divine talisman

Chapter 1751 Era Divine Treasure

After deciding to go to the dark market, Chen Xi immediately set off and came to the Yibao Hall to discuss the matter with Qian An.

As we all know, if you want to enter the dark market, you must be recommended by someone, and you must pay a price of 100 million Divine Crystals.

Chen Xi is not bad for Shenjing, he only needs one recommendation.

"For you, son, entering the dark market is just a trivial matter, and I can help you with it later."

Knowing Chen Xi's intentions, Qian An agreed without hesitation.

These days, because of Chen Xi’s relationship, not only did he obtain an astonishing amount of wealth, but he was also promoted to be a supervisor in the Yi Bao Hall.

Coupled with the instructions of "Hall Master Peng", no matter what request Chen Xi puts forward at this time, Qian An will probably agree without hesitation.

Chen Xi smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"My lord, I'm afraid you haven't been to the dark market yet, do you need someone to guide you?"

After hesitating for a while, Qian An still couldn't help asking, looking at Chen Xi earnestly.

"That's just fine."

Qian An said happily, "My lord, wait a moment, I'll come when I go down."

Chen Xi nodded.


After a cup of tea.

Qian An led Chen Xi into a quiet room, then took out a jade talisman densely covered with dao patterns, and crushed it violently.


Light and rain flew, and a portal was gradually outlined in the void, filled with divine brilliance, which is very magical.

"My lord, this is the path leading to the dark market. It is built in a 'Daoyu'. No one recommends it, but it is absolutely impossible to enter it."

Qian An explained with a smile.


Chen Xi's heart shuddered.

This is a huge space that can only be opened up at the Taoist level, comparable to a world, which can isolate the detection of the power of the order of heaven.

Like the Xuanzhu Temple in the ancient ruins of Mang, like the "Taichu God Garden" where the Taichu Temple is located, they are all one side of the Dao Domain.

"That's right, the Dao Domain where the dark market is located has been inherited from the Boundless Years ago, and trading in it is the safest."

While explaining, Qian An cupped his hands and said, "My lord, please."

Chen Xi nodded, without any hesitation, he and Qian An stepped into that portal.


In a flash of light, the two had disappeared.


This is an ancient city with a grand scale.

The streets paved with blue bricks are extremely mottled, and many parts of the walls have collapsed. It was eroded by the years for a long time, ancient and vicissitudes.

Walking into it is like walking into ancient times, with a heavy historical precipitation.

Today, many figures have gathered in this city.

Different from the outside world, those who can reach this place obviously all come from extraordinary backgrounds and have a lot of money, almost all of them are people with profound background and great power.

When Chen Xi and Qian An arrived, they immediately saw many experts in the Ancestral God Realm, and only a handful of Spiritual God Realm existed. As for the True God Realm, it was almost impossible to find them.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, this dark market is not something anyone can come to if they want.


Suddenly, there was a roar in this world, and a bronze treasure chariot pierced the sky and came galloping.

The person pulling the treasure chariot was eight golden lions, fierce and intimidating, rushing towards them with a murderous aura.

"Suan Ni treasure chariot!"

"Emperor Zhan Xiao of the Jiuqu Territory is here!"

People on the street exclaimed and there was an uproar, and they all showed fear and awe when they recognized the identity of the owner of the treasure chariot.

Emperor Zhan Xiao, that is the master of the Jiuqu domain, with a strong temperament, decisive killing and unrivaled power.

Not long after, before people recovered from the shock, a brilliant cloud rose into the sky. If a round of scorching sun passed by, it was dazzling. On it was a stalwart figure shrouded in divine splendor, making it difficult to see his face clearly. But its aura surpasses the ages, looking down at the mountains and rivers, changing the color of the world.

"This is?"

"If my guess is right, it should be Emperor Miaofeng of Yunkong Island in the South China Sea!"

"Emperor Miaofeng? God, I heard that he has been in seclusion for thousands of years, how could he appear out of nowhere today?"

There were exclamations in the street, and there was another commotion.

At this moment, even Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised, one emperor after another came to this dark market, and why?

Suddenly, Chen Xi felt his eyes darken, and the sky was covered with a black shadow, covering the sky and the sun.

If you look carefully, it is not a black cloud, but a huge body of a basaltic beast, with an area of ​​[-] mu, moving across the sky, like a floating continent moving, releasing an incomparably terrifying aura.

It wasn't until the Xuanwu Divine Beast flew away that he finally saw clearly that there was a group of figures standing on the back of the Xuanwu, headed by an old man wearing a dark green gown, wide-sleeved belt, and a crown on his head.

"True Martial Emperor!"

"He didn't leave!"

In the ancient city, the tranquility was completely broken, and there was an endless uproar. People were shocked by this scene, and their hearts could not be calm.

In just a short moment, three mighty emperors came here, which is extraordinary.

Next, batch after batch of ascetics came, including emperors and dignitaries, as well as powerful people from all realms. The scene was shocking.

Standing on the street, Chen Xi felt that this trip was worthwhile. Through other people's comments, he also learned about some emperors and characters, which broadened his horizons.

"My lord, when we came here, I have already learned that there will be an auction held in the dark market today. At that time, many shocking treasures will appear, which are beyond imagination. Come to think of it, these big shots are all for Come here."

Qian An explained in a low voice.


Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know when. He hadn't been in contact with an auction for a long time, but he never thought that today was just the right time to catch up with a grand event that attracted many emperors.

"My lord, you are only short of two rare divine materials, 'Li Fanxuan Divine Jelly' and 'Golden Thorn'. Perhaps, you can go to the auction to try your luck."

Qian An suggested softly.

"Go! Patriarch, I want to see what kind of treasures will appear in this auction." Lao Bai's eyes glowed, and he seemed very interested in this.


Chen Xi nodded.

"However, young master, you have to be mentally prepared. At this kind of auction, it is difficult to bid for a good treasure with Shenjing alone. If you use Zuyuan Daogen to bid for treasures, I am afraid that your identity will be exposed."

Qian An slightly hesitated, but explained in a low voice.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Chen Xi smiled. Not only did he have the Dao roots of his ancestors, but he also had many unrivaled talents. Because they were too rare, he was reluctant to sell them.

"That's good, eight thousand miles away from this city is the place where this auction will be held - Nanhai Auction House."

Qian An laughed.

It was still early, and Chen Xi was not in a hurry, and walked along the street with Qian An to the distance.

Along the way, from time to time, one after another could be seen, darting towards the same direction. Obviously, they all came to participate in that auction.

"Have you heard that many emperors and dignitaries have come to the 'Shen Xiang Yan Dao Ruler' this time, and I heard that it is an extraordinary innate spiritual treasure."

"It's not just as simple as this treasure. I heard that there are many secret treasures that move the emperor's realm at this auction. Otherwise, it would not be able to attract so many big figures."

"I've also heard that the finale of the auction is a divine treasure of the era. I don't know if it's true or not. This kind of treasure is the most jealous of heaven. Once it is discovered by the order of heaven, the consequences will be really unimaginable."

"The Divine Treasure of the Era? Ridiculous! Who in this world would be so stupid as to auction off the Divine Treasure of the Era?"

Along the way, Chen Xi heard many comments, all of which were related to the auction, which made him very surprised to hear it.

Era Divine Treasure?

What kind of baby is this?

"Hey, the Divine Treasure of Returning Era, what a bunch of ignorant people." Old Bai stood on Chen Xi's shoulder, sneering disdainfully, very disapproving.

"how do I say this?"

Chen Xi asked curiously.

"Little guy, you probably don't know what an era god treasure is. In short, it is a treasure that is beyond the scope of the order of the heavens and has the power of taboos against the sky. Generally speaking, these treasures are all inherited from the previous era. Come down, because it is too against the sky, it is taboo by the heavens of this era, once it is discovered, it will definitely attract endless disasters from the heavens."

Lao Bai said frankly, "Treasures like these cannot be controlled even in the emperor's realm. Even if they are contaminated with this thing, they will be implicated and will not be tolerated by the law of heaven."

Chen Xi's heart was shaken. He never thought that there were such heaven-defying taboos in this world. This reminded him inexplicably of his Nether Record and Slaying Evil Brush, which were also taboo treasures and could not be exposed to the world.

"After understanding this, you will understand that for ordinary ascetics, owning the Divine Treasure of the Era is definitely more harmful than beneficial, and it is easy to bring disaster to oneself."

Old Bai spat and said, "That's why I said, my ancestor, these ascetics are too simple to understand the horror of the Jiyuan Shenbao... Hey, no, if the Jiyuan Shenbao really appeared, wouldn't it be..."

Speaking of this, it suddenly froze, as if remembering something, it froze there for a while, and fell into silence.

"what happened?"

Chen Xi keenly noticed that Lao Bai's mood seemed a little unstable, so he couldn't help asking with raised eyebrows.

"It's nothing, let's go to the auction first."

Lao Bai shook his head, but his expression was a little strange.

On the next road, it was even more uncharacteristically, becoming taciturn, and even a little dazed.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't ask too much. This old bird had a mysterious origin and seemed to know everything. Even he didn't know how many secrets Lao Bai had in his stomach.

Soon, an ancient building appeared in front of me. It was magnificent and magnificent, like a towering tower standing on the horizon, and also like an observatory built by the ancestors in ancient times.

At this time, batches of ascetics came in one after another, filing in. It seemed very lively, but the atmosphere was very solemn.

Chen Xi saw the Suan Ni treasure chariot, and saw the cars of the big shots. Obviously, those big shots had already arrived.

This is the Nanhai Auction House, located in the dark market of Linlangbao City, which is famous for its mystery.


ps: There are only 2 days left until the end of the month. Brothers and sisters, Fuhuang is now ranked No.5 in the monthly ticket list. This is the highest ranking that Fuhuang has achieved so far. Pay, now Jinyu and Shen Chen are ready to defend this ranking. I hope everyone will vote more and sprint together with Jinyu to strive for the glory of No.5 this month!Thank you~

The fourth is around 12 o'clock in the morning.


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