divine talisman

Chapter 1755 Bidding Fight

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat silent.

Everyone is carefully looking at the secret treasure, and this is the time to test your eyesight.

"This kind of breath is obscure and desolate, could it be an ancient treasure?"

Some people speculated.

The so-called ancient treasures are those that have survived from the ancient times before the boundless ages, with unpredictable effects. Some are comparable to innate treasures, but some are worthless, like chicken ribs.

Moreover, strictly speaking, ancient treasures can also be regarded as a kind of secret treasure, most of which hide some extremely astonishing secrets, or carry a certain period of cultivation history, or the imprint left by a certain powerful person, or even some Among the secret treasures, there are hidden caves, inheritances, exercises...etc.

However, treasures like this are extremely rare, most of them have been annihilated in the long river of time, and there are very few that can survive to this day.

"It's not like an ancient treasure. Its bones are pitch black and its surface is stained with dark red blood. This treasure is probably a fierce soldier."

Some people think that this is a kind of bloody fighting treasure.

"A fierce soldier? Who in this world uses a skull as a weapon? Impossible."

There were also objections.

But the more this is the case, the more curious people in the hall are. There is no doubt that this must be a treasure, otherwise the South China Sea Auction will never be auctioned. What is the magical effect of the origin.


Laobai stared at that treasure for a long time, and suddenly let out a little gasp, as if he recognized something, but couldn't believe it.

Chen Xi's heart moved, and he said, "Old Bai, what's so special about this thing?"

"Shoot it!"

Lao Bai didn't answer, and actually asked Chen Xi to take a picture of this thing.

Its eyes were burning, with a compelling brilliance: "No matter what price you pay, you must grab it, and you will definitely not regret it!"

At this moment, Lao Bai appeared solemn and serious, completely different from before. This made Chen Xi keenly realize that Lao Bai must have seen something in that treasure, and it was extremely astonishing.

You must know that when Lao Bai got the "Innate Dao Embryo" from Na Lie Yuncong and his group, he was just ecstatic, looking like he was taking advantage of it, not as serious as he is now.

"it is good!"

Chen Xi thought about it, and then agreed.

He believed in Lao Bai's judgment.


"Everyone, the reserve price for this item is 800 million Divine Crystals, and you can start bidding now."

The beautiful woman spoke slowly.

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar. The reserve price of a treasure that is not even clear about its origin and purpose is not less than 800 million divine crystals?

Many people even think that this is a bluff, obviously a scam.

In fact, specifically speaking, this is no different from the "gambling stone" in the world. When the ore is dug out, no one knows the quality of the jade hidden in it. You need to buy it and cut it to know the quality. .

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to test one's eyesight. Some people get rich because of betting on stones, while others lose everything and go bankrupt because of betting on stones.

"900 divine crystals."

After a brief silence, someone finally couldn't bear the first offer.


"100 million."


Next, the sound of sparse quotations sounded, compared to just now, it seemed a little deserted, and the quotations seemed very conservative.

Obviously, no one will take advantage of this treasure before they are sure about its origin and purpose.

This made Chen Xi, who had been observing the auction, secretly heave a sigh of relief, and a smile could not help but appear on the corners of his lips. This would be good, and maybe he would be able to catch the leak.

When the price slowly increased to 700 million divine crystals, Chen Xi immediately ordered Qian An beside him to start quoting.

"800 million."

Qian An made a sound.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the arena was silent. For any treasure with unclear origin and unclear use, this is already an astonishing sky-high price.

Even the beautiful woman on the auction stage couldn't help feeling a little joy in her heart at this moment, the price also exceeded her estimate.

Before the auction of this treasure, she was also worried that no one would bid for it, and that would be too embarrassing. Fortunately, all of you here are rich and powerful people, and they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy a mysterious and unknown treasure. After researching, even if it is worthless, it is not a mystery to them.

"Are there any fellow daoists bidding? If not, this treasure can belong to the fellow daoists in the VIP Room No. 36, A Zi."

Although she was eager to have this thing photographed, the beautiful woman still opened her mouth and asked for a question.

The audience was silent, which made Chen Xi heave a sigh of relief, but before he could be happy, a cold and indifferent voice sounded.

"900 million."

Chen Xi was startled for a moment.

Not only him, but everyone in the hall was also surprised. Someone really paid a sky-high price to bid for this treasure?Could it be that this treasure is really unusual?

The beautiful woman was also stunned in a rare way, a little surprised, and recognized that the person who opened the bid was the guest of No. 19 VIP Room C, but she herself didn't know who it was.


Chen Xi motioned for Qian An, and quoted another price.

This time, without waiting for a pause, that cold voice sounded again: "Twenty-one million."

Chen Xi frowned, and ordered Qian An to continue quoting.

"Twenty-one million and two million."

"Twenty-one million and two million."

"Twenty-one million and two million."


Next, Qian An kept quoting, but after every quotation, the other party would catch up with him, as if the tip of the needle was facing the wheat.

This immediately aroused a lot of discussion and whispering among the people in the hall, and they were all stunned. They didn't expect that such a treasure could cause such a fierce fight.

Some big shots couldn't help being moved, and wanted to take a trip into the muddy water, but they finally held back. At this price, it is more than enough to take pictures of more than a dozen rare and precious divine materials, but if you go to take pictures of such a treasure, it is obvious. Too bad.

When the price rose to 900 million divine crystals, Qian An couldn't help hesitating, and said in a low voice, "My lord, look..."

Chen Xi had already frowned, and upon hearing that, he waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, you continue to quote."

In his heart, he was deducing quickly, who was against him again, could it be that the other party, like Lao Bai, saw the difference in that treasure?

Prices keep going up...

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more silent, only Qian An and the other party's cold and indifferent voices resounded continuously, as if a sword was on the verge of breaking out.

And on the auction stage, the beautiful woman was already stunned, she bit her red lips lightly, and her pair of beautiful eyes were full of astonishment. Are you angry?

Yes, many people think that the No. 19 VIP Room C is obviously aiming at No. 36 VIP Room A, deliberately driving up the price, otherwise who would spend such a high price to bid for such a treasure?

Of course, it is not ruled out that this treasure is really miraculous, but compared with such an astonishing price, it is really not worth it, unless it is an innate spiritual treasure, but...that is impossible!

"Forty-nine million divine crystals!"

Qian An was so shocked that he became a little numb. When the price was surpassed by the opponent again, he casually called out a price.

And Chen Xi's brows were already locked together, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of ruthlessness in his heart. He wanted to see how long that guy could last, at worst, he would smash out some treasures he had treasured!

However, at this moment, the No. 19 room of C character finally stopped quoting. After a short silence, he suddenly laughed and said: "Since this fellow Taoist is so interested in this thing, I will let it go to you, old man." It’s just for fun, fellow daoist, don’t take it to heart.”

There was a hint of teasing and ridicule in the voice, very proud.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall burst into laughter, and finally realized that this guy was obviously deliberately teasing the other party.

But this is indeed a bit too much. A treasure with a reserve price of 800 million god crystals was abruptly raised to 900 million god crystals by himself. This move is really damaging.

Maybe it's only between enemies that such things can be done, right?

And in Room A No. 36, Chen Xi's expression also became gloomy. Who is that guy?Why do you want to target yourself like this?

He couldn't figure it out, because since he entered the Linghang Divine City, he has rarely shown his face in public, and he has never had a festival with anyone else, except Wen Xinyu, the descendant of Emperor Changle.

But Emperor Changle was also present at the moment, even if Wen Xinyu had given him a hundred courage, he would not dare to do this.

"Hehe, don't worry, Patriarch, I can assure you that it will not be a loss if you spend 900 million Divine Crystals."

Lao Bai seemed to heave a long sigh of relief and didn't care about it at all, as if he was extremely happy to be able to finally photograph this thing.

"I'm not feeling sorry for Shenjing, but I'm thinking why that guy deliberately targeted me."

In the end, Chen Xi still couldn't figure it out, so he couldn't help but shook his head.

"Don't worry, if it's an enemy, it will show up sooner or later. When the time comes, kill that bastard and let it out."

Lao Bai said casually.

Chen Xi nodded, put this matter in his heart, and didn't think about it any more.

Then, he took out a jade box, handed it to a beautiful maid beside him, and said: "The value of the treasure in it is enough to be worth 900 million god crystals, please take it over and take that one as soon as possible!" The treasure is delivered."


The maid quickly took it, turned around respectfully and left.

At the same time, the No. 19 VIP room of C character.


A bronze wine glass was shattered violently, and the debris flew.

"Damn it!"

A deep roar echoed in the room. An old man with an extremely old face and a lifeless aura was ashen-faced, with a murderous intent flashing in his one eye.

He is the ghost eye eagle, the leader of the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance!

It's just that the black eyepatch over his left eye has been taken off, and a cloud of black mist covers his eye sockets, covering his eyeballs, making him look extremely mysterious and frightening.

"Dare to grab things with the old man, very good, very good! Don't let the old man find out your identity, otherwise...you will definitely die!"

The voice seemed to be squeezed out of the teeth, and the hatred was overflowing.


ps: Tomorrow we will continue the fifth watch, congratulations to leader Shen Shen!


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