divine talisman

Chapter 1753 Flying Phoenix Divine Halberd

In the previous chapter, when Lao Bai addressed Chen Xi, a small bug occurred, which has been corrected.


The atmosphere was weird, and everyone was stunned by shock.

In fact, they didn't know that the emperor of Changle and the rough middle-aged man around him had gone to the Taichu temple before, and wanted to visit the temple master for advice.

But later, they did not wait for the Guanzhu, but they waited for Laobai. After some guidance, they completely solved the problem of cultivation. Naturally, they were extremely grateful to Laobai, and regarded him as a senior expert.

Under such circumstances, seeing his own child bumping into Lao Bai, and his words were full of disrespect, how could Emperor Changle not be furious in his heart.

Even a senior like him, who had to be respected by an emperor, was now being slandered and humiliated by his own child. This was simply a slap in the face of him as a father.

But unfortunately, Wen Xinyu and the others didn't realize this until now, and they were all shocked and terrified.

Seeing that Lao Bai was furious and wanted to say something, Chen Xi hurriedly stopped him: "Alright, we're not here to make trouble."

Laobai groaned: "If you put the old ancestor's temper before me, you have to chop up this little bastard, and that guy wants to kill the old ancestor to drink with me, it is an unforgivable crime!"

Said, pointing to one of the men.


Emperor Changle's eyes were like lightning, and he glanced over coldly.

The man was so frightened that he shuddered all over. There was no need to remind him.


Seeing this, Lao Bai was also speechless immediately, feeling very bored.

"Okay, back off."

Seeing this, Emperor Changle knew that Lao Bai's anger had subsided, and immediately waved his hand to let Wen Xinyu and others leave, out of sight and out of mind.

"Then who, you give me a stop!"

Seeing that the waiter was also sneaking away, Lao Bai immediately glared and scolded.

"Senior, the little one was wrong, really wrong, and I hope that you will forgive me this time..." The waiter was struck by lightning, knelt on the ground, and kept slapping his cheeks, looking mournful. look, begging endlessly.

He never thought that this flat-haired animal had such a powerful background that even the domain master of the South China Sea could only treat it respectfully.

If he knew this earlier, how dare he be as presumptuous as before?

Lao Bai was about to humiliate and mock the other party, but he was so frightened that he was speechless for a while, and said impatiently, "Didn't you just tell us to get out? Now, it's your turn to get out."

"Thank you senior, thank you senior."

The waiter hurriedly got up and left as if fleeing.


Seeing this, Emperor Chang Le didn't care at all, smiled and cupped his hands towards Chen Xi, and said, "The previous incidents have offended me so much, I hope you will forgive me."

Chen Xi cupped his hands and said, "Those who don't know are not guilty, fellow daoists don't have to worry about it."

Emperor Changle nodded, and said with a smile: "Now the auction is about to start, the old couple will take their leave first."

After finishing speaking, he exchanged greetings with Lao Bai again, and then turned away with the rough middle-aged man.

"Hmph, it's so boring to bully some idiot-like little dolls. I originally thought about taking this opportunity to kill that Changle Emperor as compensation..."

Lao Bai muttered in his mouth.

"Be content."

Chen Xi glanced at it, dumbfounded.

At this time, Qian An came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream, but the expressions he looked at Chen Xi and Lao Bai had changed, there were shock, bewilderment, and more A kind of awe from the heart.

He had already known how extraordinary this person and bird were, but he still didn't expect that they would be treated with such respect by the Lord Chang Le of the South Sea Region, all of which was beyond his imagination.


The movement that happened here alarmed the South China Sea Auction House. A senior manager came in person and apologized to Chen Xi and Lao Bai frequently. Seeing that the two no longer care about it, he left in peace.

Before leaving, he ordered two beautiful emissaries to personally serve Chen Xi and Lao Bai. This is not the kind of treatment that ordinary people can enjoy.

Obviously, this chief steward must have received orders from Emperor Changle, and he knew that Chen Xi and Lao Bai could not be neglected.

The atmosphere in the VIP room is extraordinary, and the furnishings are all carefully selected, filled with divine luster.

A glazed mirror is mounted on the wall, facing the auction hall, from which you can clearly see everything there, so that distinguished guests can bid for treasures.

But from the outside, you can't see everything in the VIP room, which is considered an excellent protection.

Just as Chen Xi had just sat down, the auction had already kicked off. A beautiful woman with a graceful and dignified temperament stepped onto the auction stage, briefly stated the rules of the auction, and then directly took out the first treasure.

All of a sudden, it attracted Chen Xi's attention.

It was a short red halberd, the whole body flowed like the radiance of the god of fire, and the arc of the short halberd's blade was like a flying fire phoenix. It was exquisite and dazzling, releasing an astonishing edge.

Take a closer look, it is an innate spirit treasure!

Not only Chen Xi, but all the ascetics who participated in this auction also took a breath, and their minds were attracted to them.

Often at the beginning of the auction, a heavy treasure will be taken out, which is called a "good start", and at the same time, a heavy treasure will be taken out and placed in the last link for the finale.

Obviously, this innate spirit treasure is the treasure of "good start".

"This short halberd is called 'Feihuang'. It is a congenital spiritual treasure, and inside it is a natural fire of origin, whose power is unpredictable." The beautiful woman on the stage briefly introduced it.

Different from ordinary auctions, the ascetics who can participate are all big figures from all sides. They don't need to introduce too much, they can see the magic of the Flying Phoenix Divine Halberd.

"A combat-type innate spirit treasure, Shenwei is more powerful than ordinary innate spirit treasures. It is really surprising that it is not placed at the end as the final treasure."

Many exclamations sounded.

Chen Xi stared carefully for a long time, but he stopped paying attention. This treasure is indeed rare, but unfortunately, it is not suitable for him.

"The auction of this treasure is very simple. The reserve price is 3000 million yuan of divine crystals. Similarly, fellow Taoists can also exchange their treasures for the highest price."

The beautiful woman spoke.

Before the voice fell, a series of quotations came from the hall, and it didn't take long for the price to soar to 900 million Shenjing.

At this point, the originally fiery atmosphere calmed down a little.

Because this price is already astonishing enough, if there is more, even those big shots will have to think carefully.

However, in the end, this "Flying Phoenix Divine Halberd" was exchanged by a great person for a bottle of extremely rare and extremely valuable "Tianmiao Dao Marrow Liquid".

One drop of this "Tianmiao Dao Marrow Liquid" is enough to exchange for millions of divine crystals, which is hard to come by. Now that a whole bottle can be exchanged for an innate spirit treasure, it is already considered a sky-high price, and immediately no one here dares to buy it again. Bid with it.

This made Chen Xi finally understand why Qian An would tell himself before that in this auction, it would be difficult to bid for a good treasure with Shenjing alone, and it seems that it is indeed the case.

For ordinary ascetics, Shenjing means wealth. Naturally, the more the better, but for the big shots here, it is just a bunch of numbers. It is not precious, and naturally it is difficult to Use the quantity to exchange for a rare treasure.

Soon, the second treasure was displayed on the stage.

It was a sacred plant, placed in a jade box, shaped like a twisted earthworm, with sharp thorns like swords and knives growing on the edge, the whole body was as bright as golden juice poured, and there were wisps of obscure dao rhyme .

When he saw this divine material clearly, Chen Xi's body froze suddenly. This was one of the two divine materials he lacked, the "Golden Bramble"!

Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised by this, but it was more of a surprise. He never thought that he would let himself witness this thing at the beginning of the auction.

"This treasure is named Golden Bramble..."

Before the beautiful woman finished her introduction, there was a roar of laughter in the hall.

"Isn't this one of the talents that the master needs for the reward?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the South China Sea Auction House is really a good way. Instead of exchanging for Zuyuan Daogen, they put this item up for auction. Could it be that they want to use this to drive up the price?"

"The old man knows that many old guys are eagerly waiting to find a golden bramble to help their children and grandchildren find an ancestral root. Your auction is good at calculating, and the purpose of auctioning this thing is a bit different. Simple."

Discussions were everywhere, obviously, everything that happened in Linghang Divine City these days, even the big shots present have heard about it.

At this moment, Chen Xi was also stunned, and curled his lips helplessly. It was no wonder that the South China Sea Auction House, who made him issue such a reward order?

"Since fellow daoists are clear, that would be great. I won't repeat it any more. The reserve price for this item is 500 million divine crystals. It can also be exchanged with other divine treasures. The highest bidder wins."

The beautiful woman smiled, without any embarrassment, and said slowly.


"Twenty-one million and two million."

"3000 million!"


The scene that followed was even hotter than when the first Xiantian Lingbao was auctioned, which really surprised many people present.

But Chen Xi frowned. If things go on like this, what price should he pay to be able to take pictures of this thing?

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied with the auction house's practices. It was obvious that he was indirectly using himself to make profits, but in turn, he had to pay a high price for the rightful owner, which was really annoying.

But Chen Xi couldn't do anything about it. He knew that this time, he was only afraid that he would have to bleed heavily before he could take this thing down.

But what happened next took him by surprise.

I only heard a voice as deep as a bell suddenly came from the hall: "Everyone, this old man is determined to get this thing, and I am willing to pay the price of a piece of Dao stone from the sky!"

This is the voice of the Changle Emperor.

However, what really surprised Chen Xi was the next moment, another voice sounded: "Hahaha, Brother Wen, this old man is also determined to get this thing. I wonder if a piece of Kanli Wraith Iron can take this thing?"

This voice was actually made by Emperor Xuanwu.

It can be said that these two emperors had contact with Chen Xi, either openly or secretly, but now they both wanted to fight for a golden bramble at all costs.

This made Chen Xi a little puzzled. They... what kind of trouble are they going to do?


ps: Five more to send!Please ask for a monthly ticket~~


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