divine talisman

Chapter 1787

Soon Chen Xi discovered that the reason why Little Treasure could do this all came from its pair of golden eyes.

Between the opening and closing of its pupils, golden divine brilliance overflows, and obscure and mysterious symbols evaporate from the depths of the pupils. Intimidating.

This is the innate power of the golden-eyed macaque. It is known as the best in the world. It can see the world with its eyes and listen to the mysteries of the eight directions. It is extremely miraculous.

In fact, thinking about it, it is true, being able to stay in Taichu Temple and practice with the empress, even Lao Bai is full of praise, which shows how heaven-defying the talent Xiaobao possesses.

And this kind of talent is also what makes Xiaobao able to avoid all kinds of dangers without any danger when flying in this unpredictable and murderous star field.

If it were any other cultivator who came here, he would be in a difficult position and would be extremely embarrassed, and would not even dare to go deep into it without authorization.

After all, this star field is covered by endless undead energy, and is full of terrible natural disasters such as meteorite groups, space-time fractures, star vortex black holes, colorful light rains, etc. If you are not careful, you will end up dead and gone.


Little Treasure flew away with Chen Xi on his back, like a dazzle of golden light, rampaging in the thick undead aura, and disappeared in an instant.

But after only a stick of incense, the accident still happened.

Xiaobao stopped abruptly, stopped moving forward, the golden light in his eyes flickered, his face was irritable and hesitant, as if he was hesitating.

Chen Xi was stunned, and looked up, and immediately noticed burning planets floating in the starry sky in the distance!

It is densely packed, and looking around, it seems that there is no end in sight. Every planet is covered with strange, miserable green flames, like will-o'-the-wisps, which makes people palpitate.

They suspend quietly and burn silently. The miserable green flames render the starry sky into a dense and dead silence, like a starry sky cemetery!

With Chen Xi's rock-solid heart, when he saw such a strange, grand, and eerie scene, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Tens of thousands of stars are burning, and the miserable green flames are shining in the sky. Who would dare to believe that there is such a terrifying scene in this huge starry sky?

The atmosphere is so deadly and penetrating that people can instantly tell that this place is very dangerous without even thinking about it!

"What the hell is this?"

Chen Xi frowned, he knew very well that if he returned at this time, or made a detour from one side, it would be no different from throwing himself into Luo.

"can not tell."

Little Treasure scratched his head, very annoyed, and it was difficult to see the mystery with his golden pupils, "However, if I have the cultivation level of the emperor, I can definitely see it."

"Lonely and ignorant, this is the dao domain covered by calamity. No matter how powerful you monkey is, I'm afraid it will not be difficult to see through its mystery."

Suddenly, a lazy voice sounded, revealing a sense of ridicule and ridicule.

old white!

Chen Xi's heart shook, and he suddenly realized that at some point, Lao Bai had woken up from that dazed state.

"What are you still doing in a daze, let me out, Patriarch!"

Lao Bai ordered very proudly.

Ever since he obtained that piece of "Holy Witch's Life Bone" five years ago, this old bird has stayed in Chen Xi's body like a demon, obsessed with researching this treasure, forgetting to eat and sleep. the point.

Even Chen Xi's call, it has never heeded.

But it never thought that it would wake up at this moment, and return to its proud and self-satisfied appearance.

Chen Xi wasn't in the mood to joke with Lao Bai at this time, so he directly took it out, and quickly said, "You said this is a dao domain?"

Lao Bai was very dissatisfied with Chen Xi's rudeness, so he broke free from Chen Xi's palm, then puffed up his chest, and said flatly, "Wrong, this is the dao domain covered by calamity!"

"Is there any difference?"

Chen Xi frowned.

"Little guy, haven't you seen it yet? This is a Taoist master who was robbed. After the fall, the robbing aura lingered on his body, corroding the Dao domain he controlled during his lifetime."

Lao Bai sighed, "But think about it, you have never seen the Taoist master being robbed, so you won't be clear about such visions."

The Taoist master was robbed!

In an instant, Chen Xi remembered the rumor that Ye Yan had said.

Before the boundless years, this undead galaxy was originally a pure land of practice, but with the robbery of a supreme existence at the level of a Taoist master, this pure land was also affected, covered by the spirit of the undead, completely deserted, and became A terrible place.

Originally, Chen Xi thought it was just a rumor, but after Lao Bai said this, he suddenly realized that all of this might be true!

Thinking of how many years ago, a Taoist master fell here, and even after death, the catastrophe on his body could completely turn a galaxy into a barren and dangerous place, Chen Xi couldn't help but throbbed in his heart.

This situation is simply too similar to the Kunpeng Taoist master he knows who incarnates in the realm of the end of law.

"Is there a way to pass through this Dao Domain?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, stared into the distance and said.

Now that time is running out, and there are powerful enemies chasing and killing him from behind, he can't even think about it.

Hearing that Laobai glanced at Chen Xi with a strange face, he suddenly burst out laughing with his stomach in his arms.

Chen Xi's eyes widened, and he wanted to strangle this old bird to death. What time did it go, and he still had an unscrupulous appearance.

"Uh uh, don't get angry!"

Seeing this, Lao Bai shouted immediately, "Don't you know that it is a person's fate that is killed by calamity? Fate, fate, fate, everything is determined by fate. Your fate is unpredictable now, even the ancestor I can't even see through it, do you think these tribulations can hurt you?"

Chen Xi was stunned, but he never knew this.

"You, you are still too young, you are carrying a treasure without knowing it."

Lao Bai sighed, "Although fate is unpredictable, it is easy to be regarded as a heresy by heaven, and it is not tolerated by God, but because of this, you have one more strength than other ascetics, that is, fate is not easy to be watched by others and manipulation!"

Speaking of this, the corners of Lao Bai's lips could not help but sneer, "This alone is enough to make those Taoist masters jealous. These existences have begun to comprehend and cultivate their own destiny and seek the way of destiny. Going against the sky, killing every step of the way, if there is a slight mistake, it will be wiped out. If they have your ability, at least they can avoid most of the murders."

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a wave of turmoil in his heart, and finally understood that what the level of Taoist masters comprehended was the Dao of Destiny!


Domination of the self is the most illusory and unpredictable force, and it is also the most mysterious and supreme taboo power in the heavens and worlds.

The so-called "against the sky and change your fate" means that only by "going against" the sky can you change your fate. With the word "Ni" you can know how taboo this kind of power is, and you have already touched the inverse scale of the way of heaven!

In the secular world, there are often arrogant and arrogant young men clamoring "my fate is up to me", but they don't know that this kind of behavior is simply ridiculous and ignorant to the extreme.

Because they don't know what "fate" is!

With regard to this kind of power, even the current Chen Xi can hardly fathom it. Although he can understand it, he can't fathom its mystery at all.

This is still too far away from what he is now. If one day he can reach this step, he will be no different from the "creator" who can shape all spirits.

For Chen Xi at this time, the most urgent thing is to leave here first, to avoid the imminent murderous intent, and to heal his injuries thoroughly first. As for the avenue of fate, as long as he is alive, he will always have the opportunity to seek it.

"You have to be careful, although the catastrophe in this Dao Domain cannot harm you, there are other dangers in it."

Seeing that Chen Xi was about to take action, Lao Bai couldn't help but reminded, "If the patriarch's guess is correct, this dao domain is the first level of protection, and what is guarding is the tomb of the fallen Taoist master!"

Chen Xi was startled, and just as he was about to ask what happened, suddenly an incomparably terrifying thought swept across from behind.

not good!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and shouted in a low voice: "Little Treasure, act quickly!"

Almost without his reminding, Little Treasure was already on alert, and with a sudden movement of his figure, he rushed into the mysterious dao domain covered in calamity with Chen Xi on his back.


As soon as they left, the time and space where they were originally standing suddenly shattered and collapsed, like a collapsing black hole in the starry sky, it was truly terrifying.

It can be predicted that if Chen Xi and the others leave one step later, this single blow may be enough to cause them to be doomed.

"Hmph! Little guy, I'll see how long you can struggle."

Almost at the same time, the stalwart figure of Emperor Taijing suddenly appeared, and his long and narrow eyes, like blades, shot cold electricity, and swept coldly into the distance.

But only for a moment, his face darkened, and he asked in surprise: "This...could it be the rumored 'Zhenlong Daoyu'?"

Stars burn one after another, and the permeating green divine flames are like clusters of will-o'-the-wisps dotted in the deep starry sky, outlining a grand, mysterious, starry sky cemetery-like scene.

The atmosphere is dead silent and mysterious, making people palpitating.

With the experience and knowledge of Emperor Taijing, it is clear that before the boundless ages, the innate gods born in the chaos, the Zulong clan, once occupied this place.

But later, with the failure of an ancestral dragon who had reached the level of a Taoist master, he fell, and this pure land where the ancestral dragon lineage lived was also turned into a ruined and dangerous place in front of him.

It's just clear, it's the first time Emperor Taijing has come to such a vicious place, and when he saw the dao domain covered by the aura of disaster in front of him, he finally judged that the rumors were indeed true.

"Zhenlong Daoyu, the tomb where the corpse of the ancestor dragon Taoist is buried... If this is true, it seems that the rumored supreme opportunity may be hidden in it..."

At this moment, Emperor Taijing suddenly remembered that since ancient times, many powerful ascetics have come to this undead galaxy in order to explore one of the supreme opportunities, but so far no one has succeeded.

And because of the passage of time, this supreme opportunity was gradually forgotten by the world...


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