divine talisman

Chapter 1774

Chen Xi didn't know exactly what the power of the domain was, but after hearing the explanation from the empress in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a wave of surprise in his heart.

How could such power be plundered?


Suddenly, Niang Niang made a move, and a vast round of light and shadow emerged, which reflected hundreds of millions of stars, mountains and rivers, latitude and longitude, and even if you looked carefully, you could spy on every planet, and there were god cities standing upright, which were incomparably miraculous.

Looking at this light curtain, it is as if seeing a realm.

"This is the power of the domain, and what you have is the projection of the domain in the South China Sea."

The empress said calmly, "It's just that my cultivation has already surpassed the emperor's realm, and the power of this realm has already been given to the current emperor of Changle."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said in surprise, "What kind of magical effect does this kind of power have?"

Niang Niang said: "When you practice, you can get the blessing of the original power of the entire domain. The stronger the original power of the domain, the more hopeful you will be promoted to the rank of Taoist masters."

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood completely, and pondered: "So, after stepping into the realm of emperor, if you want to step into the realm of Taoist master, you must have this kind of power to assist you in your cultivation?"

The empress shook her head: "It's not after stepping into the emperor's realm, but before advancing to the emperor's realm, you have to make preparations."

Chen Xi was stunned, and couldn't help smiling wryly, "The total amount of this ancient god's domain is no more than a thousand domains, and it's already been controlled by other emperors. The power of the world is obviously impossible."

The empress nodded and said: "If it weren't for this, how could there be a difference between the realm of the domain master and the emperor?"

After a pause, she continued: "You should be clear that for the entire Ancient God Realm, anyone who can advance to the Emperor Realm must have the aptitude above the Emperor-level Ancestor God. , it’s just that Qu Qu Shisan is a strong man who has set foot on the emperor’s level.”

what does this mean?

It means that those who are strong in the emperor realm can be regarded as the peak existence in the ancient gods, and it is conceivable that the number is rare.

In contrast, the existence of emperors who can possess the power of the domain is naturally rarer.

Under such circumstances, for any cultivator with the qualifications above the emperor level ancestor god, it is extremely difficult to step into the emperor realm, and it becomes even more difficult if they want to become the domain master.

In fact, it is very simple to think about it. The master of a domain controls thousands of universes, and each universe does not know how many galaxies and stars are covered. The vast territory and the multitude of creatures can imagine how far it has reached the extent of the vastness.

And as a domain master, to a domain, he is simply the supreme overlord, possessing unimaginable power.

Not even talking about the domain lord, just being an existence in the emperor realm, he will be admired and worshiped by all living beings wherever he goes, just like a real emperor, like the sky.

Things are rare.

Ascetics are no exception. The rare number of emperors means that they already represent the top power of the ancient gods.

And Emperor Zhenwu, the Lord of the Northern Light Domain, Emperor Changle, the Lord of the South Sea Domain, and Empress Yu Che, the Lord of the Xuemo Domain, were naturally the outstanding figures among the emperors, and no one in the entire Ancient God Realm dared to ignore their existence.

If one could reach the Emperor Realm casually, there wouldn't be many old monsters in the top [-] Ancestral God Realm of the Conferred Gods List.

Although all of this still seems a bit far away to Chen Xi who is only in the middle stage of the ancestor god, but after hearing what the empress said, Chen Xi still felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

The original realm of ancestor gods was divided into ordinary ancestor gods, first-class ancestor gods, peak ancestor gods, emperor-level ancestor gods, king-level ancestor gods, emperor-level ancestor gods, etc. because of the different ancestral origins.

When advancing to the emperor level, the existence below the emperor level ancestor god is directly eliminated. In other words, only the ascetics who have the qualifications above the emperor level ancestor god have the opportunity to achieve the emperor level.

Yes, just a chance!

If you want to become an emperor, you need other efforts and practice!

Possessing the aptitude above the emperor-level ancestor god is just a prerequisite for achieving the emperor's realm.

And when advancing to the Emperor Realm, there are different gaps due to the difference in "power of the domain".

Emperors who possess the "power of the domain" will have greater hopes when they attack the realm of the Taoist master, and vice versa, the chances are extremely slim.

This limitation alone makes it impossible to know how many emperors there are in the ranks of Taoist masters.

After screening through such layers of checkpoints, it is conceivable that there are so few cultivators who can step into the realm of the emperor, possess the "power of the realm", and hope to advance to the realm of the Taoist master. Looking at the entire ancient gods, they can be called Very few.

Take a look at the number of "Region Masters" in the Ancient God Realm, and then look at the number of "Tao Masters", and you can know how difficult and difficult this road is.

As far as the current Chen Xi is concerned, he is no longer worried about impacting the realm of the emperor because he has the emperor-level Dao root.

But if you don't prepare well and dig out the "power of the domain", I'm afraid it will be difficult to hit the realm of the Taoist master in the future.

Realizing this, Chen Xi couldn't help asking: "Senior, what's the difference between plundering other people's 'power of the realm' and digging out the 'power of the realm' by yourself?"

The empress seemed to have already guessed that Chen Xi would ask such a question, and immediately replied casually: "The original power of a region will only decrease as time goes by, like this South Sea region, it was originally born by a person who was born in the chaos. It was developed by the innate gods of the world, and it was not until nearly 3000 million years later that it was controlled by another strong man, and then after four changes of domain masters, it was only controlled by me, but at this time Nan In the sea area, the original power is less than [-]%."

After a pause, she continued: "In other words, I am only the sixth domain master of the South China Sea, and when I advance to the realm of the Taoist master, I will pass on this 'power of the domain' to the current emperor of Changle At that time, the original power in the South China Sea was already less than [-]%."

"Under such circumstances, although Emperor Changle has a good talent, but if he wants to step into the realm of the Taoist master, there is not much hope to cultivate with the power of less than [-]% of the realm."

Chen Xi thought deeply, "This means that even if I win the power of the realm from Emperor Changle at this time, it will be very difficult for me to reach the realm of the Taoist Lord?"

The empress nodded and said: "Probably so, Yu Che's situation is like this, although she is the domain master of the Snow Ink Region, but as far as I know, the original power of the Snow Ink Region was already there when she was the previous domain master. It was exhausted until it fell into Yu Che's hands, and there was almost no 'power of the realm' to use, if she wanted to hit the realm of the Taoist master in the future, her hope was much slimmer than Emperor Changle's."

"I didn't expect this threshold to be so high..."

Chen Xi couldn't help sighing after listening, it's difficult, it's really too difficult, as the realm of cultivation gets higher, it becomes extremely difficult to go further, the test is no longer individual strength, but each luck and talent .

"For you, it's best to choose to open up a new realm."

The empress suddenly spoke, with a hint of expectation in her voice, "If my deduction is good, no new realm has been opened up for more than [-] million years, but now there is a chance."

More than three hundred million years!

Hearing this number, Chen Xi couldn't help being shocked, but soon he was attracted by the last words of the empress.

"what chance?"

Chen Xi asked curiously.

"The land of chaos."

The empress said, "I told you just now that the only place that can expand and open up new realms in the Ancient God Realm today is the Chaotic Remains."

"The Land of Chaos..."

Chen Xi repeated it in his heart, firmly remembering the name.

"In the past, the chaotic ruins were full of forbidden powers. Even if the Taoist went there, it was difficult to find its exact location. There were even instances where the Taoist entered it by mistake and was unfortunately robbed."

The empress seemed to be very patient. From the time of the conversation till now, any questions about Chen Xi, as long as she thought they should be answered, she would tell them one by one, and she did not hide anything.

"But now, the power of the forbidden path covering the chaotic ruins has weakened a lot. If there is no accident, it will not take many years to create a passage with external force and enter it."

Forbidden Dao Tribulation Power!

The Taoist was robbed?

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help blurting out, "The Taoist master who was robbed...couldn't it be Taoist Master Kunpeng?"

The empress was stunned, she seemed a little surprised, she nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't expect you to know this too. At the beginning, Taoist Kunpeng was robbed and entangled in the power of the end of the law. Although he finally escaped from the land of chaos, he couldn't get rid of the evil spirits in his body. The power of the doomsday calamity finally fell, and its corpse also turned into the domain of the doomsday, which has been preserved to this day."

It really is Taoist Kunpeng...

Chen Xi still couldn't help being shocked. Even a supreme being like the Daoist would inevitably be robbed if he strayed into it. One could imagine how terrifying the chaotic ruins were. No one has ever opened up a new realm.

"Although the forbidden power in the chaotic ruins has weakened, I'm afraid it will be difficult for an ancestral god-level ascetic like me to break into it."

After regaining consciousness for a while, Chen Xi couldn't help frowning.

"Don't worry, no matter whether it is by relying on Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao, Daoist Temple, or Divine Academy, it will be difficult for any of their forces to open up the path to the chaotic ruins. According to my guess, by then , I am afraid that these five forces will unite and start together."

The empress said meaningfully, "And as a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, you naturally have the opportunity to enter it."

Chen Xi was startled, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your guidance, senior."

"You will know these things in the future."

The empress motioned him not to be too polite, and then said, "Do you still have any doubts?"

Chen Xi thought for a while and said, "Senior, before the Shaohao clan..."

Before finishing speaking, the empress waved her hand and interrupted, "I already know about this matter, you want to ask me how to deal with Shaohao Yu and the others?"

Chen Xi nodded.

The empress sighed and said, "You have given me a problem."


ps: The second is to work harder to update at 9 o'clock, so that children's shoes for the college entrance examination can be seen early, go to bed early, and get the title on the gold list tomorrow!


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