divine talisman

Chapter 1770 Blood-Stained Jade Slips

The golden-eyed macaque's voice fell, and the audience fell silent.

Emperor Kunmu, Emperor Xueying, and Shaohao Yu, who were suppressed to the ground and vomiting blood, all stopped screaming and opened their eyes wide, as if they couldn't believe it.

A monkey actually asked if he killed himself?

Does it really dare?

And according to Chen Xi's plan, he wished to kill the three of Shaohao Yu, but he had to be on guard in his heart, what if he killed them, what would happen if the Shaohao Clan sent someone again?

Ye Yan hesitated to speak, her expression was uncertain, she was completely awake, so she knew better, if Shaohao Yu and the two emperors were killed in this Absolute Beginning View, then this Absolute Beginning View would probably become the only one in Shaohao's eyes. 's sworn enemy.

And as Chen Xi and the golden-eyed macaque Xiaobao, he was also destined to become a thorn in their side.

But if you don't kill...

Also very troublesome!

So Ye Yan was also speechless at the moment, hesitating and not knowing how to make a decision.

"Prison them, and when the Guanzhu is released, decide their life and death."

Chen Xi thought about it, but decided to take a step forward and adopted a conservative approach.

"Aren't you going to kill?"

Xiaobao was a little disappointed and very unwilling.

Hearing it in the ears of Shaohao Yu and the other three made them tremble all over, and secretly cursed in their hearts, does this damn monkey really want to kill him?furious!It's just too crazy!

"Forget it, I'll go and imprison them in the Alchemy Garden."

But in the end, Xiaobao obeyed Chen Xi's order, opened his big hands, and held the three of them in his hands like catching chickens, and the hundred-foot-tall figure pierced through time and space.

Demon Refining Garden!

Just hearing the name makes people think about it, it must be a ferocious place.

So far, the battle has come to an end.

There was a lot of movement, but it didn't arouse the reaction of the empress in Taichu Guan, and I don't know if she really didn't notice, or she acquiesced to all this.


The mist was transpiring, and the quiet atmosphere in the purple bamboo forest was restored.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the rock, with a look of deep thought on his face.

"Thank you for this time."

Ye Yan on the side was silent for a long time, and finally took a deep breath, and said to Chen Xi seriously.

After experiencing what happened before, her impression of Chen Xi was greatly changed, and she even had a slight liking for him.

"Now that marriage contract has been destroyed by me, don't you worry about being punished by the Supreme Master?"

Chen Xi looked at her thoughtfully.

Ye Yan shook her head and said, "From today onwards, I am destined not to return to the Supreme Master again."

Not only could she not go back to the Supreme Master, she might not even be able to go back to her own Ye Family.

"Do you regret it?"

Chen Xi asked.

"No regrets, but a sense of relief."

Ye Yan smiled with a calm expression, "I owed my sister too much in the past, but this time I can do something for her, which has already made me die without regret."

Chen Xi couldn't help but said, "But you should also be clear that even if the marriage contract is destroyed, once you, Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Shaohao, and the Grand Priest are determined to do so, your efforts may be of no avail."

Ye Yan was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don't know."

Yes, at that time, she really doesn't know what to do, because compared to the Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Taishangjiao, if she alone fights against it, it will be like trying to block a car with one's arms, hitting a stone with a pebble , making people desperate.

Chen Xi sighed, and said, "Perhaps, when the temple master leaves the customs, you can ask her for her opinion. After all, Huicong is the temple master's disciple."

Ye Yan was startled, then nodded again, after a long time, she seemed to have made some decision, she turned around suddenly, and walked towards the purple bamboo forest.

"What are you... doing?"

Chen Xi frowned.

"Go to the Gongye clan. If there is no accident, I will return after a while."

Ye Yan answered casually.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi fully understood that Ye Yan planned to take this opportunity to go to the Gongye Clan to help him conduct a negotiation.

The content of the negotiation is very simple, that is, to exchange Gongye Zhefu's soul for Dao Que's life and the secret method for dispelling the black witch god Gu!

Today's Ye Yan is still an elder in the Supreme Sect in name, and he is a descendant of the eternal Ye family. As we all know, the relationship between the Gongye family and the Supreme Sect is very close. It is undoubtedly the most appropriate for Ye Yan to come forward to resolve this matter.

"Thank you."

After realizing this, Chen Xi was also quite touched in his heart, and sincerely thanked him.

"You still expect me to return safely."

Ye Yan smiled lightly, and his figure disappeared into the purple bamboo forest.

"Regardless of success or failure, past enmity... just go with the wind."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and he had already made a decision in his mind.


From that day on, everything seemed to be calm again.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the rock alone, and when he was cultivating, he would occasionally think about what happened to the batch of "Fate Wheel Linghui Pill" refined by that empress.

As for Lao Bai, did this old bird get an unexpected secret method after comprehending the "Holy Witch's Life Bone"?

More than two years have passed now, when will the big brother Wu Xuechan come?

And Ye Yan...has she succeeded in persuading the Gongye clan?

Time passed bit by bit, and more than six months passed quickly.

Call ~

On this day, Chen Xi woke up from meditation and let out a long breath.

"It's strange. It's been more than half a year and I haven't come back. Could it be that something happened to her?"

Chen Xi frowned. As time went by, Ye Yan hadn't heard from him for a long time, which made him feel a little worried.

If an accident happened because of her doing things for him, Chen Xi would never want to see it.

"Chen Xi, come, come, let me tell you about your affairs at the Daohuang Academy in the Immortal Realm. You stopped talking about this point last time, which made me so anxious that I couldn't sleep at night. You must finish talking this time. How did you defeat those true disciples of the Supreme Master Sect."

Seeing Chen Xi wake up, Xiaobao the golden-eyed macaque jumped down from a purple bamboo plant in the distance with a whoosh, and squeaked excitedly.

In the past half a year or so, Xiaobao and Chen Xi have become very familiar with each other. Whenever he has free time, he will come to drink and chat with Chen Xi, and listen to him talk about some things in the outside world.

This monkey has been cultivating in the Absolute Beginning Contemplation since childhood, and has never taken a step outside the world, so to it, some of the things Chen Xi said are simply bizarre and full of wit and wit.

Seeing Xiaobao rushing over, Chen Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded, and said, "Since you're so interested, why don't you tell the temple master to let you go out and see for yourself? The things I experienced are more exciting than what I've described."

Xiaobao's eyes lit up, and then he shook his head resolutely: "No, no, I'm leaving. Who will help the master guard this Absolute Beginning Divine Garden?"

Chen Xi knew very well that this monkey was tempted. The so-called mind is ape, the word "heart ape" is often used to describe that during cultivation, one's state of mind is restless, full of distracting thoughts, uncontrollable, just like an ape, unruly, irritable and restless. .

Although the current Little Treasure has not shown such a state, it has already shown such signs. As time goes by, if such distracting thoughts are not cut off, it may affect its future path.

Realizing this point, Chen Xi couldn't help but secretly blamed himself, the unintentional conversation had actually moved Xiao Bao to enter the world, if that empress knew about it, he might blame himself too.

"Chen Xi, you should speak quickly."

Xiao Bao scratched his ears and cheeks, looking impatient.

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, he could only organize his thoughts, and recalled: "After I became the headmaster of Daohuang Academy..."

The indifferent and peaceful voice floated in the quiet purple bamboo forest, telling the past, while Xiaobao squatted beside him, his eyes glowing, and he was fascinated by it.

In fact, to anyone, Chen Xi's experience can be called a legend, possessing unimaginable shocking power.

Little Treasure had never experienced anything in the world, and was like a blank sheet of paper. The experience that Chen Xi possessed had an indescribable attraction to him.

It's captivating to listen to, totally carried away.

While Chen Xi was narrating, unconsciously, he also thought of his relatives and friends in the Three Realms, and thought of his own child.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiaobao was startled suddenly and shouted: "The woman is back."

At this moment, Chen Xi also woke up from the recollection, suddenly got up, and said as if he was relieved, "But I'm finally back."

Not long after, Ye Yan's graceful figure appeared in the purple bamboo forest.

It's just that she was obviously depressed, her charming and beautiful face was even paler, and there was a look of exhaustion between her black eyebrows.

"You are hurt?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and keenly noticed that Ye Yan's aura was a little weak and disordered.

"No big deal."

But Ye Yan shook his head and said, "It's just..." He hesitated to speak.

Chen Xi's heart sank, and he realized that something was wrong, but at this moment, his expression became surprisingly calm, and he said, "But did an accident happen?"

Ye Yan nodded, and said in a low voice: "When I went to the Gongye Clan, I didn't notice anything wrong, but after I put forward the conditions you mentioned, they just vaguely said, let me wait for a while .”

"At first I thought things were progressing, but later I inadvertently found out that when Gongye Zhefu's accident happened, that Dao Que Dao Que had... been killed."

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he was stunned for a moment, unable to calm down for a long time. If Liu Qing knew about this, then she would...

Shaking his head, Chen Xi didn't dare to think about it.

"This is a piece of jade slip left by Dao Que."

Ye Yan took out a blood-stained jade slip, handed it to Chen Xi, and sighed softly, "Sorry, I couldn't help you much."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, held the jade slip in his hand, and remained silent for a long time before he said, "I don't blame you, this is done by the Gongye clan, and the ones who have to apologize... should be them too."

The apology in his mouth has changed, it should be called "paying the price".

Ye Yan smiled, a trace of blood suddenly spilled from the corners of her pale lips, her eyes were dim, and her body was on the verge of falling.

This made Chen Xi startled, he helped him to sit on the ground, and said, "Take a break first, and we'll talk about other things later."

Ye Yan didn't say much, took a deep breath, and sat cross-legged to meditate and adjust his breath.

And at this moment, Chen Xi's complexion had become extremely indifferent, and a cold luster faintly surged from the depths of his black eyes.


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