divine talisman

Chapter 1782

Blue Ni Golden Bone Umbrella!

An innate spiritual treasure inherited from the Kunwu clan was brought into the Manggu Ruins by Kunwuqing at the beginning, and after he was killed by Chen Xi, this innate spiritual treasure also fell into Chen Xi's hands.


At this time, this treasure was sacrificed by Chen Xi, immediately filled with chaotic energy, released the light of green light, possessed immeasurable light, and illuminated the whole world.

It fluctuates constantly, creating obscure secret lines, which circulate continuously on the umbrella surface, which is sacred and extraordinary.


Almost at the same time, Emperor Nandu swung hundreds of millions of silver lightning strikes, like a silver snake dancing wildly, slamming on the surface of the Qingni golden bone umbrella, producing a deafening roar like nine days of thunder.

In an instant, this green gold bone umbrella was blown away.

However, to Dijun Nandu's surprise, there was no trace of Chen Xi in the arena!

"Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella, this is not the ancestral spiritual treasure of the Kunwu clan, how could it fall into the hands of this little bastard?"

Emperor Nandu glanced inadvertently, and was immediately attracted by the treasure that flew out.

"Huh? Could it be that little bastard is that Chen Xi?"

Suddenly, Emperor Nandu suddenly remembered a rumor from a few years ago, saying that Chen Xi, a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, killed Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu and other six supreme gods in the ruins of Manggu, and finally even caused a lot of trouble because of this incident. Emperor Dou Chong, Empress Yu Che, and Mr. Shenyan Shanda Wu Xuechan appeared on the stage one after another, causing a sensation in the world.

And it was at that time that Chen Xi's name was known by the entire Ancient God Realm as if he had grown wings.

If it were another cultivator, it would naturally not attract the attention of people like Emperor Nandu, but when he learned that Chen Xi was a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain and the younger brother of Mr. Wu Xuechan, even Emperor Nandu had to pay attention. .

However, he still never imagined that the little bastard he had to deal with at this moment was very likely to be that "Chen Xi"!

It must be him!

This son used the divine talisman array in battle before, which is the secret of Shenyan Mountain. In addition, this son has such heaven-defying combat power at a young age, and only places like Shenyan Mountain can cultivate such a Freak out...

These thoughts flashed across Dijun Nandu's mind almost instantly, which made him hesitant.

Taking a step back, even if Chen Xi was just an ordinary disciple of Shenyan Mountain, he wouldn't be afraid to kill him if he said so.

But when Chen Xi had an extra identity as a junior brother of Wu Xuechan, a master of Shenyan Mountain, he had to make Emperor Nandu jealous.

As an old antique in the Ye clan of the Eternal Family, Dijun Nandu naturally knows more than ordinary people how terrifying the background of Shenyan Mountain is.

And this is exactly the reason why he felt a little jealous at the moment.

But just for a moment, when he saw the green gold bone umbrella that was blown away in the distance, and thought of his child Ye Feng who died tragically, and the fourteen ancestors of the God Realm who were slaughtered before, the only thing in Nandu Emperor's heart Even a trace of fear disappeared without a trace.

Anger and greed were like burning wildfire, making him murderous again, and he was determined to kill Chen Xi thoroughly.

As long as you do it without anyone noticing, who in this world will know that you did it?

What's more, this little bastard killed his own child!

How could he spare him because of this?


"Hmph, I'll see what tricks you little bastard can pull off!"

Although he couldn't perceive Chen Xi's trace, but relying on his intuition, Emperor Nandu locked his energy on the green gold bone umbrella in an instant.

Moreover, he dared to ensure that Chen Xi did not run away, because the starry sky within a million miles had already been sealed by his breath!


Emperor Nandu reached out and grabbed the green gold bone umbrella. If he took this opportunity to win an innate spirit treasure, it would be considered a windfall.


However, the moment he started, an apricot-yellow flag rose into the sky suddenly, producing pieces of divine splendor one after another, forming a divine array in the blink of an eye, and heading towards Nandu Dijun town fiercely.

Shutu apricot yellow flag!

The ancestral spiritual treasure of the Pei family in the imperial domain.

Emperor Nandu shrank his pupils and shouted loudly, and a round of silvery thunder and scorching sun emerged in his palm, shaking him hard.

Rumbling~~ A terrifying collision resounded throughout, the large formation derived from Shutu Xinghuang Banner crashed, and the divine splendor fled.

"Good baby, it's a pity to use it in the hands of your little bastard, wasting its power for nothing, and let me take care of it in the future!"

Dijun Nandu sneered, and grabbed the Shutu Xinghuang Banner.

At this moment, he was sure that Chen Xi was nearby, but he just used a method of concealing his breath to blind his own perception.


Seeing that Emperor Nandu was about to succeed, suddenly, a desolate and thick dragon chant resounded, as if it came from the chaos, it was deafening.

Almost at the same time, a brilliant cyan spirit bead floated up, with countless mysterious dao patterns imprinted on the surface, and the sound of the dragon chant came from the bead.


The Long Yin sounded deafening. Caught off guard, Nandu Dijun's eardrums were tingling, his head was a little swollen, his heart was steaming with energy and blood, and he was extremely irritable.

"Long Yuan Qian Lingzhu!"

Emperor Nandu was startled, and recognized this congenital spiritual treasure inherited from the Jin family in the imperial domain. This made him frightened and angry, and he couldn't help but see a blazing greed in his heart.

The Qingni Golden Bone Umbrella, the Shutu Xinghuang Banner, and the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb, are three innate spiritual treasures!

People like Nandu Dijun usually only have one or two innate spiritual treasures for self-defense. How could they think that a little guy in the Ancestral God Realm would have so many spiritual treasures in his hands?

"Hahaha, I want to see what other means you have!"

Emperor Nandu laughed loudly, thinking that after killing Chen Xi, he would be able to obtain so many spiritual treasures, he couldn't help but feel elated and excited.

While speaking, he pointed at the sky and the earth, waved his hands again and again, aimed at the three spirit treasures and grabbed them away, as if he wanted to occupy them as his own.


A streak of quaint bronze reflected in the sky, bursting out streaks of dazzling purple divine brilliance.


A big yellow bell rang through, spreading out ripples of divine power like ripples.


A divine sword that was as black as an eternal night soared into the sky, engulfed with billions of thunderbolts, and rumbled towards the sweeping galaxy.

In an instant, three more innate spirit treasures appeared from the sky, and came towards Nandu Dijun violently from three directions.

"The ancient soul-refining mirror of the Emperor Yue clan! The blood barren bell of the Pei clan! And... Luo clan's Spirit Crow Divine Sword!"

Seeing the appearance of these three spirit treasures, Emperor Nandu couldn't help twitching violently at this moment, his expression dull.

So many innate spirit treasures!

How could Emperor Nandu dare to imagine that when killing a little guy in the Ancestral God Realm, he would see so many rare treasures of heaven and earth all at once!

This is no different from witnessing one natural treasure house after another.


A ray of purple divine light shot out from the soul-refining ancient mirror was like a sharp blade, cutting a bloodstain on Nandu Dijun's left shoulder, his skin was ripped apart, and his bones were looming.

This blow made Emperor Nandu completely awake, and it also completely made his eyes red. Naturally, this injury could not move him at all.

What he is really excited about is that after today's battle is over, it is very possible that he will have six more innate spirit treasures at once!

Faced with such a huge harvest by accident, any No. 1 Monarch Realm existence would probably be jealous and go crazy!


Dijun Nandu took a deep breath, and suddenly a golden Zhanger gun appeared in his palm, sweeping across the starry sky.

In an instant, he crushed all the attacks from the Lingwu Divine Sword, Soul Refining Ancient Mirror, and Blood Desolation Divine Bell, causing the three innate spiritual treasures to tremble violently and crumble.

"Hahaha, little guy, if you are innocent and you are guilty, with your ability, even if you are given more innate treasures, it will not help!"

Emperor Nandu looked up to the sky and laughed, full of ambition, with a wave of his sleeve, he was about to take away all the six innate spirit treasures.


Exactly the same as the previous two times, at this moment, a bloody saber flew across the sky again, like a bloody full moon descending.

Dark blood sword!

The innate spiritual treasure passed down by the Gongye clan!

Seeing this, Emperor Nandu almost burst into joy in his heart, wishing he could let out a loud roar so that Chen Xi could use whatever innate spiritual treasure he had.

At this moment, he couldn't even hold back the excitement in his heart, and suddenly stretched out his figure, and with his palms and fingers wrapped in a terrifying force, he ruthlessly grabbed the dark blood sword!


The bloody divine brilliance splashed, and the Dark Blood War Saber let out a fierce wail, but it was unexpectedly caught in the hand of Emperor Nandu.

"Hahaha, this knife is not bad, I will accept it with a smile..."

Emperor Nandu couldn't help laughing, but the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly felt that there seemed to be an extremely dangerous breath spreading faintly from the dark blood sword in his palm.


This made Emperor Nandu slightly startled, and before he could react, he heard an earth-shattering bang, and the dark blood sword exploded in his palm, producing an indescribably terrifying force that spread loudly.

In an instant, the starry sky where Emperor Nandu was standing was blown into pieces, collapsed and sank, like a cosmic black hole that suddenly formed.

That scene was simply horrifying to the extreme.


There was a scream, and there was chaos, and the blood-colored aura was flowing, and the figure of Nandu Emperor could no longer be seen.


At this moment, Chen Xi's tall and tall figure suddenly appeared in the distance, and with a wave of his sleeve, he put away the other six innate spirit treasures.

"This time, the old dog should be killed, right?"

Chen Xi was out of breath, and his face was pale. Earlier, he had covered his whole body with forbidden path secret lines, hid in the starry sky, and then manipulated one divine treasure after another to kill the enemy, which made him a little bit overwhelmed.

Even, in order to kill Emperor Nandu by surprise, he secretly used the power to end the Taoist will to continuously destroy the internal structure of the Dark Blood Sword. Kill it!

Fortunately, all of this was successfully realized. Although a congenital spirit treasure was lost, it would be worth it if he could kill an emperor.


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