divine talisman

Chapter 1789 Dragon Language


A dragon's chant resounded like a thunder, stirring the surrounding fields, the sky and the earth were dark, and time and space suddenly rolled violently.

Along with the dragon's chant, a terrifying coercion also spread like a tide, spreading across the starry sky.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his entire body froze. The coercion was too strong, making his hair stand on end and his heart jumping with fear.

Not only him, even the golden-eyed macaque Little Treasure suddenly opened its eyes wide, bared its teeth, and seemed about to scream, but was heard by Chen Xi in a low voice: "Calm down, leave everything to Lao Bai!"

When the sound fell, suddenly, from the depths of the starry sky, a gigantic dragon's head protruded out. Its eyes looked like a pair of blazing suns, its horns were like mountains, and its beard was shining like a galaxy hanging from the sky.

Just one faucet actually forcibly filled the starry sky in the distance!

Its aura is majestic, grand, and filled with a prehistoric aura that seems to have come from ancient times. It controls everything like a ruler, making this starry sky fall into dead silence.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt chills from head to toe, and he was horrified. If he hadn't been reminded by Lao Bai, he almost couldn't help turning around and running away.

He even felt that the aura released by this faucet was more penetrating than any emperor he had ever seen!


The dragon's chant was like a tide, reverberating all over the field, deafening, and this starry sky seemed to be about to explode.

"It's okay, it's just a mirage dragon brand..."

Chen Xi was in a state of shock and doubt in his heart. At this moment, Lao Bai's sound of relief suddenly came from his ears. Before Chen Xi could react, he saw Lao Bai's solemn expression, stepping into the void, with a rare holy majesty all over his body. momentum.

It looked up at the dragon head in the starry sky, remained silent for a long time, and let out a burst of obscure and desolate syllables.

Every syllable is extremely complicated, with changeable rhythms, dull, sonorous and clumsy. As soon as it is uttered by Lao Bai, there is a terrifying coercion that shocks the soul.

That's Dragon Language!

Has the unique coercion that belongs to the Dragon Clan, and is intimidating.

Although Chen Xi had never heard of it before, he was sure that it must be the dragon language. As for what Lao Bai said, he couldn't hear it at all.

The ancient and desolate dragon language resounded through the starry sky, making it extremely sacred.

The dragon head in the starry sky originally had fierce eyes, and it was whistling continuously, as if it wanted to kill Chen Xi and others, but when it heard the dragon language uttered by Lao Bai, the whistling sound from its lips suddenly stopped. After a while, those eyes like the scorching sun narrowed their eyes, and locked onto Lao Bai with a swish.

At this moment, Chen Xi keenly noticed that Lao Bai's wings behind his back trembled imperceptibly.

But on the surface, Lao Bai looked extremely calm and calm at this moment, and once again uttered a burst of obscure and desolate dragon language.

This voice was very long, as if recalling an ancient time, and seemed to be expounding a solemn and sacred deed.

It can be clearly seen that the fierce light in the dragon head's eyes keeps flickering, as if he is thinking, but also seems to be unsure.

Until Lao Bai's voice fell, the starry sky dragon also uttered a dragon language, sonorous and ancient, with syllables like thunder, shaking the world.

Seeing this, Lao Bai seemed to heave a sigh of relief, but actually smiled and started talking to him in Dragon Language.

This scene seemed very strange. One was a mysterious dragon entrenched in the starry sky with only one head exposed, and the other was a bird with snow-white wings and claws made of gold.

One is like the master of heaven and earth, and the other is like an ant, but at this time they communicate in dragon language, as if they have met someone similar.

This made Chen Xi wonder inwardly. He never thought that this old bird would have such means, let alone how Lao Bai communicated with that mysterious dragon.

But he could clearly feel that with the deepening of the conversation, the power of the dragon that filled this world gradually faded, and it was no longer as intimidating as before.

Even the starry sky became quiet.

This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief, at least it proved that Lao Bai's communication seemed to have made great progress.

After a full stick of incense.

Lao Bai suddenly waved his wings towards the dragon head in the distant starry sky, as if saying goodbye, then turned around gracefully, and came to Chen Xi's side.

When his back was facing the dragon's head, Lao Bai was calm and composed at first, and his expression of chatting and laughing suddenly collapsed, revealing a look of lingering fear, and he quickly repeated the same sentence through sound transmission: "I scared the ancestor to death, I scared the ancestor to death... ..."

Chen Xi was startled, and when he looked up, he saw the dragon head in the distant starry sky slightly nodding towards him, but then it suddenly turned into a brilliant ray of light, disappeared in the starry sky, and could never be found again.

Seeing this, Chen Xi completely understood that Lao Bai had resolved the crisis in front of him just by relying on his tongue skills!

It's just that at this moment, Lao Bai looks a little embarrassed, trembling all over, as if he just walked out of the gate of hell.

"What did you say that made you look so frightened?"

Xiaobao couldn't help asking.

"Ancestor, am I scared?"

Old Bai's face turned serious, and he criticized, "Monkey, ancestor, I am just happy, thanks to you having a pair of golden pupils that can penetrate the mysteries of everything in the world, you can't see that I am happy, ancestor?"

Xiao Bao grinned: "I really don't see it, you're obviously frightened, and you're still stubborn, you guys really want to suffer."

Lao Bai's face suddenly darkened, and he was about to scold something, but Chen Xi directly stopped him, saying, "Okay, what happened just now?"

Speaking of this, Lao Bai was immediately happy: "Hey, you also saw it just now, the other party is the imprint of will left by a mirage dragon born in the chaos, but unfortunately, it is too tender, and it is too tender for my ancestor to say a few words." I got confused and regarded my ancestor as an elder relative, haha."

The more he talked, the more excited Lao Bai became, with a look of pride and complacency.

"Be careful!"

Chen Xi glanced around and reminded, "If it alerts you and returns, it will be bad."

"No problem, no problem."

Lao Bai said in high spirits, "My ancestor, I have already got a lot of secrets out of its mouth, and now the world of mirage dragons can no longer do anything to us."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, and praised, "Old Bai, you did a great job!"

"Hmph, don't flatter my patriarch."

Lao Bai snorted coldly, with a look of pride on his face.

But in the next moment, it opened its eyes and smiled, "Oh, I didn't expect you, a little guy, to be flattering. Forget it. Forget it. Ancestor, I will take you out of this world of mirage dragons."

Saying so, it flapped its wings and swept away into the distance.

"Follow up, according to the mirage dragon, the domain name of this area is Zhenlong, and it is the tomb of the ancestor dragon Taoist a long time ago."

"This is not just a dangerous place like the Mirage Dragon Realm, which means that it is not so easy for us to find the tomb of the ancestor dragon Taoist."

"After all, ninety-nine percent of the ascetics who have come to search for these years have died here. So far, no one has been able to obtain the opportunity left by the Ancestral Dragon Taoist. This shows how dangerous this place is. .”

"Of course, as long as you follow my ancestor, nothing accident will happen. Otherwise, where will I put my face?"

Along the way, while leading the way, Lao Bai babbled, his mouth could not rest for a moment.

Originally, this Zhenlong Dao Domain was extremely dangerous, filled with aura of catastrophe, and buried many terrifying murderous intentions. Since ancient times, countless beautiful and tyrannical people have hated it, so it looks extremely eerie.

But now, under the leadership of Lao Bai, listening to it spitting and explaining all this, the originally deadly and terrifying atmosphere disappeared.

It made Chen Xi feel absurd, but he couldn't help but feel a little speechless. With Lao Bai as a weirdo, it seemed that no matter how scary a place was, the atmosphere would become very... weird.

The stars burned one by one, releasing the miserable green flames, like the will-o'-the-wisps dotted in the starry sky cemetery, and there was a dead silence.

It was in this kind of atmosphere that Lao Bai's chattering voice kept ringing out, mixed with some smug laughter from time to time. Anyone who saw this scene would indeed be moved beyond imagination.

"Old White."

After a long time, Chen Xi couldn't help but interrupted, "I just want to find a place to repair my injuries. Who told you that I insisted on going to the tomb of the Taoist Ancestor Dragon to find opportunities?"

Lao Bai was stunned, and he yelled strangely: "Can you hold back? That's an opportunity left by a Taoist master! Others are rushing to get it, but you are indifferent?"

Chen Xi said unhappily: "Then you dare to make sure that based on my current state, I can get that chance?"

Lao Bai was stunned, and thought for a long time, saying for a long time: "It's really tricky, the place where the ancestor dragon Taoist is buried is mysterious, if you don't make proper preparations and go there rashly, I'm afraid it will really happen." You can’t stumble.”

"So, the first thing you have to do is to help me find a place to retreat, and it won't be too late to make other decisions after my strength has fully recovered."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and said seriously, "What's more, don't forget that there are many powerful enemies coming behind me!"


But Lao Bai let out a snort of laughter, and said disdainfully, "They don't have your fate, they can avoid the aura of disaster, and they don't have my ancestor to lead the way. How many survived?"

"But what if they really come over?"

Chen Xi frowned.

"Forget it, just listen to you."

Old Bai pouted.

After a cup of tea.

Under the leadership of Lao Bai, Chen Xi only felt that his field of vision changed, and a starry sky with many skeletons and corpses appeared!

Those corpses, the smallest ones are tens of thousands of feet long, like stretching mountains, extremely huge, and the largest bodies even span planets, like continents floating in the starry sky.

Those are all dragon skeletons!

Densely packed, covering the starry sky, the scene is extremely shocking.

"This is the Mausoleum of Thousand Dragons, and it is some strong dragons who were buried with the ancestor dragon Taoist back then. Remember, don't touch those dragon bones, otherwise unexpected disasters will be caused!"

When he got here, Lao Bai's expression suddenly became serious, and he seriously reminded Chen Xi and Xiao Bao via sound transmission.


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