divine talisman

Chapter 1759 Emperor Miaofeng

Thanks to the brothers "ignorant little toad" bsdwen05 "Chen Dong 6638" for their support, and other brothers and sisters for their valuable monthly ticket support!



Group after group of blood flowers exploded, like fireworks blooming in the starry sky, the poignant beauty reveals a palpitating blood.

In just a split second, Taoist Ranxue, Patriarch Qingxue, and Nielong Changhen were all wiped out one after another, leaving no body alive, and their fate was extremely miserable.

They probably didn't expect that when they were dying, the target locked this time, who obviously only had the cultivation base of the ancestor god at the initial stage, would not be able to exert such heaven-defying combat power.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Ghost Eye Eagle felt a chill all over his body, and his lips trembled unceasingly, which showed how shocked he had been in his heart.

A long time ago, he had said that it would not be too late to find out everything about the target, but unfortunately...they were stunned and finally came to this step.

Unable to tell whether it should be sad or angry, at this moment, Ghost Eyed Eagle unexpectedly calmed down unexpectedly.

"Little guy, you have to pay for this!"

The ghost-eyed eagle suddenly took off the black blindfold that covered his left eye, and turned to look at Chen Xi.

At this moment, his left eye was no longer covered by a cloud of black mist, but exposed to the air.

What kind of eye is this?

It was as thick green as emerald, with a strange and profound luster, and a mysterious and obscure force faintly surged within it, dyeing the time and space around him green, humming and trembling constantly.

This is the left eye of Ghost Eye Eagle. He has a mysterious origin. He is the leader of the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance. He has committed countless murders over the years.

And his left eye, which has never been seen by anyone, has a layer of mystery, which is called "ghost eye".

When he saw the mysterious and emerald green eyes of the Ghost Eye Eagle, Chen Xi couldn't help but tremble in his heart. At that moment, he even had the feeling that someone was spying on all the secrets in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable all over his body.

He was about to make a move to completely kill this mysterious guy, but at this moment——


The ghost eye eagle's left eye was suddenly shattered, and strands of dark green blood flowed out, which was truly frightening.

And his whole body let out a shrill scream, covering his head with his hands, as if he was in extreme pain, and his whole body was twitching.


Chen Xi frowned, and his eyes scanned his surroundings. Could it be that there are still people who can't make a move in secret?

"You...you...you really are...responsible...! No wonder, no wonder you competed with me for the skull of the holy witch...I... hate it so much!!"

The ghost-eyed eagle roared, frightened and furious, as if it had discovered something unbelievable, it continued to roar.

His whole body seemed to be on fire, and his figure seemed to melt and disappear. The incomparable pain caused his voice to become intermittent.

Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, and he felt a little suspicious in his heart. Could it be because of himself that he caused that guy's ghost eyes to burst and he became like this?

"Hahaha, although the old man is dead, you are not far away! Hahaha..."

Amidst the crazy and sharp laughter, the ghost-eyed eagle was incinerated and disappeared, only the sound echoed in the starry sky.

Witnessing all this, Chen Xi couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and remained silent.

Only then did he realize that the ghost eye eagle was the guy who bid for the life bone of the holy witch with him, that is, the owner of the No. 19 VIP room.

It turned out that this guy didn't deliberately tease him at the beginning, but had already planned to rob and kill him here, and the purpose was naturally to take away the piece of the holy witch's life bone.

This is also a good explanation, why they would ambush here early, obviously targeting themselves.

It's just... so what is the person who should be robbed?

What did his mysterious eyes see from himself?Why did he suddenly die suddenly and disappear from the world?

If the Ghost Eye Eagle survived, Chen Xi might have dismissed everything he said, but now, he obviously couldn't help thinking about the news contained in the Ghost Eye Eagle's words.

Even at this moment, he couldn't help but think of the furnace of luck, and the doom that Lao Bai said...

Suddenly, Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and looked at the starry sky in the distance.

At the same time, a brilliant cloud rose into the sky, as if a round of scorching sun passed by, it was dazzling.

On the clouds, there is a stalwart figure shrouded in divine brilliance, making it hard to see his face, but his aura surpasses the ages, looking down at the mountains and rivers, making the world look pale.

Chen Xi's pupils shrank suddenly. If he guessed correctly, the other party was the Emperor Miaofeng of Yunkong Island in the South China Sea!

At the dark market auction, he clearly remembered that the other party bought an innate spiritual treasure "Shen Xiangyan Dao Ruler" in one fell swoop.

At that time, Lao Bai also ridiculed the other party for spending the coffin book for an innate spirit treasure, which was too uneconomical.

But Chen Xi never thought about how the other party would appear here at this moment.

"It's amazing. Annihilating the five leaders of the Night Owl Star Pirates Alliance with all one's strength is considered to have eradicated a cancer for the entire ancient gods. If this matter is known to the world's ascetics, they will definitely sing praises for the little friends and leave a reputation through the ages .”

Emperor Miaofeng clapped his hands and praised, and when he spoke, he had already come here suddenly.

This also allowed Chen Xi to see clearly that the other side was handsome, like a young man, wearing a pair of apricot yellow clothes, with a high spirit, not like an old monster in the Emperor Realm who lived for an indefinite number of years, but clearly a handsome young man.

"Senior is wrong."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Hehe, little friend, don't be humble. In my opinion, with your fighting power like yours, you can be called amazing."

Emperor Miaofeng did not hesitate to praise him, if it were any other younger generation, he would have already been highly praised.

But Chen Xi frowned, and suddenly said with a smile: "It turns out that just now, senior has already seen all this in his eyes."

Emperor Miaofeng's expression froze slightly.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly slashed out with his sword, and actually used the most powerful method of killing cattle in [Xuanxin Sword Art], and ruthlessly slashed at Emperor Miaofeng.

Almost at the same time, his figure suddenly exploded with billions of divine brilliance, stepped through time and space, turned around and left with all his strength.


Emperor Miaofeng's face darkened, and with a wave of his hand, a blue light emerged, and in an understatement, Chen Xi's sword energy was wiped out.

"Little friend, what do you mean?"

The next moment, Emperor Miaofeng flashed his figure and chased after him.

Chen Xi didn't say a word, and ran away with all his strength, as if he regarded that Emperor Miaofeng as a scourge.

"Little friend, if you don't stop, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing this, Emperor Miaofeng's expression darkened again, and his voice was filled with coldness. He took a few steps in the starry sky, and he was about to catch up with Chen Xi!

Just by moving speed alone, one can see how big the gap is between an emperor and an ancestor god.

Chen Xi was keenly aware of this, and couldn't help but tighten his heart. He quietly took out the piece of purple bamboo branch, then stopped abruptly, turned around and looked at Monarch Miaofeng who was chasing him, and said coldly, "If I'm not wrong, you are The main emissary behind the Night Owl Star Thief Alliance."

Seeing that Chen Xi was no longer running away, Emperor Miaofeng also stopped immediately, but when he heard these words, a murderous intent flashed across his eyes, and it was fleeting.

The next moment, he laughed loudly: "It turns out that my little friend doubted my identity, and I don't blame you. Who made me happen to appear near your battle just now?"

Frank and frank, with a bright and aboveboard appearance.

Seeing this, Chen Xi had a sneering arc on his lips, and he said lightly, "If it's just that, I wouldn't doubt it, but that ghost-eyed eagle has said before that even if it's in the emperor's realm today, It can't save me either."

"At that time, I wondered where the ghost-eyed eagle came from so much confidence. When I saw you appear, I suddenly understood that with you sitting in the dark, other emperors would be blocked by you when they came, right? "

Emperor Miaofa was dumbfounded: "Little friend, you are too suspicious, obviously thinking too much. I have been living in Yunkong Island for more than ten thousand years. This is known to everyone in the world. How can it be possible? Will you collude with this filthy Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance?"

"Are you retreating? Who knows if you are really retreating or a fake retreat?"

Chen Xi was unmoved, and said coldly, "What's more, at this time, the Nanhai Auction House is bidding for the last grand finale treasure, and other emperors are afraid to miss it, but you, Emperor Miaofeng, came here for no reason. Can't say enough."

Emperor Miaofa's face darkened, and he said displeasedly: "Little friend, if you are so rude again, don't blame me for being rude!"

An emperor who is provoked like this one after another, whoever he is, will probably be furious, and if he is an ignorant person, he will probably scold Chen Xi for not knowing what is good or bad, and committing the following crimes.

But the sarcasm on the corner of Chen Xi's lips became more and more intense, and he said, "Okay, I dare to ask Emperor Miaofeng, you and I have never met before, let alone know each other, why did you show up to see me?"

Emperor Miaofa was silent for a while, then sighed suddenly, and said with a smile: "You little guy, you are a little unreasonable. The reason why I show up is of course..."

Speaking of this, he took a sudden step, and turned his hands to kill Chen Xizhen.


The five fingers are like a big hand holding the sky, and the terrifying power of divine order surges in the palm, which evolves into a brilliant cloud, and the momentum is simply terrifying to the extreme.

This is a shot by an emperor, how could it be ordinary and comparable, not to mention, who would have thought that an emperor would suddenly attack a young man in the ancestral god realm?

All of this happened too fast, it was completed in a ten-thousandth of an instant, let alone Chen Xi, even if he was an emperor, he might be attacked by surprise under such circumstances.

At this moment, time seems to be at a standstill, and one can clearly see that the corners of Emperor Miaofeng's lips outline a cruel arc, which is chilling.

Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, it finally showed its fangs at this moment!

And Chen Xi seemed to be shocked, motionless, as if he hadn't reacted yet, but his expression was still calm, and under such circumstances, it seemed a bit glaring.


An earth-shattering roar sounded, and the galaxies with a radius of millions of miles were shaken, the meteorites shattered, the stars were crumbling, and time and space turned into chaotic torrents, which continued to spread, which seemed extremely terrifying.

However, Chen Xi's figure still stood there, completely motionless from beginning to end, not even a single change in his expression!


ps: The 5th is after 12 o'clock in the morning. Thank you for the monthly tickets. This month is over in just over half an hour. Brothers and sisters who have not voted for the monthly ticket, please support Goldfish and try to keep this hard-won No.5. Thank you~~


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