divine talisman

Chapter 1752 Changle Emperor

Thank you Daoist for your support~Thank you all friends for your valuable monthly tickets~


In front of the South China Sea Auction House, there are dedicated waiters to receive them.

Qian An seemed to be quite familiar with this, and told Chen Xi to wait a moment, he quickly walked to the waiter, and had a low-pitched conversation.

Not long after, he came to Chen Xi's side with a smile, and said, "This time, thanks to Palace Master Peng's token, I specially prepared a VIP room for you, so that you don't have to worry about being coveted by other cultivators."

Chen Xi looked at Qian An with a little surprise, and thought in his heart that this guy had an exquisite mind and an old face in handling affairs, so he was really a talent.

They didn't stay long at the moment, and the two entered the South China Sea Auction House side by side.

The carved beams and painted pillars in this ancient building are splendid and spacious, obviously refined by the secret method of space, and there is another universe.

Entering the hall, the first thing that comes into view is an ancient statue. It is the image of a man with a stalwart figure and a high spirit. He has his hands on his back and his eyes are looking into the distance. With a simple movement, there is an air of disdain Coming head on, shocking the soul.

This statue obviously has an extremely ancient origin, and it has been smudged with a layer of Dao charm. There is an indescribable charm that makes Chen Xi feel a sense of awe in his heart.

This is incredible!

One must know that with Chen Xi's current state, even facing a real emperor, he would definitely not be like this.

But now it is just a statue, and it has such an impact on his mind, one can imagine how amazing it is.

Qian An stepped forward respectfully, bowed to the statue, then turned around and came to Chen Xi, and said in a low voice, "My lord, this is the statue of the master of the dark market, that is, the master who opened up this dao domain—— Daoist Duobao, whose name is taboo is rarely known, but there is no doubt that without him, this Linlangbao City would not exist."

Taoist Lord of Many Treasures?

Chen Xi's heart shuddered. A statue of a Taoist master possessed such divine power, which gave Chen Xi a further understanding of the realm of a Taoist master.

The hall was full of people, many of them were strong people from all over the world, including men and women, old and young, there were many creatures from ancient clans, and their backgrounds were not simple.

After all, those who can enter here are almost all famous families, or strong men with extraordinary combat power. On the contrary, there are very few existences like Chen Xi who are in the initial state of ancestor gods. Most of them are old monsters in the realm of ancestor gods. .

This made Chen Xi even more curious about what kind of world-shattering treasures would appear in this auction to attract so many great people.

Soon, Qian An led Chen Xi through the hall, bypassed a winding passage, and came to a white jade door.

"You two, please stop, this is the VIP room."

An envoy stood in front of the white jade gate, with a neither humble nor hot attitude.

"We were introduced by Palace Master Peng. This is a token. We have reserved this VIP room."

Qian An stepped forward and handed over a token.

The waiter looked at Chen Xi and the two suspiciously, but did not reach out to take it, but said indifferently: "Sorry, this VIP room has been reserved, please leave."

Qian An frowned suddenly: "How do you say that?"

The waiter said coldly, "Didn't you hear clearly?"

He was able to work in the South China Sea Auction House, and he had a lot to do with it. He saw a lot of guys like Qian An with chicken feathers as arrows, so he spoke very rudely.

"It's here. I asked someone to make an order earlier." At this moment, a young man came, with gorgeous clothes and shining armor.

Behind him, there is also a group of men and women with luxurious demeanor, each of them is very extraordinary.

"Master Wen!"

The waiter's originally indifferent face suddenly showed a touch of enthusiasm and flattery, and he nodded and bowed quickly.

This group of men and women has a lot of backgrounds, especially the young man in front of him is a descendant of Emperor Changle, the master of the South Sea Region.

Seeing the waiter's attitude change so quickly, Chen Xi couldn't help frowning. It seems that no matter where, there are snobbish eyes.

"My lord, it seems that our trip was wasted this time."

Qian An smiled bitterly and recognized the young man's identity through sound transmission. His name was Wen Xinyu, and he was the seventh son of Emperor Changle.

Qian An explained it to Chen Xi.

"What's going on here? How can there be idlers gathering here?"

Wen Xinyu glanced at Chen Xi and the two, and couldn't help frowning, a little displeased.

The waiter's expression changed suddenly, and he yelled at Chen Xi and Qian An: "You don't hurry to leave, are you still waiting for someone to come and expel you?"

Chen Xi's face darkened. No matter how good-tempered he was, he still felt that this waiter was a bit too much.

Seeing Chen Xi like this, Qian An gritted his teeth suddenly, and said sharply, "We were invited by Palace Master Peng, how do you talk?"

The waiter's expression froze, and he said angrily: "Okay, are you looking for trouble on purpose?"


That Wen Xinyu interrupted with a frown, "There is so much noise in such a place, what's the proper way?"

As he said that, he suddenly turned his head, glanced at Chen Xi and Qian An, and couldn't help showing a disdainful arc on the corners of his lips, and said coldly: "This is not a place where you can run wild, and you just want to enter without looking at your own identities. VIP room? Not to mention Palace Master Peng, even if the other four Palace Masters of Yi Bao Hall are here, you won’t be able to enter the VIP room with just one word from me!”

Qian An's expression was uncertain, he dared to scold the waiter, but he didn't dare to offend the descendant of Emperor Changle.

After all, he was just a steward in Yi Bao's hall, and it was easier for the other party to kill him than to crush an ant.

"Haha, well, don't bother with them, let them go quickly, don't delay our time."

"Yes, brother Wen, don't be angry, what is there to care about with people like them, and you have lowered your status for nothing."

"You two, don't you hurry up and disappear?"

The group of men and women behind Wen Xinyu also spoke, very arrogant, and their words were even more impolite, completely ignoring Chen Xi and Qian An.

"You little ones, you are really domineering and idiots. You dare to run amok just because you are very powerful? A bunch of prodigals, bah!"

Lao Bai suddenly sneered, and his words were harsh, "Boy, can you bear it? Beat these bastards and let them know what it means to know that there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky."

As soon as Lao Bai opened his mouth, Chen Xi knew that nothing was good. Sure enough, when his voice fell, the faces of Wen Xinyu and the rest of the men and women all darkened.

"This time, you don't even have to leave if you want to!"

Someone was drinking.

"Leave them, especially this flat-haired beast, it must be slaughtered and served with wine!"

There were also people looking at Lao Bai with a murderous look.

Qian An's face suddenly changed, and he complained incessantly, it's over, it's over, he didn't expect to cause such a disturbance just after arriving here, what should we do?At this moment, the Lord Peng is probably coming in person, so you don't know how to deal with it?

At this moment, Chen Xi calmed down instead, and a murderous intent appeared in his heart.

These bastards are indeed, as Lao Bai said, they are idiots. Others are afraid of their backgrounds, but he will not be afraid of them!

"Xinyu, what happened?"

Just when Chen Xi couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to make a move, a voice as deep as a bell sounded, immediately suppressing all voices.

Accompanied by the sound, an old man in purple robes and a rough middle-aged man came from the corridor in the distance.

That is the existence of two emperors!

Qian An shuddered all over, his face was ashen, and he recognized the purple-robed old man as Emperor Changle, the lord of the South Sea Region!

No need to guess, the identity of the rough middle-aged man beside him must not be much different.

"Father, it's only an hour. These two blind guys are fighting for the VIP room with us. We are planning to expel them."

Wen Xinyu smiled and opened his mouth, looking at Chen Xi and the others with even more arrogant eyes, as if he was convinced of them.

The other men and women also nodded one after another, and sneered at Chen Xi and the others complacently.

But what surprised them was that at this moment, instead of showing any fear or panic, the boy opposite him became calmer and calmer.

Normally speaking, under such circumstances, any ascetic would probably be so frightened that he would kneel down and beg for mercy, right?

How could this be?

"Hey, my ancestor, I thought it was someone who was so powerful, but it turned out to be you two idiots."

Lao Bai suddenly spoke, and looked at the purple-robed old man and the rough middle-aged man with a sneer, his words were full of irony.


This bird actually called the two emperors stupid!

Everyone was stunned, completely silent, almost couldn't believe their ears.

"you wanna die!"

That Wen Xinyu was completely furious, someone humiliated his father face to face, he couldn't hold back anymore, he slapped Lao Baifan!


A crisp slap was extremely loud.

But it was not Lao Bai who flew out, but Wen Xinyu, who was beaten to the ground, his cheeks were red and swollen, and blood was spraying from his mouth and nose.

"Who! Who dares to hit me!"

He screamed and yelled.


Another slap hit Wen Xinyu, who almost passed out with a groan.

At this moment, he finally saw clearly that it was his father who hit him!

All of a sudden, he didn't care about howling miserably, and looked at Emperor Changle in disbelief, and shouted: "Father, this, this, this..."

"Your Majesty!"

Emperor Changle's face was as frosty, his eyes were full of anger, and he looked like he hated iron but not steel.

"Father, I..."

Wen Xinyu was completely confused, unable to understand the situation.

"I'll make you kneel!"

Emperor Changle's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, Wen Xinyu was so frightened that his whole body trembled, he quickly got up and knelt down on the ground.

At this moment, those men and women who followed Wen Xinyu had long been sluggish, with expressions of astonishment, bewilderment, and panic on their faces, as if they didn't know why.

Not only them, even Qian An and the waiter froze there.

clap clap clap!

At this moment, Lao Bai suddenly applauded, and said with a sneer: "Teaching children well, teaching children well."

"Senior, Gouzi has blind eyes, I hope you will understand me a little bit, and I will apologize to you on his behalf."

Emperor Changle smiled wryly, bowed and cupped his fists.

This scene almost made everyone's eyes drop except for Chen Xi. Their hearts were shocked, and they finally vaguely understood something.

All this is because of that bird!


ps: Chapter 5 is around 2:[-] in the morning, I can’t wait for my friends to wake up and watch it tomorrow~


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