divine talisman

Chapter 1788 The Realm of Mirage Dragon

According to the rumors, when the Taoist Zulong fell, he built a tomb for his burial with supreme means, and left behind a supreme opportunity.

Some said it was a ray of dragon soul.

Some people say that it is an original force from the Taoist ancestor dragon.

Some people also say that it is a dragon ball that contains all the inheritance marks of the ancestor dragon Taoist.

It can be said that there are different opinions.

But there is no doubt that this is definitely a great opportunity.

Also because of this rumor, in these boundless years, this dangerous star field full of many murderous opportunities has also attracted an unknown number of ascetics to explore.

Unfortunately, not only did they fail to find this supreme opportunity in the end, but most of them died because of it.

Until now, the rumors about this chance have long since become silent, and few people know about it anymore, but for people like Emperor Taijing, this rumor has never been forgotten.

Even he couldn't determine what the supreme opportunity left by Taoist Zulong was, but he knew very well that even if he just found the corpse of Taoist Zulong, it could be called a chance!


Because it is different from other Taoist masters, this ancestor dragon Taoist is a real dragon!The innate gods born in the chaos are much more noble than the bloodlines of the Qilin, Quan, Bai Ze, Xiezhi and other divine beasts.

The only ones who can stand shoulder to shoulder with it are the gods like Zhenhuang.

And Taoist Zulong's cultivation is as high as the sky, and he has reached the level of a Taoist master. How can it be possible for a corpse left by him to be ordinary?

Even if it is useless, its corpse can be used to forge a divine weapon!

Of course, if the corpse of Taoist Zulong was really found, no one would be so reckless.


All these years flashed across Emperor Taijing's heart in an instant, causing him to look at the "Zhenlong Daoyu" with a touch of fire in his eyes.

This time, if he could obtain a supreme opportunity while killing the prey, it would be a great fortune!

But soon, Emperor Taijing hesitated.

People have been looking for this opportunity since ancient times, but without exception, everyone has failed!And the end was miserable, either he died, or there was no news, and there was no good death.

In today's practice world, this undead galaxy is simply a restricted area, and people dare not take a step beyond it. Once they step into it, they are destined to have no good end.

What's more, according to Emperor Taijing's understanding, the ascetics who dare to enter this star field are all gorgeous and tyrannical people who were famous during their lifetime, but after arriving here, there is no more news...

Under such circumstances, no matter how confident Emperor Taijing was in his own strength, he would not dare to be careless.

Whoosh whoosh~~

At this moment, a burst of space-time fluctuations suddenly rolled up, and silhouettes appeared, which were surprisingly those Ancestral God Realm experts from the Shaohao clan in the imperial domain.

This made Emperor Taijing suddenly wake up from his contemplation. He glanced at everyone, frowned, and said, "Why are there only 11 of you? What about the others?"

The complexions of those Ancestral God powerhouses were all a little ugly, and many of them even had a tinge of shock on their brows, as if they had encountered something terrible on the road.

"Fifteen elders, there are too many dangerous and natural disasters along the way. It is a fluke for me to be able to get here by chance. As for the others, I am afraid..."

Someone spoke, with a heavy tone in his voice.

Emperor Taijing's face sank immediately, he took out the Xumiyun disk, carefully inspected the aura imprinted on it, and immediately found that, except for the two ancestor gods who were killed by Chen Xi, only in this way of tracking, Three powerful ancestor gods were robbed!

They didn't even have their aura on the Xumiyun disk, obviously they were completely dead!

"What a waste!"

Emperor Taijing scolded coldly, although he also knew that the road was full of many dangerous meteorite groups, time-space fault zones, star vortex black holes, colorful light rain... It can be called a very ominous place, and it has a great impact on the ancestral gods. threaten.

But thinking that even that Chen Xi could arrive here safely, and those three ancestor god powerhouses died directly on the way, it seemed too useless.

At this time, the other ancestor god powerhouses standing here are all silent, but they feel a little wronged in their hearts. They also took great risks to arrive here. How could such a natural disaster be avoided just by saying it? ?

"Forget it, the business is important. I have locked the trace of this son before, but unfortunately he took the opportunity to escape into this Zhenlong Daoyu. Next..."

Speaking of this, Emperor Taijing took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "We will act together, no matter how dangerous it is, with me here, you don't have to worry about it."

Zhenlong Daoyu!

Hearing this name, the complexions of those Ancestral God Realm powerhouses all changed in an instant. Obviously, they also remembered many rumors about the Ancestral Dragon Taoist Master.

Many people even showed deep fear and hesitation.

It's a pity that Emperor Taijing has already said his words to death, and they are no longer allowed to speak out to refuse.

"Don't worry, if this operation is successful, it will not only be able to kill the target, but it may also give us a great opportunity. At that time, I will not treat you badly."

Emperor Tai Jing glanced at everyone with his long and narrow eyes, and promised to them, which made the faces of those strong in the Ancestral God Realm look better.


Emperor Taijing presented a landscape painting scroll with sparkling blue waves, filled with divine brilliance, covering all of them.


The next moment, they had rushed into the Zhenlong Dao Domain, which was like a starry sky cemetery.



After a while, this piece of void fluctuated again, reflecting five dazzling auras of gold, blue, blue, red, and yellow.

Then these auras fluctuated for a while, and evolved into the figure of the five spirit generals of the Supreme Sect.

"Zhenlong Daoyu!"

"The place where the corpse of the Taoist ancestor dragon is buried!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that kid to break into here by accident. I don't know whether to say he was unlucky or lucky."

"Faced with such a fierce place, Emperor Taijing dared to bring a group of subordinates into it, obviously not just to kill that kid."

"This is the burial place of the ancestor dragon Taoist. There is a supreme opportunity hidden in the rumors. Faced with such a temptation, I am afraid that no one can refuse."

They stared at the starry sky filled with burning green flames in the distance, with different expressions.

"Shall we try it too?"

Huo Ling will speak, her red lips are like fire, her starry eyes are blurred, her face is enchanting and gorgeous, she is wearing a light tulle skirt, her figure is slender, her figure is swaying gracefully, her skin is as white and tender as creamy fat, and her gestures reveal a wild and romantic charm .

Like Water Spirit General, they are the only two women in the Five Spirit God Generals, one water and one fire, forming an interesting contrast.

"Are you looking for death?"

The leader, Jin Lingjiang, spoke coldly, his eyes were like sharp knives, chilling and pressing.

"Then what do you say? You must know that if that kid is killed by Emperor Taijing, the fragments of the river chart and the copper coins on his body will fall into the hands of Emperor Taijing! You...have the heart to watch this happen?"

Huo Ling will speak slowly, his voice has a unique magnetism, like an invisible temptation, plucking at the heartstrings.

"You're wrong, it's enough for us to wait here. At that time, no matter if the kid returns by chance, or Emperor Taijing and his party escape safely, we only need to kill him to complete the mission."

Jin Ling said indifferently, the suggestion he made was nothing more than a trick of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.

"What if they all die in it?"

Huo Lingjiang frowned, facing this supreme opportunity, she was really unwilling to just wait outside.

"Then we should be even more fortunate that we didn't set foot in this terrible land."

The Golden Spirit General said without hesitation, "That's the decision. Although the opportunity is good, you have to fight for it with your life!"

The other four spirit generals looked at each other, and they all acquiesced.



A dead silence.

This dao domain covered by calamity is silent, only the sound of Xiaobao moving time and space can be heard, which is strange and penetrating.

The stars burned one after another, releasing the miserable green flames, like everlasting lights, guarding a starry tomb that had long been buried in the long river of time.




After entering this dao domain, Chen Xi keenly noticed that the power of heaven in the ancient gods' domain was shielded and isolated, and the air was filled with a chilling power of catastrophe. It seemed that as long as it was contaminated even a little bit, even the soul would be catastrophed and perish. .

But Chen Xi quickly discovered that as soon as these invisible catastrophic forces approached his side, they collapsed and returned like waves hitting a cliff.

"As expected, there's nothing you can do about this place..." Lao Bai let out a long breath, as if he had just endured great pressure.

"You weren't sure before?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.


Lao Bai's expression froze, as if he was a little speechless, and immediately said stiffly, "Ancestor, I... I have encountered freaks like you before, it's normal to be uncertain, not to mention you have seen it now, Don’t those tribulations really do nothing to you?”

Chen Xi glared at the old bird angrily, "If something really happens, you don't even want to live!"

"Chen Xi, in which direction are we heading?"

Little Treasure opened his mouth in doubt. Ever since he entered this star field, he couldn't bear the direction. It was like entering a maze. There were burning stars everywhere, and miserable green flames everywhere, which made one's heart shudder.

Chen Xi was stunned, his eyes scanned the surroundings, he couldn't help being shocked, he was no longer able to judge any direction!

"Could it be...we're caught in some kind of restriction?"

Chen Xi frowned, and quickly deduced.

"It's not a ban, it's the 'Mirage Dragon Realm'!"

Laobai's face was extremely pale, and he said angrily, "How can such a damn thing appear here!"

Chen Xi's heart trembled suddenly, and he said in shock, "Is this thing very powerful?"

But Lao Bai seemed to lose his patience, and quickly said: "Don't worry about whether you are strong or not, you and this little monkey will keep quiet later, and don't show any fear when you go, otherwise we will be completely defeated this time. As for everything else, Leave it to me..."

Before the voice fell, suddenly, a sudden change occurred!


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