divine talisman

Chapter 1780

Xuanwei mirror!

An innate spiritual treasure handed down by Ye's ancestors possesses many mysteries, which can reveal the true nature of all things, and any blindfold will be revealed in this mirror.

Although Chen Xi didn't recognize this treasure, when he saw his real face in the mirror, he immediately knew something was wrong!

Sure enough, in an instant, the expressions of the sixteen Ye clan's ancestral god realm powerhouses all became terrified, and their aura surged around them, and their auras locked on themselves like a tidal wave.

"Catch this evil obstacle!"

Far away, Emperor Nandu shouted indifferently.


However, just as he opened his mouth, Chen Xi had already sacrificed the Banchen Sword and took the initiative to attack!

At this moment, his whole body was full of sword intent, and his aura became fierce, swallowing mountains and rivers, and he slashed towards the nearest ancestor god powerhouse one by one.


With a splash of blood, the head of the ancestor god was cut off before he had time to react, and the powerful and unparalleled sword energy even smashed his soul into pieces, and he died tragically on the spot.

All this happened too fast, almost in an instant. When the voice of the Nandu Emperor fell, the ancestor god powerhouse had already died suddenly on the spot, and the blood of the gods was scattered.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, their pupils shrank, and their shock and anger reached the extreme.

The strong ancestor god is their companion, named Ye Yunlong, whose cultivation has already reached the peak of the ancestor god, and even among the Ye clan, he can be regarded as an old monster.

However, at this moment, there was no time to dodge, no time to scream, and he died, how dare people believe this?

It was too late to say, but it was so fast. After beheading Ye Yunlong with a single sword, Chen Xi did not stop in his movements, holding the Banchen Sword, and retreated violently to the rear.

With the emperor sitting in front of him, Chen Xi would not be foolish enough to take the initiative to fight the opponent.

"You bastard, you still want to escape!"

However, there were also people guarding the rear. It was a short and fat old man. When he saw Chen Xi rushing towards him, he let out a loud roar and swung at him with a pitch-black giant axe in his hand.


The gigantic ax engulfs billions of black lights, breaks through time and space, and is violent and ruthless, as if it wants to destroy the universe and reverse the five elements.


Chen Xi snorted coldly, and the Banchen Sword disappeared out of thin air like an erratic streamer.

Mysterious Heart Swordsmanship—Liu Guang Style!

This blow is full of emptiness, coming and going without a trace, like a glimpse of a startled rainbow, faint, like lightning, like a dream bubble.

"not good!"

The short and fat old man's heart skipped a beat, and he dodged subconsciously with the experience he had honed in years of killing.


Blood sprayed, and although he dodged in time, his right arm holding the giant ax was cut off abruptly, and he was thrown into the air, screaming in pain.

This is already a fluke, otherwise it would not only break an arm, but even his life could be wiped out.

However, after going through such changes, the other Ancestral God Realms have already reacted, and once again surrounded Chen Xi from all directions.

All of them looked solemn and filled with endless murderous intent.

At this moment, they finally realized that the troublesome young man in front of them was completely extraordinary.


"Go together!"

These ancestral god realm powerhouses from the Ye family roared and sacrificed all kinds of divine treasures, like a fierce god, they came to kill Chen Xi.

All of a sudden, axes, axes, hooks, forks, knives, spears, swords, halberds... All kinds of divine treasures overflowed with divine brilliance, releasing terrifying power, just like meteors pouring down, rumbling and crushing time and space, the blazing and monstrous sky The light flooded the starry sky.


More than a dozen Ancestral God Realm powerhouses dispatched together, and those scenes can be described as earth-shattering, world-shocking, and inconceivably powerful.

If it were an ordinary person here, I'm afraid he would have been executed and killed on the spot!



At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was still calm and indifferent, but his pair of deep black eyes, which were as deep as the abyss, were ignited with murderous intent like molten molten liquid.


His whole body was filled with momentum, his long hair was flying, hundreds of millions of divine brilliance interpreted as mysterious runes overflowing around his body, and the banishing sword in his palm uttered a sword chant that was as clear as a dragon's whistling. Unparalleled Sword Master.


He stepped on the ground, spraying divine radiance from every inch of his body, interpreting it as a series of obscure and grand divine talisman patterns, spreading out, sitting in all directions, guarding his body.

bang bang bang~~

One after another, divine treasures rushed towards them, like rounds of scorching sun falling, colliding with one after another grand divine scriptures, producing deafening roars.

At this moment, the stars within a million miles of the star field trembled violently and were on the verge of falling, and the thousands of planets closest to them all exploded and turned into dust.

However, even such an incomparably terrifying attack could not shake the divine inscription pattern that Chen Xi performed all over his body!

This made the eyes and pupils of those powerful ancestors of the Ye family shrink. Isn't this son's combat power too heaven-defying?


At this moment, Chen Xi launched an active attack again, and the Banchen Sword in his palm slashed lightly in the void.

Does not contain a hint of smoke.

Filled with simple and primitive, good fortune and natural rhyme.

As soon as it appears, it even gives people an extremely peaceful and leisurely feeling, which is pleasing to the eye, like witnessing the sky marks on the great road, one can't help but be intoxicated by it.

There is great beauty in the world without saying it.

Everything has a wonderful truth without saying a word.

And this sword seems to be reflecting the "great beauty" of heaven and earth, and the "wonderful truth" contained in all things, which is shocking.

And this is the true power of the sword emperor's second level of heaven!



For a moment, Ye's ancestor god powerhouses all felt amazed, but what followed was heart palpitations.

Incomparable heart palpitations!

Each of them has already stepped into the ranks of the pinnacle of ancestor gods, and they can be called the mainstay of the Ye family in the eternal family. Usually, they rarely act together, because with their cultivation and prestige, it is not necessary to deal with ordinary opponents. Work hard.

This time, if Ye Feng's tragic death had not completely enraged Emperor Nandu, it would have been impossible for them to dispatch together.

This also made them think that with their strength, they could crush any opponent, but who would have thought that as soon as they confronted, one of the ancestor gods on their side would be beheaded, and the other ancestor god would be cut off. arm.

Perhaps, this is the result of the opponent's surprise.

Then, when they waited in full force and used all their strength, they were unable to kill their opponent in one fell swoop. This shocked them completely, and they also realized more and more how terrifying the young man in front of him was.

However, at this moment, when they saw the sword slashed by Chen Xi, they were no longer shocked, but palpitated, stunned, and an indescribable fear spread.

What kind of kendo is this?

Their minds fluttered and it was difficult to keep calm.



When Ye Clan's ancestral gods and Chen Xi started to confront each other, Emperor Nandu, who had been standing far away, could not help but sneer.

Looking at Chen Xi was like looking at a dead person.

Because of the tragic death of his son Ye Feng, even the existence of the Emperor Realm couldn't maintain his composure, and incomparable anger and murderous intent accumulated in his heart.

Therefore, in his opinion, no matter how far away that young man was, he was bound to die, and he had to pay the price in blood.

However, the development of the situation was still somewhat beyond Nandu Dijun's expectations. He saw that Chen Xi's one-to-many was not at all a disadvantage, and this moved him.

And when he saw Chen Xi interpreting the grand magic talisman all over his body, sitting in all directions and resisting all attacks, Emperor Nandu was also terrified.

He vaguely guessed the origin of the other party, but he couldn't believe it, or he couldn't accept it.

Shenyan Mountain!

How could this kid belong to Shenyan Mountain?

Dijun Nandu only struggled for a moment in his heart, and he made up his mind to avenge his son, he didn't care what the origin of the other party was!

However, in just an instant, when he saw the sword that Chen Xi slashed out, his expression could not help but suddenly changed, and he cried out: "Be careful! Retreat!"



Nandu Dijun's voice resounded like thunder, resounding through the starry sky, but it was obviously a step too late.

The moment Chen Xi slashed out with this sword, an indescribably terrifying aura suddenly spread throughout the audience, time and space were frozen by it, and all things lost their voices.

Bang bang bang!

The next moment, there was a terrifying explosion sound, the turbulent flow splashed, and the divine brilliance collapsed. This was the sound of one divine treasure after another being pulverized.

puff puff~~

Almost at the same time, blood splashed one after another, shooting into the sky, and those powerful ancestors of the Ye family didn't even have time to dodge. Some were cut in half, some had their throats cut, and some were even directly killed by the sword. The majesty shattered into blood splashes...

Bloody to the extreme, but also terrifying to the extreme!

This is the power of Chen Xi's sword, and it is the strongest sword he has used after stepping into the mid-stage of the ancestor gods. That level of power is no longer comparable to what it used to be.


However, before the blow ended, accompanied by a loud shout, a terrifying force turned into a torrent and charged toward Chen Xi.


Chen Xi blocked Emperor Nandu's blow with his sword, but was forced to retreat more than ten steps in the void, his whole body was churning with energy and blood.

It turned out that the Nandu Emperor subconsciously came to the rescue seeing the situation was not good, but in the end he only saved two Ancestral God Realm experts, and the other 14 people were completely beheaded!

And although the two Ancestral God Realm powerhouses who were saved by him survived by chance, they had already suffered serious injuries.

"Damn you bastard!"

Emperor Nandu was so angry that his face was livid, and his beard burst into anger. Thunder and lightning flashed in his eyes when he looked at Chen Xi, which was extremely frightening.

Under his own eyes, fourteen clansmen were actually killed. This was simply a shame and a great shame, which made Emperor Nandu feel ashamed and completely irritated.

It would be fine if ordinary clansmen were killed, but these are the peak existence of the fourteen ancestor gods, and they are the mainstay of the clan!

Losing so much all at once was a heavy blow to Ye Shi!

"Little bastard, you have completely angered me. No matter who you are, you must pay the price of your life today to atone for all this!"

When Emperor Nandu opened his mouth, a terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the whole world like a black cloud covering the sky, sealing this area to death.


ps: Thank you "Knife God" for the reward~ I'm so excited~~


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