divine talisman

Chapter 1790 Wanlong Mausoleum

Wanlong Mausoleum!

The dragon skeletons densely covered in the starry sky were all left behind for the burial of the ancestor dragon Taoist!

Chen Xi sucked in a breath of cold air. He really couldn't imagine how the Dragon Clan back then would do such an almost crazy move.

What are they for?


Or is it a ritual of martyrdom?

Chen Xi couldn't guess all of this, but it made him more and more aware of the extraordinaryness of that Ancestral Dragon Taoist Master.

"Although this place is dangerous, as long as you don't touch those dragon bones, nothing dangerous will happen. If you want to meditate, this place is undoubtedly the most suitable."

Lao Bai quickly transmitted the voice.

Chen Xi nodded, his eyes swept around, he found a hidden and safe place, and then sat cross-legged.

However, just as he was about to calmly repair the injuries in his body, Lao Bai suddenly said, with a mysterious expression on his face: "Little guy, do you want to know what kind of secret method I have learned from that piece of 'Holy Witch's Life Bone'?"

In the end, there was a touch of uncontrollable excitement in its voice, as if it was extremely self-satisfied.

Chen Xi glanced at the old bird, and said, "I don't want to."

As he said that, he closed his eyes. He knew very well that the more curious he was, the more this old bird would keep whetting its appetite. He would not let this old bird succeed.

Lao Bai's expression froze for a moment, and he said anxiously: "Hey, wait a minute, I haven't said anything to the ancestor, but you refuse, isn't it too shameful?"

Chen Xi didn't say a word, and seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, while Xiao Bao, who was watching from the side, grinned strangely.

"Okay! That's what you said. It's a pity. If you practice this kind of secret method inherited from the last era, at least half of the sequelae left by the explosive qi killing god skill can be resolved. It's a pity that some people just don't know what to do."

Old Bai rolled his eyes and sighed deeply.

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, he opened his eyes suddenly, and said, "What kind of cultivation technique?"

Lao Bai proudly said: "Don't you want to practice? Don't ask, I am afraid that the secret method that I have worked so hard to understand may not be suitable for you."

Chen Xi said angrily, "Say it quickly!"

"Hey, how do you talk to the ancestor?"

Lao Bai was very dissatisfied.

"Last chance, you say yes or no."

Chen Xi's face darkened, and he said calmly.

Seeing Chen Xi like this, Lao Bai was completely defeated. He hadn't forgotten the miserable end when Chen Xi grabbed his neck at every turn.

"Okay, it's okay to tell you, but you have to promise me one thing."

Lao Bai said listlessly.


Chen Xi uttered a word lightly from his lips.

"If I can find the supreme opportunity left by the ancestor dragon Taoist this time, I must leave it to my ancestor!"

Lao Bai said quickly.

Chen Xi was startled, and stared at Lao Bai for a long time, until he felt uncomfortable looking at the latter, and then calmly said, "Okay."

Hearing Chen Xi's willingness to agree so readily, Lao Bai seemed a little unbelievable. He was stunned for a while, and then sighed suddenly: "Actually, it's not because I am greedy, but because that supreme opportunity is very likely to help the old man." Zu I have survived a catastrophe."

There was a rare hint of sadness in the voice.

This was not an act, otherwise Chen Xi would have heard it all at once, which made him a little surprised, and said, "Old Bai, what kind of catastrophe is it?"

"you do not understand."

Lao Bai shook his head, "You just need to understand that if I want to survive, Patriarch, that's all I can do. This...maybe it's because God is jealous of my talent, Patriarch?"

In the end, it was actually self-deprecating.

"Chen Xi doesn't understand, but I do understand. I've heard your empress say that you were born in the chaos, and you were born with an exquisite mind. With a little practice, you will be able to learn about the past and the present, know the world's affairs, and clearly discern the laws of the world. , Known as the Master of All Souls!"

Xiaobao on the side grinned, "Actually, it's not much different from my magical powers. My eyes can see everything in the world, and my ears can listen to the wonderful truths of all directions."

Master of all souls!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but glanced at Lao Bai in amazement, but he saw that the latter's face was in a daze, as if he remembered something from the past.

"No wonder this old bird often said that even the lord of Manggu, Xuandu, called him 'Guru'. Could it be true?"

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart, since he knew Lao Bai so far, this was the first time he knew about Lao Bai's origin.

"However, the empress also said that the number of Dao is more than enough to make up for, and the talent that is too much against the sky will eventually be envied by the sky. According to my opinion, when Lao Bai is practicing, he will inevitably encounter some disasters. If you can’t get through it, it’s all over.”

After Xiao Bao finished talking carelessly, he didn't notice that not only Chen Xi's face changed slightly, but even Lao Bai actually looked preoccupied.

"Old Bai, is this true?"

Chen Xi was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked seriously.


Lao Bai nodded, his voice was a little low, "If I hadn't left Xuanzhu's ancestral temple, I wouldn't have to worry about disasters befalling me. After all, with the protection of Xuan's Dao Domain, it would be difficult for the Dao of Heaven to see my existence."

"It's a pity. I'm not willing to hide there for the rest of my life. Although I can live longer, what's the point?"

"What's more, there is another disadvantage of hiding in the Xuanzhu Temple, that is, although I will not be robbed, my own cultivation will remain stagnant. As you can see, I am still only in the spiritual realm. .”

A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of Laobai's lips, and he murmured, "This is because God is jealous of me. Otherwise, with all the treasures I have mastered, why not be able to prove the supreme way?"

Speaking of this, Lao Bai's voice had a hint of clang, "If I had a choice, I would rather not have this exquisite heart, and would rather seek to prove the Dao with my own strength like all the cultivators in the world!"

Chen Xi was speechless for a moment, because he never thought that Lao Bai still had so many worries hidden in his heart, and that an existence like it, which knew almost everything, would have so many difficulties.

"Hey, it's a pity, this is life!"

Lao Bai laughed at himself, and was full of emotion, "As long as I am about to advance in my cultivation base, I will attract the jealousy of the heavens, and the calamity will come. The higher the cultivation base, the more terrifying the calamity. If it is an ordinary calamity, it's fine, but..."

Speaking of this, Lao Bai's voice was full of resentment, "But this thief God is obviously too unfair. To deal with my catastrophe, let alone the ancestor god, I am afraid that even the emperor's realm will be difficult to bear! And I... ...Now he is just a spirit god!"

At this time, when Lao Bai spoke, he obviously no longer referred to himself as "Old Ancestor". From this, it can be seen how excited it is at the moment.

After hearing all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

Lao Bai is defiant enough, he is known as the master of all spirits, but because of this, it is easier to incur calamity when practicing. This is the power of the heavenly way, which can make up for what is not enough.

"So, are you planning to take advantage of the opportunity left by the Taoist Ancestral Dragon to resolve the calamity that will occur when the cultivation base is promoted?"

It wasn't until Lao Bai calmed down that Chen Xi asked.

Lao Bai didn't say anything, it was the default.

"Well, when my cultivation base is fully recovered, I will help you win this opportunity!"

Chen Xi's voice was flat, but there was a hint of firmness in it.

Lao Bai was stunned, staring at Chen Xi for a long time, and suddenly he laughed loudly: "I knew that you wouldn't leave my ancestor behind, and I don't care about it. Well, you promised, and you must not go back on your word."

In the end, it returned to its self-satisfied look.

Seeing this, Chen Xi felt an inexplicable sense of relief. He would rather Lao Bai remain like this than to see him be as indignant and helpless as before.

"Don't worry, I have never regretted what I promised."

Chen Xi smiled.

With a whoosh, Lao Bai threw out a jade slip, threw it to Chen Xi, and said, "This is a dharma door that I, the ancestor, comprehended from that piece of sacred witch's natal bone, called 'Blood Refining to Control God' The art', inherited from the last era, is different from the current method."

After a pause, he continued: "This skill can't be said to be very powerful, but it has an incredible effect on repairing injuries in the body. After you practice it, you will be able to experience it for yourself."

Chen Xi took the jade slip and nodded.




In Zhenlong Daoyu, burning stars circulate one after another, spewing out pieces of green divine flames, which are constantly galloping in the starry sky.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a miserable green sea of ​​flames is tumbling, and stars are sinking and floating in it, the scene is terrifying.

And in this starry sky, there is a group of people moving forward at this time, and they are the Emperor Taijing of Shaohao's clan and the others.

Unlike Chen Xi, the moment they arrived here, they were attacked by gusts of calamity. They were caught off guard. Back then, a strong ancestor god was robbed and entangled in the calamity.

If Emperor Taijing hadn't rescued him in time, the casualty would not be the only one.


Above Taijing Emperor and the others, there was a painting scroll of landscape splashed with ink dripping, filled with divine brilliance, and strands of blazing runes evaporated, blocking out all the catastrophe coming from all around.

They have been trapped in this place like a starry sky cemetery for a long time, it can be said that they are struggling, and they have to suffer a lot of bombardment every time they move a short distance.

There is the aura of catastrophe that is constantly pouring in, the power of the burning stars, and the attack of the miserable green sea of ​​flames.

Looking from a distance, they are like a small boat floating in the vast ocean at this moment, being beaten by turbulent waves, they are in a dangerous situation, and they may perish at any moment.

Such a dangerous situation made everyone, including Emperor Taijing, look very gloomy, and they were about to drip out of water.

Many people even regretted not falling, and should not rashly follow Emperor Taijing to come here. Of course, they only dare to complain and regret in their hearts.

"Everyone, it is inevitable to encounter some risks if you want to obtain the supreme opportunity. According to my deduction, we will soon break out of the siege and leave this ghostly place. At this time, you must not Careless."

Emperor Taijing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

He knew very well what those people around him were thinking, but he didn't care, as long as he could kill Chen Xi and gain the opportunity left by the Taoist Ancestral Dragon, even if he paid a higher price, it would be worth it!


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