divine talisman

Chapter 1784

Da Luotian!

The congenital spiritual treasure inherited from Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, has unpredictable power.

As soon as it appeared, it turned into clear ripples, covering the starry sky and completely sealing off the Nandu Emperor's escape route.

"Da Luotian!"

Nandu Dijun's face darkened again, and he let out a sharp roar, swung the golden spear in his palm, and rushed towards Da Luotian who was standing in front of him.

The wind was fierce, and the shadow of the gun shone like the scorching sun.


The seemingly illusory and clear Xinghui's big body was violently stirred up by this gun, but it was not broken, but began to tighten, like a bag for fishing fish in the sea, and it was time to harvest.


Emperor Nandu was frightened and furious, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart, which stimulated him without any hesitation at all, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his whole body soared, and charged away again.


The golden gun is like lightning, like thunder rushing, golden and dazzling, as if it wants to pierce the whole world, with a terrifying momentum that is invincible.

However, at this moment, an iron rod roared towards him, as if swiping a hundred thousand sacred mountains from the sky to suppress it, fierce and violent.

Time and space collapsed and collapsed, making a sharp and ear-piercing booming sound.

In an instant, Emperor Nandu's complexion changed suddenly, how could he dare to continue to charge, the body of the gun turned around, and ruthlessly swept towards the shadow of the stick.


The divine radiance splashed everywhere, and the sound was like thunder.

Xiaobao's hundred-foot-tall figure staggered backwards from the shock.


However, before Emperor Nandu was happy, a flash of sword energy seemed to come across the ages, simple and primitive, full of chaotic nature.

This blow happened too fast, just at the moment when Emperor Nandu shook Little Treasure, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

Emperor Nandu was so startled that his hairs stood on end, and his soul burst out. For the first time, he felt a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart.


He opened his mouth to shout urgently, but he stopped abruptly after only uttering a word from his lips, and his eyes popped out suddenly.


Its throat suddenly shattered a blood hole, spurting out divine blood like a waterfall, dyeing the sky.

It turned out that Chen Xi's sword was too fast, and before Emperor Nandu had no time to react, it had already pierced through his throat!


Dijun Nandu opened his eyes wide and his throat was pierced, making a strange sound from his lips, as if he couldn't believe this would happen.

At this moment, Emperor Nandu looked extremely frightening, his whole body was bloody and bloody, his bones were looming, his face was hideous and distorted, his pupils were bulging, and his throat was shattered. An emperor with monstrous authority and the power of the imperial universe exists.


Chen Xi's hair was as white as snow, and he held the Banchen Sword in his hand, and cut off the head of Emperor Nandu neatly, completely cutting off all his vitality.


However, at the moment Nandu Emperor was killed, a white light suddenly swept out from his corpse, piercing through time and space.

Life cards!

After beheading Ye Feng back then, Chen Xi had seen this thing before, and even if it wasn't for this thing, he might not have suffered such a murder when he crossed the undead galaxy this time.

But now, Emperor Nandu is dead, and the life zero card on his body will also fly away. If this is passed back to the Ye family in the imperial domain, I am afraid that it will inevitably lead to more killings.

It's a pity that Chen Xi had already been alerted to all these things, and he responded accordingly.


Da Luotian glowed with soft luster, and with a slight squeeze, he wrapped up the white light transformed by the life spirit card, unable to break free.

This is the strength of Da Luotian. Although the attack power is not very strong, it can capture the power of luck and imprison the power of all directions. Now it is only a piece of life spirit card, which is easy.


Chen Xi took the life spirit card in his hand, crushed it directly, and turned it into light and rain.

After finishing all this, he immediately waved his sleeve robe, took away the corpse left by Emperor Nandu together with his two-foot-two golden spear, and then left with Xiaobao.



This battle took only a short time from the outbreak to the end, but the danger of the process and the brutality of the battle were enough to be called shocking.

If it were known to the outside world that all sixteen ancestral god-level powerhouses and one emperor-level figure from the Eternal Family Ye's in the Imperial Domain had tragically died in Chen Xi's hands, it would definitely cause a major earthquake.

However, Chen Xi also paid a very high price for this. First of all, he lost an Innate Spiritual Treasure Dark Blood Battle Saber, and then in order to kill Emperor Nandu, he even used the explosive energy killing god skill to injure the enemy a thousand times. Lost eight hundred skills.

Although this doubled his fighting power in a flash, the consequences are equally serious. At least within three to five months, he will be in a "weakened" state. Once a strong enemy comes after him, he is doomed to have no power to fight back.

It was also because of this that after killing Emperor Nandu, Chen Xi took Xiaobao away without any hesitation, in order to rush through this passage opened in the undead galaxy before the sequelae of the explosive qi killing god erupted.



"In that battle just now, an emperor unexpectedly fell!"

"If the guess is correct, it should be Emperor Nandu of the Ye family in the imperial domain. It's just hard to imagine, who actually killed him?"

"Sixteen ancestral gods were lost all of a sudden, and one emperor also died. This time, Emperor Ye's family must be furious."

"Quickly pass the news back. This matter is too serious. I believe it will cause a sensation in the entire Ancient God Realm in a short time."

Not long after Chen Xi left, figures flew over from the starry sky far away. When they saw this starry sky that was reduced to ruins and full of scars, they couldn't help being shocked.

They are ascetics of the Jiaoyuan domain, they have heard the movement before, and they have sensed the occurrence of this battle from afar.

But because the distance was too far, they also didn't know who was fighting with Emperor Ye's Nandu Dijun and his party.

However, they are now sure that Emperor Nandu is dead!Even the sixteen powerful ancestor gods who came with him all fell in this battle!

This kind of world-shocking and tragic battle has never happened in the ancient gods in recent years, especially the people who died were members of the Ye clan of the eternal family, which is even more shocking.

Undoubtedly, this battle is bound to cause an uproar, causing even the Ancient God Realm to fall into a commotion!



Imperial domain, Ye family.

In front of the clan's ancient ancestral hall, the atmosphere was dead silent, and the air seemed to be frozen.

Ye Beihe, the patriarch of the Ye clan, and all the high-ranking figures in the clan were all here at this moment.

It's just that at this moment, their faces are as gloomy as water, their eyes are full of cold and cold light, and the aura released from their bodies scared some of the maids in the distance trembling and almost fell to their knees.

"They're all dead..."

An old sigh came from the ancestral hall, making Ye Beihe and other big names of the Ye family even more ugly.

Before that, they all received more than a dozen life cards, all of which were the strong ancestors of the Ye family who went to hunt and kill the target with the Nandu emperor this time.

But now they have all fallen, and the life cards conveyed back record everything that happened in front of that passage in the undead galaxy.

This also allowed them to finally see that it was a man in Tsing Yi who was in the mid-stage of the Ancestor God!

"Old Ancestor, this son should be Chen Xi, the descendant of Shenyan Mountain."

Ye Beihe took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "This son is proficient in the array of divine talismans, and his combat power is sky-high, far beyond ordinary. Only the descendants of Shenyan Mountain have such power."

"You mean, he can kill Nandu as a disciple of Shenyan Mountain in the Ancestral God Realm?"

That old voice sounded, and the voice had become indifferent.

"Although I can't believe it, but Nandu...he must have been robbed."

Ye Beihe's face was gloomy, and there was an indescribable grief and anger in his heart. Emperor Nandu was his younger brother, but now he unexpectedly passed away. How could he not make him feel sad?

"Then what are you going to do?"

asked the old voice.

"No matter what price you pay, you must kill this son!"

Ye Beihe gritted his teeth, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, revealing an incomparable murderous intent.

"Shenyan Mountain...isn't scary, as long as we seize the time to form an alliance with the Shaohao Clan and the Supreme Master, we don't need to be afraid of Shenyan Mountain anymore."

After a moment of silence, the old voice sounded again, "But before that, let's be patient for a while."

Ye Beihe and the others were startled, never expecting that their ancestor would make such a decision that swallowed his anger.

This makes them all unwilling.

"Old Ancestor, what do you mean to forget about it? Then how will the entire Emperor's Domain and the entire Ancient God's Domain treat our Ye family?"

Ye Beihe couldn't help but said, "This time, we have lost an emperor and sixteen powerful ancestor gods!"

Speaking of this, Ye Beihe's heart was about to bleed. The loss of so many clansmen would not hurt Ye's muscles, but it was enough to call it a serious injury.

If they don't fight back, their Ye family will be laughed at by the whole world!

"No matter how unwilling we are, we have to judge the situation. Our Ye family has been able to stand in the endless years and has the title of Eternal Family. I don't know how many disasters we have gone through. Could it be that we can't even bear this little pain now?"

After a pause, the old voice continued, "Of course, we are only temporarily patient, but we can convey this news to the Shaohao family and the Supreme Master, and tell them that Ye Yan's betrayal, Shaohao Yu's death, All of them are very likely to be related to the little guy from Shenyan Mountain, let them figure it out for themselves."

When Ye Beihe and other important figures heard the words, their eyes lit up, and they used their knives to kill?

"Go, if my guess is right, this son... definitely wants to return to Shenyan Mountain, and tell the news to Shaohao and the Supreme Master, and they will understand what to do. If this son returns to Shenyan safely Yan Shan, it will be difficult to kill him after that."

After finishing the instructions, the old voice fell silent.

And at this moment, Ye Beihe finally made a decision, decided to endure for the time being, and use the help of the Shaohao family and the Supreme Master to kill people with a knife!


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