divine talisman

Chapter 1760 Killing the Monarch

In the chaotic starry sky, Chen Xi, standing still, was moving and still. The contrast between the two produced a strong visual impact.

At this moment, he was even unscathed.

But in the distance, Emperor Miaofeng was trampled underfoot by an extraordinary white deer, his chest was pierced by a hoof of the white deer, and the blood of the gods flowed out. Can't get out!

This scene seemed even more shocking.

An existence of the Monarch Realm with the power to turn the world around and burn the sky and boil the sea, was suppressed by a white deer at this moment!

That white deer is naturally the Bai Ling Deer from Taichuguan.

As early as when he was chased by Emperor Miaofeng just now, Chen Xi had already broken off that piece of purple bamboo branch, and as expected, Bai Linglu came.

It even came faster than Chen Xi expected, because when he was having a confrontation with Emperor Miaofeng, Bai Linglu had already appeared.

It's just that Chen Xi was the only one who knew, and that Monarch Miaofeng hadn't noticed the existence of Bai Linglu from the beginning to the end.

From this point, Chen Xi at that time could judge that the strength of this miraculous and extraordinary white deer was even far superior to that of Emperor Miaofeng!

Therefore, when faced with the sudden killing of Emperor Miaofeng, he behaved so calmly and calmly.

But when he saw that Emperor Miaofeng was trampled under the hooves of Bai Linglu with a single blow, and his chest was ripped apart, Chen Xi couldn't keep his composure.

Because the Bailing Deer looked so gentle and holy in the past, who would have thought that the fighting power it displayed would be so terrifying!

"No wonder, those who can follow that empress will definitely not be ordinary people, even if it is a divine beast."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart.


"You... who are you? It seems that I have never offended you, right?"

Emperor Miaofeng spoke in a deep voice.

Even at this moment of crisis, he still acted extremely calm, but the severe pain all over his body made his face a little pale, and the blood was gurgling from his chest, making him look extremely pervasive.

"If you haven't offended me, it doesn't mean you can hurt the guest of my aboriginal vision."

Bai Linglu's voice was also as gentle as before, but one of its hooves stood like a sharp blade, piercing Emperor Miaofeng's chest, adding an indescribable coercive force to it.

"Absolute Beginning View! This seat remembers, you are the deer who serves Dao beside the Lord Absolute Beginning View!"

Emperor Miaofeng exclaimed, unable to keep calm anymore, obviously recognized the origin of Bai Linglu, his face suddenly turned gray and defeated.

How could he have thought that the little guy he was going to kill this time would be the guest of the Lord of Absolute Beginning?

If he knew this earlier, how could he dare to do this?

"Fellow Daoist, those who don't know are not guilty. This time, I was indeed a little reckless. I am willing to pay some price for this. I hope you can let me go."

After being shocked, Emperor Miaofeng opened his mouth, begging for mercy.

But think about it, for him to be able to become a generation of emperor, he must have gone through countless storms and is used to life and death. He knows very well that in such circumstances, he can only survive if he can bend and stretch. As for integrity, it is nothing compared to death.

Before Bai Linglu could speak, Chen Xi said directly, "We can't let him go!"

As he spoke, his figure flashed, and he came to Bai Linglu's side, looked down at Emperor Miaofeng with an uncertain expression, and said coldly: "Compared to the crimes committed by the Night Owl Star Bandit Alliance, you The mastermind behind the scenes is the biggest culprit."

Emperor Miaofeng smiled wryly, and said: "Little friend, if this seat is really as you said, I'm afraid that you have already made a move when your opponent's ghost eyes carved them just now, so why wait until now?"

After panting for a while, he said: "Even, I can guarantee that if I took action at that time, you would definitely not be able to kill them so easily."

The words are sincere, but also reasonable.

It's a pity that Chen Xi didn't appreciate it, because the Emperor Miaofeng suddenly attacked him before, and it had already been proved that the other party obviously wanted to kill him completely.

"Hehe, don't be so hypocritical. If my guess is correct, the reason why you didn't do anything at that time was just to use my hands to get rid of Ye Xiaoxing Pirate Alliance."

Chen Xi said coldly, "And you did this because you were worried that the other party would reveal your identity, leaving you with eternal infamy and becoming the public enemy of the entire Ancient God Domain."

Emperor Miaofeng was silent for a moment, and sighed: "Little friend, why don't you get rid of them early, but wait until now, and use your hands to do all this?"

The disdain on Chen Xi's expression was no longer concealed, and he said, "It's very simple, you have already achieved your goal by relying on the treasures you have obtained from the Night Owl Star Pirate Alliance these years, that is, to take pictures of that piece of God's Genesis Dao Chi, they are no longer useful, aren't they?"

Emperor Miaofeng was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he sighed deeply: "The emperor of this generation, just to buy a congenital treasure, cultivated a group of bandits to help him earn money? Little friend, you But it’s too small to underestimate this seat.”

"Because you are indeed too poor. As early as ten thousand years ago, your realm was stuck in a bottleneck. You were stuck in the three-star emperor realm and could not break through. In order to break through and advance, you have spent all your savings for tens of thousands of years. , and borrowed a lot of treasures from other emperors, and owed a lot of debts."

"In desperation, an emperor like you has to resort to some shady means to seek property."

Bai Linglu opened his mouth suddenly, with deep eyes, as if he had seen all the secrets in Emperor Miaofeng's heart, which made the latter's expression change suddenly, and he could no longer maintain his composure.

"You...you..." He was surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Are you asking me why I know? It's very simple. Over the years, there have been many ascetics who have visited my master in the early days, and many of them are your creditors, and I have just heard about these things."

Bai Linglu said.

In a word, like the last straw that broke the camel's back, it completely broke Emperor Miaofeng.

He yelled like crazy: "So what if I did it? Do you know the pain of not being able to advance? Do you know how I spent these tens of thousands of years?"

"You don't understand!"

"One of you is the attendant of the Lord Guan in the early days, and the other is the guest of the Lord. You can solve any confusion in practice, and this seat...is just a spirit body born on Yunkong Island. Xiu, there is no school, no sect, and when you encounter a bottleneck in your practice, who will explain to me? Who can help me to get through this difficult time?"

The more he said, the more excited Emperor Miaofeng became, almost out of control, his sad and angry voice shook the starry sky, lingering and disappearing.

"How can you understand the pain and setbacks I have endured for tens of thousands of years? If you don't fight for it yourself, how can you have the achievements you have today?"

Bai Linglu was silent and did not interrupt him.

Chen Xi sneered, "You know you're hopeless, so you start to win sympathy?"


He slashed down the banishment sword in his hand, chopped off his head, shot out the divine blood, his eyes widened with anger as he died, and he still couldn't believe that Chen Xi would kill him.

"Chen Xi, you..."

Bai Linglu was a little puzzled, but he didn't seem to expect that Chen Xi would do it as soon as he said he would do it.

"I have come to today step by step from a small world in the lower realm. I understand better than him what it means to fight. It is definitely not killing innocent people indiscriminately, let alone using it to cover up my crimes and win sympathy."

Chen Xi said calmly.

Yes, he has also relied on his own hard work all the way to practice so far. He has fought all the way so far, and he has gone through many sinister and bloody experiences to get to where he is today step by step.

As for Emperor Miaofa...he came to this ancient God Realm since he was born, and in terms of the amount of tribulations he has experienced, he is no match for Chen Xi.

Bai Linglu couldn't help being stunned, how much blood and tears were contained in such an understatement?


Once Emperor Miaofeng died, the treasures on his body would naturally become Chen Xi's spoils of war.

It's a pity that Emperor Miaofa actually bought the coffin book in order to bid for the Daoist Ruler in the Nanhai auction. Apart from this treasure, there are no other expensive and rare treasures.

Without further hesitation, Bai Linglu took Chen Xi away through time and space.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the misty purple bamboo forest again.

The sky is filled with purple stars, and the purple bamboo forest is quiet and quiet, exuding a holy and peaceful atmosphere everywhere.

Returning to this place made Chen Xi's state of mind completely at ease, calm and calm, and any troubles and distracting thoughts seemed to disappear in smoke.

Bai Linglu led the way, and said in a warm voice: "Now the only thing you need is the divine materials you have collected, and you can open the furnace to refine the Life Wheel Linghui Pill."

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation.

The two walked along the bluestone road and soon entered the Temple of Absolute Beginning.

"But Chen Xi has returned? Give the divine materials to Lu'er, and you will start fulfilling the third condition. During my alchemy period, remember not to let anyone enter the temple."

As soon as he entered the Absolute Beginning View, the voice of the empress resounded, ethereal, with a great majesty in his indifference.

It seemed as if he had already expected Chen Xi to be successful.

Chen Xi was startled, then took a deep breath, and said, "Then I'll have to thank you, Senior."

As he spoke, he put the collected divine material into a storage bag, handed it to Bai Linglu to hold in his mouth, then turned around and strode out of Taichuguan.

The third condition for agreeing to that empress is naturally to act as the guardian of the Absolute Beginning View for five years. During this period, according to the entrustment of that empress, he will stop anyone from entering the Absolute Beginning View at all costs.

He went straight to the purple bamboo grove, sat cross-legged in it, took a deep breath, and took out the Divine Xiangyan Dao Ruler.

This is an extraordinary congenital spiritual treasure, which has caused fierce bidding among many emperors, which is extremely comparable. If Emperor Miaofeng hadn't ordered the coffin book, it would have been impossible to bid for it.

But now, this treasure has become something in Chen Xi's pocket. The changes in the world can be seen to be impermanent and difficult to predict.


Chen Xi circulated a wisp of divine power, and a strange ripple-like ripple suddenly appeared on the mirror-like smooth surface of the Daoist Ruler of the God Statue.


ps: Thank you brothers and sisters for your support!Fuhuang has finally won the first No.2 in the two years since he opened the book. This honor is inseparable from the strong support of the leaders such as Shen Shen, X Hao, Jiuyue, Tiger Brother, etc. Thanks for the dedication and hard work of the brothers and sisters who continue to vote monthly. I will write a late second anniversary testimonial some other day, not only to be grateful, but also to elaborate on some thoughts on the final stage of the story of Emperor Fu.

In addition, on the first day of the month, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~~


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