divine talisman

Chapter 1781 Confronting the Emperor

The moment his identity was found out, Chen Xi knew that today's affairs could not be good.

Therefore, as soon as he started, he made up his mind to make a quick decision and strive for every opportunity to break out of the predicament. For this reason, he even used all his strength.

Therefore, he killed that Ye Yunlong with one sword.

Therefore, he cut off the short and fat old man's arm with a single sword. Of course, he originally planned to take the other's life.

However, the development of the situation was beyond Chen Xi's expectations. Those Ye clan's ancestral god-level powerhouses were stronger than he expected, and their reaction speed was also top-notch, making his plan to break out of the encirclement all of a sudden come to naught.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi made a decisive decision, and could only choose to kill these powerful ancestor gods first, and then deal with other variables.

Therefore, as soon as he confronted each other, he unleashed the power of the sword emperor's second level of heaven, and almost killed his opponent with a move of "Xie Niu Style".

But in this way, Chen Xi completely lost the opportunity to escape, but he had already predicted this point, so when facing the enraged Emperor Nandu, he did not panic at all.

But in the same way, Chen Xi absolutely did not dare to be careless.

As early as when he was in the realm of spirit gods, he had understood the means of the existence of the emperor realm. At that time, it was outside Fengqi Divine City, beside the sea of ​​burial gods, "Dou Chongdijun" from the Luo family!

At that time, the few words of Emperor Dou Chong made Chen Xi helpless, and he was completely suppressed and restrained. If Empress Yu Che hadn't come to rescue him in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Later, when he advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, he often communicated with Empress Yu Che, which also made Chen Xi's understanding of the Emperor Realm more profound, and he also became more aware of the gap between the Ancestral God Realm and the Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Existence like emperors can definitely be regarded as the top power in the ancient gods, each of them is like an unrivaled overlord, possessing the power to control all ways, reverse the universe, and use the world.

Existences below the emperor's realm can only bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers!

Even if he has advanced to the mid-stage of the ancestor gods, has the emperor-level Dao root to build the Dao foundation, and the secret power of the heart has reached the power of the second forging of the [Original Heart Sutra], his combat power has long been incomparable. When crossing the emperor south, Chen Xi still had to treat it with caution.

Even, dare not have any carelessness.



The terrifying coercion is like a black cloud covering the sun, covering this area.

The Emperor Nandu's eyes were like burning sun and moon, shining through the ages, and the aura that permeated his whole body plunged the starry sky into a deadly and terrifying atmosphere.

Time and space, light, meteorites, dust, air currents, stars... everything seemed to be trembling and bowing down to him.

When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses, and the emperor Nandu was even an emperor in the realm of gods. Once he got angry, his power would be so extraordinary.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was extremely dignified, wisps of cold light surged in his eyes, as if he was deducing, but also seemed to be accumulating strength.

His whole body was filled with billions of divine radiance, and the infinite divine talisman in his body was running at full capacity, every inch of his skin was burning like molten lava, his energy and energy were boiling, and he was waiting with all his strength.

"Little miscellaneous, do you know that I didn't intend to kill you originally, after all, your origin is a bit strange, just capturing you is enough to complete the purpose of my trip."

Nandu Dijun's voice seemed to come from his chest, revealing a chilling murderous intent, which made people chill.

"However, you shouldn't have killed so many members of my Ye family. If you don't get rid of you today, how can I have a foothold in the world?"

Dijun Nandu was full of murderous intent, and his voice was like thunder piercing the sky, causing a sensation all over the world, "What about Shenyan Mountain? As long as you die, who in this world will know that I did it?"

He wasn't talking nonsense, because as he spoke, the starry sky was infiltrated by his aura, completely blocking all escape routes.

In other words, at this moment, unless there is a Monarch Realm existence to meet him, Chen Xi has no escape, no escape!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and naturally keenly noticed the changes in the aura of the world, but he didn't panic about it, but said indifferently: "It's not so easy to kill me, be careful with your dog's life !"

Damn it!

Hearing this word with a strong insult, Emperor Nandu couldn't help laughing angrily, and the sound was like thunder, rumbling.

"Hahaha, the disciples of Shenyan Mountain are really amazing. Since I set foot in the Emperor Realm, you are the first one who dares to provoke me like this!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Nandu took a deep breath, and a cruel arc appeared on the corner of his lips.


He shot very abruptly, and his broad, fan-like palm lightly grasped the void.

The next moment, this piece of time and space collapsed, and a terrifying tearing force howled out, severely suppressing Chen Xi, intending to crush his body and tear him to pieces.

This blow indeed had unimaginable power. Wherever it passed, everything in the world was crushed, and the universe was in chaos.

It was as if the world had become a canvas, but at this moment it was completely torn, shattered, collapsed and collapsed by this blow, which was extremely terrifying.

This is the power of the Emperor Realm!

If you don't make a move, it's enough. Once you make a move, you can control all ways and disrupt the world.



This was the first time after Chen Xi had advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, he had received an angry blow from a Monarch Realm face to face. Such a terrifying power made him stiffen all over.


Without any hesitation, the Banchen Sword shone brightly, as if it was burning, shone to shock the heavens, and slashed away with majestic power.

Sea Cliff Style!

The most majestic blow in Xuanxin swordsmanship.


There was a violent collision sound, and the divine radiance suddenly spread.

And Chen Xi was so shaken that he staggered back more than ten steps, and he stepped out holes one after another in the void. It can be seen what a terrifying impact this blow caused Chen Xi to suffer.

When he stood still, his face turned pale suddenly, and his whole body was churning with energy and blood.

But in the end—he blocked the blow!

With the cultivation base of the ancestor god in the middle stage, he blocked a blow from a powerful emperor!

Although it was just one blow and the ending was still unpredictable, but being able to achieve this step was enough to shock the cultivators in the world and cause countless people in the world to be in an uproar!


Emperor Nandu narrowed his eyes, and he didn't seem to expect that the young man on the opposite side actually caught his blow. Although he was a little embarrassed, he survived after all.

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant. With your aptitude, you may be able to rank among the top [-] in the Ancestral God Realm on the Conferred God List. Unfortunately, the stronger you become, the more determined I am to kill you!"

The words are like a great avenue, cold and stern.

While speaking, Emperor Nandu moved out again, and a dazzling silver lightning surged out of his palm.


The silver lightning swayed fiercely in the void, and suddenly turned into a shining silver spear, like the spear of judgment from the gods, possessing the power to destroy the world.

This blow was obviously more terrifying than just now. As soon as it appeared, the situation changed suddenly, as if all the power of the Dao in this area of ​​the world was taken away, and gathered on the silver spear.


Almost subconsciously, Chen Xi's banishment sword shook, reversed yin and yang, and drew a perfectly round sword curtain. The sword curtain overflowed with divine brilliance, the sun and the moon rose and fell, and all kinds of divine order circulated within it. Among them transpiration glows.

Hug circle!

The strongest defensive sword style of Xuanxin Swordsmanship!

In order to sharpen this move back then, Chen Xi was once attacked by countless star rainbow butterflies in the Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple, and he had already thoroughly grasped the core meaning of this move.

Now, his cultivation level is completely different from that of the past, and the circle-holding posture he performed is also more rigorous and round, as if the clothes are seamless and leak-proof.


In an instant, the silver spear slashed down, like a nine-day chaotic thunder blasting, shattering the sword curtain in an instant!

That is to say, Chen Xi's strongest defensive method could not resist a blow from the Emperor Realm, and it collapsed.

Then, Chen Xi was shaken back again, let out a muffled groan, and almost coughed up blood, his face had already turned pale.

However, his pair of black eyes became more and more cold and indifferent, and his eyes seemed to be burning with boiling lava, as if they were about to incinerate the sky.

He has thoroughly judged that although the Nandu Emperor's fighting power is stronger, he is inferior to that Dou Chongdi, even worse than the Kunmu Emperor and the Blood Shadow Emperor.

Of course, even if he knew this and asked himself, Chen Xi could not guarantee that he would be able to shake the other party with his current strength alone.

After all, the Emperor Realm exists, just like the Supreme Emperor. Throughout the ages, how many Ancestral God Realm powerhouses have been able to kill each other across borders?

At least with Chen Xi's current knowledge, he has never heard of such a thing.


That Emperor Nandu was startled again, his face became more and more gloomy and ashen. The tenacious fighting power Chen Xi displayed completely exceeded his expectations, making him doubt whether this son was the same as Ye, a descendant of the Ye clan who is now famous all over the world. Chen and Yu Jiuyue, a descendant of the Yu family, can both keep pace with each other.

It was this knowledge that made Emperor Nandu's murderous intentions arouse. He knew very well that once such a peerless young man grew up, he would definitely become a serious problem for their Ye family!

These thoughts flashed in his mind, Nandu Dijun almost didn't stop, and then shot again.

Chi la!Chi la!Chi la...

He grasped it with both hands, and strands of silver lightning suddenly burst out from his palms. They were dazzling and blazing, entangled with the laws of the Supreme God, illuminating the starry sky, extremely dazzling.

"Running Thunder!"

Emperor Nandu yelled loudly, like an incarnation of a supreme god who controls thunder and lightning, swung hundreds of millions of silver lightning with his hands, like dancing a whip of billions of silver snakes, and ruthlessly slashed towards Chen Xi who was in the distance.

This scene is too terrifying, it has the power to strike the sky and the earth, and whip the mountains and rivers. The killing air alone will blow up all the meteorites in the nearby starry sky of a hundred thousand miles to powder.

Obviously, he was really angry, and he used the power of a real emperor to completely kill Chen Xi in one blow, so as to prevent future troubles.


Chen Xi was obviously aware of this, and almost at the same time, he flipped his palm.

A sacred umbrella made of golden bones suddenly opened in front of him. The surface of the umbrella was round as if yin and yang blended together.


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