divine talisman

Chapter 1748

The conditions put forward by Emperor Zhenwu are indeed very attractive. If you are an ordinary ascetic, I am afraid that you have already happily agreed.

Emperor Zhenwu also believes that he has expressed his sincerity, and as long as the other party knows how to weigh the pros and cons, he will definitely not refuse.

But to Chen Xi, the so-called favor of Emperor Zhenwu might make other ascetics ecstatic, but it didn't attract much to him.

The reason is very simple, his elder brother Wu Xuechan is a Taoist master, and now he is in contact with another Taoist master, that is, Guan Guanzhu in the early days.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously difficult for Chen Xi to be very surprised by the favor promised by an emperor.

However, Chen Xi didn't refuse, he really needed that "Hundred Elephant Feather Spirit Grass", and he couldn't just let this opportunity go.

But it is obviously impossible for him to pay for a dao root that exceeds the sixth rank.

"Senior's kindness, I accept it wholeheartedly."

Chen Xi pondered and said, "Leaving aside human feelings, I just happen to lack a divine sword that I can take advantage of right now. If senior can meet this need, I will give you an ancestral Dao root that satisfies senior."

This answer stunned Qian An who was next to him. He almost couldn't believe his ears. This guy... actually refused?


Instead of refusing, he also took the opportunity to ask Emperor Zhenwu for a divine sword!

Qian An's heart twitched all of a sudden, is this the lion's big mouth?What should I do if I offend Emperor Zhenwu?

At this moment, Emperor Zhenwu in the opposite room couldn't help but startled, a little surprised, the other party started bargaining with him!


Zhao Jiukun on the side couldn't hold back, and said in a deep voice, "That guy obviously intends to take this opportunity to blackmail him severely. Grandfather, you must not indulge him!"

Emperor Zhenwu was silent for a moment, and said: "There is no need to say too much, I know it in my heart."

Immediately, he sighed, stood up and patted Zhao Jiukun on the shoulder, saying: "If you want to obtain a good-looking daogen, you must pay some price."


Zhao Jiukun felt unwilling.

"No but!"

Emperor Zhenwu interrupted with a wave of his hand, his expression was calm and majestic.

"Jiu Kun, do you still remember those old guys who came to see me all these years ago? Although they took the initiative to send Daogen to the door, they made excessive demands one after another, and some even planned to meddle in our Beiguangyu territory. It can be described as wolf ambition !"

Speaking of this, the corners of Zhenwu Emperor's lips turned cold, "But now, it is very good to be able to buy a good Daogen plant just through a transaction, at least... it is better than the old ones who promised Guy's conditions are a hundred times stronger."

Zhao Jiukun fell silent after listening.

He also knows that in recent years, many big men with powerful wrists have approached his grandfather and offered to offer them extraordinary Daogen plants, but all of them have been rejected by his grandfather. The reason is that their purpose is not pure, and they have many interests Exchange, this is absolutely intolerable to grandfather.

And it was all because of him, Zhao Jiukun!

If it wasn't for him to advance to the ancestor god, Emperor Zhenwu wouldn't have had to go through such a lot of trouble.


Zhao Jiukun took a deep breath, as if he wanted to say something.

"Okay, it's enough for you to practice hard in the future."

Emperor Zhenwu smiled, signaling to his grandson not to say too much.

Speaking of this, Emperor Zhenwu seemed to have made some decision, and raised his hand to take out a bronze sword box. The surface was mottled, and it was filled with an ancient and solemn atmosphere that had gone through vicissitudes.

Rubbing the cold bronze sword box with his fingers, Emperor Zhenwu couldn't help feeling a touch of emotion in his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

"Grandfather, are you going to give this treasure to that guy?"

At this moment, Zhao Jiukun screamed in shock, as if he recognized the treasure in the bronze sword box.

"It's useless to keep it in my hands."

Emperor Zhenwu shook his head, no longer hesitated, turned and opened the door, "Give this object and that plant of Elephant Feather Spirit Grass to the waiter, and to the owner of the reward order."


There was a follower standing outside the door, he quickly bowed to take it, and left in a hurry.

"Grandfather, the price is too high. You... how could you do this! Give it away as soon as you say it, and if it falls into the hands of the surly people, wouldn't it insult its reputation?"

Zhao Jiukun couldn't help beating his chest and stamping his feet, angrily.

"If that's the case, I'll go get it back myself."

Emperor Zhenwu uttered a sentence lightly from his lips, calmly and calmly, but exuding an air of contempt.


The conversation between Emperor Zhenwu and his grandson Zhao Jiukun did not reach Chen Xi's room, which made the atmosphere a bit silent.

Seeing that there was no response for a long time, Qian An's heart couldn't help suspending, his face changed slightly, and he murmured: "Could it be that... Emperor Zhenwu is angry, isn't he?"

Chen Xi was stunned, and said disapprovingly: "Don't worry, he is a majestic emperor, and he will definitely not disregard his dignity to embarrass you."

Qian An said anxiously: "What about you, Mr.

Chen Xi laughed and said, "He doesn't know who I am, so how can he make things difficult for me?"

Having said that, Qian An was still a little uneasy. The reason was that Emperor Zhenwu was different from other emperors. His reputation was so great that his reputation frightened the world, making people dare not feel rebellious.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

This made Qian An instantly vigilant, glanced at Chen Xi, and then said in a deep voice: "Who is outside the door, don't you know that there is a transaction in the VIP quiet room?"

"Qian An, Emperor Zhenwu has sent two treasures, you can take them yourself."

An old voice sounded outside.

"Hall Master Peng!"

Qian An was taken aback for a moment, and seeing Chen Xi's puzzled expression, he quickly explained, "Guan Peng is an emperor in the South Sea Region, and concurrently serves as one of the six masters in my Yi Bao Hall. The Chi Dapeng clan, thanks to his old man sitting in charge these years, has avoided many disputes."

Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised, an emperor sits here, no wonder no one dares to make trouble here.

"However, why did Emperor Zhenwu send two treasures? Isn't he angry?"

Qian An couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Go and take a look."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, and ordered.

Qian An nodded, and after walking out of the quiet room, he walked in holding a jade box and an ancient bronze sword box not long after.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, and immediately guessed something, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

He opened the jade box first, and sure enough, he saw a slender ginseng-like, but lavender-colored magical medicine, which was filled with fragrance and light rain, quietly placed in it.

"Could it be..."

Qian An froze, a little unbelievable.


At this time, Chen Xi had already opened the bronze sword box, and suddenly, a wisp of obscure sword chant resounded.

Looking carefully, there is an ancient sword hidden in the sword box. It is two and a half fingers wide and three feet and one inch long. The body of the sword is dark blue, smooth as a mirror, and mysterious Dao patterns are imprinted on the surface, shining like moonlight It seems to be shining brightly.

Although it was quietly dormant in the sword box, when Chen Xi looked at it, he could clearly feel a chilling aura rushing towards Ling Ran, which made his eyes squint, feeling a prickly pain slight numbness.

Innate Lingbao?


This breath is not pure, on the contrary, it is more like Houtian Shenbao.

However, why does it have such a pure innate aura?

For a split second, Chen Xi felt a shock in his heart, and it was accompanied by doubts, because he was unable to tell what kind of divine treasure this diseased ancient sword was.

This is obviously not normal.

But at this moment, Qian An had already shuddered Lingling, his face changed suddenly, and he retreated to one side, as if he didn't dare to approach the ancient sword.

However, he finally dared to be sure that the Emperor Zhenwu was not angry, and now he readily handed over the Elephant Feather Spirit Grass and the ancient sword with an astonishing aura!

This was beyond Qian An's imagination, and it was hard to fathom what Emperor Zhenwu was thinking.

"Friend Daoist, how about this sword?"

At this moment, Emperor Zhenwu's indifferent and steady voice sounded in the room.


Chen Xi paused, and then added, "It's extraordinary, and its value should not be inferior to the Xiantian Lingbao."

"You have good eyesight. This sword is named Banchen. It was handed by a powerful man who stepped into the ultimate sword path many years ago. Although it is not a real innate spirit treasure, the sword embryo is forged with an innate spirit treasure. I hope you will keep it safe in the future, and don’t lose its reputation.”

There was an imperceptible sadness in Emperor Zhenwu's voice.


Chen Xi's heart moved. The name was a bit weird. What surprised him was that in order to forge this sword, someone did not hesitate to smelt an innate spiritual treasure into a sword embryo!

If this spread, I'm afraid he would be called a lunatic, after all, once the innate spirit treasure was smelted, it would no longer have the power it originally possessed.

It was also because of this that when Chen Xi first saw this sword, he was unable to recognize what kind of divine treasure it was.

But there is no doubt that this sword is very powerful, beyond Chen Xi's expectation, and its value is absolutely no less than an innate spirit treasure!

And Emperor Zhenwu actually sent out this sword just because of a word, which was beyond Chen Xi's expectation, and he was a little stunned.

"Thank you senior for giving me the sword."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and sincerely thanked you.

While speaking, he handed a jade box to Qian An, who was in a sluggish state, and said, "Please send it there for me."

Qian An subconsciously took it, and walked out of the quiet room with a dazed expression. What happened before left him dumbfounded, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

In another quiet room.

"Send out the banishing dust with a seventh-rank dao root, it's simply too cheap for that kid."

Zhao Jiukun was indignant, and felt that he was not worth it for his grandfather, Emperor Zhenwu.

"Hiding a sword in a box is tantamount to throwing away a pearl covered in dust."

Emperor Zhenwu smiled lightly.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then a follower respectfully brought in a jade box: "My lord, this is a treasure sent by the other party."

"You go down."

Emperor Zhenwu took it, and he didn't open the jade box until the attendant left.


The next moment, when he saw clearly the items in the jade box, a frightening light suddenly appeared in his eyes.


ps: Tomorrow 5 update~ the last few days at the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass~


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