divine talisman

Chapter 1762 The Enemy Meets

The Purple Bamboo Forest is quiet and far away, covering an extremely vast area.

Chen Xi followed the golden-eyed macaque Little Treasure through the forest for a while, and after burning a stick of incense, he came to a canyon.

The walls on both sides of the canyon stand thousands of feet high, lonely and craggy, and there is only a winding and rugged path in the middle, with twists and turns, and I don't know where it leads.

Xiaobao squatted on the rock wall in front of the canyon and looked around for a while, before calling out quickly: "Fellow Daoist, they are almost here."

Chen Xi's heart trembled, he brushed off his clothes, took a deep breath, and stood facing the canyon. After all, he is now the guardian of the Absolute Beginning View, so he should take on the duty of hospitality.


Not long after, there was a strange fluctuation in the canyon, and a red figure suddenly appeared on the narrow path and floated there.

Chen Xi opened his mouth to speak, but when he saw the other person's face clearly, he narrowed his eyes immediately, a little surprised, why is it her?

The woman was wearing a fiery red dress, with a slender waist and a slender and graceful figure.

She has an incomparably charming face, with a stunning demeanor, but her brows are proud and indifferent, and the aura released from her whole body is even more powerful and stern.

It turned out to be Ye Yan, the powerful ancestor of the Supreme Sect!

Back then, when she came to the Ancient God Realm from the Realm of Doom, this woman chased and killed Chen Xi all the way, causing dangers and almost being robbed several times.

In the end, relying on the vision of heaven and earth aroused when he advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, he just defeated the opponent in one fell swoop, forced him to retreat, and had to flee far away.

At that time, Chen Xi was quite regretful that he could not completely keep the other party behind. Who would have thought that the other party would actually come to this Absolute Beginning Divine Garden through a secret path today!

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, and Chen Xi is no exception. In an instant, his face turned cold.

"Huh? Why are you?"

Ye Yan also saw Chen Xi, her pair of starry eyes suddenly shrank, a little startled and uncertain.

"Ye Yan, long time no see."

Chen Xi spoke coldly.

"It's been a long time indeed."

After experiencing the initial surprise, Ye Yan soon recovered calmly.

However, when she noticed that Chen Xi's aura clearly possessed the Ancestral God Realm cultivation, her heart was shocked again, causing waves of waves.

This kid has only entered the Ancient God Realm for less than ten years, and he has improved by a big level compared to the last time he met!

It's just incredible.

One must know that she clearly remembered that when Chen Xi was hunted down by herself, his cultivation was only in the True God Realm, but it didn't take long for him to advance to the Spirit God Realm in one fell swoop.

But now, when they meet again, the other party already has the cultivation level of the ancestor god... How is this not surprising?

The atmosphere was a little silent for a while.

Chen Xi was thinking about what kind of relationship Ye Yan had with that empress in Taichu Guan, and why he knew this secret path and arrived here.

And Ye Yan was also thinking to himself, this guy in front of him is obviously a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, so how could he be in this view of Taichu?

Apparently, both of them had some concerns in their hearts, and because of the existence of Taichu Guan, they didn't tear up their faces immediately.

Otherwise, no matter whether it was Chen Xi or Ye Yan, they would have already fought recklessly, and it would be almost too late to get rid of the other party.

"It turns out that fellow daoist, you know this girl, so it couldn't be better."

Xiao Bao, who was squatting on the rock beside him, broke the silence with a giggle. The golden-eyed macaque obviously didn't notice that there was something wrong with the relationship between Chen Xi and Ye Yan.

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, suppressed the murderous intent in his heart, and asked coldly.

"What are you doing here again?"

Ye Yan asked back, with indifference between his brows.

"If you don't explain, don't blame me for driving you out."

Chen Xi's eyes were full of coldness.

Ye Yan was sullen in his heart, but he said lightly: "You'd better get out of the way, don't block the way, otherwise...the consequences are not something you can bear!"

"What if I don't let it?"

Chen Xi squinted his eyes and looked at this woman. After confirming that the other party hadn't broken through to the Emperor Realm, the murderous intent in his heart was faintly unstoppable.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely chilling, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the world fell into dead silence.

"You two...you..."

Only then did Xiaobao realize that something was wrong, and he couldn't help being taken aback. With a whoosh, he dodged far away, and shouted, "Two fellow Taoists, if you have something to say, talk about it. This is the aboriginal view. If my master finds out about it, he will be punished." of."

"Little Treasure, you don't need to worry about this matter. Your master asked me to guard Taichu Guan, so I won't just watch people of unknown origin sneak into this place."

Chen Xi spoke indifferently. While speaking, his gaze was fixed on Ye Yan, and he did not hide his murderous intentions.


Xiaobao looked very cute at this moment, and said with a smile, "Then I don't care about it, you guys talk."

Saying that, its figure sprinted away, and it turned into a touch of golden light and disappeared.

"The temple master actually asked you, a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, to guard this place? Hehe, I really didn't expect it."

After Ye Yan was stunned, she sneered.


Chen Xi sacrificed the Banchen Sword, flicked the sword lightly, and the sword chant resounded like a tide, resounding throughout the world: "My patience is limited, if you don't reveal your intentions again, don't blame me for being rude."

At this moment, Ye Yan stared carefully at Chen Xi for a long time, then suddenly smiled, an unusually bright and charming smile.

"As expected, they are descendants of the Chen family, with such a stubborn temperament."

A very inexplicable sentence made Chen Xi frown.

Before he could react, Ye Yan put his hands behind his back and said calmly, "You want to kill me, but I also wish I could kill you now. Unfortunately, this time I came here entrusted by a certain important person. Master Xiangshang, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise you can't afford to delay this matter."

"Come back in three years."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, until he forcibly suppressed the restless murderous intent in his heart, then he opened his mouth and issued the order to evict the guests.

No matter what Ye Yan said is true or not, he will not let the other party set foot on Taichu Temple at this time, because this is the order of that empress.

Not to mention Ye Yan, it's the same if it's an emperor who came here.

"Three years?"

Ye Yan frowned, her face turned completely cold, and said, "Chen Xi, I've already said, you can't afford to delay this matter!"

Obviously, she thought that Chen Xi was making things difficult on purpose.

"I don't want to repeat what I said a second time."

Seeing this, Chen Xi almost couldn't control his murderous intent. This woman really didn't distinguish between good and evil. If it was left to the outside world, he would have killed her already to relieve the hatred in his heart. How could he allow her to talk nonsense until now.

"Chen Xi!"

Ye Yan was obviously completely enraged, and the momentum around him suddenly changed, which was extremely compelling, "Do you know my identity!?"

This sentence seemed very inexplicable, and Chen Xi felt that this woman was a bit of an idiot. Didn't she know that he already knew that she was the successor of the Supreme Sect?

Seeing Chen Xi's expression, Ye Yan knew that he had played the piano to the cow, and couldn't help feeling a sense of frustration in his heart. He bit his red lips lightly, and said bitterly, "Although I am one of the elders of the Supreme Sect, I am also a The descendant of the Eternal Family Ye's family! She is also the sister of Huicong, the disciple of Guanzhu!"

The voice did not conceal the anger, as if it was squeezed out of teeth.


Chen Xi was shocked. He didn't know what the Eternal Family was, but when he heard that Ye Yan was Huicong's older sister, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

If this is the case... things will be a little troublesome!


Ye Yan glared at Chen Xi, and walked forward, "If you really don't believe me, just go ahead and do it, I promise I won't fight back!"

Chen Xi was a little uncertain for a while, but when he saw that the other party was about to disappear from his field of vision, his expression immediately darkened.


The next moment, his figure flashed, and the Banchen Sword in his palm drew out a dazzling and unparalleled sword energy, and he slashed away out of thin air.

He actually did it!

This made Ye Yan freeze, trembling with anger, this damn guy is so stubborn!

"Little brat, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

She flicked her sleeves violently, a long snow-white whip pierced the air, and formed many wonderful forms, crushing time and space, and swept away with a bang.


The sword energy and the long whip collided, bursting out billions of divine lights, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

But the strange thing is that the power caused by these collisions has not yet spread, and purple stars are shining on the sky, and wisps of purple divine light are falling down, dissolving all these invisibly.

Obviously, this is the reaction of the power covered by the Dao Domain "Absolute Beginning Divine Garden", which prevented this confrontation from causing damage to the surrounding world.

Ding Ding Deng!

But even so, Ye Yan was shocked and retreated a few steps, her face changed from anger to a little astonishment, as if she never expected that the current Chen Xi's fighting power would be so powerful.


Before she could react, Chen Xi had already charged again, surrounded by hundreds of millions of sword radiance, and the divine might was extremely fierce.

The next moment, the two were already fighting together.

But it was obvious that the current Ye Yan was no longer Chen Xi's opponent at all. In just a short while, he was outmatched by Chen Xi's killing.

This made her even more angry and suspicious. She never thought that compared to a few years ago, Chen Xi's fighting power would be so heaven-defying.

You know, it has been thousands of years since she was promoted to the Ancestral God Realm, she possesses the outstanding aptitude of the Ancestral God King, and she has stepped into the Dzogchen Realm, the peak of the Ancestral God!

Who would have thought that there would be no way for an ancestor god to exist at the initial stage...


Not long after, Ye Yan was sent flying with a bang and fell to the ground, her temple hair was disheveled, and her fiery red dress was torn, revealing patches of delicate skin as white as snow, which made her very embarrassed and ashamed.


Ye Yan was about to go crazy, and was trying to get up, but a sword had already touched an inch of her throat, and the murderous intent released by the sword tip made goosebumps appear all over her body, and her heart was chilled, and she couldn't do it anymore. Dare to move a little.

She only dared to raise her eyes, and saw Chen Xi holding a sword and looking down at her, his pair of Ruoyuan black eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

It felt like overlooking an ant that could only be ravaged at will.

This made Ye Yan tremble all over again, but immediately she felt ashamed and humiliated for her cowardice, and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Why don't you do it? Don't you hate me to the bone? If you have the guts, kill me immediately!"


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