded Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu and other supreme gods, and finally angered him. Many top powerful forces in the Imperial Domain have been mobilized, and even Emperor Dou Chong is dispatched to capture and kill him."

"That's right, I've also heard that Wu Xuechan, the grand master of Shenyan Mountain, was alarmed back then, and broke through the checkpoint. In order to express his anger for that Chen Xi, he actually forced all the big figures in the imperial domain to kneel on the spot, and even Emperor Dou Chong was not spared. !"

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. Mister Wu Xuechan has been out of customs for so many years, and it's really unimaginable to do such a big thing as soon as he gets out of customs."


Walking on the bustling streets of Linghang Divine City, Chen Xi almost didn't need to investigate carefully at all, as all kinds of discussions kept pouring into his ears.

There was a discussion about the reward order.

There were also discussions about the battle that took place outside Fengqi Divine City.

There are those who discuss the sixteen kinds of divine materials.

There are also those who admire the astonishing power of Wu Xuechan, Mr. Shenyan Shanda.

In short, it was very lively and noisy, which surprised even Chen Xi.

Because Chen Xi discovered that the discussions he heard along the way, no matter what they discussed, seemed to have... an inseparable relationship with him.

This was indeed somewhat beyond his expectations.

However, this also made Chen Xi immediately realize that the battle that took place outside Fengqi Divine City had now spread to the entire Ancient God Domain.

Under such circumstances, his name was spread all over the world invisibly, and he suddenly became famous, not as insignificant as before.

Whether it is good or bad, even Chen Xi himself cannot judge.

"Under such circumstances, if the parents and the others are in the Ancient God Realm, they must also know the news, right?"

Inexplicably, Chen Xi thought of his parents Chen Lingjun and Zuo Qiuxue, and couldn't help feeling a little lost in his heart.

Back then in the Iris Immortal Prison of the Three Realms, Chen Lingjun took Zuo Qiuxue away and left a jade slip for Chen Xi. The jade slip said that as long as the fragments of the River Map were used, one day they would be able to reunite father and son in the Ancient God Realm.

But until now...

But there is no news at all!

This sometimes made Chen Xi feel bewildered. Who is his father, Chen Lingjun...?What kind of previous life experience did you have?

In his previous life, Chen Lingjun was the junior of the Supreme Leader, and he was also the Taoist priest of the Second Master of Shenyan Mountain. Until now, even Chen Xi couldn't help but be a little confused as to who his father was, and what kind of relationship he had with the Ancient God Realm. relation?

"Young Master, looking at the entire Ancient God Realm now, do you know which three things are the most sensational?"

Qian An, who was leading the way, suddenly spoke, which made Chen Xi wake up from his contemplation.

"tell me the story."

Chen Xi said in surprise.

"First, Wu Xuechan, the master of Shenyan Mountain, was born out of nowhere, overwhelming all the heroes, and forcing Emperor Dou Chong to kneel down and atone for his sins."

"Secondly, Ye Chen, the young master of the Ye clan of the Imperial Region, and Yu Jiuyue, the young master of the Yu clan, both set foot in the Ancestral God Realm, arousing the visions of the heavens. They are known as the twin stars in the Ancestral God Realm, and their radiance is unmatched."

"The third is..."

Speaking of this, Qian An suddenly lowered his voice, and said via voice transmission, "It's the reward order that you issued. I heard that even many forces in the Emperor's Domain were alarmed and sent many powerful people to come here. To find out."

When Chen Xi heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows, feeling awe-inspiring.

The first news is quite easy to understand, after all, the scene of senior brother's suppression of Dou Chongdijun was seen by many ascetics present, and they couldn't hide it from each other.

The second piece of news is interesting. If Chen Xi remembers correctly, Yechen and Yu Jiuyue were respectively ranked No. 2 in the Spiritual God Realm in the list of Conferred Gods, far above Luo Shaonong.

It was just that what Chen Xi didn't expect was that the two of them would advance to the next level at the same time, and both of them would cause a phenomenon in the heavens, causing a sensation in the world.

Could it be that the two of them also obtained the extremely remarkable ancestor Daogen?

As for the third piece of news, Chen Xi hadn't even thought about it, but it caused such a big commotion, but it made him suddenly feel vigilant.

Chen Xi knew very well that if his identity was leaked, those great powers in the imperial domain might not be able to sit still, and they would find him to settle accounts one after another.

Fortunately, when he came to Linghang Divine City this time, he had already concealed his real name, and his appearance had changed a lot. As long as he didn't meet acquaintances, it would be extremely difficult to recognize his identity.

While talking, they had already arrived in front of the Yi Bao Hall.

What made Chen Xi tongue-tied was that the current Yi Bao Hall could simply be described as overcrowded and impenetrable. As far as the eye could see, there were black and dense human heads everywhere.

This made Chen Xi finally realize that the bounty he issued had indeed caused a sensation beyond imagination.


Under Qian An's leadership, Chen Xi was soon brought into a quiet room.

"My lord, here are the 57 divine materials you bought earlier."

Qian An handed Chen Xi a storage bag, which contained the batch of divine materials that Chen Xi had bought for 670 million divine crystals.

Chen Xi held it in his hand and inspected it for a while, then nodded his head immediately.

"My son, I have already sent someone to tell Emperor Zhenwu about your arrival. You only need to sit here quietly later, and then you can make a deal with Emperor Zhenwu."

After a pause, Qian An pointed to the decoration of the quiet room, and proudly said, "Young master, please rest assured, this room is made by my Yibao Hall with secret methods, unless the Taoist Lord comes in person, no one will be able to spy on everything in the room .”

"Thank you."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Young master, please don't be polite."

Speaking of this, Qian An flipped his palm, and a mysterious roulette emerged, which was shining brightly. His expression lifted, and he said, "Here we come."

Naturally, Emperor Zhenwu is here!

Chen Xi's heart trembled. He had also heard of this famous emperor. It was rumored that he had set foot in the realm of the Nine Star Emperor a long time ago, and his life was full of legends.

Facing such a big man, he didn't dare to take it lightly.


Almost at the same time, in a room opposite this quiet room, Emperor Zhenwu, dressed in a dark green shirt, with wide sleeves and a sash, and a crown on his head, sat indifferently.

Beside him stood his grandson Zhao Jiukun.

"That guy is really careful, don't you still worry that we will harm him?"

Zhao Jiukun frowned.

"Be careful when sailing for thousands of years. The more this is the case, the more certain I am, the other party probably has a lot of excellent-looking Daogens in his hands."

Emperor Zhenwu smiled slightly, graceful and composed, with a majestic and immeasurable aura in his calm momentum, which was extremely frightening.


As he said that, Emperor Zhenwu turned his palm, and a mysterious roulette appeared, shining brightly.

"Fellow Daoist, the old man Zhao Qianling from Beiguangyu has a 'Hunxiang Feather Spirit Grass' in his hand. I wonder if it is needed by fellow Daoist?"

Emperor Zhenwu opened his mouth and went straight, but he didn't have any aggressive aura.

In another quiet room, hearing this voice suddenly, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, knowing that the name Zhao Qianling was the name of Emperor Zhenwu.

"That's right, this divine material can be exchanged for a sixth-grade Daogen. If seniors are willing, they can be traded immediately."

Chen Xi thought about it for a while, then opened his mouth and said.

"Interesting, it's actually a little guy."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhenwu Emperor's lips, and the word "senior" in Chen Xi's mouth made him keenly notice that this was a junior.

"This matter is not urgent. The reason why this old man is eager to meet fellow daoists is because he wants to find a dao root for his grandson."

Emperor Zhenwu said, "However, if the old man's guess is correct, I'm afraid you don't just have Dao roots of the fifth and sixth grades in your hands, right?"

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he said vaguely, "Why did you say that, senior?"

It is true that he still has a lot of seventh-rank dao roots, but he does not plan to exchange them.

Emperor Zhenwu heard the words, but the smile on his lips became more and more intense, and he said, "Don't refuse in a hurry, fellow Taoist, you may now understand that the old man has spent a lot of time looking for a good Dao root all these years." Less setbacks, it will soon become a heart disease for the old man."

After a pause, his voice suddenly became sonorous and forceful, revealing a sense of majesty, "If fellow daoist is willing to help this old man, as long as it is a treasure that this old man possesses, you can choose whatever you want, and after this incident, it is also considered a treasure." The old man owes you a favor."

The words are very direct, straight to the point, but revealing a convincing charm.

Chen Xi was startled and fell into silence.

And Qian An beside him was even more envious, his eyes were a little red with jealousy, and he never expected that Emperor Zhenwu Junfu would promise such an astonishing condition when he opened his mouth!

Make Emperor Zhenwu owe you a favor, who else in this world can make Emperor Zhenwu make such a promise?

It can be said that this condition alone is enough to reverse the fate of an unknown ascetic, with a bright future and a bright future!

Not to mention, Emperor Zhenwu will also take out all kinds of treasures in his collection as rewards. This condition cannot be better, and it is enough to make it difficult for any ascetic to resist!


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