divine talisman

Chapter 1777 Life Card

The boundless starry sky is vast and magnificent.


There was a burst of void fluctuations, and a path pierced through the void, and soon the figures of Chen Xi, Ye Yan, and the golden-eyed macaque walked out of it.

Chen Xi looked around, and said, "Is this the Zilang Domain?"

Ye Yan said: "That's right, starting from here, you only need to cross sixteen domains to reach the Emperor's Domain."

Different from the secret path that entered the Divine Garden of Absolute Beginning from the South Sea Region, the secret path that Chen Xi and the others walked when they left this time was the same secret path that Ye Yan walked when he came here.

Xiaobao opened his eyes wide, looking at everything around him curiously, grinning non-stop, looking very excited.

It is the first time to leave the Absolute Beginning Divine Garden, so it is full of curiosity about everything.

Chen Xi took a deep breath and said, "Then let's go."

After five years, he was about to set foot on the territory of God's Domain, and Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little anticipation in his heart.

Ye Yan nodded, waiting to act.

Suddenly, Chen Xi who was beside him raised his eyebrows and stopped her: "Wait a minute."


Before the words were finished, the starry sky in the distance fluctuated, and the divine brilliance overflowed, and a figure was reflected.

His eyebrows are like swords, his cheeks are thin, he is wearing a loose black robe, and he has a lazy and casual taste all over his body.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes. This black-clothed man's aura was strong, and he was only slightly inferior to that of Shaohao Yu. He was probably ranked in the Ancestral God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods.

It's just strange to him, such a person is already dazzling, why would he hide in the distance, could it be that he has been waiting for himself to wait for someone to appear?

Soon, Chen Xi knew the answer.

"Sister, it's been nearly three years, but you finally showed up."

The man in black sighed as he walked from the starry sky, with a touch of emotion in his expression.

younger sister!

This made Chen Xi's heart shudder, and he knew that the other party must be from the Ye family of the eternal family.

Ye Yan seemed to be a little surprised, but instead of seeing the joy of seeing his relatives, his face darkened, and he said coldly: "Ye Feng, why are you here?"

"Not only have I come, but I have been waiting here for three years."

Ye Feng said slowly, "At first I thought you were robbed in Taichuguan, but who would have thought...that you are still alive, which really surprises me."

There was a stern look on Ye Yan's eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I want to ask you, why was the marriage contract between Huicong and Shaohaoyu destroyed?"

All of a sudden, the lazy smile on the corner of Ye Feng's lips disappeared, and his eyes glanced at Ye Yan coldly like lightning, "You know, the destruction of the marriage contract makes our Ye family very passive!"

"So, you are here to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?"

Ye Yan's heart sank, and he never thought that he would encounter such a situation just after leaving Taichu Temple.

And Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised, a little confused about what kind of relationship between Ye Yan and this Ye Feng, they were clearly relatives, yet they confronted each other like enemies.

But this also made Chen Xi finally realize why Ye Yan would rather go to Shenyan Mountain with him than return to Ye's when he was in Taichu Guan.

I'm afraid she already knew that when the marriage contract was destroyed and Shao Haoyu and the other three were killed, not only the Supreme Master, but even the Ye family would find it hard to find a place for her.

What Chen Xi didn't expect was that the other party's movements were so fast, they had only left Taichu Guan before Ye Feng, who had been waiting here for a long time, popped out.

It can be seen from this that after the marriage contract was destroyed, there was also an uproar among the Ye family.

"Xingshi asked the crime? No, I just want to confirm who destroyed the marriage contract."

Ye Feng said in a deep voice.

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

Ye Yan sneered.

"I forgot to tell you, because your failure in action has completely angered our Ye clan. If you are stubborn, don't blame me, the elder brother, for taking you back with my own hands!"

Ye Feng's face was expressionless, his eyes flickered and he said, "When you are escorted back to the clan, it will be too late for you to regret it."

The sound of murderous words lingered, making the atmosphere suddenly tense and full of gunpowder.

"What does he have to do with you?"

Chen Xi suddenly asked.

"Based on blood relationship, he can be regarded as my cousin, but since my mother was killed when I was a child, he has been my enemy, but for so many years, I have never mentioned this matter in order to survive, that's all. Because I know that if I tell it, let alone avenge my mother, I am afraid that I will be wiped out by their father and son long ago."

Ye Yan's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and his expression was even colder and terrifying.

She has always kept this secret in her heart, and no one knows about it, but now she has completely decided to cut off her relationship with Mrs. Ye and the Supreme Master, so naturally she will not wrong herself again.

Chen Xi was startled in his heart. He never thought that Ye Yan still bears such a deep hatred, and in order to survive, she was able to suffer so much in front of her enemy for so many years, until now she broke out. It is conceivable that in the past In those years, how much pain was in her heart.

For a moment, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little pity for Ye Yan. Relatives became enemies, and this feeling was destined to be difficult.

At this moment, even Ye Feng's face changed suddenly, as if he was a little surprised, and immediately scolded: "Nonsense! Ye Yan, I think you are completely crazy!"

"Why, dare to do it but dare not admit it?"

Ye Yan's expression became more and more cold, and there was endless hatred and ridicule in his voice.

"Presumptuous! It's a loss of family face!"


When speaking, Ye Feng suddenly raised his hand, and his palm fingers transformed into a golden mountain, crushing time and space, and ruthlessly killed Ye Yanzhen.

This blow was fierce, tyrannical, majestic, and it was clearly intended to kill Ye Yan on the spot.

"let me!"

Chen Xi was about to rescue him, but Xiao Bao took the first step, screaming loudly, holding an iron rod in his palm, his divine brilliance exploded, and he swept away.

At this moment, Little Treasure was obviously impatient and eager to fight like a madman. Although he had never become a hundred feet tall and performed the three-headed and six-armed posture, once he fought, he still appeared extremely fierce, like a god of war, with great potential to destroy the world. The spirit of sweeping all armies.


There was an earth-shattering collision sound, like nine heavenly thunderstorms, pulverizing meteorites and voids in the starry sky with a radius of eight thousand miles, streamers of light flying, and light rain collapsing.

The golden mountain derived from Ye Feng's palm was easily destroyed, and the entire right arm was shaken so that the bones exploded and the knuckles were broken.

If he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been crushed to death by this stick.

"evil creature!"

Ye Feng roared in pain, his expression was distorted, and he couldn't believe that he would be hurt by the opponent with one blow.

You know, he is a direct descendant of the Ye family of the eternal family. He has practiced for 6000 years, and his cultivation has already reached the realm of the Great Perfection of the Ancestor God. The old monsters keep pace with each other.

In the imperial domain, he is also a dazzling figure who can be counted as a name, with a great reputation.

But now, his right arm was almost broken by a stick from a monkey, how could he accept it?


But before Ye Feng came back to his senses, Xiao Bao attacked again with the iron rod, simply and rudely, as if he was killing all directions and crushing the world.


Ye Feng subconsciously took out a golden giant axe and shook it hard. When the two collided, the golden giant ax exploded and was smashed to pieces by the iron rod.

And Ye Feng's whole figure was like a kite with a broken string, it was blown out and smashed hard on a barren planet.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help being moved. Before Xiaobao swept Shaohao Yu, Emperor Kunmu, and Emperor Blood Shadow, he borrowed the restraining power shrouded in the "Shenyuan of Absolute Beginning", so he was extremely ferocious and invincible.

But now, even though it has left the View of Absolute Beginning, it can still display such monstrous power, which really surprised Chen Xi.

If Chen Xi is not mistaken, although Xiaobao's current cultivation has not reached the emperor realm, he can definitely be regarded as the top peak existence in the ancestor god realm, compared to the second place in the ancestor god realm No. The Shaohao Yu is much stronger!


Amidst the sky-shattering roar, Ye Feng rushed out with blood all over his body, his face disheveled, his face extremely ferocious.

"Ye Yan, do you think that if you find a helper, you can be lawless? Just wait, from now on, you will be the disgrace of the entire Ye family, and you will be judged by blood!"

Amidst the roar, he turned around and fled.

However, Little Treasure seemed to have expected this scene long ago, and suddenly he let out a strange laugh, his figure flashed and turned into a flash of golden light, he was already in front of Ye Feng, and he smashed it down with a stick!


The shadow of the stick is like a mountain, as if engulfing the majestic power of ten thousand ways, it is terrifying to the extreme.

"Naughty beast, how dare you-!"

Ye Feng was finally frightened at this moment, but there was no way to avoid it. His head was smashed by this stick, and his body was smashed into blood spray.

This scene is too bloody, too fierce, and brutal to the extreme.

Even Chen Xi couldn't help touching his nose, muttering to himself that this little treasure seems to be smart and well-behaved, who would have imagined that it would be so cruel in battle?


Suddenly, Chen Xi keenly noticed that after that Ye Feng was killed, something seemed to explode, and then a white light suddenly pierced through time and space.

Xiao Bao wanted to stop him, but he couldn't stop him.

"It's the secret treasure of the Ye family. Once broken, it will be conveyed back to the clan, and the big shots in the clan will know everything."

Ye Yan's face suddenly became serious and pale.

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, the life spirit card?

"Miss Ye Yan, you don't blame me for killing that guy, right? He is so hateful that I couldn't bear to watch him before."

Xiaobao had returned at this time, regained his agile appearance, scratched his head and grinned a little embarrassingly.

"You avenged me, how can I blame you."

Ye Yan forced a smile. It's not that she doesn't care about Ye Feng's life and death, but she is worried that the news of Ye Feng's death will be sent back to Ye's family, which will be troublesome.

"Let's hurry up and set off. After we return to Shenyan Mountain, we won't worry about any dangers happening again."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, and quickly made a decision.

"I'm sorry, it's because I've troubled you again."

Ye Yan apologized.

"Remember, this is not about you alone. I ruined that marriage contract back then. If they want to kill me, they should kill me."

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder, and said seriously.


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