divine talisman

Chapter 1772 The Secret of Wheel Chapter

After nearly five years, the gate of the Temple of Absolute Beginning was reopened.

Stepping into it again, Chen Xi's mood was completely different from the first time he came here, with a touch of hope and anticipation.

Bai Linglu stood in front of the gate of Taichu Guan, and when he saw Chen Xi arriving, he said gently, "Don't worry, the master will summon you in person later."

Saying that, it suddenly looked at Ye Yan, as if it was not surprised that the other party appeared here, or it had already known Ye Yan's appearance.

It said in a gentle voice: "Xiaobao, take this girl to Zhaixinxuan to meet Huicong."

Xiao Bao was startled, then nodded.

At this moment, Ye Yan's expression became more and more complicated. He seemed a little afraid of meeting Huicong, but also seemed very excited. When he glanced casually, he saw Chen Xi looking at him with a smile on his lips.

Suddenly, she didn't know where the courage came from, nodded and said: "Xiaobao, let's go."

At that moment, Xiaobao led the way, and quickly disappeared with Ye Yan.

The concept of Taichu is as simple and elegant as usual. Every plant and tree looks ordinary, but they all carry a pure Tao rhyme, so they look very unusual.

One flower and one world, one leaf and one whirling mother-in-law, the wonderful truth in this is beyond the comprehension of non-cultivators.

It's like a legend that has been circulating in the world. It says that a woodcutter went up to the mountain to cut firewood. He happened to meet two old men playing chess in the mountain. He stood on one side and watched fascinated. When he returned home again, his wife and children were not there, and the world had changed, and an unknown number of years had passed.

This is the legend of "Lanke Guanqi".

And this actually means that it is difficult for ordinary people to feel the existence of Dao Yun and the wonderful truth, but they will be affected by it unconsciously.

The layout in the Absolute Beginning view is roughly the same, but it is aimed at ascetics. Once they trespass without authorization, the end will be much worse than that of the woodcutter.

"Chen Xi, follow me."

Bai Linglu turned around and began to lead the way.

Chen Xi followed closely behind, and walked for a long time along a path of cobbled eggs, and finally came to a building built of bluestone, with golden thatch paved on the eaves.

"Master, Chen Xi is here."

Bai Linglu spoke.

"Let him in."

The voice of the empress came from it.

Bai Linglu nodded towards Chen Xi, and said, "Please."

"Thank you."

Chen Xi clasped his fists together, took a deep breath, and stepped into it.


The building is empty and quiet, and the air is filled with a calming holy atmosphere.

The empress sat cross-legged on a futon, her whole body was filled with wisps of milky white glory, making her face hard to see.

But just sitting there casually, she has an indescribably majestic aura, like an eternal miracle, which makes people feel a sense of awe.

"I have seen seniors."

Chen Xi's expression became solemn, and he bowed in salute.

"sit down."

The empress said casually, and when she spoke, a futon and a copy of the copybook appeared in front of Chen Xi, and a pot of hot tea and two teacups appeared on the copybook.

The empress picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for herself and Chen Xi respectively. The tea water was clear, and a wisp of fragrance wafted out.


Empress pushed a cup of tea in front of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi was not polite either. He picked up his teacup and took a sip. A warm and hot current suddenly spread throughout his body, which was comfortable, spacious, and refreshed.

Obviously, this tea is also a rare treasure.

"The power of the black witch god Gu has been completely suppressed, and you can take the little girl away later."

The empress opened her mouth without exchanging greetings, her words were indifferent and calm, "It's just that you need to do it yourself if you want to release this power. I can't help much anymore."

Even though he had already guessed that this would be the result, Chen Xi still couldn't help but feel an indescribable joy welling up in his heart.

He took a deep breath, got up and saluted seriously: "Thank you, senior."

"You're welcome, I'm just repaying a favor I owed your senior brother back then."

The empress motioned Chen Xi to sit down, and said, "Now that the matter has been settled, you can leave at any time, but before I leave, I have a few things to ask."

Chen Xi was startled, and said, "Senior, it doesn't matter if you speak bluntly."

"Two years ago, you destroyed the marriage contract brought by that girl Ye Yan. If I'm not mistaken, you should use the power of the end, right?"

The empress's voice was still flat, but when it fell into Chen Xi's ears, it caused a shock in his heart. He really didn't expect that all this had already been noticed by the other party.

Doesn't this mean that everything that happened in the past five years has already been completely seen by this empress?

After a long silence, Chen Xi nodded.

The meaning of ending Dao was inherited from Nether Records. Since he mastered it till now, Chen Xi has only used it a few times, and he would never use it unless he had to.

After all, this kind of power is too against the sky, it is a kind of taboo, and it is not tolerated by the gods and demons. Once it appears, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even though this was the ancient God's Domain, and it was no longer comparable to the Three Realms, Chen Xi did not dare to be negligent. The third Nether Emperor was so great back then, but in the end he was suppressed by all the great figures of the heavens together, and he ended up dying.

"The end..."

Seeing Chen Xi's confession, the empress seemed to have also fallen into silence, and it took a long time before she sighed softly, "Those who follow the sky are born according to the destiny, and those who defy the sky are born according to the calamity, as expected."

Hearing this, although he hadn't tasted the meaning of this sentence, Chen Xi was shocked, and inexplicably remembered five years ago.

He remembered the scene before the death of the leader of the Ye Xiaoxing Pirates Alliance, Guiyan Diao.

"You...you...you really are...the culprit...! No wonder, no wonder you competed with me for the skull of the holy witch...I...I hate it so much!"

The furious and angry roar of the ghost-eyed eagle before it died seemed to be ringing in its ears, causing Chen Xi's originally calm state of mind to have ripples at this very moment.

At that time, before Chen Xi could make a move, one of Ghost Eye Eagle's left eyes suddenly shattered, which finally led to his self-destruction, and he was incinerated to death by the invisible divine flame.

This scene was so weird that Chen Xi couldn't even forget it, but now when he heard the embarrassing emotion from his empress, his heart throbbed inexplicably.

The power of the end...the responder...is there any connection between this?

"Do you know that this ancient god's domain is so vast and beautiful, encompasses everything, and carries all Taos, why is there no place of reincarnation?"

Suddenly, the empress's words woke up Chen Xi who was in deep thought, and then he was stunned again. That's right, why is there no reincarnation in this ancient god's domain?

Could it be that only the Three Realms have the Underworld and the land of hell and reincarnation?

Chen Xi couldn't help but look at Empress.

But Niang Niang changed the subject and talked about another matter, "There is no reincarnation. For the creatures in the ancient gods, as long as they are not robbed, it means eternity, immortality, eternal existence, and eternal life."

"Unfortunately, this is not true eternity."

Speaking of this, the empress's voice became a little low, "What is real eternity?"

"It's a thousand calamities added to my body, but I'm immortal."

"It is the heavens that perish, but I am immortal."

"It's the Dao that collapses, but I live forever."

"This is the goal pursued by ascetics!"

When Chen Xi heard the words, he could only hear the ups and downs in his heart and couldn't calm down.

He understood what the empress said, the eternity of lifespan does not mean true immortality, just like many god-level powerhouses in the ancient gods, almost all have endless lifespan, but they will also be robbed. If you are killed, you will die!

And the "eternal truth" in the mouth of this empress is a kind of real eternity, immortality, immortality, no disaster, no killing, no disaster, can't be erased!

"Unfortunately, many people in this world think that as long as there is no reincarnation, they can enjoy a long life and transcend things. In fact... it is just an excuse to deceive all living beings."

When the empress said this, she couldn't help shaking her head, stopped talking, and picked up the teacup to drink tea.

An excuse to deceive all sentient beings?

Chen Xi was startled, what is the meaning of this?

"Do you know the core mystery of reincarnation?"

the empress asked.

Of course Chen Xi knew that back then he had comprehended three supreme avenues from the Nether Records, namely the three mysteries of the other shore, sinking, and ending.

It wasn't until later that he finally realized that the true heaven-defying features of these three profound meanings did not lie in how taboo and heaven-defying the ending was, but that these three major profound meanings were the core of the power of reincarnation!

Just like the Dao of Tai Chi is a fusion of the four supreme Dao of Yin, Yang, Light, and Darkness.The power of reincarnation is constructed by the three supreme profound meanings of the other side, sinking, and ending.

Chen Xi nodded.

The empress said: "Then you should be very clear that the power of reincarnation can extradite the reincarnation of the dead, or make the soul sink, it can gather the power of the six realms to judge the merits and sins of all beings, and it can also open up hell to judge the good and evil of all things."

After a pause, she continued: "The ultimate goal is nothing more than to make those who do good will be rewarded, and those who do evil will be punished, so that the world will be clean, and all beings will be black and white."

Chen Xi was really shocked in his heart, because he never expected that this empress would actually discuss her reincarnation with him.

What's more, he didn't expect that the other party would know so much about the power of reincarnation. In a few words, which seemed simple and straightforward, they had actually explained the core essence of reincarnation clearly.

"Killing people and setting fire to the golden belt, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses, this ancient god domain seems to be inhabited by gods, and it has existed forever since ancient times. It is a pure land that countless living beings yearn for, but no one knows it. In this pure land, order has long been imprisoned." Firmly in the hands of the strong, good and evil, black and white, turbidity... who cares?"

The empress sighed, with a touch of emotion in her voice, as if recalling something from the past.

Chen Xi was in a daze, not knowing how to speak.

"Of course, none of this matters."

After a moment of silence, the voice of the empress has returned to its previous indifferent majesty, "The important thing is that when there are more and more gods in this ancient god's domain, it is destined to bring endless disasters, and all these will still befall those ascetics in the end. !"


ps: I found that many children's shoes that look at Fuhuang will have the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow. Jinyu just wants to say, calm down and go all out!

Just like Chen Xi, when it comes to major events, there is calmness. If you don't fight until the last moment, who knows what the outcome will be?

What's more, the college entrance examination cannot determine the fate of a lifetime, it is just a turning point in life, and there is still a long way to go.

Boys and girls, come on!

Jinyu here wishes everyone to be admitted to the university of their choice, worthy of the hard work and sweat they have put in for three years in high school, it is enough~

Finally, I would like to say weakly that Jinyu failed the college entrance examination and went to a university that he didn't like very much. He has always been quite regretful... But, why don't he write books for everyone now?

Children's shoes are younger than goldfish, more energetic, and smarter. After passing the college entrance examination, regardless of success or failure, they are destined to rise to the top in the future, so why not worry about big things.


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