divine talisman

Chapter 1768 Final Marriage Contract

Ye Yan's face also changed suddenly, and he said in surprise: "Why is this guy back again?"

While speaking, there was a wave in the void in the distance, and three figures appeared.

The leader was Shaohao Yu, but at this moment his appearance was extremely ridiculous, not only his hair was disheveled, his clothes were torn and bloody, even his cheeks were red, swollen and bruised, like a pig's head, it was simply horrible.

Chen Xi almost couldn't help laughing when he saw it. It must have been written by the golden boy macaque, and it probably slapped Shaohao Yu quite a lot.

But in just a split second, Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he noticed that beside Shaohao Yu, there were actually two Monarch Realm companions!

An old man with gray hair and gray eyes, wearing a gorgeous robe, with his hands behind his back, has an aura of staring at the mountains.

The other is a blood-haired middle-aged man with cold eyes like lightning, holding a wide-mouthed blood-colored saber with both hands, exuding a bloodthirsty and frenzied aura, like a great Shura king who has just stepped out of a sea of ​​blood from a mountain of corpses.

"Kunmu Emperor Gou Mangsun, Blood Shadow Emperor Liao retreated!"

Ye Yan immediately recognized the old man and the middle-aged man, and couldn't help crying out, his expression suddenly changed.

Obviously, this sentence Manxun comes from the Mushen Ju Mang family, and Na Lu Shouyin comes from the Jin Shen Lu Shou family!

And with this inference, Shaohao Yu did not come here alone, but left the two emperors outside the "Shenyuan of Absolute Beginning" to wait.

After Shaohaoyu suffered a disastrous defeat, he brought these two emperors to revenge.


At this moment, Shaohao Yu also saw Chen Xi, immediately bristling with anger, gritted his teeth and shouted, "You two uncles, this is the bastard!"


The gazes of the two emperors pierced through time and space in an instant, and locked on Chen Xi, their pupils were full of ruthless murderous intent.

This made Chen Xi's expression become dignified. When the two emperors came, no matter how conceited he was about his fighting power, he felt an unprecedented pressure.

"Young master, can you confirm the identity of this son?"

The old man Gou Mangsun said indifferently, "After all, this is the Divine Garden of Absolute Beginning. If the person who kills the temple master is killed, I'm afraid it will not end well."

"If it's a Guanzhu person, how dare you be so rude to me?"

Shaohao Yu shouted angrily.

Ju Mangxun nodded: "In that case, it's better if we take him out and kill him, so as not to offend the viewer."

"Yes, yes, just what I want."

The blood shadow emperor Liao on one side smiled grimly and nodded.

During their conversation, it seemed as if they were passing a death sentence to a prisoner, they seemed confident and did not take Chen Xi seriously at all.

"and many more!"

Shaohao Yu seemed to think of something, and shouted, "There is still that dead monkey, get out of here, my lord! Damn it, I must dig out your monkey brain today, so it can't be served as a side dish!"

Seeing his indignant look, it was obvious that Xiaobao had dealt him badly before, so he kept his grudge in his heart.


Both Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying were startled, and then smiled disapprovingly. It was just a monkey, and it was nothing to them.

Seeing this, Ye Yan couldn't help but sink to the bottom of the valley, and finally took a deep breath, and said: "This is the God of Absolute Beginning, don't you worry that doing anything wrong here will offend the temple master?"

At this moment, she can only pin all her hopes on the temple master, hoping that through this method, the other party will be wary.

But she was very uncertain, because she knew now that the temple master was currently refining a furnace of "Life Wheel of Spiritual Wisdom Pill", and it was at a critical moment, so she might not notice what happened here at all.

"Ye Yan, are you going to fight this young master with that kid?"

Shaohao Yu's face darkened, and a hint of ferocity appeared on his red and swollen cheeks.

"This female doll is right. It's naturally inappropriate to do something under the eyes of the viewer."

That Kunmu Emperor suddenly opened his mouth, but the next sentence made Ye Yan completely desperate, "But since until now, the temple master has not made a sound to stop him, maybe he has acquiesced in this matter, and he will kill this kid later, and then come to the temple master. It’s perfectly fine to apologize.”

"That's right, I'm going to take Huicong back."

Shaohao Yu nodded, he was not afraid that the Master would intervene in this matter, but after listening to Emperor Kunmu's analysis, he immediately felt relieved.

In his opinion, compared to himself and the Shaohao clan behind him, even if he killed Chen Xi and made the audience unhappy, he would definitely not kill himself, at most it might just be a lesson.

"So decide."

The blood shadow emperor on the side seemed a little impatient, and spoke coldly.

But at this moment, Chen Xi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly turned his head and said to Ye Yan, "Give me the marriage contract you brought."

A very inexplicable sentence not only stunned Ye Yan, but also Shaohao Yu, who immediately reacted.

He grinned grimly and said, "You bastard, you finally know what you did wrong? Want to hand over the marriage contract to me to atone for your crime? Impossible!"

Chen Xi ignored him, but just looked at Ye Yan.

Ye Yan also came to his senses, looked at Chen Xi, finally gritted his teeth, took out a jade-colored talisman, and handed it to Chen Xi.

It can be clearly seen that there are three brilliant brand marks floating on the surface of this talisman, which are the "Swords and Thorns" totem representing the Ye family in the imperial domain, the "Shen Sun Yaotian" totem representing the Shaohao family, and the Shangjiao's "Taishang" two ancient characters.

Obviously, this marriage contract represents the will of the three major forces, and a contract-like force has been formed invisibly.

Seeing this marriage contract, Shaohao Yu's eyes could not help but light up.

"Young master, beware of this son destroying the marriage contract."

Emperor Kunmu reminded from the side.

Shaohao Yu was startled, then sneered and said: "This is the marriage contract signed by my Shaohao family, Ye family, and the Supreme Master, and it contains the supreme will of the three big figures. Let alone this bastard, it is you who made the move." , it is absolutely difficult to destroy this marriage contract!"

There was a sense of arrogance in the voice.

Seeing this, Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying looked at each other, both a little surprised, as if they never thought that such a small marriage contract would have such power.

"You want to marry Huicong?"

Chen Xi took the marriage contract, looked at it for a moment, and then turned his gaze to Shaohao Yu. Even at this moment, his expression was still as calm as before, calm and calm.

"Why, you bastard still have opinions? Hehe, this young master is really touched by the fact that a dying person still cares about my young master's marriage."

Shaohao Yu opened his mouth mockingly, like a cat playing with a mouse, and was not in a hurry to kill immediately.

"You misunderstood. Although I can't prevent the forces behind you from doing this, I can destroy this marriage contract and prevent you from succeeding."

When Chen Xi spoke, he exerted force with his fingers, and quietly pressed on the jade-colored talisman representing the marriage contract.

Seeing this, not only was Shaohao Yu not angry, but he laughed out loud, looked at Chen Xi with a look of pity, and said, "You should destroy it quickly, if you can do it, I will kill myself immediately by wiping my neck! "

He looked extremely domineering and confident.

Ye Yan couldn't help looking at Chen Xi helplessly. Although she was moved in her heart by what Chen Xi had done for her younger sister, Huicong, she knew very well that this marriage contract could not be destroyed by the ancestor gods, not even the Emperor Realm.

But just when everyone thought that Chen Xi couldn't do it, they heard a crackling sound from Chen Xi's palm.

All of a sudden, Shaohao Yu was stunned as if struck by lightning.

Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying were also taken aback.

Even Ye Yan couldn't help opening her eyes wide in disbelief.

The marriage contract was not only destroyed by Chen Xi, even the shattered dross was completely wiped away and disappeared completely!

"you you you……"

Shaohao Yu was furious, pointing at Chen Xi and being speechless, the impossible thing happened in the end, this made him simply unacceptable.

"Aren't you going to kill yourself immediately by wiping your neck? Could it be that you, a descendant of the dignified Shaohao family, also talk like a fart?"

The corners of Chen Xi's lips curled up coldly. It was true that he could not shake that piece of marriage contract at all before, but after he quietly used a hint of the will to end it, everything was solved easily.

It's just that obviously, no one saw this clearly, and no one thought that Chen Xi still possessed such a heaven-defying taboo power.

Hearing Chen Xi's words, Shaohao Yu's red and swollen cheeks were so irritated that he was about to suffocate blood, and he roared, "You two uncles, kill this bastard quickly, kill him!"

In fact, hearing Chen Xi's words, the two emperors felt uncomfortable for a while, secretly blaming Shaohao Yu for talking too much.

But now it's too late to take it back. Fortunately, it's not an oath, otherwise it would be a tragedy.

"Young man, let's get out of here first!"

Emperor Kunmu spoke indifferently, and when he spoke, he raised his hand to grab it, and an invisible mighty force gushed out from his palm, covering the universe, covering time and space, and completely locked Chen Xi's whole body.

He actually did it as soon as he said it!

The atmosphere suddenly became deadly and chilling to the extreme.


At this moment, Chen Xi let out a cold snort, and a simple and natural aura lingered all over his body. With a slight shake of his body, it actually broke this locking force!



The two voices of surprise came from the mouths of Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying. Obviously, neither of them expected that a young man in the early stage of the ancestor god could avoid the capture of an emperor.

Ye Yan was startled, unable to believe it.

Shaohao Yu was also very surprised, but more furious, he gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you hesitating, capture this bastard!"

"Struggling is futile, come with us!"

The blood shadow emperor didn't hesitate anymore, he shot from the other side, and evolved into a bloody hand, wrapped in the power to turn the world around, and grabbed Chen Xi fiercely.


Chen Xi sacrificed the Banchen Sword, and was about to kill him.

He would not sit still and wait for death, even if he tried his best to use the bottom-of-the-box method, he would not hesitate.

But at the moment before he made a move, a two-foot-two iron rod suddenly smashed through time and space, rumbling and sweeping towards him, and the big bloody hand collapsed at the mere touch.


The iron rod released the monstrous purple divine radiance, as if engulfing all Tao, the momentum became more and more terrifying. After shattering the big bloody hand, the momentum remained undiminished, and it smashed and killed the bloody shadow emperor.

This scene happened so suddenly, it was like a purple lightning flashed through the still picture, wishing to tear everything into pieces!


ps: The fifth update is around 2 o'clock in the morning~ I can't wait to see the children's shoes tomorrow morning~


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