divine talisman

Chapter 1773 Power of the Realm

After the empress's voice fell, Chen Xi was a little puzzled. The more cultivators in the ancient gods, the more disasters?

What does this mean?

The empress seemed to see the doubts in Chen Xi's heart, and said, "You should be clear that cultivation requires resources. Pills, divine treasures, divine materials, even caves and blessed lands, and rare treasures are all closely related to the cultivation of ascetics."

"Under such circumstances, the more ascetics there are, it means that the resources available to each ascetic will become tighter, just like a house, the space is only so large, and when more and more people can live in it, it can There will be less and less space for everyone to live in, until eventually, there will be no place to stand."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "The Ancient God Realm has thousands of domains, countless cosmic planes, and almost infinite planets. Under such circumstances, at least for a long time, there is no need to worry about such a situation, right?"

"It seems that you don't know everything about the Ancient God Realm."

The empress said calmly, "A long time ago, in the entire ancient god domain, in fact, only the realm of the emperor's domain existed, but as time went by, the number of ascetics increased, and it was no longer possible for the emperor's domain to accommodate such There are many cultivators, so some big forces began to expand, in order to seize more cultivation resources."

After a pause, she continued: "The thousands of domains you know now are just those that have been opened up by many ascetics in the imperial domain over the past countless years."

At this moment, Chen Xi was finally moved. In the previous ancient god domains, only the realm of the Emperor's Domain existed!

It was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

Especially when he heard that the other thousands of domains were developed during these boundless years in order to obtain sufficient cultivation resources, Chen Xi finally understood why the empress would say that the more cultivators, It means more disasters.

Because opening up a new territory means expansion, and expansion...will inevitably be accompanied by contention, battle and bloodshed!

What the empress said next also confirmed Chen Xi's speculation.

She said with emotion: "In history, every time a new realm is opened up, countless ascetics died because of scrambling, plundering, killing..."

"Those big forces will plunder and kill the weak in order to keep alive forever, and in order to practice, the weak will either die because of resistance, or become slaves because of submission."

"This situation has been happening and continuing, but the only difference is that until now, it has been difficult to open up new domains."

Speaking of this, the empress looked at Chen Xi and said, "Do you know what it means to not have a new domain?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said, "It means that cultivation resources are bound to decrease, and as time goes by, the number of ascetics will only increase..."

Before Chen Xi could finish speaking, the empress interrupted: "That's right, when the time comes, in order to meet their own needs, those top powers will take action against the weak powers, digging up more cultivation resources through annexation and killing, so as to guarantee I can survive on my own.”

"The most important thing is that if this situation continues, the strong will only become stronger and stronger, while the weak will be doomed to become lambs to be slaughtered. Not to mention cultivation, even survival will become a luxury."

Chen Xi was stunned, and frowned and said, "But even with enough cultivation resources, I'm afraid some people will not be able to become stronger, such as... that Shaohao Yu from the Shaohao clan."

Yes, from Chen Xi's point of view, this guy came from the Shaohao family of the eternal family, and possessed unimaginable cultivation resources beyond human imagination, but he spent 6000 years, yet he was still stranded in the realm of the ancestor gods.

Perhaps to others, Shaohao Yu is already considered a great thing, but in Chen Xi's eyes, this Shaohao Yu is simply a waste.

"This is a matter of aptitude, but it is a very small number. It cannot represent the pattern of the entire Ancient God Realm, nor can it affect this torrent that is happening in the Ancient God Realm."

The empress said lightly, "Comparatively speaking, among those ascetics who have no background and no influence, many of them have shortcomings in practice. Too much."

"You ascended from the Three Realms to the Ancient God Realm, so you should be clear. If you hadn't successfully entered the Snow Ink Realm, you would have been captured as a god slave and sent to an unknown area to develop mineral resources for those powerful forces."

"In other words, you are considered lucky. Most other ascetics in this world are not so lucky."

Speaking of this, the empress suddenly thought of something, and said in a secret way, "What's more, even among the children of the ancient and powerful forces, those who have poor qualifications, or who have gone astray on the road, can use various means to change their fate against the sky. "

Chen Xi asked in surprise, "Change your fate against the sky?"

The empress said: "You should know that going to the Three Realms to 'reincarnate and rebuild' is one of the ways to change your fate against the sky."

Chen Xi was startled in his heart, and finally realized that the empress in front of him probably knew something.

Yes, when he heard these words, Chen Xi's first reaction was his father, Chen Lingjun!

As early as when he saw the jade slip left by Chen Lingjun in Yuanwei Immortal Prison, Chen Xi knew that his father was not from the Three Realms.

He was reincarnated for the first time and became the junior teacher of the Supreme Master, with the Tao name "Tai Ling".

In the second reincarnation, he became the "Ji Taoist" of the second Mr. Shen Yanshan.

In the third reincarnation, he became the world-renowned disciple of Daohuang Academy "Yun Fusheng".

And the fourth reincarnation is called Chen Lingjun!

This is reincarnation reconstruction!

According to what the lady in front of him said, Chen Lingjun before his reincarnation was obviously a descendant of an ancient clan in the Ancient God Realm.

At this moment, Chen Xi almost couldn't help but ask aloud, what exactly did the mysterious temple master before him know.

But in the end, he held back.

Because before he opened his mouth, the empress said: "Are you wondering why the ascetics in the ancient gods choose to reincarnate in the three realms?"

"Because only the Three Realms have the land of reincarnation?"

Chen Xi was not sure.

"This is just one of them. The most important thing is... the Three Realms are not as simple as you think."

When the empress said this, she seemed to be a little bit depressed, so she didn't say any more.

Of course, Chen Xi knew that the Three Realms were not simple. If it wasn't for this, how could there be so many earth-shattering big shots born?

Like the lotus of chaos, the sacred tree of Cangwu, the supreme ant, the third Nether Emperor, Fuxi of Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa of Nuwa Palace, and the leader of Taishang Sect, whichever one is placed in today's ancient gods, can be called infinite. On the giant.

It's just that after hearing what this lady said at this time, Chen Xi became more and more sure. Since the Three Realms are so difficult, there must be something unusual about them.


The atmosphere in the house was a little quiet for a while, the empress was drinking tea, her demeanor was indifferent, and she was filled with a faint holy radiance, making it difficult to see her face clearly, let alone guess what she was thinking.

Chen Xi's heart was also fluctuating endlessly, and his thoughts flew like flying.

He didn't know why the empress told him all this, the current situation of the ancient gods, the secret of reincarnation... What exactly was she going to tell him?

Those who follow the sky come into being as the times require.

Those who defy the sky will be born in response to the calamity.

A word of emotion reminded me of the words of Guiyan Diao, the leader of the Ye Xiaoxing Pirates Alliance, and the angry and unwilling "responsible robber".

An analysis of reincarnation stemmed from the ending dao intention used by him to destroy the marriage contract, and thus expanded to describe the current situation of the entire ancient gods.

The last sentence "reincarnated and rebuilt" is even more intriguing, making Chen Xi think of his father Chen Lingjun unconsciously.

Could it be... the mysterious Master of Absolute Beginning in front of him, has already known something from himself?

Chen Xi couldn't figure it out.

He was even convinced that even if he opened his mouth to ask, he would not get any answers.

In the end, Chen Xi sighed in his heart and stopped thinking about it.


"Actually, for you today, knowing these things is not of much use."

Suddenly, the empress put down the teacup in her hand and said, "The current Ancient God Realm is far from the time of frequent disasters, at least as far as I know, there is still a place outside the Ancient God Realm where you can Open up a new realm."

"That place is called the Land of Chaos. If you want to attack the emperor's realm in the future, you are destined to go there once, and even this is related to your ability to advance to the Taoist realm in the future, and finally walk to the ultimate end. "

Chen Xi was stunned, and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Senior, this junior is still at the mid-stage cultivation of the Ancestor God, so how dare you think about these things."

The empress said with a solemn expression: "Little guy, do you know why some emperors can become the master of a domain, but some emperors can't?"

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Isn't it because of the difference in strength?"

"You're right, but that's not the point."

The empress said bluntly, "If you want to become a domain master, you must become an emperor, but after becoming an emperor, not every emperor has the potential to become a domain master."


Chen Xi was surprised.

"That is the 'power of the domain'. Every domain master is in charge of a domain. When practicing, the original power of the entire domain will be transformed into a projection and reflected in the heart, which can produce immeasurable benefits to the practice."

The empress said slowly, "Ordinary emperors don't have such opportunities. This is because they failed to master the 'power of the realm' when they advanced to the emperor realm."

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression finally became serious. He never expected that there are so many details in the Emperor Realm.

"Then... how to obtain this 'power of domain'?" He couldn't help asking.

"There are two ways. One is to plunder the domain power of the current domain masters in the ancient gods, but this method is very difficult to succeed, or the hope is almost too small."

"Just taking a step back, when you really succeed in plundering the 'power of the domain' possessed by a domain owner, the magic effect produced will actually be greatly reduced."

The empress said bluntly, "The second way is to open up a new domain by yourself!"


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