divine talisman

Chapter 1769 Fierce Monkey


The blood shadow emperor is such a character, but at this moment, he was shaken by a two-foot-long iron rod and staggered backwards in the void.

This made his expression suddenly change.

At this moment, Chen Xi, Ye Yan, Emperor Kunmu, and Shaohao Yu were all shocked.

To shake an emperor with one stick?

How monstrous and powerful is this?

At this moment, they finally saw clearly that the one wielding the iron bar was actually a clever and well-behaved monkey with brilliant fur, and it was Jin Bao, the macaque with golden pupils.

At this moment, it looked very majestic, leaning on the iron rod with one hand, pinching the waist with the other, baring its teeth and shouting at Shaohao Yu: "Grandson, didn't grandpa beat you enough before?"

All of a sudden, Shaohao Yu's expression changed, and he roared: "It's you damn monkey! Kill! Kill it for me!!"

Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying looked at each other, they both realized the extraordinaryness of this golden-eyed macaque, and they chose to attack together with a tacit understanding.


"Catch this monkey first!"

The two emperors were dispatched, and the situation changed all of a sudden, the time and space were chaotic, and an indescribable terrifying aura covered the area, making it extremely frightening.


With a wave of Emperor Kunmu's sleeve, thousands of black vines crazily grew, spread, and entangled from the void, like a whip from the heavens, dancing wildly towards Xiaobao.

This is a supreme method called "Spiritual Dao Illusory Vine Art", inherited from the lineage of the wood god Jumang, once it is touched by the black vine, it will crazily absorb the opponent's energy and spirit, and the soul will not be able to get out of the trap , extremely overbearing and vicious.


At the same time, the blood shadow emperor sacrificed the blood-colored saber in his arms, and his figure flashed, like a touch of blood-colored lightning, traveling through time and space, erratic, and the terrifying blood-colored sword light was like a blood moon descending from outside the territory, crushing the latitude and longitude, violently killing Sweeping, making a whimpering sound.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi and Ye Yan retreated into the distance almost subconsciously. This kind of power is too powerful, and it has surpassed their ability to contend.

But in his heart, Chen Xi suddenly became worried about Xiao Jin, the golden-eyed macaque.

He had confirmed before that this monkey was obviously only at the Ancestral God Realm. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have been so surprised when Xiaobao shook the Blood Shadow Emperor with a stick just now.

But now, facing the full force of the two emperors, how should Xiao Bao respond?

These thoughts just flashed in his mind, and Chen Xi even planned to join the battle and fight against Xiaobao together.

But at this moment, the hairs all over Xiaobao's body suddenly stood on end, completely blown out.


It let out an earth-shattering roar, and in the blink of an eye, billions of dazzling golden lights burst out from its originally nimble body.

The next moment, its body suddenly soared hundreds of feet, with three heads and six arms, and its fur all over its body released a golden glow, and its muscles like rocks stretched out, and its whole body was filled with a terrifying and violent aura that was almost monstrous.

Especially its pair of pupils, completely turned into golden pupils, and its gaze is like golden lightning, radiating nine heavens and ten earths!

At this moment, Little Treasure is completely different from before, like the arrival of the ancient god ape, with extreme power and power.

What is even more frightening is that even its cultivation has soared to the level of an emperor!

All of this is slow, but in fact it was completed in an instant. Amid the roar, the iron rod in Xiaobao's hand seemed to turn into a pillar of the sky, and he was held by it in a rough, direct, and even barbaric way. Blitz away.



Terrible roaring and cracking sounds resounded throughout the sky, and the black vines all over the sky were smashed to pieces by an iron rod and splashed everywhere.

I saw the blood-colored blade lights, like fragile glass, suddenly turned into pieces, and the light and rain flew down.

The alliance between Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Blood Shadow was abruptly broken by the iron rod held by Xiaobao, and it collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi couldn't help being stunned, his heart was shaken, and he finally understood why Lao Bai would say that this golden-eyed macaque was unique in the world, and that it was even a monster!

Ye Yan also gasped, never expecting that this stinky monkey who was peeping at her changing clothes was so ferocious.

"Kill it! Kill it quickly!"

Shaohao Yu was frightened and furious, he didn't know whether it was out of fear or out of anger, he almost yelled crazily.

Without his reminding, Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying knew that if they didn't use all their strength, they might not be able to take down this monkey at all.


Emperor Kunmu pinched the magical formula with both hands, and a phantom shadow of a towering tree was reflected around his body, filled with sacred brilliance, and strands of branches and leaves hung down like a chain of order, as clear as emeralds.

The phantom of the big tree is the natal dharma of the rumored innate god Jumang, and now it is sacrificed by Emperor Kunmu with a secret method. In each branch and leaf, there is already a power that can shatter all ways and kill the universe.


The Blood Shadow Emperor's whole body was filled with blood, as if he had turned into a sea of ​​blood, in which there were faint flashes of white-gold lightning, all of which were entwined around the saber in his palm.

As if waking up from silence, the saber rose steadily in power and became more and more blazing. In the end, it turned from blood color to platinum color, dazzling ten directions, and the aura of killing made the universe tremble.

This is the "Golden God Battle Tactic"!The power of killing has shocked the past and the present, but it is the supreme Taoist skill passed down by Jinshen Liangshou, and its power is immeasurable.

The two emperors shot with all their strength, how could the weather be extraordinary?

In an instant, the restriction of this "Shenyuan of Absolute Beginning" was disturbed, and hundreds of millions of purple radiance suddenly fell down from the sky one by one purple stars.

Like a purple waterfall falling from the starry sky.

But to Chen Xi's surprise, this restraining force no longer passively resisted the aftermath of the battle as before, but poured into the golden-eyed macaque Little Treasure's body like spirituality.

All of a sudden, Xiaobao's power continued to skyrocket again, with a ferocious and contemptuous aura, as if as long as it wanted to, it could immediately crush the nine heavens and ten earths!

That feeling, as if Little Treasure has become the master of the "Shenyuan of Absolute Beginning", and all the restrictions and powers of the Dao are completely used by it!


It slashed out with a stick, smashing ten directions, nothing can stop it, all attacks under this stick are like paper paste, easily crushed.

It's like a sweeping momentum!

This scene was so terrifying that the corners of the lips of Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying twitched in shock. How could this beast become so terrifying?

The blood shadow emperor was about to dodge with a knife to avoid its sharp edge, then Xiao Bao strode across time and space suddenly, and crushed down again with a stick.

Simple, brutal and savage, but that kind of momentum is enough to shock the world.


With just one stick, the sword in the Blood Shadow Emperor's hand was thrown flying, and he wailed violently, and his whole body was so shaken that blood spurted from his mouth, and he hit the ground hard like a meteorite.

"No wonder that empress said, if you want to troublesome Xiaobao to solve it, it turns out that this monkey can use the restraining power of the entire Absolute Beginning Divine Garden..."

Chen Xi finally came to his senses, but even so, he still couldn't help being amazed when he saw Xiaobao's supernatural power.

As for Ye Yan on one side, she was already stunned by this scene.

"Evil barrier dare you!"

Emperor Kunmu's heart trembled, his eyes were about to burst, and he tried his best to save him.

"Old man, what are you, you dare to call grandpa evil?"

Xiao Bao yelled loudly, his arrogance was boundless and violent, his hundred-foot-high body swung the iron rod and smashed it forcefully, and the strong wind howled.

Emperor Kunmu felt a chill all over, sensing the danger, he couldn't care less about helping the blood shadow emperor, he dodged suddenly, and was about to dodge across time and space.

But in just an instant, his figure froze, and time and space were like barriers, extremely strong, trapping him in it!

This turn of events shocked Emperor Kunmu almost out of his wits.

not good!

He roared in his heart, activated all his cultivation bases, tried his best to break free.


At this moment, Xiaobao came through the air with a stick. Although Emperor Kunmu blocked him with Taoism, the violent impact caused his bones to crack, and every inch of his pores leaked out. When the blood came, in an instant, he became a blood man.

Then, he trembled all over his body, as if he was overwhelmed, and fell to the ground, his whole body convulsed.

In the blink of an eye, the two emperors were defeated together and were completely suppressed by iron rods!

This scene was simply shocking and shocking. It was unimaginable that this golden-eyed macaque actually possessed such monstrous power.

It can be called unrivaled!

Chen Xi couldn't help but click his tongue in his heart, it was too strong, even he couldn't connect the fierce figure in front of him with the cute and clever little treasure before.

It is conceivable that the divine power that Xiaobao displayed before had such a great impact on Chen Xi.

As for Ye Yan... she is still in a state of sluggishness...

"How is it possible! How is this possible?"

But at this moment, Shaohao Yu was so stimulated by the scene in front of him that he almost went crazy, and his whole body almost collapsed.

Two emperors!

It was suppressed in one fell swoop by a damn monkey!

If this spread, who would believe it?


Xiao Bao pointed the iron rod in his hand at Shaohao Yu, "Grandpa, how did I warn you when I threw you out?"

Shaohao Yu was trembling all over, almost frightened the shit out of his head, he gritted his teeth and said, "Why, do you really dare to kill me?"

"If you dare to speak hard, seek a beating!"

Amidst the loud shouts, Xiaobao swept across with a stick, and sent Shaohao Yu flying, screaming incessantly.

Then with a thud, he fell to the ground, but his buttocks were already bloody, his bones were all smashed, and he couldn't get up.

Coupled with his disheveled hair, bruised nose and swollen face, it is not only miserable, it cannot be more miserable.

So far, Emperor Kunmu, Emperor Blood Shadow, and Shaohao Yu were all seriously injured and defeated, and they completely lost the arrogance they had when they arrived before.

At this moment, even Chen Xi couldn't bear to see these three guys, it was too miserable, and Xiaobao, the golden-eyed macaque, didn't know how to be polite when he made a move, being brutal and ferocious to the extreme.

"Chen Xi, do you think you should kill them this time, or let them go?"

Suddenly, Little Treasure turned his head, bared his teeth and asked Chen Xi.


ps: It's done at five o'clock!I finally paid back all the lord changes, and I feel relieved~~Please ask for a monthly ticket~~


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