divine talisman

Chapter 1754 The Battle of the Monarchs

Chen Xi was puzzled, but there was an uproar in the hall.

Whether it is a piece of Tianhai Yundao stone from Emperor Changle, or a piece of Kanli Wraith Iron from Emperor Zhenwu, they are all extremely rare treasures.

Such treasures are not used by ordinary ascetics. The key is that they are extremely attractive to the existence of the emperor!

It can be said that no matter what kind of treasure it is, its value is definitely far higher than that of the golden brambles.

If we compare these two treasures in detail, it is still impossible to distinguish the good from the bad. We can only say that the Kanli Wraith Iron is even rarer than the Tianhaiyun Dao Stone.

The key point is not these, but at this moment, for a golden thorn, two mighty emperors in the world are vying to make a move. There is a faint posture of tit for tat, which makes everyone in the room startled and dare not make any more bids.

Yes, although there are many emperors in the audience, but in terms of power, Emperor Zhenwu is obviously far superior to others, and has been famous for a long time. It is rumored that he has set foot in the realm of Taoist. If you are determined to win, who dares to compete with it?

Although Emperor Changle's prestige is slightly inferior to that of Emperor Zhenwu, he himself is the lord of the South Sea Region, with great power, and even the dark market is in his territory. Under such circumstances, Emperor Zhenwu is obviously the The dragon crossing the river does not take advantage of the "geographical advantage".

Now, the two are fighting for a treasure, which naturally attracted the attention of all the audience.

Only the beautiful woman on the auction stage had a vague smile on her lips. The more she was like this, the more beneficial it would be for their Nanhai Auction House. She was very happy with the two emperors

"Hahaha, Brother Zhao, if it is any other treasure, I will give it up, but this golden bramble will not work! I will produce another million-year-old multicolored snow rainbow!"

Emperor Changle's deep laughter sounded like a chime, and his words were sonorous, adding a hint of gunpowder to the atmosphere.

After a moment of silence, Emperor Zhenwu let out a long sigh: "Brother Wen, why are you so aggressive? To tell you the truth, this old man once owed a favor to a little friend, and he wanted to get this golden bramble no matter what. "

Owing favors?

little friend?

Everyone in the hall was amazed, is there any existence in this world that can make Emperor Zhenwu have to owe favors?

For a cultivator who values ​​his promise, it is not such a simple matter to owe a favor, and it even takes a life to repay it!

And being able to make a person like Emperor Zhenwu owe a favor is even more precious than obtaining an innate spiritual treasure by accident!

At this moment, everyone in the hall finally vaguely understood the reason why Emperor Zhenwu was determined to win this treasure.

Only Chen Xi could not stop smiling wryly in his heart. Of course he knew that the "little friend" in Emperor Zhenwu's mouth was referring to himself, but...he would rather Emperor Zhenwu not step in this way!

Because if you fight like this, in the end, it is the South China Sea Auction House who is obviously cheaper. As for the favor, Chen Xi really doesn't care that much.

Emperor Zhenwu's sigh was still lingering in the hall, but Emperor Changle's next words surprised everyone present.

"Hey! What a coincidence, the old man wants to take this thing, but he also wants to repay the favor of a little friend."

There was a touch of surprise and surprise in the voice.

As soon as this remark came out, it was about repaying favors, and it was about a "little friend", who was exactly the same as Emperor Zhenwu. How could people not be shocked?

They even roughly judged that the "little friend" mentioned by the two emperors was probably the same person!

As we all know, a few days ago, a reward order caused a sensation in the entire Linghang Divine City. One of the contents of the reward was the "golden thorns"!

Putting it all together, doesn't it mean that the "little friend" the two emperors spoke of is the master who issued the reward order?

Thinking of this, everyone in the hall became restless again, discussing endlessly, and they became more and more curious about the identity of the owner of the bounty order.

Being able to take out so many ancestral Dao roots, stirred up the wind and rain in the city, and caused endless uproar, and now the two famous emperors owed favors, and even fought against each other in order to repay!

How could all this be done by ordinary people?

Even Qian An keenly noticed that the atmosphere had become weird, and he couldn't help but glance at Chen Xi beside him, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

Who would have thought that such a young man was the master behind all this?

Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little helpless in his heart. He knew very well that the so-called "favor" that Emperor Changle called was actually to repay Lao Bai, and had nothing to do with him.

But it was obvious that Emperor Changle blamed all this on himself.

"Forget it, this treasure... I will give it to Brother Wen."

After a brief silence, Emperor Zhenwu let out a soft sigh.

"Thank you very much. When the auction is over, I will arrange a banquet with my own hands, and have a good time with my brother!"

Emperor Changle laughed, with a hint of relief in his voice. Obviously, the competition from Emperor Zhenwu also brought him a lot of pressure.

The auction of the second treasure came to an end. Changle Dijun paid a piece of Tianhai Yun Dao Stone and a million-year-old multicolored snow rainbow, and finally won the "golden thorn".

Everyone knew that paying such a price was obviously a big loss, and it was even enough to buy two "Golden Brambles".

But obviously, Emperor Changle didn't care.


The auction will continue.

The beautiful woman took out the third treasure, which was a melting bead, the size of a pigeon egg, clear and bright all over.

Such treasures are naturally rare treasures of heaven and earth, especially for the Emperor Realm, they can help integrate the divine way, they are extremely miraculous, and very rare. They are generally born in the origin of chaos, and if there is no great opportunity, it will be difficult for one to appear in many years.

Therefore, as soon as the beautiful woman's voice fell, there was a lot of bidding in the hall. It was very lively and intense, and it didn't take long before the price soared to a jaw-dropping sky-high price.

Chen Xi could only look at it and sigh, this kind of treasure is too high, and he is now the Ancestral God Realm, even if it is photographed, it will not be of much use at all.

This is enough to see some clues from the identities of the bidders, almost all of them are contested by the emperor and the strong.

In the end, this Rongdao bead was photographed by the Emperor Zhan Xiao from the Jiuqu domain with a piece of the real phoenix bone.

Many emperors sighed, obviously, they regretted not being able to photograph this treasure.

"What a pity, what a pity."

"Hehe, don't worry, the scale of this auction is unprecedented, far exceeding previous ones, and more rare treasures will inevitably appear in the future."

Everyone in the hall was discussing, but they were looking forward to the upcoming auction.

At this time, a waiter knocked on the door and sent a jade box into the VIP room where Chen Xi was.

Open it and look, it is the golden brambles!

Obviously, it was sent by Emperor Changle in advance.

For this, Chen Xi was expecting it, he glanced at Lao Bai, and said, "This time it took your advantage."

Lao Bai snorted proudly, as if this was a big deal.

Chen Xi smiled, but he was thinking in his heart, now there is only one kind of "Li Fan Xuan Divine Jelly" left, which can gather all the divine materials, and I don't know if this thing will appear in the next auction?


No matter what, the treasures to be auctioned next are indeed more precious than each other, and the reserve price has also risen accordingly, making the atmosphere in the hall more and more lively.

It's a pity that most of them are treasures that are only suitable for the control of the emperor's realm, so Chen Xi can only look at them eagerly, envious in his heart.

However, through the appearance of those treasures, Chen Xi learned about many treasures that he needed to prepare when cultivating in the Monarch Realm, which can be regarded as an eye-opener.

Soon, another innate spirit treasure appeared, it was a three-foot jade ruler, the whole body was as bright as snow, with mysterious and dense dao patterns imprinted on the surface, and an astonishing innate aura evaporated, illuminating the entire hall .

God's Reconciliation Dao Ruler!

On the way to the South China Sea Auction House, Chen Xi heard many ascetics talking about this item. At this moment, when this treasure was presented, it immediately caused a huge commotion, and all eyes turned to look at it.

Almost without waiting for the beautiful woman to introduce more, the bidding began suddenly. Not only the Emperor Realm participated, but some ancestor gods with extraordinary backgrounds also entered it.

Obviously, in order to win this innate spiritual treasure, they did not care about the might of those emperors at all. From this, it can be seen how attractive this treasure is to the ascetics present.

Chen Xi was also very excited, and tried to get Qian An to quote the price a few times, but unfortunately, the competition was so fierce that many emperors and dignitaries were even jealous, and they had a posture determined to win, so Chen Xi could only do it. Can reluctantly quit.

Compared to those old monsters, Chen Xi realized that his net worth was really not enough. Of course, if he took out all those ancestral Dao roots and every piece of innate spirit treasure, then he would have another Forget it.

In the end, this God's Genesis Dao Ruler was photographed by the Emperor Miaofeng from Yunkong Island in the South China Sea, but the price he paid was astonishing. The value of one cannot be estimated concretely.

"I'm afraid that this guy even smashed the coffin into it. If the ancestor, I guess it's right. This guy may have encountered a bottleneck in his practice. He wants to use this treasure to break through. Unfortunately, the price is not worth it. .”

Lao Bai shook his head incessantly.

Chen Xi couldn't help curling his lips. This old bird really had his eyes above his head, and he was only talking sarcastic remarks. It was an innate spiritual treasure. How could he not pay the price if he wanted to have it?

"The treasures that will be auctioned next will all have unpredictable origins. Even the treasure appraiser at my auction house will have difficulty identifying the specific magical properties. At that time, I will quote a reserve price. For others, please judge and bid by yourself."

Suddenly, the beautiful woman on the auction stage smiled slightly, and took out a piece of swarthy bone, stained with dark red blood, with an obscure and desolate aura, the shape was like a skull, and it looked extremely mysterious.

The people in the hall were startled, what is this?

Chen Xi couldn't help but wonder, could this piece of dark bone be a secret treasure?


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