divine talisman

Chapter 1761 Golden Eyed Macaque

The light rains one after another, holy and brilliant.

This divine phase profiling ruler seems to wake up from the silence, releasing a gorgeous glow and a surge of auspiciousness.

Soon, countless strands of light intertwined and converged in the center of the jade ruler, outlining a bright villain, sitting there cross-legged, reciting Taoist scriptures, with a solemn appearance.

In an instant, Chen Xi clearly felt that his perception of the Dao suddenly became clear, and the whole world became different.

The jade-like purple bamboo, the gurgling stream, the steaming mist, and even the purple stars hanging from the sky, and the fallen leaves piled up on the ground all have a magical Taoist rhyme.

The Dao is nameless and formless, hidden in all things in the world, but it is difficult to figure out.

But at this moment, Chen Xi could clearly see the traces of Dao. Those Dao rhymes might be very simple and common, but in the past, Chen Xi definitely couldn't "see" them so clearly.


But soon, Chen Xi's mind moved, and the Divine Dao laws he had mastered began to operate, flowing through his whole body, and his whole body was instantly immersed in a wonderful state.

Since stepping into the divine realm, all the mysteries of the great way under Chen Xi's control have all evolved into the power of the laws of the divine way. These forces are like wild horses, and can only be perfectly controlled by relying on the "Divine Way of Talismans".

However, at this moment, there is no need for Chen Xi to control it by himself, these powers of the divine way are like a flock of docile sheep, operating in an orderly manner, emerging various profound meanings, continuously evolving, and releasing strands of dao light.

There seems to be a unique connection between these dao lights and the villains on the Yan Dao ruler of the god statue, echoing each other from afar.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi clearly noticed that his perception of the power of the divine way became more transparent and deeper.

Many things were originally thought to have been fully grasped, but only now have they discovered that they can go deeper and continuously evolve various wonderful truths and profound meanings.

good baby!

Chen Xi was amazed in his heart, it was possible to do this, it was too miraculous, an innate spiritual treasure, but possessed the power to deduce the Dao, and evolve all kinds of wonderful truths, this was not comparable to ordinary divine treasures, it was even rare.

This time, he finally understood.That fist-sized villain sits cross-legged in the center of the jade ruler, with a majestic appearance. It is the "divine appearance" in the Daoist Ruler. It can interpret the way of heaven and turn the invisible into form, making Chen Xi clearly perceive the changes in the Dao. Comprehend all kinds of wonderful truths and profound meanings.

And the profound meanings of the heavens that Chen Xi had absorbed through the "divine aspect" seemed to be integrated with the heavens and the earth, and integrated with the Dao, and the mysteries he felt were unprecedentedly clear.

In the past, he studied hard and could only understand it as his realm deepened, but now he can clearly penetrate the essence and achieve the effect of penetration and integration, which is deeper, deeper, and easier than before when he comprehended it!

This kind of feeling is like turning all the complicated and mottled into simple and clean, so that all the mysterious and obscure can't hide, clear and clear.

This is to reduce complexity to simplicity, and the Dao...is the ultimate simplicity!

At this moment, Chen Xi finally realized that it was no wonder why Emperor Miaofeng would put all his hopes on this godly progeny ruler after encountering a bottleneck in his cultivation for tens of thousands of years and being unable to break through to advance.

Because this innate spirit treasure is indeed too miraculous, beyond Chen Xi's imagination.

With it, it will be relatively easier than before to comprehend the divine way in the future, and you can also understand the most essential truth and profound meaning presented in the Dao!

This is the wonderful function of the god-derived Dao Ruler, and this is also the difference between the Xiantian Lingbao and the Houtian Lingbao. It does not seem to have any offensive power, but it is just this deduction of the Dao and the derivation of the wonderful truths of the heavens. Enough to make any monk salivate.

Chen Xi had an intuition that after possessing the Daoist Ruler, it would be easier for him to comprehend the divine way in the future, and the breakthrough of the realm of enlightenment would also be easier!


From this day on, Chen Xi began to practice in the Purple Bamboo Forest by himself, and at the same time acted as a guard to prevent other cultivators from entering the Absolute Beginning View.

It is very peaceful and quiet here, with whirling purple bamboos, gurgling streams, and graceful mist of divinity, filled with a calming and holy atmosphere.

Like a pure land isolated from the world, it doesn't seem to be in the world.

Chen Xi completely let go of the worries in his heart. He had no desires or desires, no worries, and an unprecedented peace and tranquility of mind.

In the years since he entered the Ancient God Realm, he has been running around, either being hunted down or involved in a series of turmoil, almost never stopping his pace.

But now, I can finally stop to take a rest, and my mood can be released. Taking advantage of this time, I can also examine the past and sort out my own path, which is also a kind of practice and sublimation.

This is the difference between entering the world and leaving the world.

Entering the world is to sharpen, experience the appearance of all living beings, and observe the laws of the world.

Birth is a quiet practice, summing up all the enlightenment, so that only then can you go further on the road of the Great Dao.

In short, no matter whether you are born or entered the world, you are all practicing, and there is no difference between different paths and the same goal.

Refining cultivation, comprehending the Dao, sharpening the way of the sword, tempering the cultivation of mental strength... This is what Chen Xi is doing now.

Not boring.

On the contrary, this kind of quiet and quiet practice life made Chen Xi very satisfied.

Flowers bloom and fall, spring goes and autumn comes.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and the age of the cold is unknown.

Before I knew it, two years had passed.

For a spiritual ascetic who has nearly eternal lifespan, two years is nothing but a flick of a finger, and it is nothing at all.

During these two years, nothing happened, everything was as quiet as before.

But for Chen Xi, these two years of quiet cultivation had caused his strength to change significantly again.

In the realm of enlightenment, he has advanced from a small achievement to a great achievement in one fell swoop, and his control of the Dao has reached a new height.

In terms of swordsmanship, he has finally reached the second level of the Sword Emperor, and the power of the swordsmanship has increased by at least half of what it was before.

As for the cultivation of Dao Xin and Qi Refining, although there has not been much change, they have been further tempered and stabilized, becoming more solid and vigorous.

Putting it all together, compared with two years ago, Chen Xi's combat power has been significantly improved, which is not the same.

The realm of ancestor gods is divided into ordinary ancestor gods, monarch-level ancestor gods, king-level ancestor gods, emperor-level ancestor gods, and Chen Xi, the emperor-level ancestor god who is beyond the scope.

And if it is divided according to the depth of cultivation, it is divided into the early, middle, and late stages of the ancestor gods, and the state of the peak Dzogchen.

One is aptitude, and the other is the depth of cultivation, which cannot be classified into one category.

Chen Xi is currently at the early stage of the cultivation of the ancestor gods, but he has the qualifications of the emperor-level ancestor gods, and the foundation of the divine way is extremely solid, which is enough to surpass most of the powerhouses of his generation.

And Sword Emperor Second Heaven's kendo cultivation base, [Primitive Heart Sutra] mental power cultivation base of the second forging state, and the [Xuan Xin Sword Art] that he controls are all enough to make him look down on his peers, possessing unrivaled divine power!

It can be said that if you look at the entire Ancient God Realm, you may not be able to find a few people of the same generation who can compare with Chen Xi's current aptitude and combat effectiveness.

However, Chen Xi never set his sights on his peers, but on how to fight against the Emperor Realm!

If other people knew this, they might feel that Chen Xi had gone crazy.

But only Chen Xi himself knew that it was precisely because of the almost harsh demands on him during this journey of cultivation that he had the power he has today.

If compared with other ordinary people, he can be extremely proud, but... what's the point?

Powerful, only temporarily powerful.

Being stronger is what a monk must firmly pursue!


During these two years, there was no movement at all in the Absolute Beginning View, not only that empress, but even Huicong, Bai Linglu, and Empress Yu Che never appeared.

However, Chen Xi wasn't worried either. It was still early, and there were still three years to go before he could know for sure whether the pot of "Fate Wheel of Spiritual Wisdom Pill" was successful or not.

What surprised Chen Xi was that for two full years, Lao Bai was also like a man in a daze, studying that "Holy Witch's Life Bone" day and night, which seemed very abnormal.


On this day, Chen Xi was sitting cross-legged on a rock in the purple bamboo forest, meditating on himself, when suddenly a golden figure swayed, like swinging, jumped off a purple bamboo, and landed in front of Chen Xi.

This is a golden spirit monkey, with clear and dark eyes, soft and shiny fur, exuding a golden luster, and every move has a natural aura.

It seemed to be a little anxious, standing on the spot, scratching its ears and scratching its cheeks, looking at Chen Xi, as if hesitating whether to wake Chen Xi up or not.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, Chen Xi opened his eyes, as if he had already noticed the arrival of the golden spirit monkey.

He recognized the other party as a golden-eyed macaque, who was unique in the world, possessed all kinds of supernatural powers, could listen to the wonderful truth of the world, and see the luck of the eight directions with his eyes, possessing incredible power.

And when it gets angry, a pair of jet-black pupils will turn into gold, like a pair of scorching suns, and its combat power will undergo earth-shaking changes, which is extremely astonishing.

When he first arrived at the Temple of Absolute Beginning, Lao Bai was amazed and praised a lot.


Seeing Chen Xi wake up, the golden-eyed macaque beamed with joy, gestured with his hands, and said, "Fellow daoist, go and have a look quickly, there are guests coming to visit the master."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. This was the first time in two years that he heard of guests coming to this "Sacred Garden of Absolute Beginning", and the identities of those who were able to arrive here were all very important.

In the past, Bai Linglu was the one who received guests, but now, it has already followed that empress in retreat in the Absolute Beginning View, and this kind of errand can only fall on Chen Xi's head.

"where is it?"

Chen Xi immediately stood up and said, "Little monkey, help me lead the way."

"Just call me Xiaobao, that's what Miss Huicong calls me."

The golden-eyed macaque was very agile and lively. With a grin, it grabbed a purple bamboo branch, swung its body, and flew away into the distance.

Seeing this, Chen Xi's figure flashed immediately, and he followed. He was rather curious as to who the hell was coming.

Of course, in his heart, he hoped that the guest who came would be the big brother Wu Xuechan...


ps: The second was a little later, last night in the monthly ticket competition, I was so excited that I lost my energy all day... very sad.


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