divine talisman

Chapter 1763 Secret News

Ye Yan was out of anger at this moment, completely out of control.

She never thought that a little guy who was completely crushed by herself a few years ago would grow to such a degree now.

Just relying on the initial cultivation base of the ancestor god, he suppressed himself in one fell swoop, and he had no room to resist from the beginning to the end!

This huge gap made Ye Yan completely unacceptable for a while.

Especially at this moment, seeing Chen Xi looking down on him with a victorious posture, Ye Yan was so angry and ashamed that he collapsed.

"You're going to kill me! Come on!"

Ye Yan shouted angrily.

However, Chen Xi withdrew the Banchen Sword, turned around and walked towards the distance: "For three years, you are not allowed to set foot on Taichu Guan, otherwise don't blame me for imprisoning you."

"Trash! A man without a seed!"

Ye Yan was still furious, and looked at Chen Xi's retreating back and yelled angrily.

"If you weren't worried about your blood polluting this pure world, do you think you can still live until now? Just stay here and don't bother me. If you can't control it and kill you, then it will be too late for you to regret it. "

Chen Xi's indifferent voice came from the purple bamboo forest in the distance, it was calm and without a trace of emotion.

Ye Yan gritted her teeth and cursed for a while, feeling extremely annoyed and feeling a deep sense of frustration in her heart.

How could this be?

How could this guy grow up so fast?

Could it be true that, as the rumors said, even such great figures as Gongye Nanli and Zhai Yunfei were defeated by this guy?

But at that time...he only possessed the spiritual realm!

Inadvertently, Ye Yan thought of a rumor from a while ago, and she just stood there in a daze.

After a long time, she murmured: "It seems that when this guy advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, he must have refined a ninth-rank emperor-level dao root, and there may be another great opportunity, otherwise the combat power would never be so perverted... ..."


At this moment, on a purple bamboo stalk in the distance, a golden agile figure rushed over, it was the golden-eyed macaque Xiaobao.

It looked at Ye Yan cunningly, grinning and laughing endlessly, as if it was laughing at her disheveled clothes, snow-white skin looming, and the beauty of spring leaking out, it was very embarrassing.

"You monkey head, what are you laughing at, and laughing again has dug your monkey brain!"

Ye Yan gritted her teeth, gave Xiaobao a hard look, and then stood up, a burst of divine radiance overflowing from her body, covering her whole body.

The next moment, she had changed into a brand new dress.

Who would have thought that Xiaobao looked dumbfounded at this time, staring straight at Ye Yan with a look of... a sense of wretchedness like a thief.

Ye Yan was stunned, and looked at the clothes and dresses all over her body. She didn't reveal anything that shouldn't be exposed. She couldn't help but wonder, could this monkey be stupid?

and many more!

This monkey seems to be... a golden-eyed macaque?

Realizing this, Ye Yan raised her eyebrows, her delicate and beautiful face sank, she gritted her teeth and stared at Xiaobao: "Just now...you saw it all?"

Xiao Bao nodded, and swallowed his saliva, looking very honest.

Obviously, the monkey accidentally used his own eyes to see the beautiful scene of Ye Yan changing clothes through the divine brilliance covered by Ye Yan's whole body.

But seeing Ye Yan's eyes made her run away completely, screaming: "Shameless stinky monkey, how dare you peep on my old lady changing clothes!"

When she spoke, she lashed at Xiaobao with a whip.

"You woman is shameless, but you changed clothes in front of me just now, so it's my Xiaobao's fault?"

Xiaobao laughed strangely, climbed on the branches and leaves of the purple bamboo, swished a few times, and fled to the depths of the purple bamboo forest.

Ye Yan's attack from the peak state of the ancestor gods could not help this golden boy macaque at all.

"I, I, I...kill you stinky monkey!"

Ye Yan's lungs were about to explode, and he stamped his feet fiercely, his figure cut through time and space, and chased after him.


In the end, Ye Yan's figure stopped abruptly.

Because not far ahead, Chen Xi was looking at her coldly, as if looking at a prisoner.

The stimulation made Ye Yan's cheeks flush again, and his silver teeth were almost crushed with hatred.

But in the end, she snorted, and found a rock anywhere to sit cross-legged. From this position, she could just see the view of Taichu hidden in the bamboo forest in the distance.

Several times, Ye Yan almost couldn't help getting up and rushing into the Temple of Absolute Beginning, but when she saw Chen Xi's majestic figure in the distance, she held back again.

She knew very well that this stubborn and stubborn bastard would definitely not let her get what she wanted.

But if she stayed here like this, she would be extremely unwilling.

"stand up."

At this moment, Chen Xi walked over.


Ye Yan said angrily.

Chen Xi didn't say it a second time, but just looked at her coldly, making her feel hairy. He couldn't help shouting angrily, "You don't care where I sit? You are simply a heinous bastard!"

Having said that, she still couldn't bear the pressure brought by Chen Xi, she angrily got up from the rock, turned around and leaned against a purple bamboo, feeling bitter in her heart, if it wasn't for meeting the temple master, she would have already waved her sleeves And went, how can bear such insults.

As for Chen Xi, Shi Shiran came to that rock and sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yan froze immediately, pointed at Chen Xi, and was so angry that she couldn't speak: "You, you, you... are... simply... too much!"

This guy pushed himself away to compete with him for a rock!This is obviously a kind of provocation and humiliation!

"This was originally the place where I meditated. If you take it for yourself without asking, who is more wrong?"

Chen Xi opened his eyes, and glanced at her indifferently, "Also, you'd better be quiet, I'm the most annoying woman."

Ye Yan felt like he was going crazy. First, he was beaten up by Chen Xi, then he was peeped by a wretched monkey and changed his clothes, and now he was kicked away by Chen Xi because of a broken rock. All these blows almost made Ye Yan Yan's sanity was shattered.

She, Ye Yan, was born in a respected family. Up to now, she has been respected by the wind and rain by the wind and rain by the rain. She is awed by people wherever she goes. She has never experienced such a blow.

All of a sudden, she had the thought of dying with Chen Xi.

But in the end, Ye Yan still held back, even if it was death, she would not die with a despicable bastard like Chen Xi!


On this day, Ye Yan became the first guest to arrive at the "Sacred Garden of Absolute Beginning", and also the most unwelcome guest.

For the next few days, Chen Xi never paid attention to her, as if he completely ignored the existence of such a woman.

And after Ye Yan experienced the initial blow, he also became silent, as if he had compromised, sitting cross-legged under a purple bamboo, staring at Taichu Guan in the distance in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking about.

This purple bamboo forest has returned to its former tranquility and tranquility.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed in a hurry.

On this day, Ye Yan frowned, and finally for the first time looked at Chen Xi who was on the side of the rock, and a complexion flashed inadvertently on his delicate and charming face.

Soon, she recovered calmly.

"I heard that you killed Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu and other six gods in the ruins of Manggu a few years ago?"

Suddenly, Ye Yan spoke, talking about what happened a few years ago.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the rock, motionless, his eyes closed, as if he didn't notice it.

Ye Yan seemed very calm at this time, and was not angered by this "ignoring" again, but said indifferently: "But you know, Gongye Zhefu did not die completely, his soul has always survived."

At this moment, Chen Xi finally opened his eyes and glanced at Ye Yan: "What exactly do you want to say?"

He was slightly startled in his heart, because only he knew that when dealing with Gongye Zhefu, he didn't kill him, but took the opponent's soul and suppressed him.

"Are you disappointed?"

There was a smile on Ye Yan's lips, and he said leisurely, "Nowadays, all the Gongye clan in the imperial domain believe that the soul of Gongye Zhefu was taken away by a woman named Zhen Liuqing. The reason is that, This woman's master is imprisoned in the Gongye Clan, if she wants to save her master, she will definitely use this as an exchange."

Hearing this recognition, Chen Xi couldn't help being amused, but knowingly asked, "Why did you suspect Zhen Liuqing?"

Seeing that Chen Xi was concerned about this matter, Ye Yan's expression became more and more relaxed, and he said slowly, "It's very simple, because this woman has been infected with the Black Witch God Gu, and the Gongye clan has confirmed that this woman was not in the Manggu Ruins died, and she became the biggest suspect in capturing Gongye Zhefu's soul."

Speaking of this, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and said, "Oh, by the way, I heard that you also had some emotional entanglements with that woman before?"

Between the words, there was already a taste of ridicule.

However, Chen Xi didn't seem to have heard it. He was silent for a long time before he said, "You made a mistake. At that time, I had no intention of killing Gongye Zhefu at all."

Ye Yan was stunned, a little unbelievable, and said in surprise: "So, you took away Gongye Zhefu's soul?"

Chen Xi did not deny it.

Seeing this, Ye Yan's heart was shocked, his emotions fluctuated, and he said after a long time: "Then do you know the purpose of my coming to Taichu Temple this time?"

Chen Xi glanced at her coldly: "Is it entrusted by the Gongye clan?"

Ye Yan said calmly: "You can understand it this way, because according to my previous judgment, Zhen Liuqing has been hit by the Black Witch God Gu. Without Gongye's unique secret method, she can't get rid of it at all, but if she comes to the Taichu Temple, she can. Save one life, but the hope is very small, after all, the temple master is not a great kind person, how could he help a stranger like her?"

Chen Xi said: "Then why do you still come?"

Ye Yan said leisurely: "Although the hope is small, there is a glimmer of hope after all. On the one hand, I have to come because of affection. On the other hand, I have more important things to do."

Speaking of this, she smiled mysteriously and said no more.

At this moment, Chen Xi also smiled, and said, "Then do you know why I appear in Taichu Guan?"


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