divine talisman

Chapter 1764

That's right, why did this guy appear in Tai Chu Guan?

Ye Yan was taken aback. It wasn't that she hadn't thought about this question before, but before she could figure it out, a series of things that made her angry and humiliated happened, which made her almost ignore this most important question.


Ye Yan blurted out, and immediately she regretted a little, why was she so restless, and she should be led away by this guy again.

Yes, in Ye Yan's subconscious mind, even if it was just a conversation, she was fighting openly and secretly with Chen Xi, trying to overwhelm him. Unfortunately, the conversation so far did not seem to allow her to get her wish.

"Because I brought Liu Qing here, and the temple master also agreed to help Liu Qing suppress the power of the Black Witch God Gu."

Chen Xi spoke bluntly, and was not worried at all that the other party would find out.


Ye Yan lost his composure at all, and said in a broken voice, "How is this possible, even if you are a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, the temple master probably won't go against the sky because of this, and refine the Life Wheel Linghui Pill for you!"

She seemed agitated, a little out of control.

With regard to this, Chen Xi did not explain any more, he had already said what should be said, and it was time for negotiations.

"Now, you should also know that the soul of Gongye Zhefu is in my hands. Since you are entrusted by the Gongye clan, please go back and tell them that it is very easy to want Gongye Zhefu's soul. Let Dao Que go seriously, and then hand over the secret method for dispelling the Black Witch God Gu."

Chen Xi looked directly at Ye Yan, and said, "Otherwise, they might never see Zhefu Gongye again in this lifetime."

Ye Yan looked uncertain, took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then sneered, "Why should I believe you?"

Chen Xi said: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. After the temple master has completely suppressed the power of the Black Witch God Gu in Liu Qing's body, I will personally go to the Gongye Clan, but by then...not just let them hand over the Dao It’s as simple as missing a real person.”

Ye Yan still sneered: "Only by you?"

There were only three words, but the words were full of sarcasm. It seemed that Chen Xi wanted to fight against the Gongye clan by himself, which was simply absurd.

Chen Xi's expression was calm, and he said calmly, "Is it enough to add Shenyan Mountain?"

Shenyan Mountain!

The same three words, but like an invisible magic power, made Ye Yan frowned, and finally said nothing.

Because even she had to admit that if Shenyan Mountain came forward, the Gongye clan would really not be able to bear this pressure.

One is the top power in the imperial domain, which is indeed enough to disdain most of the powers in the ancient gods, turning their hands into clouds and turning their hands into rain.

But the other... is one of the "Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain", an existence that is on par with the Nuwa Palace, the Supreme Sect, the Taoist Temple, and the Divine Academy!

If the Diyu Gongye clan is a giant, then Shenyan Mountain is a giant. In front of it, any top power is not enough.

However, Ye Yan still did not believe that Chen Xi dared to do this.

She frowned, and said: "You should be clear that the initiative is not in your hands, whether it is the secret method to dispel the black witch god's Gu, or Dao Que Dao Que, they are all in the hands of the Gongye clan, and you have to do anything. Don't be afraid, unless you don't care about the life and death of Zhen Liuqing and Dao Que, otherwise, you will always be controlled by the Gongye clan!"

After a pause, she continued: "What's more, don't forget that behind the Gongye Clan is the Grand Master sitting in charge!"

Chen Xi didn't care at all, and calmly said: "You just need to tell the Gongye clan that Zhefu Gongye's soul is in my hands, and let them figure it out."

Seeing Chen Xi's indifferent demeanor of being indifferent to oil, salt, water and fire, Ye Yan inexplicably felt a tinge of anger in his heart, wishing to put a knife on his neck to see if he really didn't care about all of this.

In other words, she really wanted to know if there was anything in this world that this guy wasn't afraid of.

To be precise, Ye Yan couldn't understand Chen Xi very much, especially his nasty, hateful face!

"Hehe, why should I listen to you?"

Ye Yan sneered.

"Didn't you come here at the behest of the Gongye clan?"

Chen Xi asked back, his expression was still so calm, as if the sky would fall and he wouldn't be moved.

Seeing this, Ye Yan couldn't help burning with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Who is the Gongye family, and can order my mother to do things for them?"

Chen Xi let out a groan, and then said nothing.

Seeing this, Ye Yan became more and more annoyed: "Bastard, do you think I, Ye Yan, are the kind of little characters who work hard for others?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it?"

Ye Yan was about to go crazy, wishing she could strangle Chen Xi to death, took a long time before taking a deep breath, and said word by word, "I've already said that I have more important things to do here. Helping the Gongye clan is just a matter of convenience - convenience! Do you understand?"

Chen Xi nodded: "So that's how it is."

Immediately, he shook his head, closed his eyes, and meditated again, as if he felt that the chat with Ye Yan just now had become nonsense, and it would be meaningless to continue.


Seeing this, Ye Yan's eyes were ready to breathe fire, and his white teeth were about to be gnawed into pieces. This bastard is simply too condescending!

With a groan, she stood up.

"what are you going to do?"

Chen Xi frowned, and said coldly.

Ye Yan laughed angrily: "Can't I just walk around?"

As she spoke, she put her hands behind her back and began to stroll in the purple bamboo forest with a very leisurely look.

Chen Xi frowned, and finally didn't say much.

The arrival of this woman completely disrupted his cultivation, and in addition to the previous hatred for each other, it was impossible for him not to hate each other.

"I don't know Miss Huicong, how can there be a sister like you."

Chen Xi said coldly.

In one sentence, Ye Yan froze all over, and immediately stood there. Her back was facing Chen Xi, so that the latter couldn't see him at all. Her complexion suddenly became pale at this moment, and she was a little lost.

However, Chen Xi still keenly noticed that something was wrong with Ye Yan at this moment, but he simply didn't bother to pay attention to it.


At this moment, an indescribable fluctuation suddenly spread from the distant view of Taichu.


Chen Xi was shocked.

Ye Yan also thumped in his heart, and suddenly raised his head.

At this moment, both of them clearly felt a rush of oppression, almost suffocating, and their whole bodies tensed up.


In the sky, purple stars that looked like bright pearls began to tremble violently, making a booming sound, as if they were about to fall.

The purple bamboo forest, which was originally quiet and quiet, was suddenly rattled by a gust of wind, and the branches and leaves fell.

The rare and exotic beasts living here roared, as if they were terrified of something.

There is a whine, a sign of panic in everything.

Not long after, a pitch-black cloud of calamity surged up from the originally clear sky, like an eternal night, and the sky and the earth were darkened.


Thunder and lightning began to emerge, turning into thunderstorm arcs and flickering in the pitch-black calamity cloud, like wild snakes dancing wildly, reflecting a variety of terrifying visions.

There are mourning roars of immortals and devils, torrents of divine blood, collapse of the avenues, sinking of the sun and the moon...all present a terrifying scene like a doomsday catastrophe.

All of this happened so suddenly that Chen Xi couldn't help shrinking his pupils, feeling horrified, and inexplicably recalled the scene he had witnessed in Xuanzhu's ancestral temple.

At that time, he was digging the emperor-level dao root himself, and a black cloud of calamity also came down, with the same astonishing momentum, which was strikingly similar to the scene in front of him.

Is it...

A light flashed in Chen Xi's mind, as if he realized something.

"The calamity of the heavens... Sure enough, the temple master really did not hesitate to defy the sky, and opened the furnace to refine the life wheel Linghui pill..."

At this moment, Ye Yan looked a little strange, as if shocked, bewildered, or unbelievable.


In the depths of the black calamity cloud, suddenly there was an aura that almost destroyed the world, and then a pair of eyes quietly emerged.

Indifferent, cold, deep, without any emotional fluctuations.

As soon as it appeared, the whole world fell into a kind of mourning, the time and space were disordered, the latitude and longitude were confused, and everything seemed to be unable to bear the oppression, and almost collapsed.

This is terrible!

Even Chen Xi felt chills in his heart, and when he recognized that eye, it was the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment", which was the so-called "Doom" in Lao Bai's mouth.

Originally, this "Shen Yuan of Absolute Beginning" was a Dao domain, which was opened outside the ancient God domain, completely isolating and covering the power of the Dao of Heaven.

But now, the power of heavenly tribulation suddenly appeared. Obviously, something against the sky appeared, which aroused the perception of heaven and sent down punishment.

And that heaven-defying thing is also easy to guess, it must be a furnace of "Life Wheel Linghui Pill" refined by that empress.

At the beginning, Lao Bai once said that once this pill is refined, it is enough to reverse the destiny, and it has the power of nurturing spirituality and wisdom, which can be called against the sky.

Even on the day of alchemy, it will be robbed and destroyed, which is not tolerated by God!

In the final analysis, the reason is that this pill is implicated with a ray of destiny, and such a supreme mystery has violated the inverse scale of the heavens.

At that time, Lao Bai also gave an example, saying that Xuan, the lord of Manggu, wanted to sacrifice and refine similar pills, but in the end the pills were destroyed, which caused turmoil in the world and many disasters. In just one year, eight people died. Fourteen thousand ascetics were implicated by this, and their bodies died and their dao disappeared!

And at this moment, all this seems to be really happening in front of my eyes...

Chen Xi's heart also froze all of a sudden, and his face was extremely serious.


As soon as the Eye of Heaven's Punishment appeared, a jet of black lightning flashed out of the pupil, and it slashed down towards the position of Tai Chu Guan.

The lightning is gray and entangled with endless calamity power. It is the real heavenly tribulation thunder, possessing the terrifying supernatural power of destroying heaven and earth.

If this is done, then the Absolute Beginning View will be completely destroyed!

At this very moment, Chen Xiqiang sacrificed the Banchen Sword, he couldn't tolerate the failure of refining the "Life Wheel Linghui Pill".

Even if it is to fight against the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment", he will not hesitate!


However, before Chen Xi could move out, a bronze umbrella suddenly rose up in the Absolute Beginning View, like a bronze lotus flower in full bloom, with Ruiguang, orbs, cloud patterns, divine rainbow, dao marks, etc. grand and brilliant imprinted on it. good looks.

As soon as he appeared, he turned around and easily resolved that gray thunderbolt!


ps: The plot of the past two days is a bit dull, but it will soon be exciting. I will try my best to make five changes tomorrow, and pay back the last addition owed to the leader of Shen Shen~~Please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket to encourage~


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