divine talisman

Chapter 1785


Time and space fluctuated violently, making an extremely ear-piercing whistling sound.

That was the effect produced by the extremely fast speed of the teleportation. When the whistle sounded, Chen Xi was already a hundred thousand miles away.

From this, it can be seen how frightening his speed has reached at the moment.

The fact is indeed the case. Ever since he made the decision to evacuate, Chen Xi has been rushing at full speed, continuously flying away along this passage opened in the undead galaxy.

During this process, Chen Xi's snowy silver hair gradually turned gray from the tip, gradually losing its bright and lustrous color, and the aura around him also weakened little by little...

This is a sign that the power has begun to dissipate after using the Blast Qi Killing God Art.

According to Chen Xi's calculations, perhaps three hours later, he would completely fall into a "weakened" state.

This made him frown, because according to Ye Yan, at his current speed, let alone three hours, even a whole day, it would be difficult to cross this passage opened in the undead galaxy.

"If it really doesn't work, Xiaobao can only lead the way..."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart.

The fighting power displayed by Little Treasure is astonishing. Even after leaving the view of Taichu, it can no longer use the power of the "Shenyuan of Taichu", but its own fighting power alone is enough to compete with the seriously injured Emperor Nandu , this point, even Chen Xi thought he was a bit inferior.

However, Chen Xi is clear that it is definitely a bad idea to let Xiaobao lead the way, because this is the first time Xiaobao has stepped out of the outside world. Although his fighting power is fierce, he has no experience and experience to speak of, just like a blank sheet of paper. , I'm afraid I can't handle some sinister and treacherous things at all.

And if Ye Yan is allowed to lead the way, it will be very easy to reveal her identity. Not only the Emperor Ye family knows her, but also giants like the Supreme Master and the Shaohao family.

Under such circumstances, once people notice her whereabouts, it will also cause many dangers.

"Little treasure."

Chen Xi suddenly made a sound.

"what happened?"

Xiao Bao was puzzled.

"If something unexpected happens along the way, follow my orders and don't get entangled with the enemy."

Chen Xi quickly instructed.

He was indeed a little worried about Little Treasure, because he has an impatient temper and is easily irritated, so he is also easily used by the enemy.

"Hey, don't worry Chen Xi, I will listen to you in everything."

Xiaobao grinned.

Chen Xi pondered for a while, and was about to give some instructions, when suddenly his pupils shrank and he stopped abruptly.


"See if it's that kid!"

"Come up!"

Almost at the same time as Chen Xi stopped walking, powerful thoughts suddenly came from the extremely distant starry sky.

Due to the secret pattern of the forbidden path, Chen Xi almost instantly heard the other party's thought exchange, and judged that the other party's intentions were most likely aimed at him!

Once he realized this, Chen Xi glanced at the area covered by the aura of undead on one side, and a flash of determination suddenly flashed in his eyes.


The next moment, Chen Xi took Xiaobao and disappeared in place, heading towards the undead galaxy.

Leaving this passage means danger and disaster, because according to rumors, there are almost no examples of ascetics who have tried to enter the undead galaxy since ancient times.

But at this moment, Chen Xi couldn't care less.

The power of his explosive qi killing god skill is weakening, and he is about to fall into a "weakened" state, and he doesn't have much time to fight the enemy head-on.

And choosing to rush into the undead galaxy to temporarily avoid risks is undoubtedly the only option left.




Not long after Chen Xi left, an incomparably huge golden treasure ship crushed time and space and arrived. From a distance, it looked like a divine mountain moving sideways, and it was incomparably magnificent.

At the moment, there are more than ten figures standing on the treasure ship, including men and women, old and young, each of them is gorgeously dressed, with powerful aura, and the weakest ones are all at the level of ancestor gods.

Especially the green-robed man in the lead, standing up casually, he has the power to control the universe and dominate the world, and he is actually an existence of an emperor!

"That kid was so frightened that he fled into the dangerous area of ​​the undead galaxy, hehe, he's so timid."

"I dare not even meet us, this son... I'm afraid he is one of the murderers who killed Ye Feng."

"According to the news conveyed by Mrs. Ye, this son is very likely to be Shenyan Mountain's direct disciple Chen Xi, and the deaths of Young Master Yu, Emperor Kunmu, and Emperor Xueying are also inseparably related to him."

"How to do?"

"Naturally, chase after him and capture and kill this son thoroughly!"

"I don't know what the sixteenth elder thinks?"

Amidst the discussion, the eyes of these Ancestral God Realm powerhouses all looked at the green-robed man in the lead.

They are all from the forces of the Shaohao Clan in the Imperial Domain, and many of them are masters of the Ancestral God Realm in the vassal clans of the Shaohao Clan.

Such forces as Xuanniao clan, Fengniao clan, Mushen Jumang clan, Jinshen Lushou clan, "Five Doves" and "Five Pheasants".

Only the man in the green robe headed by him is the real member of the Shaohao clan. His name is Shaohaotai, and he is titled "Emperor Taijing". The authority is monstrous, the position is high and the weight is high.

After hearing the news of the fall of Shaohao Yu, Emperor Kunmu, and Emperor Blood Shadow this time, the entire Shaohao Clan was furious, and dispatched this force headed by Shaohaotai to hunt down and kill Chen Xi.

It's just that they don't know if it's a coincidence, or if they were just lucky, they accidentally ran into the target's figure in the middle of the action.

Unfortunately, regardless of the danger, the target rushed into the area covered by the thick aura of undead, which made them hesitate a little, wondering if they should continue to catch up.


Seeing that all eyes were on him, Tai Jing Dijun, who was dressed in a green robe, had narrow eyes and skinny cheeks, was silent for a moment, and then softly uttered a word from his lips.

Just one word expresses his attitude.

Seeing this, everyone wanted to say something, but when they touched Tai Jing Emperor's cold and terrifying eyes, they were all shocked and speechless.

However, they all knew that because of Shaohao Yu's death, the Shaohao clan was completely angered. Under such circumstances, Emperor Taijing, as the person in charge of this operation, would not back down in any way.

"You act separately and search for the trace of the target with all your strength. I will sense your position with the 'Sumeru Cloud Disk'. As long as there is any accident, I will rush to respond as soon as possible."

Emperor Taijing opened his mouth slowly, his voice was low and sonorous, like the clanging of swords and swords, exuding a cold and aggressive killing spirit.

While speaking, a round bronze roulette quietly appeared in his palm, about the size of a cattail fan, with extremely dense texture patterns engraved on the edge, while in the center of the roulette was as smooth as a mirror, with wisps of illusory mist steaming.

This is the Xumiyun Xiangpan, as long as a ray of breath is imprinted on it, no matter where you go, it will be accurately sensed by the Xumiyun Xiangpan.

"Do you have an opinion?"

Emperor Taijing glanced at everyone and asked coldly.

Seeing this, everyone knew that Emperor Taijing had made up his mind, no matter how dangerous this undead galaxy was, it could not change his determination.

At the moment, they all agreed to this action, and successively imprinted their breaths on the Xumiyun disk.

"Then let's go!"

Emperor Taijing waved his hand, and the majestic and majestic golden treasure ship under his feet roared, crushing time and space, rushing towards the starry sky covered by the spirit of the undead, and soon disappeared unabated.



"It seems that the Shaohao family can't wait."

"Then let them act first, and it doesn't matter if we wait."

"That's right, Shaohaotai probably hasn't received the news of the fall of Emperor Nandu and the sixteen ancestor gods, otherwise he wouldn't be so reckless."

"Let's take a look first. I always feel that if I can kill Emperor Nandu, this little guy from Shenyan Mountain will definitely not be so simple."

"It's more than simple. Once you understand his performance in the Three Realms, you will understand that this son is definitely a trump card planted by Shenyan Mountain. It must not be treated normally."

Not long after Emperor Taijing and his party left, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and five figures appeared again.

These five people are very special, three men and two women, each of them is filled with incomparably pure spiritual power of the five elements, their aura is as violent as fire, as soft as water, as sharp as gold, or as pure as earth...

Even the clothes he was wearing showed different colors of the five elements, which were extremely eye-catching.

They are the "five spirit generals" of the Taishang Sect!

Five spiritual bodies born in the origin of the five elements, born powerful gods, respectively have the power to manipulate the five gods of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!

It is rumored that the Supreme Leader personally took action to bring these five spiritual generals back to the sect, instruct them in their practice, teach them the supreme method, and treat them as their own disciples. This also made them not only unfathomable in their cultivation, but also The status in the Supreme Sect is also incomparably lofty, almost comparable to a red-robed high priest who has the cultivation level of the emperor.

Obviously, the God Generals of the Five Elements will appear here at this time, and they all came here to capture and kill Chen Xi, and they have already found out that Ye Yan's betrayal is inseparable from Chen Xi.

"Let's go, let's follow. It's nothing to kill Ye Yan this time. If we can take back the fragments of the river map and the falling copper coins on this son one by one, it will not be in vain for us to make this trip."

After talking for a while, the leader, Jin Lingjiang, spoke. His complexion was pale golden, his eyebrows and eyes were like swords, and he exuded a fierce and murderous aura, like a god of death.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the next moment, the five spirit gods disappeared in a flash.



Even Chen Xi himself did not expect that the current self seemed to be a prey in the eyes of others, and his situation was precarious.

However, since he recognized that the golden treasure ship came to capture and kill him, Chen Xi had already concluded that the next action was bound to be extremely dangerous.


Two hours later.

Chen Xi stood on a deserted planet completely covered by the aura of the undead. He found a natural grotto in an inconspicuous mountain depression, and then dodged and hid in it.

"Little Treasure, from now on, you only need to guard my side quietly. When I recover my strength, I will bring you to have fun with those bastards."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and quickly instructed Xiaobao. When he spoke, he couldn't help showing a cold murderous intent in his eyes.


ps: Goldfish will fly to another place tomorrow afternoon to participate in an event, which will last for about 7-10 days. It will keep updating once a day, and try to keep updating. When Goldfish comes back, it will make up the letters owed these days. Can't wait for children's shoes, You can save it for a while and watch it again.Sorry everyone, the goldfish is also made very passive~


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