divine talisman

Chapter 1779 Undead Galaxy

The undead galaxy is extremely vast, resembling a undead bird spreading its wings to fly. Thousands of stars are covered in gray mist, and the mystery reveals a frightening sense of mystery.

For ascetics who have been shuttled in the starry sky all year round, they are definitely no strangers to this undead galaxy.

But when it comes to how terrifying the undead galaxy is, very few people can give a definite answer.

Because according to many rumors, among those ascetics who ventured into the undead galaxy in these endless years, almost no one survived!

Up to now, ascetics only know that the undead galaxy is very dangerous, with frequent disasters, dangerous situations, and unimaginable murders.

This is a very vague cognition, but it makes the undead galaxy appear more mysterious and frightening.

Fortunately, there is a safe passage in the undead galaxy, which is enough for ascetics to shuttle back and forth continuously.

At this moment, Chen Xi stopped walking abruptly, and his expression became serious, which immediately shocked Ye Yan.

"what happened?"

She couldn't help asking.

"The star road in the undead galaxy has been controlled by someone."

Chen Xi frowned.

"Do you suspect that it is the force sent by Mrs. Ye?"

Ye Yan's heart trembled, and his expression became serious.

"It is very possible that if I were a member of the Ye family, I would definitely choose this place to wait for the rabbit. This is the way of waiting for work. They may have already guessed that if we want to enter the emperor's domain in the shortest possible time, we will definitely pass through this place .”

Chen Xi quickly stated his speculation.

"Then... shall we change our course?"

Ye Yan frowned and said, she did not expect that this revenge would come so quickly.

"If we change the route, we don't know how much time we will waste. But in this way, I am worried that not only the Ye family, but also the power of the Shaohao family and the Supreme Sect will come one after another. At that time, even if we give up going to the imperial domain I'm afraid it's too late to act."

Chen Xi pondered.

Since he practiced till now, he didn't know how many times he has been chased and killed by others. Naturally, he knows very well that once he retreats, he will fall into a passive position, because the enemy's strength will always be stronger than you expected.

Under such circumstances, if you want to break the game, you can only face up to the difficulties instead of retreating and hesitating!

Of course, facing up to difficulties does not mean head-to-head, but to determine your own goals and use all means to achieve them.

"Then what do you say?"

Ye Yan asked.

Chen Xi glanced at Ye Yan and the golden-eyed macaque Xiaobao, and suddenly said with a smile, "Don't you think it's too eye-catching for the three of us to act together?"


After a while.

Chen Xi was alone, turning into a rainbow and approaching the undead galaxy in the distance.

At this time, Ye Yan and the golden-eyed macaque Xiaobao had been hidden in his body, and his appearance had also changed, making him look like a different person from before.

Coupled with the fact that the power of the "Forbidden Dao Secret Pattern" covers up the aura, the people who are most familiar with Chen Xi might not be able to recognize him when they see him at this moment.

Soon, one piece after another of gray mist appeared in the field of vision, and Chen Xi's figure had already arrived at the edge of the undead galaxy.

The gray mist was actually filled with extremely vicious and corrosive power, and as soon as it got close, it was about to penetrate into Chen Xi's flesh and blood membrane and tarnish his soul.

chi chi~

With a movement in Chen Xi's heart, the breath in his whole body circulated, easily dispelling and dispelling the gray mist.

"This aura of the undead is really overbearing. If you were a cultivator below the Ancestral God Realm, you might not be able to resist it."

After silently perceiving the power of this undead energy, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a shudder in his heart. This is only the edge of the undead galaxy, and if he goes deep into it, it will be even more dangerous.


"hurry up!"

"And you, be honest with me!"

As it continued to go deeper, a burst of noise came from afar.

Chen Xi looked up, and saw that among the billions of stars covered by gray mist, there was a star road visible to the naked eye, winding and extending along it.

It's like a gorgeous rainbow bridge hanging in the gray sky.

That is the "channel" to travel through this dead galaxy, but now, in the starry sky in front of the channel, there are figures standing impressively.

They were stationed in the void on both sides of the "passage". They seemed to be extremely far apart, but they were faintly surrounding them, completely sealing off the starry sky.

In other words, if you want to travel through this passage, you must pass through the area they guard.

From a distance, Chen Xi keenly noticed that the ascetics on both sides of the passage, a total of 16 people, were surprisingly all in the Ancestral God Realm!

Although there are only 16 people, they are all ancestor gods!The existence of every ancestor god is enough to be called the overlord in any universe.

Like Ye Yan, if he hadn't betrayed him, he would have been an elder in the Supreme Sect, and his status was far above that of the true disciples.

Old monsters like Gongye Nanli and Zhai Yunfei among the top powers in the imperial domain are only at the peak level of ancestor gods.

But now, just to control the entrance and exit of a starry sky passage, sixteen Ancestral God Realm powerhouses have been dispatched. Anyone who sees this will probably be shocked.

Moreover, Chen Xi noticed that although the sixteen Ancestral God Realm powerhouses were dressed differently, they all had a "sword and thorn" totem on their chests.

This made Chen Xi judge immediately that they really came from the Ye family of the Eternal Family!

Because the Ye family's totem is the "sword and thorns", while the Shaohao family's totem is "the sun shines in the sky", which can be seen clearly by a discerning person.

"It came very quickly. It seems that because the marriage contract was destroyed and Ye Feng was killed, the Ye family finally got angry..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, but soon he was startled, and he noticed keenly that at that moment just now, a terrifying thought swept across his body, and quickly disappeared.

Chen Xi pretended not to know, but his gaze casually glanced at him. He immediately noticed that in the mist in the distance, there was a meteorite suspended. On the meteorite was sitting cross-legged a majestic figure. His whole body was obscure and shrouded in mist. It is difficult to perceive his existence even after investigating.

"Emperor Realm!"

Chen Xi's pupils contracted imperceptibly, and then returned to their original state, but his heart became vigilant. He never thought that Ye's would use such a powerful force to deal with him.

At this time, there were many ascetics in front of the passage, and they were released after being checked and interrogated by the people of the Ye clan.

Soon, it was Chen Xi's turn.


A thick and mighty middle-aged man spoke in a deep voice.

"Chen Xun."

Chen Xi looked calm.

"Stand still!"

While speaking, a pair of strange faint blue swirls appeared in the thick middle-aged eyes, and he began to examine Chen Xi carefully.


In an instant, Chen Xi felt a strange cold force pouring into his body like a tentacle, spreading along the meridians and acupoints towards the universe in his body.

Obviously, the stout middle-aged man had practiced a secret method, which could detect all the details of the opponent through his eyes.

But this method is extremely vicious and disrespectful, just like stripping someone's clothes to check their body, if it is normal, I'm afraid it has already angered others.

But obviously, at such a time, facing these sixteen Ancestral God Realm powerhouses from the Ye family, anyone can only swallow their anger.


Seeing that mysterious icy power was about to enter his body, Chen Xi couldn't help but let out a cold snort in his heart, and the power of forbidden path secret pattern in his soul suddenly spread out, completely covering all the aura in his body.

This time, what appeared in the eyes of the stout middle-aged man was a lifeless universe in his body, almost exhausted and lifeless.

"Hey, what an unlucky guy, Zhou Yu in his body has been so dilapidated, it is obvious that there is something wrong with his cultivation."

The stout middle-aged man closed his gaze, with a look of pity on his face, and waved, "Let's go."

"Thank you."

Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded——

"Wait a minute!"

The voice was indifferent, with only a few words, but it was full of great majesty.

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and a bad feeling suddenly surged up. He was planning to act recklessly, but before he could act, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void far away, and a figure appeared.

He has a majestic figure, is dressed in a purple robe, and there is an oppressive coldness in his majestic face. If Ye Yan were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this is Ye Nandu, the elder of the Ye family, who is also Ye Feng's father. Emperor Nandu!

Seeing this, the sixteen powerful ancestors of the Ye family were all stunned, puzzled, and didn't know what happened.

As soon as Ye Nandufu appeared, his gaze was like lightning, and he immediately locked onto Chen Xi, and said coldly, "Young man, are you still not showing your original shape?"

In a word, the hearts of the sixteen masters of the Ye Clan's Ancestral God Realm shuddered, and almost subconsciously, their figures flashed, and in an instant, they surrounded Chen Xi and blocked all his escape routes.

They looked at Chen Xi with even more suspicion and murderous intent.

"Everyone, what does this mean?"

Although Chen Xi was shocked in his heart, his face was frowning endlessly, and he didn't show any panic.

"Young man, others can't see through your disguise, but do you think you can fool the 'Xuanwei Zhenjing' in my hand?"

Emperor Nandu's face was cold and gloomy like water, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

When he was speaking, a round and clear bronze mirror suddenly appeared in his palm, like a bright and clean full moon, with a brilliant radiance emanating from it.

But at this time, everyone suddenly saw that in the mirror, the radiance overflowed, outlining a tall figure with a handsome face and deep black eyes.

Although the face of this figure is completely different from that of the young man in front of him, his every move is exactly the same!

All of a sudden, the faces of the sixteen masters of the Ye family's ancestral god realm darkened, and their eyes showed murderous intent. Before, they were almost concealed by the enemy!

Yes, although they didn't recognize Chen Xi in front of them, they recognized the figure in the mirror, it was the murderer who killed Ye Feng together with Ye Yan and a golden-eyed macaque before!


ps: The college entrance examination is over, children's shoes of the college entrance examination, no matter the winner or loser, let's have fun first~


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