divine talisman

Chapter 1757

Thank you Brother Tiger for your support!



In Room C No. 19, the Ghost Eye Eagle was shaken all over, and there was a sudden shock in his left eye covered by black mist.

Then, a wisp of dark green plasma flowed out from the pupils of his eyes, passing across his slightly pale cheeks due to shock, appearing extremely strange and terrifying.

"Big brother!"

Taoist Ranxue stood up in shock, not knowing what happened.

"The Divine Treasure of Jiyuan, it really is the Divine Treasure of Jiyuan... This is a sign of a catastrophe..."

Ghost Eye Eagle muttered in a daze as if he hadn't heard it.


Seeing the usually calm and indifferent ghost-eyed eagle look so devastated, Taoist Ranxue couldn't help being startled.


In the next moment, Guiyan Diao wiped off the blood stains on his cheeks, turned around and left.

"Don't wait for the auction to end?"

Taoist Burning Snow was stunned.

"This thing...hehe, if you want to live, leave now!"


Outside the South China Sea Auction House.

The cold wind blowing on his face made Chen Xi calm down a little.

The scenes that happened before were too horrifying. It was just a stone furnace, but it produced such a terrifying vision, which disturbed the mind and made Lao Bai almost lose control. This is too terrifying.

Undoubtedly, it must be an Era Divine Treasure.

But what Chen Xi couldn't understand was that even if this treasure possessed the power of a taboo against the heavens, it was intolerable by today's laws of heaven, and Lao Bai, who had long been familiar with this, shouldn't be so out of control.

Could it be... It saw something from the stone furnace?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but look at Lao Bai, but he saw that the latter looked dazed, looking out of his mind, thinking about something, and seemed very quiet.

"My lord, shall we leave the dark market now?"

Qian An caught up and asked in a low voice.


Chen Xi said without hesitation.

This trip to the dark market has already allowed him to harvest the "Golden Thorn" and "Li Fanxuan Shen Jue", and he has collected all the divine materials, and it is time to return to the Absolute Beginning View.

Seeing this, Qian An immediately took out a piece of jade talisman, crushed it suddenly, and a portal suddenly appeared in the void.

Then, Chen Xi and Qian An stepped into it together, and suddenly disappeared.


Not long after the two of them left, the ghost-eyed eagle and Taoist Ranxue quietly appeared.

"How could it be him?"

Ghost Eyed Eagle frowned, with a touch of astonishment on his old face.

Before, he had asked someone to check the identity of the target in the VIP room No. 36, but he never expected that the other party was another target he had already locked in before - the young man who issued the reward order!

In other words, what he has to deal with this time is actually the same target!

"Brother, wouldn't this be better, this son has many treasures, and he snatched away one of your fancy treasures at the auction before, as long as you kill him, you can kill two birds with one stone, it couldn't be better."

The blood-stained Taoist's eyes flickered with a ruthless look.

"This kid... has a lot to do with Emperor Changle and Emperor Xuanwu."

Ghost Eye Eagle hesitated.

"Those two emperors are probably bidding for the treasure of the era. As long as we kill that kid before we leave the South China Sea, who will find us? At worst, we will find someone in a remote area." Hide for a while."

Taoist Ranxue said anxiously, "Brother, you can no longer hesitate, or the cooked ducks will fly away."

Seeing this, Ghost Eye Eagle's expression changed for a long time, and finally he gritted his teeth and said: "Notify the other leaders, let's act according to the original plan together!"

Taoist Burning Snow said happily: "That's right!"


Linghang Divine City.

It is still as prosperous and lively as ever.

Chen Xi bid farewell to Qian An, and together with Lao Bai, walked along the street towards the outside of the city.

The scorching sun hangs high, the blue sky is like washing, the streets are constantly flowing, the traffic is busy, and the noise of noise is heard one after another.

Compared with the atmosphere in the dark market, this atmosphere made Chen Xi feel much calmer for no reason.

"The catastrophe is coming."

Inexplicably, Lao Bai, who had been silent all this time, sighed softly.

Chen Xi was startled, and couldn't help but ask, "What happened before?"

"The treasure that my ancestor asked you to take before also comes from the last era. It is a holy witch skull."

Lao Bai did not answer Chen Xi, but mentioned the dark treasure that looked like a skull.

"You probably don't know that the holy witch is a powerful person with earth-shattering power in the last era, comparable to today's Taoist existence."

Chen Xi was terrified. If he said that, wouldn't that treasure be equivalent to the skull of a Taoist master?

"The skull of the holy witch is his own natal bone, which is imprinted with his memory, inheritance, and secret texts left behind. It is of invaluable value. In the last era, when such a treasure appeared, it would be enough to cause a catastrophe. The catastrophe that has spread to the whole world has caused countless people to fight desperately."

There was a deep taste in Lao Bai's voice, "However, for this era, the appearance of such a treasure is really a bit ominous, or... you can treat it as a kind of era magic treasure, and it is destined to be destroyed by this era." Heaven forbid."

After a pause, Lao Bai suddenly raised his head and said with emotion: "But that's not the point. The point is that whenever such treasures start to appear in the world, it means... catastrophe!"


Chen Xi frowned. Since a long time ago, he had experienced many disasters, and because of the theory of disasters, he had many disputes with the Supreme Master, and he had long been accustomed to this, and was even a little numb to it.

Under such circumstances, he really couldn't understand what kind of catastrophe would make Lao Bai feel so solemn.

"Hehe, it's just that, but it's not a big deal. Even my ancestor, I have the means to hide it from the world and find some good things from the natal bone of this holy witch."

Lao Bai sighed, "Who would have thought that there would be a Qi Luck Furnace at the auction!"

Speaking of this, it couldn't help being a little irritable, and gritted its teeth, "In the last era, this thing is the treasure that brings together the luck of an era. It is irreplaceable. Whoever owns it is equal to being blessed by the power of heaven. I want to die It is absolutely impossible, but... now, it is a sign of disaster!"

When Chen Xi heard that he couldn't calm down for a long time, was he lucky?Gather the luck of an era?For him today, this is simply too unbelievable.

How could he have heard of such treasures before?

"By the way, what did you see from that furnace before?"

Lao Bai suddenly asked.

Chen Xi was stunned, frowned and recalled: "I saw that cauldron traveling through the boundless void, crossing the heavens and worlds, drifting through the starry sky of the universe, right, there was a woman sitting cross-legged in the cauldron... "

"She seemed to be looking for something. After endless years, she was alone, walking forward alone, but then... she seemed to inevitably fall."

When Chen Xi thought of the scenes he had seen before, he couldn't help feeling lonely and desolate in his heart.

This made him feel very uncomfortable, he couldn't help but shook his head, took a deep breath, and let go of this ray of emotion.

"Woman? Control the cauldron of luck?"

Lao Bai's expression became strange, "It seems that she is looking for a way out after the destruction of the era... Unfortunately, she is not lucky after all, and according to what you said, she should not succeed in the end."

"You mean, after the fall of the last era, she was driving the Luck Furnace to find a way out?"

Chen Xi was shocked.

"It should be so."

Lao Bai pondered, then it suddenly shook its head severely, and said with a chuckle: "Forget it, anyway, it has nothing to do with Patriarch and me, it's not a big deal."

Speaking of this, it took a deep breath, and regained its complacent virtue, and said, "Little guy, after learning all this, are you flustered? Don't be afraid, it's just a sign, the continuation of this ancient god domain So far, I don’t know how many calamities have gone through, and it is still immortal and long-lasting, and it is not so easy to destroy it... "

Originally, Chen Xi glared at the old bird somewhat angrily, but when he heard the last sentence, his heart throbbed for no reason.

But immediately, he shook his head, everything was Lao Bai's inference, and he didn't even dare to judge it, so why should he worry about it?

"Chen Xi, Patriarch, I'm going to retreat for a period of time to thoroughly understand this holy witch's natal bone. Without the protection of Patriarch, you have to be careful."

Lao Bai suddenly smiled and said, with a look of fanaticism, "The moment I come out of the retreat, the ancestor, maybe I can help you understand some supreme methods of the last era. At that time, you Don't be too impressed."

"Retreat? I can't ask for more."

Chen Xi was speechless for a while, and the old bird started to be dishonest again. He grabbed the other person, and very roughly hid it in his body.

Without Lao Bai's noise, suddenly, the whole world is clean.


Without any hesitation, Chen Xi's figure flickered a few times, then left the Spiritual Navigation Divine City, and fled towards the starry sky.


The nebula rotates, and billions of stars twinkle, floating with dreamlike luster.

Standing in the starry sky, Chen Xi looked at the Putuo Star from a distance, and recalled the experience along the way, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

In the blink of an eye, nearly half a year has passed, and I don't know what the empress of Taichuguan is going to do.

Chen Xi took out a piece of purple bamboo branch, which was given by the white spirit deer when he left the Absolute Beginning View, as long as it was broken, it would take the initiative to come to support it.

However, just when Chen Xi was about to break off the purple bamboo branch, a voice suddenly came from the distant starry sky——

"Damn it! You are Nielong Changhen, the fourth leader of the Night Owl Star Thief Group! You... what are you going to do, help, help!"

There was a touch of fear and sadness in the voice of shock and anger.

Chen Xi paused in his hands, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

In an instant, Chen Xi sensed that in a galaxy very far away, a majestic figure was chasing and killing a woman, and the voice of asking for help was emitted by that woman.

That woman is extremely dangerous, she is full of dangers, and she may encounter accidents at any time. She keeps running away, but she is powerless to break away from the opponent's pursuit.

"Evil dragon hate?"

There was a deep and cold luster in Chen Xi's black eyes, he quietly put away the purple bamboo branch in his hand, and the next moment his figure swept over there.


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