divine talisman

Chapter 1765 The Shaohao Family

The bronze umbrella covers the sky, blooming with all kinds of supreme beauty, shining brightly, immeasurably magnificent.

This treasure is very miraculous, it can defuse the thunder from the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" without a sound, it is simply against the sky.


Another tribulation thunder strikes down, the momentum is even more frightening, the world's color changes, and time and space can't stop it in the slightest.

But in just a moment, it was silently dissolved by the bronze umbrella, and there was a circle of illusory and blurred ripples on the surface of the umbrella, and the waves were calm.


At this moment, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment seemed to be enraged, and endless thunder rolled out of it, turning into a gray chain of order, sweeping through time and space, and covering it down.

It's like a cage descending on the Great Dao!

Chen Xi had also witnessed this scene when he was in the Three Realms. It was in the Iris Desert. If the third senior brother Tie Yunhai and the fourth senior brother Old Poor hadn't appeared in time, Chen Xi might have been robbed that time.

It's just that compared with the last time, the thunder calamity this time is more terrifying. The cage is like a purgatory, which is intertwined with the chains of order derived from the thunder calamity.


Almost at the same time, the bronze umbrella began to spin, and streaks of ancient chaotic energy suddenly rushed out from the umbrella surface, turning into a chaotic vortex.

An astonishing scene appeared, the cage of the Great Dao was actually swept into the vortex, being torn, destroyed, and collapsed continuously, making violent collision and booming sounds.

Chen Xi couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. What kind of heaven-defying power should he have to be able to do this?

"Hunyuan Shenji Umbrella!"

Ye Yan finally dared to confirm it at this moment, and exclaimed.


At this moment, the cage of the Great Dao was completely destroyed and annihilated, while the bronze umbrella was only shaken violently for a while, and then returned to its original state.

But before Chen Xi could heave a sigh of relief, the black calamity clouds above the sky became darker and thicker, and the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" also became darker and more terrifying.

It seemed to be enraged, and it was accumulating strength, intending to completely suppress this bronze umbrella.

At this moment, everything lost its sound and was completely still. Even Chen Xi felt chills all over his body, as if falling into an ice cave, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Little girl, since you're here, I'll leave everything here to you."

Suddenly, a holy and majestic voice resounded from the heaven and the earth, and it was the voice of that empress.

Before the sound fell, the bronze umbrella was suddenly retracted, put away, and disappeared from the view of Taichu.

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment. That was the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment". That empress was so relieved that she put away the bronze umbrella?

Did she think that the existence of Ye Yan, the ancestral god, could stop all this?


Seemingly seeing what Chen Xi was thinking, Ye Yan couldn't help snorting coldly.

The next moment, she made a move with her white and white hands, and a black mysterious talisman rose into the air, releasing a majestic, obscure, and palpitating aura.

It seemed inconspicuous, but when it appeared in the air, the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" trembled suddenly, and all the abnormal movements stopped abruptly.


Not long after, the robbery cloud in the sky exploded and turned into a collapsed black cloud, and the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" was also submerged and disappeared in it, never to be found again.


Chen Xi couldn't help but gasp. What exactly is that black talisman that can prevent the calamity of heaven from descending?

He couldn't help looking over it carefully, but he heard a click, and the black mysterious talisman was suddenly torn apart like jade, shattered into powder.

This made Chen Xi startled slightly.


Ye Yan snorted again, but this time he was full of complacency, as if mocking Chen Xi's ignorance.


But soon she frowned, and a look of pity appeared in her eyes. Obviously, the loss of that black mysterious talisman also caused her heartache.


No matter what, this time the catastrophe came suddenly, Ye Yan could be regarded as a big help, so that the empress would not be distracted by it anymore.

Thus virtually avoiding the destruction of that batch of "Life Wheel Linghui Pill" by the Heavenly Tribulation.

This changed Chen Xi's perception of Ye Yan a lot, but he would not completely forgive him because of this.

Chen Xi would never forget that in order to kill him back then, this woman traveled countless miles across the starry sky, looking like she was trying to kill her.

This made Chen Xi feel relieved all of a sudden?

The calamity cloud collapsed, the Eye of Punishment disappeared, and the sky became azure again, with purple stars hanging from it, and a faint purple divine splendor drifting down.

Soon, the quiet and quiet atmosphere in the purple bamboo forest was restored.

"Without accidents, it will be successful after three years. Chen Xi, remember not to let anyone set foot in the Ancestral View. If there is any trouble, you can ask Xiaobao to solve it."

The empress's voice drifted away suddenly, and soon fell silent, and there was no more movement.

Chen Xi cupped his hands silently to show his understanding.

"Who is Xiao Bao?"

Ye Yan was startled.

With a whoosh, a golden figure appeared on a purple bamboo plant, grinning at Ye Yan with a grin: "This girl, why is she called Xiaobao?"

"So it's you stinky monkey!"

Seeing the monkey who peeped at her changing clothes, Ye Yan was immediately angry, stomping her feet and rushing up to capture Xiaobao.

It's a pity that just as she started, Xiaobao disappeared in a whoosh, erratic like a ghost.

"Damn monkey!"

Ye Yan was annoyed and powerless, she knew very well that she couldn't catch up with this cunning little beast.

However, this scene made Chen Xi thoughtful, and for the first time, he began to look squarely at Xiaobao, the golden boy macaque.

If he did not make a mistake in his deduction, even if he did it himself, he might not be able to catch up with Xiaobao's speed, it was too fast, like a light traveling through time and space, unpredictable.

"It's not good, there are guests coming to visit!"

In the blink of an eye, Little Treasure actually came back, yelling, "Chen Xi, go and have a look, that guy is very imposing, he steps on auspicious clouds, and he is accompanied by birds, it's frightening to death."


Ye Yan was startled, as if he had guessed something, his face changed slightly, and he asked in surprise, "Could it be that he is here?"


Chen Xi was about to take action when he heard the words and couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, Ye Yan obviously didn't have the intention of confronting Chen Xi, she looked a little strange, and hurriedly said, "Go and have a look first."

"Xiaobao, you lead the way."

Chen Xi glanced at Ye Yan and stopped hesitating.

"follow me."

Xiaobao turned into a flash of golden light and swept towards the depths of the purple bamboo forest.

At that moment, both Chen Xi and Ye Yan set off and followed.

However, on the way, Xiaobao stopped abruptly, squatted on a rock on one side, scratched his ears and said, "Why didn't that guy come here without invitation, it's too rude."

Chen Xi and Ye Yan were both startled, and stopped moving forward.

Sure enough, before Xiaobao's voice fell, there was a burst of divine bird cries in the distant sky, chirping and cheering.

There are obviously more than one kind of divine bird singing, some are clear, some are deep, some are sharp, some are deep, and they sound together, like a pilgrimage of thousands of birds, a magnificent scene.

Even some of the birds living in this purple bamboo forest seemed to be affected and began to sing along.

This scene couldn't help but make Chen Xi narrow his eyes. He didn't like this scene, it was too noisy, and if it affected the alchemy of that empress in Taichu Guan, then it would be unforgivable.

"It sure is him!"

Ye Yan's incomparably charming jade face turned gloomy and indifferent at the moment.

At this moment, Chen Xi also finally saw that a divine rainbow descended from the distant sky, and suddenly transformed into a heroic and extraordinary figure.

The man was dressed in a golden jade robe, with a feather crown on his head, his face was like a jade crown, his lips were red and his teeth were white, with his hands behind his back, he had a graceful and suave appearance.

And around his body, there are divine birds, such as green luan, black bird, red phoenix, white crane, oriole...all of them are auspicious and rare birds, like a pilgrimage of a hundred birds, which makes the man in golden robe even more imposing. extraordinary.

However, Chen Xi frowned. This person's aura seemed to be vast and bright, and auspicious, but Chen Xi keenly sensed that there was a hint of sinister taste in it.

"Hahaha, Miss Ye Yan, so you have already come."

The man stepped down, directly ignoring Chen Xi, and walked up to Ye Yan, laughing unceasingly, looking very happy.

"Didn't you say yes, I will handle this matter?"

Ye Yan's face became more and more cold, full of displeasure.

"I'm not in a hurry, sir. If such a major event is accomplished, you Ye family, our Shaohao family, and the three forces of the Supreme Sect will be a family."

Regarding Ye Yan's indifferent attitude, the man in the golden robe didn't take it seriously, and smiled leisurely with his hands behind his back, "What's more, this is a marriage between your sister and my son. How can you, a sister, be tired again? It's better for me to come."


Chen Xi's heart moved, and he thought to himself, could it be that this guy wants to become a Taoist partner with Huicong?

"You don't believe me?"

Ye Yan's face became more and more ugly.

The man in the golden robe burst into laughter again, walked up to Ye Yan very affectionately, raised his hand to hook Ye Yan's chin, the corners of his lips curled up, and said affectionately: "Ye Yan, originally I planned to have a relationship with Ye Yan. You became a Taoist couple, but you refused to agree, now...do you still want to interfere in your sister's marriage? This is a bit outrageous."

The voice was gentle, but there was a hint of warning, coupled with his frivolous behavior and unrestrained appearance, made Ye Yan's face completely sink.

But in the end, she took a deep breath, pushed Shaohao Yu's hand away, and actually suppressed the anger in her heart, and said coldly: "Shaohao Yu, you are a bit presumptuous!"

"Are you presumptuous? I originally planned to take both of your sisters as wives and concubines, but now I just marry your sister alone. Is this still called presumptuous?"

Shaohao Yu burst into laughter again, raised his feet and walked towards the distance, "Let's go, go with me to meet the temple master, speaking of it, I haven't seen Huicong for many years, and I don't know that this girl is now Whether you are as beautiful as you, I am looking forward to it."


ps: It’s a bit late to go home, but I will stick to fighting for 5 more, before 8 o’clock in the next chapter, please ask the monthly pass to give me the motivation to burn~


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