divine talisman

Chapter 1771 After 2 Years

Thank you "Junyecaojian" children's shoes for your support~~


Gongye family!

A top power in the imperial domain.

Before meeting Zhen Liuqing, Chen Xi had already learned from Empress Yu Che that the Gongye clan had a very close relationship with the Supreme Sect, and that many important figures in the clan held the positions of elders in the Supreme Sect.

At that time, because he was entrusted by Empress Yu Che, Chen Xi went to the Manggu Ruins with a mentality of fulfilling the task, and wanted to stop Gongye Zhefu from snatching that ninth-grade emperor-level dao root.

So at that time, he didn't have much bad feeling towards Gongye clan, but he definitely won't have any good feeling.

After seeing Zhen Liuqing, Chen Xi's attitude towards the Gongye clan changed, and he began to loathe him.

Especially after being constantly provoked by Gongye Zhefu, this feeling of disgust has reached the extreme.

There is no need to repeat what happened later, because Zhen Liuqing was almost killed by Gongye Clan's Black Witch God Gu.

But now, before Chen Xi could treat Zhen Liuqing and wake him up, the sad news that Gongye clan had killed Dao Que Dao Que was heard, which made Chen Xi hate Gongye clan to the bone.

"Gongye clan...Gongye clan..."

At this moment, Chen Xi's eyes were cold, and the name of the Gongye family was repeated in his heart, making his whole body look extremely intimidating.

"This enmity must be paid in blood!"

When making this decision, Chen Xi looked at Ye Yan who was seriously injured and was adjusting his breath, but Zhen Liuqing's quiet and delicate face appeared in his mind.


seven days later.

When Ye Yan woke up from meditation, the breath in her body had stabilized, she was no longer weak and disordered, and there was a touch of luster on her charming and beautiful face.

"you're awake."

Chen Xi's voice came from beside his ear, Ye Yan raised his head, and saw Chen Xi looking at him from a distance.

This made her slightly surprised, but also somewhat inexplicably moved. She never expected that Chen Xi would be guarding her all the time.


Ye Yan nodded, and then laughed at himself, "At first, I thought I was going to die this time, but who would have thought that God opened his eyes and let me have a chance."

"What exactly happened?"

Chen Xi asked.

"What else can it be, be hunted down by the Gongye clan."

Ye Yan shrugged, looking relaxed.


Chen Xi questioned.

Ye Yan was silent for a moment, and then said, "Because of the jade slip left by Dao Que Dao Que, I didn't know the existence of this thing until later, I found it from his corpse, but at that time Gongye also noticed the existence of it. At one point, he immediately chased me like a mad dog with all his strength."

After a pause, she said with a smile: "Fortunately, Dao Que's corpse was discarded in the wilderness by the Gongye clan, instead of being left in the Gongye clan, otherwise I'm afraid I would have been robbed already."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, frowned and said, "Just because of a piece of jade slip, they dare to chase you down?"

Ye Yan was startled, she was also very puzzled, frowned and said: "I can't figure this out, no one knows now, I have severed ties with the Supreme Master, and anyway, I am a descendant of the Ye family However, the Gongye clan dared to kill me, which is obviously abnormal."

Speaking of this, she and Chen Xi glanced at each other, and they both realized that all of this probably appeared on the jade slip left by Dao Que Dao Que!

Chen Xi even speculated that the reason why the Gongye clan captured Zhen Liuqing and her master Dao Que was probably because of this piece of jade slip!

But... such an important thing, why didn't the Gongye clan discover it before?

"I found this jade slip from the ashes of Dao Que when refining Dao Que's corpse."

Ye Yan seemed to see the doubts in Chen Xi's heart, and said with a little bit of surprise, "It's a coincidence that these ashes are scattered, which is normal, but after being collected and put into the urn, there seems to be a gap between the ashes. They formed a unique connection, fused together bit by bit, and finally condensed into that piece of jade slip."

When Chen Xi heard this, he was immediately astonished. No one would have guessed that Dao Que would actually incorporate this thing into his own corpse.

This also proves from the side that this piece of jade slip must be extraordinary!

Chen Xi couldn't help taking out that piece of jade slip and re-examining it, but in the end he still couldn't resist not looking at the contents.

This was left by Dao Que Dao Que, so it should belong to Zhen Liuqing.

Ye Yan obviously hadn't read the contents of the jade slips, and was quite curious at first, but when he saw Chen Xi put the jade slips away again, he immediately understood the other party's thoughts.

"I didn't expect you to be so considerate for your Taoist companion." Ye Yan said.

"What's the use of being thoughtful? Now, I'm only worried about whether she won't be able to bear the blow when she wakes up and learns the news of her master's death."

Chen Xi sighed, looked at Tai Chu Guan in the distance, and thought in his heart, even if that empress helped Liu Qing suppress the power of the Black Witch God Gu in her body, if she couldn't find a solution, she might still not be able to wake up.

And this also means that one day, he will confront the entire Gongye clan head-on, one is to avenge Zhen Liuqing, and the other is to force her to hand over the secret method to solve the black witch god Gu!

"By the way, there is one more thing I must tell you."

Ye Yan hesitated for a moment, and said, "After the Gongye clan and I broke our faces completely, the other party once threatened that if you don't take the initiative to hand over the soul of Gongye Zhefu, even if you have Shenyan Mountain to protect you, you will have to pay for it." A heavy price."

Hearing this, Chen Xi suddenly laughed, but he laughed without any emotion.

He turned over his palm, and there was a brilliant ball of light, densely imprinted with strange restrictions on the surface, and he could vaguely see a figure in the ball of light struggling constantly, looking small and helpless.

Ye Yan's eyes narrowed, and he recognized that figure was the soul of Gongye Zhefu.


However, before she could react, the ball of light exploded suddenly, and even the wisp of divine soul within it was pulverized into light rain and completely wiped out.


Ye Yan's heart was shocked, and he was a little puzzled.

"Since we can't negotiate, it's useless to keep him."

Chen Xi clapped his hands, but it seemed like he had done an extremely ordinary thing.

But Ye Yan knew that all this meant that Gongye Zhefu, the unrivaled arrogance of the Gongye clan, had completely disappeared, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

Similarly, after this, it is doomed that the hatred between Chen Xi and the Gongye clan has no room to resolve!

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Ye Yan couldn't help asking.


Chen Xi looked at Taichu Guan in the distance, and said calmly.

Seeing this, Ye Yan breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that Chen Xi would become a confidante in a rage and go to the Gongye clan to seek revenge.

"Chen Xi."

The golden-eyed macaque who had been waiting at the side couldn't help but whispered at this moment, and said weakly, "Well... are you still talking about your past experience today?"

It also seems to know that Chen Xi's mood is not very good at this time, so the words are more probing and questioning.


However, Chen Xi smiled, and said cheerfully that he had to take revenge, but he was not in a hurry, and it would not affect his state of mind at the moment.

"Hey hey, good!"

Xiao Bao beamed with joy.

Next, Chen Xi continued as usual, reminiscing about the past and telling Xiaobao, his words were as plain as water, but Xiaobao was obsessed with it.

Chen Xi didn't hide anything, and Ye Yan also heard all this from the side. At first, she thought Chen Xi was telling a story to Xiao Bao, and she was very surprised that this person and monkey had such a childish side.

But later, unconsciously, she also became fascinated by it, and finally understood that the story Chen Xi told was his previous experience.

The experience was full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and dangers, full of passion and vitality, and full of legendary colors.

Ye Yan finally understood from the side, so... this guy is such a person.


Time flies like a shuttle and passes away in a hurry.

Before you know it, another two years have passed.

In the past two years, apart from cultivating, Chen Xi just chatted with Xiaobao and Ye Yan, and his life was very uneventful.

Several times, he also went to the "Smelling Evil Garden", intending to see how the three of Shaohao Yu were doing during the period, but he didn't go in, and could only hear from a distance, the curse after another Sounds, shouts, screams, and some howling roars.

According to Xiaobao, the "Evil Refining Area" was specially opened by the temple master to sharpen Xiaobao's combat power. During this period, [-] kinds of evil spirits were collected from the world. Lost.

As for Shaohao Yu's survival to this day, it was obviously due to the honor of the two emperors beside him, but it was obvious that the three of them also suffered a lot in the evil refining area.

Other than that, everything seemed very peaceful. There was still no movement in the Absolute Beginning View, and the big brother Wu Xuechan still hadn't come. Even Lao Bai had been studying the "Sacred Witch's Life Bone", and even Chen Xi called it. Turning a deaf ear, a look of concentration and obsession.

On this day, Chen Xi was meditating in the purple bamboo forest. After more than four years of subterranean cultivation, his Ancestral God's early stage cultivation base had also improved a lot, and now there were faint signs of advancing to the Ancestor God's middle stage.

I believe that it will not take long to reach this step.

Xiaobao is playing chess with Ye Yan, using the power of the Dao law he has mastered as a chess piece, using the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth as a chessboard, and using the rule of "Tao evolves all things, mutual generation and mutual restraint" as the rule, they are fighting against each other.

This is also a kind of tempering, it is a unique little secret method passed down by the master in his spare time, but it was Xiaobao and Huicong playing chess at that time.

But now, it's Xiaobao playing chess with Huicong's sister Ye Yan.

Without the turmoil and intrigues from the outside world, everything seems very leisurely, remote and peaceful.

But not long after, whether it was Chen Xi who was in meditation, or Xiaobao and Ye Yan who were playing chess, they were all alarmed by a voice.

"Xiao Bao, bring them in."

The voice is gentle, spreading from the view of Taichu, it is indeed the voice of the Bailing Deer.


Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he immediately stood up without thinking about anything else.

Ye Yan was also taken aback, but her expression was a little hesitant and apprehensive, as if she didn't know how to face her sister whom she hadn't seen for many years.

"Well, it seems that you are leaving soon... No one will play with me in the future."

Xiao Bao looked listless and depressed, shaking his head and sighing endlessly.

But no matter how reluctant it was, it still sprang up and led Chen Xi and Ye Yan towards Taichu Temple far away from the bluestone road.


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