divine talisman

Chapter 1767 Marriage Contract Battle

Hearing these voices, Chen Xi couldn't help smiling.

Ye Yan, however, had regained consciousness, with a look of worry on her charming and beautiful face, and she said worriedly: "That guy has a very serious background, if you mess with him, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles."

Chen Xi said disapprovingly, "I was going to kill him just now, but you asked me to let him go."

Ye Yan glared at Chen Xi angrily: "If I don't stop you, the consequences will be even more serious!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi just groaned, then turned around and returned along the original path, with a look of indifference.

But Ye Yan became more and more annoyed, and bit Yingrun's cherry lips before catching up, and said bitterly: "You bastard, you are so heartless!"

Before Chen Xi could speak, she continued, "Do you know that this Shaohao Yu comes from the Shaohao clan?"


Chen Xi nodded.

"Then do you know what it means to offend Shaohao?"

Ye Yan had completely given up on Chen Xi's slow reaction, and told him directly everything about the Shaohao Clan.

It turns out that this Shaohao family is one of the most unfathomable and eternal families in the imperial domain, inherited from the lineage of the innate god Shaohao.

His family occupies the ten-day boundary of the "Tang Valley" in the imperial domain, and the clan has the title of "the ancestor of all birds". There are also five doves and five pheasants as the branch power of the clan.

The so-called Wujiu refers to Zhujiu's, Gujiu's, Yanjiu's, Shuangjiu's, and Hujiu's, which are respectively replaced by Situ, Sima, Sikong, Sikou, and Sishi as surnames.

The same is true for five pheasants.

Whether it is Wujiu or Wupheasant, they can be regarded as first-class forces in the Imperial Domain, but in name, they are the offshoots of the Shaohao Clan, and they all serve the Shaohao Clan as the master!

In addition, there are also the ancient clans of the Emperor's Domain, the Mushen Jumang clan and the Jinshen Rushou clan, all of whom follow Shaohao's lead!

This is the foundation of the Eternal Family, which has accumulated the luck of endless years, and is known as eternal and eternal.

In contrast, among the top powers such as the Ye clan, the Luo clan, and the Gongye clan, although there are many forces that can compete with the Eternal Family, they do not have the background to compete with the Eternal Family.

Until now, Chen Xi finally understood what kind of terrifying force the Shaohao Clan was, and for the first time knew about the existence of the Eternal Family.

It is worth mentioning that the Eternal Family is a very deformed existence, some are incredibly powerful, like the Shaohao Clan, and some have long since fallen into decline. Apart from their terrifying background, their power appears to be extremely weak.

In the final analysis, the Eternal Family is some ancient forces with a long history and eternal existence, most of whose ancestors are innate gods born in chaos.

In other words, the Eternal Family is a title, an eternal honor.

But like the Shaohao clan, it obviously belongs to the most prosperous clan in the Eternal Family.

"The Shaohao Yu is a direct descendant of the Shaohao Clan, possessing the orthodox blood of the Shaohao Clan. Offending him is not only offending the Shaohao Clan, but also the offshoots and vassal forces of the Shaohao Clan!"

After Ye Yan finished all this, she felt a little restless in her heart.

She never expected that Shaohao Yu would actually come to Taichu Guan, disrupting her plan all of a sudden.

If Chen Xi hadn't been there this time and expelled him, Ye Yan didn't even know what would have happened.

"It's just a Shaohao Yu, if offended, offended."

Chen Xi still looked very indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"But you have to know that this Shaohao Yu's temperament is the most vengeful, and offending him may cause a lot of trouble."

Ye Yan gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "You probably don't know this guy yet, but he is a well-known and domineering person in the imperial domain. If it weren't for his bloodthirsty and arrogant temperament, half of his state of mind is close to demons, he wouldn't have practiced for [-] years. , the cultivation base has been stuck in the ancestral god realm."

"Thirty-six thousand years?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't expect that this guy is actually an old monster, and he still calls himself a son. It's really a bit shameless."

Ye Yan said unhappily: "Is age important to the existence of God Realm?"

At this time, they had returned to the purple bamboo forest where Qingxiu lived.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the rock, and then said: "Of course age is not important. What is important is that he is a direct descendant of the Shaohao clan. It took him so long to achieve the cultivation of the Ancestral God Realm. He is really a waste."

Ye Yan opened his eyes wide, and was almost choked to death by Chen Xi's words. It took him a while before he said, "This guy is the No. 70 and second existence in the Ancestral God Realm on the list of Conferred Gods. Is this... a waste?"

She almost wanted to say, if this is trash, then what is her cultivation level that has not yet entered the list of Conferred Gods?Worse than trash?


Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and only then did he suddenly understand that it wasn't that his opponents were too bad, but because he had already far surpassed them, which caused this difference in cognition.

Chen Xi also understood that the top [-] Ancestral God Realm rankings on the Conferred God List were completely different from the rankings in the Spirit God Realm.

The latter's rankings are almost all gods and gods who are like the arrogance of the world, while the former's list is mostly old monsters in the ancestral god realm!

Like Gongye Nanli, like this Shaohao Yu, it's the same.

The reason is that there is an extremely difficult gap between the Ancestral God Realm and the Emperor Realm, like a moat, blocking the progress of nearly [-]% of the Ancestral God Realm in the world.

These ascetics stayed in the Ancestral God Realm, and indirectly, they had already appeared on the list of the Ancestral God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods, and a large number of old monsters appeared.

If the old man wants to be among them, unless he has the qualifications of emperor-level ancestor gods, king-level ancestor gods, or even emperor-level ancestor gods, there may be a chance to step into it. As for those peak ancestor gods, top ancestor gods, and ordinary ancestor gods... there is almost no hope. Get on top of the list.

Because when each other's cultivation has reached the perfection of the ancestor gods, the only thing left to fight is aptitude and talent!

This is also the reason why those supreme gods like Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu risked their lives to compete for the ancestors' roots when they advanced to the Ancestral God Realm.

Because ancestral source Daogen means the aptitude after advancing to the Ancestral God Realm!

From this point of view, it took Shaohao Yu more than 3 years to rank second in the Ancestral God Realm No. 70 on the list of Conferred Gods, which is indeed not easy.

But compared to Chen Xi, a heaven-defying evildoer, he was naturally very inconspicuous.

Ye Yan also admitted this. At this moment, she looked at Chen Xi with a complicated expression, and said, "Of course, in your eyes, that Shaohao Yu is naturally not as good as you."

There was a hint of disappointment in the voice.

Obviously, invisibly, she has admitted that she is far inferior to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi, however, was unwilling to talk about his own cultivation, so he changed the subject and said, "Now, you should tell the reason for coming to the Taichu Temple this time, right?"

Ye Yan was startled, with deep helplessness and resentment gushing out of his expression, and said: "You have heard just now that the Shaohao family intends to further deepen the relationship between my Ye family and the Shaohao family through the marriage between Shaohao Yu and my sister. The cooperation between them, of course, there is also the Supreme Master."

After a pause, she took a deep breath and said: "And I came here this time with the marriage contract jointly recognized by the Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Taishangjiao. . . . and you're done."

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Have you ever consulted Huicong about this?"

A thick sarcasm appeared on the corner of Ye Yan's lips: "Is it necessary to consult for the benefit of the clan?"

Chen Xi was startled, and an indescribable loathing welled up in his heart.

Regarding the marriage contract, he really felt the extreme pain and disgust. As early as when he was a teenager, because of a marriage contract, it led to the destruction of their Songyan Chen clan.

"Then you also want to force your sister to submit?"

Chen Xi frowned and asked.


Ye Yan shook her head resolutely, "I already owe my sister too much, no matter what this time, I can't let her repeat the same mistakes and follow in my footsteps!"

Chen Xi was immediately astonished.

"Unexpectedly, I am also a victim of the mutual interests between the family and the Supreme Sect, and the price is to let me join the Supreme Sect and contribute to it."

Ye Yan laughed at himself, obviously depressed.

Speaking of this, she took a deep breath and said, "By the way, I was wrong to chase you down last time, and I was forced to do it. If you still resent me, when you leave, let's make a break."

Hearing all of this, Chen Xi was silent for a long time, before he said, "So, are you here to stop all this this time?"

Ye Yan laughed at himself, "Do you think I'm hitting a rock with an egg?"

Chen Xi shook his head, his expression became serious, and he said, "On this point, I agree with your approach."

In a word, Ye Yan was completely stunned, seemed very excited, and felt absurd and unreal.

For this matter, she has almost made a plan to fight against the family behind her, against the Supreme Sect, and against the Shaohao clan alone!

No one understood her behavior, let alone how much courage she mustered when she made this decision.

She even pessimistically believed that even if she intervened, it would be difficult to reverse her sister's fate.

However, at this moment, when she heard Chen Xi's approval, even if it was just a recognition, she suddenly felt a sense of relief and excitement of being understood.

However, it was an enemy who understood and agreed with her by fate...

How is this not ridiculous?

"Based on your words, even if I die at your hands in the future, I won't hate you."

Ye Yan took a deep breath and said seriously.

Regarding this, Chen Xi couldn't help being silent, and didn't say much.


Suddenly, there was a violent tremor in the sky in the distance, and the situation changed, and the momentum was astonishing.


Chen Xi and Ye Yan's hearts trembled together, and they looked into the distance.

Almost at the same time, a voice filled with endless anger and resentment came from a distance——

"That damned thing, get out of here, my lord!"

This voice was obviously made by Shaohao Yu, and he actually made a comeback again!

Chen Xi frowned immediately, vaguely feeling that this guy might have prepared some kind of method for coming this time.


ps: At around 12 o'clock in the morning of the fourth update, it's not that the goldfish asks for the monthly pass every day, but that the monthly pass for these two days is really miserable and I can't bear to gamble, and I immediately fell out of the top 20...


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