divine talisman

Chapter 1749 Lord of Excalibur

Emperor Zhenwu has always given people the impression of being very calm, as calm as a rock under the sea, letting the undercurrent surge, I stand still, as stable as a mountain, no matter how the eight winds come, I can't shake a single bit of it.

This is a state of mind that can only be honed through countless worlds.

However, at this moment, he seemed to be stunned there, his expression mixed with joy and sadness, fluctuating, as if he had been dazed by a demon.

Seeing this, Zhao Jiukun couldn't help being slightly astonished, and couldn't help but look forward, but saw a Daogen resting quietly in the jade box, blue as the sea, glowing with the brilliance of the ancestral spirit like a dream, floating in the light Rain is divine.

"Eight-Rank Dao Root!"

All of a sudden, Zhao Jiukun's pupils dilated and he exclaimed.

"That's right, it's an eighth-rank king-level Daogen!"

Emperor Zhenwu took a deep breath and was filled with emotion, "This time, if you don't want to owe favors, you have to owe them."

For an existence like him, he knew very well what an eighth-grade Dao root meant, even if it was exchanged with innate spiritual treasures.

Because ancestral Dao roots of this level are definitely rarer and more precious than innate spiritual treasures!

"He he he..."

Zhao Jiukun was speechless for a moment, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak, he couldn't imagine that someone in this world would give such a treasure.

"Now, don't you blame grandpa?"

Emperor Zhenwu laughed and joked.

Zhao Jiukun was suddenly embarrassed, and said awkwardly: "I just didn't expect it, but who is this guy, and how can he have an eighth-rank king-level Taoist root?"

"Jiu Kun, seeing things shouldn't be so simple, what you should be concerned about is that the young man can even give up the eighth-rank king-level Daogen, so one can imagine how detached his own Daogen level is." .”

Emperor Zhenwu's eyes were filled with divine light, glowing with wisdom, as if he had already guessed something.

"Couldn't he still have a ninth-grade emperor-level daogen in his hand?"

Zhao Jiukun's heart trembled.

Emperor Zhenwu smiled and kept secret, "Then guess who the other party is?"

Zhao Jiukun was startled, frowned and pondered for a long time, then slapped his forehead suddenly, and shouted, "Could that guy be Chen Xi, the direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain?"

Emperor Zhenwu was noncommittal, and said: "Don't pass it on indiscriminately, no matter what, you can get an eighth-rank king-level Dao root this time, and you have already owed the other party a favor. If I can't change it, you will pay it back. In short , this favor must be remembered."

By the end, his voice had grown serious.

"Grandpa, don't worry, grandson will definitely keep it in mind."

Zhao Jiukun took a deep breath and said firmly.


At this time, Chen Xi had already walked out of that quiet room, and accompanied by Qian An, he headed towards the Yi Bao Hall.

This time, he was able to successfully obtain a Hunxiang Feather Spirit Grass, and an astonishingly mighty Executioner Sword, which already made Chen Xi very satisfied.

What made him slightly regretful was that although the reward order he had issued had caused a great commotion, only Emperor Zhenwu had actually accepted the reward order so far.

However, Chen Xi was not in a hurry. It had only been three days and there were still many opportunities in the future. He had told Qian An that as long as someone accepted the reward order, he would be notified immediately.

"Young Master, you will not really hand over a seventh-rank monarch-level daogen in the end, right?"

Along the way, Qian An was silent all the time, as if hesitating for something, but finally couldn't hold back at this moment, and asked aloud.

Of course, the sound transmission is used.

"That's not your concern."

Chen Xi smiled and nodded to wake up the other party.

Qian An was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved his hands: "My lord, don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no other thoughts."

"Well, so be it."

Standing outside the main hall of Yi Bao, Chen Xi bid farewell to Qian An.

"Young master, wait a moment."

As if suddenly remembering something, Qian An stopped Chen Xi, and handed over a jade slip, "My lord, this is the information you asked me to collect about the 'Night Owl Star Thief Alliance', please accept it."

Chen Xi was startled, if Qian An hadn't reminded him, he would have almost forgotten about it.

"Thank you."

Chen Xi cupped his hands, then turned around and left, and soon disappeared into the vast crowd.

"The origin of this son must be very important..."

Qian An watched Chen Xi leave, and after a long time, he sighed with emotion. The more he got in touch with Chen Xi, the more he felt an unfathomable and mysterious feeling, and he even felt a sense of awe from his heart.

"Qian An."

A moment later, an old voice sounded, awakening Qian An who was in deep thought.

Palace Master Peng?

Qian An turned around quickly, and saw an old man in gray clothes standing in the hall and looking at him.

"You performed very well this time. From now on...you will be in charge of the affairs of the reward area." The old man smiled, his eyes full of admiration.

Qian An was shocked all over, unbelievable, it took a long time to suppress his excitement, and said: "Thank you, Lord Peng, for your kindness."

He is very clear that he has been promoted to become a steward in one leap!This is a rare and incomparable position, and it means an honor!

"Work hard, the most important thing is to serve that... son well in the days to come."

Palace Master Peng patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left.

At this time, Emperor Zhenwu and Zhao Jiukun and his party walked out, and the Lord of the Peng Palace greeted him immediately. Soon, he took Emperor Zhenwu and his party to the specially opened VIP hall.

Witnessing all this, Qian An felt both excited and ecstatic in his heart, and couldn't help muttering: "That young master is really my nobleman. In just a few days, my fate has undergone a change. In the future, I will be sure." I have to attack more diligently, if I can make friends with that young master, it will definitely bring me great luck!"


After returning to the Paradise of Paradise that he rented, Chen Xi first carefully hid the batch of divine materials he harvested, and only then began to look at the jade slips in his hand.

The Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance spans across the South China Sea, Yuntan, Jiuqu... a group of bandits among the starry sky of the thirteen great realms live by plundering ascetics who pass by in the starry sky. It's a heinous crime, spreading poison all over the world.

The boss of the Night Owl Star Pirates League, nicknamed "Ghost Eye Eagle", has a mysterious origin, has the peak fighting power of the ancestor gods, has a calm and sophisticated personality, and is scheming.

The second child "Ranxue Taoist", a descendant of the Lingrong tribe, was expelled 300 years ago for looting the tribe's property.

The third child is the "Blue Blood Patriarch", a descendant of the blood clan of the three corpses...

The fourth child "Chang Hate", a descendant of the Purple Horned Dragon Clan...

The fifth child "Chonggu", a descendant of the split beetle tribe...

After reading one by one, Chen Xi finally understood why the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance was so arrogant. Just these five leaders were all in the Ancestral God Realm. possibly exterminate them.

But it is a pity that these treacherous star robbers have been traveling through the starry sky, moving around without a trace, and their actions are also extremely mysterious. Almost no one knows where their lair is. .

It is worth mentioning that there used to be seven leaders in the Night Owl Star Pirates Alliance, but a few years ago, the sixth and seventh were killed by an emperor when they were in action, so only these five leaders remained. leader.

In the jade slips, there are also some evil deeds that the night owl star bandit alliance has done over the years. There are thousands of them.

"I'm afraid that the blue-blood ancestors I met that day will not let it go, but that's good. If they dare to come to the door, they can get rid of these cancerous tumors, and it will be regarded as a matter of great merit."

Chen Xi put away the jade slips, with a trace of murderous intent lingering between his brows, he also hated this kind of thing that did all kinds of evil, if it happened to him, he would not be merciful.

"Don't be dazed, quickly take out the sword you just got."

Suddenly, Lao Bai came to urge Chen Xi.

Chen Xi was very satisfied with Lao Bai's performance in the Yi Bao Hall today, he never said a single word from the beginning to the end, and was even a little abnormal.

At this moment, it suddenly opened its mouth, and while Chen Xi was slightly taken aback, he heaved a sigh of relief inexplicably. He felt that this was Lao Bai's true face. If he didn't say a word, it would make Chen Xi a little uncomfortable...

"What happened to this sword?"

Chen Xi took out the ancient bronze sword box and opened it, and asked Lao Bai.

Lao Bai didn't say anything, but stared at the ancient sword quietly placed in the sword box, and began to size it up carefully.

It was not until a long time before it said hesitantly: "The dust? What a dust, indeed, he has smelted an innate spiritual treasure. If my guess is correct, the master of this sword has at least as much cultivation as yours. [Heart Sutra] The eighth forging state is comparable."

Speaking of this, Lao Bai couldn't help sighing, "It's just a pity that the master of this sword is still one step short in the end, unable to continue to explore the ultimate sword path, and turned into a speck of dust in this world, a step behind Xuan Shang."

"How did you see that?"

Chen Xi's heart trembled, he was a little surprised that Lao Bai could see so many things from a single sword.

"This is a talent that I, my ancestor, was born with. Others can't learn it. You can't learn it even if you want to. It's best to give up."

Lao Bai started to shriek again, and gave Chen Xi a sideways look very proudly.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi was too lazy to talk nonsense with this old bird again. He waved his hand and drove Lao Bai away. Start sitting cross-legged.

Now, he has advanced to the realm of ancestor gods, and it is difficult to improve his cultivation in a short period of time, so he puts his mind on improving the cultivation of Dao Xin.

As long as the Dao Xin cultivation base is improved, it is enough to promote the transformation of the sword dao cultivation base, and it can even feed back the progress of the Dao enlightenment cultivation base.

Now that Chen Xi's cultivation of Dao Heart has reached the point of perfection in the first exercise of the [Original Heart Sutra], the condensed heart baby is like a child, sitting cross-legged in the square inch of the heart, and the whole body is filled with the crystal clear secret power of the heart. It looks very miraculous and holy.

His plan is to temper his Dao Xin cultivation with all his strength in the next time, and strive to break through and advance to the second level of training early.

At that time, one's own fighting power will inevitably change again!


ps: Today is the 7th shift, to celebrate X Hao, and the second shift will be around [-]:[-].


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