divine talisman

Chapter 1750 4 month later

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

During these days, apart from meditating in the cave, Chen Xi also went out to the Yibao Hall twice.

With a fifth-grade Daogen and a sixth-grade Daogen respectively, they were exchanged for the 60-year-old "Baohua Jiulingsha" and the 50-year-old "Jade Dou Xue Guangzhu".

This made Chen Xi very satisfied. If this situation continues, within three months, it will be enough to collect all the necessary divine materials.

However, this was an ideal state, and Chen Xi didn't dare to hold too much hope.

When Chen Xi returned from the ruins of Manggu, apart from the emperor-level dao root he had obtained, he still had three dao roots of the eighth rank, nine dao roots of the seventh rank, sixteen dao roots of the sixth rank, and sixteen dao roots of the fifth rank. Daogen 27 strains.

Excluding the five, sixth, and eighth-rank Dao roots that were exchanged before, there are still many Dao roots in hand.

For the current Chen Xi, these Dao roots are naturally unnecessary, but they are like an astonishing amount of wealth, which can have a profound impact on Chen Xi's future cultivation.

Just like the previous deal with Emperor Zhenwu, not only was it as simple as harvesting a plant of Hunxiang Feather Spirit Grass and a Dust Sword, at least the other party owed a favor, which might be useful someday.

In the days that followed, Chen Xi still lived in a simple place, and unless necessary, he spent all his time on tempering his Dao Heart cultivation base.

But in the outside world, the atmosphere in Linlangbao City is getting hotter.


In today's Linghang Divine City, the atmosphere can be described as unprecedentedly lively. There are ascetics everywhere, and there are creatures from different ancient clans everywhere. Compared with the past, there are many more strange faces.

But the hot topic of discussion in the streets and alleys was still the matter about the reward order issued by Chen Xi.

"I don't know how many ancestral Dao roots that guy has in his hands, it's incredible."

"According to my estimate, there must be at least thirteen fifth-rank to sixth-rank daogens. It's a pity, that guy's bounty is too rare, otherwise I really want to exchange for one."

"Whimsical! Didn't you see that many big figures from the big clans came here, and they could only sigh because they didn't have the talents that met the requirements?"

"I just don't know, in the next few days, those lucky ones will be able to exchange for an ancestral root..."

Now, all the ascetics in the entire Linghang Divine City know that Emperor Zhenwu came to the Yibao Hall and successfully exchanged for a Dao Root for his grandson Zhao Jiukun, and left satisfied.

This made all ascetics completely convinced that the reward order was true!Rather than playing tricks!

This caused another commotion in the audience, and everyone was frantically searching for news, trying to find a talent that fit the reward order.

Until a few days ago, someone exchanged for two ancestral Dao roots again. As soon as this news came out, the entire Linghang Divine City fell into an uproar.

Under such circumstances, for any ascetic, this year's Linlangbao City is absolutely unprecedented.

The key lies in the uproar caused by this reward order, which not only spread to the entire Linghang God City, but also spread to the entire South China Sea, and even the unexpected domain of the South China Sea.


Linghang Divine City, in a cave of heaven and earth.

A group of figures are gathering together at this moment, a total of four men and one woman, with a strong aura and incomparably frightening.

If anyone with rich experience is here, they will definitely be able to recognize that these four men and one woman are the five leaders of the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance!

At this moment, in the midst of them, there was a light curtain floating, and on the light curtain was the tall and tall figure of Chen Xi!

"So, you can already be sure that this kid is the owner who issued the reward order?"

A middle-aged man with a three-strand willow beard, an elegant face, and a red Taoist robe spoke. His eyes flickered as he looked at the light curtain.

He is the second leader of the Night Owl Star Bandit Alliance, Taoist Burning Snow.

"It shouldn't be wrong. I have checked carefully outside the Yibao Hall, and this son is undoubtedly the most suspected."

On one side, the eye sockets collapsed, and the blue blood patriarch said in a deep voice, "You can't trust me, but you should trust the sense of smell of my three corpses, right? That kid just turned into a pig, and the unique smell on his body is not will change."

"If that's the case, this kid has a lot of money. These days, the entire Linlangbao City has been in turmoil with a reward order issued by him. If we can catch him... it will definitely give us a big surprise."

On the other side, a woman in colorful clothes spoke. Her face was enchanting, her eyes were like peach blossoms, and she was playing with a three-inch-long, blood-red bug with a ferocious face in her slender, white hands. .

She is "Conggu", the five leaders of the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance, a powerful character from the Beetle Clan.

"It's not just expensive. According to Qingxue, before issuing the reward order, this son spent more than 600 million yuan to buy a lot of divine materials. Is this something ordinary people can do? Among the children of that top power, they are all rare."

Taoist Ranxue smiled, but a pair of torches seemed to be burning in his eyes, and he did not hide his greed, "As long as we can catch this one, we can have fun for a long time, and we don't have to risk running around anymore. I'm tired of being hunted down every day."

"Hahaha, I think so too."

The blue blood patriarch laughed.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Aunt Chong looked at an old man sitting in the middle.

When the others heard the words, they all restrained their smiles and looked over in unison.

The old man's face was old, his hair was thin and gray, and his temperament was as dead as water. He wore a black eye patch on his left eye, and his aura was very mysterious.

He is the leader of the Night Owl Star Thief Group, "Ghost Eye Eagle"!A peak ancestor god with a mysterious origin.

It is rumored that it is precisely because of the existence of the ghost-eyed eagle that the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance has escaped one after another in these years, and it can be called the core figure of their entire force.

During the conversation just now, Ghost Eyed Eagle remained silent until now, when everyone focused on him, he slowly touched his chin and said, "I just want to ask you a question, but I found out The specific identity of this target?"

The low, hoarse voice of the night owl, which seemed to come from the abyss, was chilling.

Everyone was startled, but they really haven't found out yet.

"Even the target's identity has not been found out, so you have to act in a hurry. You... are you looking for death?"

The ghost-eyed eagle raised its head, and a one-eyed snake like a cold snake swept over the crowd, making them all look stunned.

"Then... brother, what do you mean?"

Taoist Ranxue, the second leader, couldn't help asking.

"Let's touch this kid's bottom first to see how divine he really is."

Ghost Eye Condor said expressionlessly.

"But if this kid is not young, should we give up this operation?"

Suddenly, a figure sitting in the farthest corner spoke. He had thick bones and a majestic body. Even if he sat cross-legged there, he still gave off an imposing aura like a mountain. His eyes were brighter than the sun and the moon.

He is Chang Hen, the four leaders of the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance, nicknamed "Nielong", and he was born in the Purple Horned Dragon Clan.

"Fourth, what do you think we should do?"

Ghost Eye Eagle squinted his one-eyed, and asked slowly.


Chang Hen uttered a word lightly from his lips, overflowing with murderous intent.

"Do you think so too?"

Ghost Eye Eagle looked at the others again.

"I think we can do it. Anyway, we have already provoked countless enemies over the years, and this kid is not bad."

"That's right, we made this vote, at worst, go far away, go to other realms to hide first, enjoy the blessings, and avoid the limelight."

The others hesitated for a moment, but also spoke one after another.

Seeing this, the ghost-eyed eagle fell silent.

After a long time, when everyone was in doubt, he said: "Okay, you can do it, but you can't be in the Spiritual Navigation City."

Seeing this, the others breathed a sigh of relief and beamed with joy.

But the ghost-eyed eagle sighed in his heart, looked at the figure on the light curtain, and murmured to himself: "Why did I have a warning sign in my heart... Could it be that this young man is also a..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become dazed, as if he was reminiscing about a long, long time ago, so long that he had almost forgotten it, and even his memory became blurred.

In the end, he didn't think of anything, and couldn't help shaking his head, laughing at himself in his heart, it seemed that he was indeed old and became more and more careful...


A month later.

Chen Xi's mental strength cultivation has successfully advanced to the second training stage of the [Original Heart Sutra].

The improvement of his mental strength made his kendo cultivation at the first level of the Sword Emperor loose, and he was only one chance away from stepping into the second level of the Sword Emperor.

Under such circumstances, his personal combat power has also improved significantly, and he is no longer afraid of fighting any ascetics in the Ancestral God Realm.

two months later.

Chen Xi successively paid the price of six fifth-rank Dao roots and four sixth-rank Dao roots, and obtained ten kinds of divine materials from the Yibao Hall, only three plants were needed to collect all the required divine materials.

Three months later.

However, Chen Xi couldn't sit still anymore, because this month he only collected one kind of divine material, and the only remaining two divine materials, "Li Fanxuan Divine Jelly" and "Golden Pattern Thorn", could not be found for a long time. .

fourth month.

Chen Xi was finally convinced that it was no longer possible to find these two kinds of divine materials by relying on the reward order, so he ordered Qian An to withdraw the reward order.

At this point, all the ascetics in the entire Linghang Divine City were inexplicably relieved, because in the past four months, because of this reward order, they had been shaken so much that their minds were almost numb.

Seeing the disappearance of the reward order now, they all knew that this uproar would eventually come to an end.

As far as Chen Xi was concerned, although this action was only one step away from success, this step was enough to determine the outcome of his action.

In the end, he decided to go to the dark market!


ps: The third is later, around 10 o'clock, the goldfish have to eat to fill their stomachs first~


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