divine talisman

Chapter 1758

The person who chased and killed the woman had a majestic figure, a gloomy face, and eyes like the sun and the moon, making him extremely intimidating.

It was Nielong Changhen, the four leaders of the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance.

He shot extremely fiercely, and shot out a piece of divine brilliance, which turned into surging waves, trapping the woman tightly, unable to break free.

"Struggling is also futile. It is best to hand over the treasure, otherwise you will surely die."

Chang hate sneered endlessly.

"Damn it! Don't you night owl star bandit alliance not be afraid of being punished by heaven?"

The woman screamed, terrified and desperate.

"Hmph! Since that's the case, don't blame the ancestor for being rude!"

Chang Hen let out a long roar, and grabbed it with his hand, like a flying dragon exploring the clouds, intertwined with blazing divine brilliance, and suppressed it away.

When Chen Xi arrived, he saw such a scene.

He didn't hide his figure, as soon as he appeared, he tore apart time and space, and the next moment he came to the woman's side.


A palm force released by Chang Hate was shaken by Chen Xi, causing the light rain to shatter.

If he hadn't arrived in time, the woman would have been robbed.

"Thank you, buddy, thank you buddy!"

The woman froze for a moment, and immediately revealed a look of ecstasy, and quickly approached Chen Xi, as if she wanted to bow down and salute, expressing her gratitude.

At this moment, Chen Xi's lips suddenly showed a cold arc, and he reached out and grabbed the woman's throat suddenly!

This was really beyond the woman's expectation. She was caught off guard, and she had no time to dodge and was captured immediately.

All of a sudden, her face turned pale, and she forced a smile and said, "Friend Daoist, you... what are you going to do?"

Not only her, but even that evil dragon Changhen was startled, as if he was a little surprised.


Chen Xi grabbed the woman by the throat like a chicken, and at the same time stretched out five fingers of his left hand, and flicked on the woman's hands, there was a sound of bone cracking.


The bones in the woman's hands were actually shattered, and then a slender black light shot out from her palm, stabbing fiercely at Chen Xi's eyes.

But in the middle of the journey, he was pinched by Chen Xi's fingers, and he couldn't move a single bit.

That black light was actually a pitch-black and slender insect, if you don't look carefully, it's like a steel needle, releasing a frightening luster.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the Fifth Master Chonggu of the Night Owl Star Pirates Alliance, right?"

Chen Xi glanced at the woman, the coldness in his eyes made the latter shiver uncontrollably.

Her complexion had become extremely ugly, she gritted her teeth and said, "Since you already knew, why did you come to save me before?"

"If you don't do this, it won't be so easy to capture you."

Chen Xi said indifferently.

Aunt Chong's face turned ashen. She never expected that a trap carefully arranged by her and Chang Hen would be seen through by the other party early on, and they would use their tricks to put themselves together.


In the distance, that evil dragon Chang Hen applauded suddenly, and exclaimed: "Fellow Taoist is indeed as bright as a torch, powerful, powerful."

After a pause, he continued: "If you don't fight, you don't know each other. Since you have been seen through by fellow Taoists, why don't you let Aunt Chong go, and we will let you go too. How about we just treat each other as friends?"

Chen Xi smiled: "I'm sorry, but you are not worthy of being friends with Chen."

Chang Hen's face darkened: "So, are you going to fight to the death?"

"That's understandable."

Chen Xi nodded, the cloud was calm and the wind was breezy.

Chang Hen's eyes were like lightning, and he stared at Chen Xi coldly for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said, "At this point, you are also reluctant to kill Aunt Chong, you must have a conspiracy, let's see, we were indeed wrong just now, as long as you let go Aunt Chong, how about I compensate you with another fortune?"

"Chen is not planning money."

When Chen Xi said this, he glanced around and said coldly, "Everyone, since you're already here, why bother to hide?"

"Very alert young man, but even if you see through all this, do you still think you can escape?"

Accompanied by a cold, indifferent voice, three figures suddenly appeared from the distant starry sky, they were the big leader of the Night Owl Star Bandit League, Guiyan Diao, the second leader, Ranxue Taoist, and the third elder, Qingxue Patriarch.

"Little guy, let's meet again."

The blue blood patriarch smiled slightly.

"This kid's performance is indeed beyond my expectations, so I can't help but want to recruit him to join us."

Taoist Ranxue spoke slowly.

As soon as they appeared, they stood in different positions, and together with Nielong Changhen, they completely blocked Chen Xi's escape route.

Regarding this, Chen Xi remained calm, his eyes swept over everyone one by one, and said, "That's right, they're all here."

The words are intriguing.

Moreover, he acted too calmly and calmly, making Guiyan Diao and the others frowned, feeling vaguely inappropriate.

"Let Aunt Chong go, the old man spared you this time. Although we have acted cruelly, we have never broken our promises. I think you should be clear about this."

Ghost Eye Eagle said in a deep voice, "If not..."

"Otherwise so what?"

Chen Xi asked.

"What a lifeless little thing!"

"It seems that you are going to kill yourself."

The other leaders all spoke sullenly, sullen. They really did not expect that a good layout would develop to such a point.

The one-eyed Ghost-Eyed Eagle narrowed his eyes with a cold glow, stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and suddenly smiled secretly: "I admit that I underestimated you before, but... this old man is not afraid to tell you that today is the emperor Existence has come, and you cannot escape death!"


Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Then let's try."


As soon as the words fell, he squeezed forcefully in his palm and twisted the neck of that aunt Chong, shattering her soul in one fell swoop!

From beginning to end, he didn't even have time to let out a scream.

too fast.


Then, with a bang, Chen Xi casually threw his body out, then looked at the surrounding people indifferently, and said, "Now, you can avenge your companion."

The voice was flat, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.


"court death!"

Ghost Eye Eagle, Taoist Ranxue, Patriarch Qingxue, and Nielong Changhen were all furious in their hearts. How could they have imagined that the kid on the opposite side would kill their companions in one fell swoop?

This completely angered them, and the ferocity and murderous intent in their hearts transpired.


That blood-stained Taoist had the most ruthless and tyrannical nature, he couldn't hold back any longer, he yelled sharply, and sacrificed a ghostly banner.


He shook it lightly, and a dark cloud-like mist gushed out, there were faint howls of ghosts and gods, corpses were everywhere, and the vision of a sea of ​​blood was born, turning this world into a purgatory.

Almost at the same time—

The ancestor of Qingxue sacrificed a white bone sword, the whole body was refined from skulls, and the blood flowed, dyeing time and space red, which was extremely frightening.

On the other side, the evil dragon Chang hated blue light surging all over his body, his skin was covered with a layer of hard dragon scales, and he had a single horn on his head, like a monster that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, and looked like a human but not a human. His aura suddenly soared several times.


The next moment, together with Taoist Ranxue, they were heading towards Chen Xi Town from different directions.

The leaders of these Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance, all possessing the cultivation of the Ancestral God Realm, have ravaged the starry sky and the universe for thousands of years, causing disasters in all directions, poisoning the world, and causing countless bloodshed and killings.

The fact that they have been able to survive so far has proved that they are not only extremely powerful in combat, but also cruel, treacherous and scheming.

At this moment, as soon as they made a move, they used their killing moves, and they cooperated with each other tacitly, as if they were going to kill them all.

Indeed, they were bandits, extremely vicious, and their fighting style was extremely sophisticated, they didn't hold back their hands at all, and they would kill if they made a move.

For those who are inexperienced, just facing this kind of momentum, I am afraid that they will be so frightened that their livers and gallbladders will be torn apart, and their souls will be out of control.

However, all of this couldn't help Chen Xi.

At the same time Taoist Ranxue, Qingxue Patriarch, and Nielong Changhen started their actions together, Chen Xi also moved.


A divine sword with a dark blue luster and an air of ancient vicissitudes all over its body let out a clear moan, and held it in Chen Xi's hand.

Banchen sword!

A legendary sword with unpredictable origin and incredible power!

In an instant, his momentum changed suddenly, every pore of his body was full of sword intent, and he rushed straight to the nine heavens and ten places, as if the unrivaled sword emperor came, looking down upon the world.


A thick and thick sword energy soared into the sky, piercing time and space, crushing latitude and longitude, and sweeping across with an unrivaled posture.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the galaxy seemed to be mourning, spreading out violent ripples.


With a loud noise, thousands of black mist were crushed, the flag and flag was cut in half, and the Taoist Burning Snow who held the flag and flag was directly cut open with a crack in his chest, coughing up blood and screaming in pain.

The White Bone Sword exploded, the Qingxue Patriarch's entire right arm was chopped off, and he was thrown into the air, spilling the divine blood.

Almost at the same time, although the hatred that was covered with dragon scales all over his body resisted the sweeping sword energy, he was so shaken that Zhou Yu in his body almost burst, bleeding from his seven orifices.

This scene is really horrible.

With just one sword strike, the three ancestor gods who had been in power for many years were all seriously injured!

The ghost-eyed eagle, who was in charge of the battle in the distance, was so shocked that he froze all over, and exclaimed: "This, this, this..." He was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

They didn't know that as early as in the Spiritual God Realm, Chen Xi was capable of beating Zhai Yunfei, a great figure in the Emperor's Domain, and fighting against such old monsters as Gongye Nanli.

But now, he has already refined that emperor-level dao root, and after advancing to the realm of ancestor gods, his strength has already skyrocketed to an appalling height.

Coupled with the fact that he broke through the second forging state of the [Original Heart Sutra] a few days ago, his strength improved even more.

Under such circumstances, what else would they use to fight Chen Xi?

"not good!"

"It's hit!"


With just one sword strike, the guts of Taoist Ranxue, Qingxue Patriarch, and Nielong Xianghen were completely shattered, and the souls of the dead almost flew out of their wits. How could they dare to hesitate? The instinct honed from life and death for many years made them absolutely He hesitated and fled in panic.


But at the moment when they fled, three beams of radiant sword energy flew across time and space, whizzing towards them like the scythe of death.


The ghostly eyes and carved eyes in the distance were about to burst, and they roared hoarsely.


ps: In the last few hours at the end of the month, except for Brother Tiger's support, I have only received 2 monthly tickets so far... I suspect that my eyes are dazzled, everyone, don't hit goldfish like this, okay?


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