divine talisman

Chapter 1778

From Chen Xi's point of view, after Ye Feng's death, the life spirit card exploded, and the news would inevitably be sent back to the Ye clan of the Eternal Family. This would inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

And at such a time, the only way to avoid many troubles is to go to the Emperor's Domain and enter Shenyan Mountain as soon as possible.

After all, no matter how confident Chen Xi is, with his current strength, it is still not enough to compete with a powerful eternal family that has survived for an unknown number of years.

What's more, after the marriage contract was destroyed, with the killing of Shaohao Yu, Kunmu Emperor, and Xueying Emperor, I am afraid that the Shaohao family and the Taishangjiao have already been alarmed. action.


Without any further delay, Chen Xi took the golden-eyed macaque Little Treasure, and together with Ye Yan, traveled through time and space.


Spirit Sea Territory, a deep place in a galaxy shaped like a funnel.

Ye Xiao's thin figure sat cross-legged on a meteorite, motionless.

He is a direct descendant of the Ye family in the imperial domain, a powerhouse at the peak of the Ancestral God Realm, and he has been guarding this place for nearly three years.

There is only one purpose - to wait for Ye Yan.

Because here, there is a secret path leading to the "Shenyuan of Absolute Beginning"!


Suddenly there was a broken sound, Ye Xiao was startled, his face suddenly darkened, and he took out a bronze precious lamp from his arms.

The treasure lamp was originally extinguished, but at this moment the wick quietly burned, and the light diffused, forming a light curtain.

The light curtain flowed, reflecting the scenes that happened in the Zilangyu starry sky before.

At the beginning, it was Ye Feng and Ye Yan who were confronting each other, and even the dialogue and expressions were clearly displayed.

Seeing this, Ye Xiao's heart suddenly sank, and he knew that the destruction of the marriage contract should be inseparable from Ye Yan.

Later, when the light curtain changed, Ye Feng started to make a move, but was stopped by a fierce golden monkey holding an iron root.

Especially when he saw Ye Feng being defeated and killed by the monkey, Ye Xiao's eyes shrank suddenly, and he was shocked.

Golden pupil macaque!

But how could there be such a fierce golden-eyed macaque in this world?

There was a storm in Ye Xiao's heart, but his eyes were fixed on the light curtain, wanting to see what happened.

Not long after, a majestic figure appeared on the light curtain, dressed in a green shirt, his deep black eyes were as vast as the starry sky, and his temperament was simple and natural, with a kind of calm power that directly touched people's hearts.

Who is this guy?

Ye Xiao frowned, and was about to take a closer look, when at this moment, that tall figure turned his head inadvertently, looking over the light curtain from afar.

Before Ye Xiao could react, the light curtain suddenly shattered with a bang, and all the scenes disappeared like a rain of shattered light.

"Damn it! Ye Yan dared to collude with outsiders and kill members of his own Ye clan. It's an unforgivable crime!"

Ye Xiao's face was as gloomy as water, tightly clutching the extinguished bronze treasure lamp in his hand, his knuckles turned white, and he was extremely furious.

He took a deep breath, stood up, gritted his teeth and muttered: "This matter must be reported to the big shots of the clan, and they will dispatch their forces to arrest and kill this bitch Ye Yan with all their strength!"

While speaking, Ye Xiao took out a strange treasure shaped like a sharp shuttle, and then actually stuffed the bronze precious lamp into the jade slip.


The next moment, that strange sharp-spotted treasure turned into a light blue rainbow, piercing through time and space and disappearing.

This jade slip is called "Infinite Shuttle". No matter where you are, as long as you sacrifice this treasure, you can travel through endless time and space and reach the Ye clan within the time of a cup of tea!


Imperial Domain, Ye Clan.

"I didn't expect that this little girl actually remembered this incident back then, and she has endured it for so many years. This kind of mind is really amazing."

From the clan ancestral hall that hadn't been opened for a long time, came an extremely old voice with a touch of emotion.

Ye Beihe, the patriarch of the Ye clan, and a group of powerful clan elders were all standing outside the clan ancestral hall at this moment, with serious expressions on their faces.

It's just that when they heard this voice, many people's faces changed slightly.

"Nandu, this incident happened because of you back then, and the child Ye Feng has unfortunately died this time, so I will leave the rest to you to deal with."

The old voice sounded again, but this time it seemed extremely indifferent, "It's about the reputation of the clan, you can figure it out."

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man in purple robe had a gloomy face, cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Patriarch."

This middle-aged man in the purple robe was Ye Nandu, Ye Feng's father, an elder of the Ye clan, and the younger brother of the current patriarch Ye Beihe.

And he himself is an existence in the emperor realm, titled "Nandu Emperor"!

But in comparison, Ye Nandu has only set foot in the emperor realm for less than 8000 years, and his cultivation is only at the level of a one-star emperor, which is much worse than his elder brother Ye Beihe.

But even so, he is an emperor after all, with the power to turn the world around and burn mountains and seas, he can be regarded as the peak power of a member of the Ye clan.

From the perspective of patriarch Ye Beihe, it is definitely more than enough for Ye Nandu to handle this matter.

Soon, Ye Nandu took the order and left.

"Bei He, what do you think of this matter?"

The old voice sounded again.

"Ye Yan shouldn't have destroyed the marriage contract, but I can't be sure whether it was done by Tai Chu Guan."

Ye Beihe pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Not her."

The old voice denied it, firmly, "With her courage, if she disagrees with this marriage, she will never vent her anger with a marriage contract."


Ye Beihe was stunned, a little confused, "Who could it be?"

"It doesn't matter who it is, the immediate priority is to tell the Supreme Master and the Shaohao clan about this matter, I believe they will send their own forces to investigate all of this."

The old voice carried a sense of insight into the vicissitudes of the world, "When this matter is resolved, I will go to the Temple of Absolute Beginning to meet the Lord and resolve this marriage."

Ye Beihe frowned: "Is it up to you to come forward in person? Patriarch, is this a big deal?"

"If you want to meet the temple master, you are not qualified."

The old voice sighed, and issued the order to evict the guest, "Go, get in touch with Shaohao clan and the Supreme Master as soon as possible, so as not to cause misunderstanding."

Ye Beihe nodded, and immediately left with a group of clan dignitaries.


On this day, two pieces of news came out from the Ye clan in the imperial domain, one to the Shaohao clan in the imperial domain, and the other to the Supreme Master, which caused a lot of waves one after another.

And the scenes about Chen Xi, Ye Yan, Jintong Macaque and Ye Feng's confrontation were also seen by the two major forces.

"The marriage contract was destroyed, Yu'er was killed, and even Emperor Kunmu and Emperor Xueying fell together. This is simply a great challenge to my Shaohao clan!"

"What are you still doing, send someone to investigate!"

"We must find out who did it. If you want to live, you must see people, and if you die, you must see the corpse!"

On this day, there was bursts of shocking shouts and endless anger from the Shaohao clan, which made all members of the clan tremble in unison.

On that day, quite a few strong men were mobilized and roared in all directions.


The Supreme Master teaches and sacrifices to the temple.

"The appearance of a traitor is undoubtedly a blasphemy against our religion. It should be wiped out. Go tell the five spirits and bring Ye Yan back to the 'Blood Condemnation Pool'!"


On this day, the "five spirit generals" of the Taishang Sect were also dispatched together.


seven days later.

Chen Xi and his group crossed the Zilang Domain, and continued to move towards the distance along the boundless starry sky.

After passing through the Zilang Domain, there is the Jiaoyuan Domain.

Chen Xi did remember that when he first arrived at the Temple of Absolute Beginning, Lao Bai pointed out that an emperor named "Kui Xiao" came from this corner of the abyss.

At that time, the Emperor Kuixiao repeatedly invited Chen Xi and Lao Bai to visit Jiaoyuanyu together. He was very enthusiastic, but in the end he was rejected by Chen Xi, which made the other party quite regretful. He said that if Chen Xi When you pass by Jiaoyuanyu, you must visit him so that he can fulfill his friendship as a landlord.

But Chen Xi is not in the mood to pay a visit to the other party now.

Along the way, he felt a sense of throbbing inexplicably in his heart, knowing that because the marriage contract was destroyed, the three of Shaohao Yu were killed, and even Ye Feng was wiped out, which had caused many disturbances invisibly.

This also means that their journey is not destined to be peaceful.

Therefore, Chen Xi's only plan at this moment is to rush to Shenyan Mountain in the Imperial Region as soon as possible, so as not to cause other troubles.

"The front door is the famous 'Undead Galaxy'. If you want to reach the next Blood River Region from the Jiaoyuan Domain, you can only cross the Undead Galaxy."

Ye Yan softly introduced that she was very familiar with this star road leading to the imperial domain, and had walked it countless times, so she led the way so that Chen Xi would not get lost in the vast starry sky.

"Undead galaxy?"

Chen Xi squinted his eyes to look at the distance, and said, "Is there anything special about it?"

"That galaxy is all barren, covered by the spirit of the undead, and natural disasters occur frequently in it, and there are many dangers. Only the Taoist level dares to cross it."

Ye Yan quickly explained, "It is rumored that a long time ago, the undead galaxy was a sacred place for practice. The reason why it became like this is because there was a big man in the Taoist realm who went crazy during his practice, and died in a robbery. His body was destroyed After that, it turned into endless undead aura, and finally completely covered that piece of galaxy, and it will last forever, until now, it has become like this."

After a pause, she smiled and said, "However, there is a safe passage in this undead galaxy, which is enough for us to shuttle through safely."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "That's good."

While talking, four or five figures suddenly flashed in the distance, apparently coming from the undead galaxy.

"What's going on, when did someone control that channel? It's extremely rude to check our identities!"

Someone was outraged.

"Okay, let's not say a few words, since you dare to control this star road in the undead galaxy, the origins of those people will definitely not be simple."

Somebody comforts.

"Hmph, so what if the origin is not simple, they are so domineering, they will definitely be robbed in the future!"

"Shut up! Be careful what comes out of your mouth!"

Those four or five ascetics flew away while chatting in low voices, and soon passed Chen Xi and the others and disappeared.

What they didn't know was that although they used sound transmission to talk, they were clearly sensed by Chen Xi with the power of the forbidden path secret patterns.

"Wait a minute, the situation seems to be a bit bad."

Chen Xi suddenly stopped, looking at the undead galaxy in the distance, his eyes were full of deep luster.


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